VS 2005 Valuemember Not Holding Right Information?

Jul 22, 2009

I am having a problem with a combobox. Here is the code I use to populate my combo box:

Dim da6 As New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tblVendors", cn)
Dim ds6 As New DataSet
da6.Fill(ds6, "tblVendors")


The problem is, VendorID should be an integer. When I disply the value in the ValueMember, it shows the same text that is in the displaymember.

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Make A Summary Page Holding The Information From The Textboxes?

Dec 5, 2011

I have inputs for 7 textboxes for inputs, how would i make a summary page holding the information from the textboxes. What i would like to do is enter all the information then hit a summary button to display all those inputs.

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VS 2005 Combox, Valuemember, Displaymember

Apr 12, 2009

My question: i have a combobox which i would like to populate with data from a database. The table looks like this: pkIntCompany (the pk) & chrCompanyName You see nothing special.

I would like all the records in a combobox. When a user selects one of the value, i would like to show the pk and the combobox in a textbox (seperate). Is there someone who has some example code?

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VS 2005 - StreamWriter Holding File Open?

Oct 2, 2009

I'm looping through a csv file. For each line, I'm reading certain values, generating a filename, and writing the record to that file. Here is some logic

If <something that doesn't matter happens> Thendo somethingElseIf File.Exists(strOutFile & (strOutputFileName & "__" & strPrefixFileName & ".txt")) Then
strFullFileName = strOutputFileName & "__" & strPrefixFileName & ".txt" '** Double Underscores after app name
tsOutfile = New StreamWriter(strOutFile & strFullFileName)
[Code] .....

Now, obviously with the above code, there's no reason for the elseif, since they both do the same thing. The problem, however, is if I need to create a new file and write to it, everything works fine. In fact, everything will work perfectly until I need to write to a file that I already created. If I go ahead and just try "tsOutfile = New StreamWriter(strOutFile & strFullFileName)" and point it to the already existing file, I get a permission error (says the file is already open). Is streamwriter keeping an open connection to all of these files that I create? Nothing else in the program is touching these files, only streamwriter.

Here's a quick example to illustrate what is happening
Record 1 goes to file A
Record 2 goes to file A
Record 3 goes to file A
Record 4 goes to file B
Record 5 goes to file B
Record 6 goes to file B
Record 7 goes to file C
Record 8 goes to file A (Error will occur here)

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VS 2005 Send Information To A Mdb?

Dec 29, 2010

I am trying to send information to an mdb. I have already retrieved data from the database. I have preformed changes to the data, they are all still integers and there is the same number of results as there are samples. How do I get the new results back into a MS Access database?

Dim dr As DataRow
dr = DS1.Tables(0).NewRow()


Would it be better to create a new row or to access an existing row?

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VS 2005 Remote Desktop Information

Mar 12, 2012

I need a code that runs on a machine that I am remotly connected to and displays the IP address or the PC name of my computer that I'm connected from.

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VS 2005 : Get Information From An MP3/WMA Without Loading It In A WindowsMediaPlayer Control?

Jan 9, 2010

Get information from an MP3/WMA without loading it in a WindowsMediaPlayer control?

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VS 2005 Adding Exception Information To TextBox?

Jul 21, 2010

I am trying to add exception information into a textbox and not able to successfully. I am getting an error when trying to do so.

Screen shot of code and error attached. Any ideas how I can accomplish this task?

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VS 2005 Grabbing Information From Global Textbox?

Aug 28, 2009

Is there a way to grab information from a textbox outside of my form? I am able to track the cursor's position, x and y, and i want to detect whether there is a textbox at a given position, if so..grab the text.

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VS 2005 Read Information From A Device Through COM Port

Sep 27, 2010

I'm trying to read information from a device through COM Port.. Sometimes I receive information like:


how I can change that? or detect it so whenever the program receives that type of info it ignores it?

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VS 2005 Develop A Script Which Returns The Below Information Of A File?

Aug 25, 2010

im trying to develop a vb.net script which returns the below information of a windows file

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VS 2005 Getting Information From DataSet To Populate Defaults In Controls?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a form that has many controls. My next task is to populate the phone number (MaskedTextBox) and phone number type (ComboBox) when the cursor has lost focus from a ComboBox that has auto complete functionality. I have tried to do it and when the cursor leaves focus, the other controls are not populated. Nothing happens. I do not get any errors either. Screen shot attached for the form and I am also using a stored procedure to do this. There are two tables in question here. A client table that the name and phone number and then the second table that has the phone number type (cell, work, home, etc).There is an FK relationship between the two.

This is my stored procedure. It is called sp_GetClientInfoByName.


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VS 2005 Send Information To USB Video Game Controller?

Dec 24, 2009

Is it possible to send information to a USB Video game controller in VB.Net? The kind of information I want to send to it is information causing the device to think that a button is pressed on the controller when it really is not. Or even better, is it possible to make a USB wire that connects to your computer and another USB port on something such a computer and send information that a video game controller would send to the other computer or whatever? Basically what I want to do is emulate a guitar hero controller sending the data of the buttons being pressed to an xbox 360 console.

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Holding Value In Collection?

May 18, 2010

I have a application which is on timesheet. I have total of 54 columns out of which 10 columns are visible rest invisibleFirst 3 columns are Project, MileStone and Classes. Rest are Sun- Sat work hrs, TaskId, TaskDesc and so on for each day. On my grid only first 3 columns and Sun - Sat work hrs are visible, rest are invisible.These Columns from Sun - Sat do not exists in database. They are identified on the basis of date and displayed on the grid. They exists as row in database but displayed as column over the grid.

Now I have columns named SunTaskID,MonTaskID and so on till SatTaskID for holding each days taskid[TaskID is the PK of the table from which data is pulled out. And each has its own task id.] Now on the selection of SunHrs (Sunday's Work Hrs), i retrieve that days taskid and on the basis of task id i then retrieve attachments which is displayed under a listbox.Now the problem is that since a day can have multiple attachments and a user can attach multiple attachments at time. I am not able to hold the attachments.

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Simulate Holding Down A Key

Feb 3, 2010

I'm trying to do here is get VB to hold a key down until I tell it to stop. Perhaps I'm missing something but I don't understand why this isn't working. This code can hold down shift and so on for as long as I want it too but absolutely refuses to hold down what i need it too (any letter key or numpad key)[code]

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DB/Reporting :: Crystal Report 2005 Filling In Static Information?

Mar 19, 2009

Trying to fill a crystal report we want to fill in calculated information. Can someone tell us how to put information in a text field in the report?

Or is there an other possibillity to place static information on the report?

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VS 2005 Get Information Using Stored Procedure And Adding All Items To A Combobox

Nov 28, 2009

I am not sure what I am doing with this and need some direction. I have attempted to create a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005 called proc_GetPrefixes with the following content

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_GetPrefixes]


The stored procedure is supposed to get all the records and what I want to do with the result set is to add all the items to a combobox. I have started off with the following and not sure where to go with this:


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VS 2005 Read From An Oracle Database With The Same Table / Field Information?

Apr 29, 2009

If I have this to read from an access database, how could I translate it to read from an oracle database with the same table/field information? I know nothing about oracle but I assume I cannot use the oledbdataadapter that I am used to when connecting with an oracle DB.


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How To Handle ValueMember

Apr 6, 2009

i m using visual basic 2008 and in winform lstCity is the listbox which handle the city names as Displaymember and id as value member, now when i select any city from the lstcity by keypress(enter) i m getting the maximum valuemember everytime so is there any way to retrieve the valuemember of selectedindex.


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ValueMember Of ListBox .NET?

May 4, 2012

I would like to display the phone numbers from my table "Subscribers" with the same value (as string) associated with it. For instance, I would like to display these numbers:


Here is my code:

Dim conStr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("dbConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter("Select * from tblSubscribers", conStr)
Dim dataset As DataSet = New DataSet


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Holding Highscores For A Game

Mar 26, 2012

I've been working on my Pacman-ish game, and I want to have a high score table be available to be seen on the main options screen. Therefore, I need to save score information, and be able to separate it into a table, specifically 3 columns (Name, Orbs Collected and Time Alive). [code]However, I have no idea where to start with the high scores table.

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Holding Text In A Button?

Jan 31, 2010

I am creating a game and when dice have been rolled I want the user to be able to hold certain dice.I have changed the design of the dice from labels to button controls, because whichever dice the user wants to hold thet can simply click on the relevent dice button, I used this code for holding the dice button.

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Simulate Holding Down The Shift Key?

Dec 12, 2009

I know how to sendkeys, SendKeys.Send("Hello") I know how to hit other keys, Sendkeys.Send("{ENTER}")

But how do I HOLD DOWN the Shift key, I want to be able to highlight text, I know, I need to press the Arrow keys while the shift key is held down...

So... How is it possible to Hold down the Shift key

Oh yeah, and I even know how to simimulate a mouse click, drag, let go, ect. ect...

how to hold down the shift key in VB.NET?

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C# - Set DisplayMember Based On ValueMember?

Sep 1, 2011

I have DataGridViewCombobox column in my winform. i have bound that comboboxcolumn from database by setting its DataSource, DisplayMember and ValueMember property.

i want to set DisplayMember based on ValueMember. just like we do in normal combobox like

Combobox.SelectedValue = "12"

I tried following

gridAttendance.Rows[0].cells[2].value = dsAttendance.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Id"].ToString();

but it doesn't work...

"It throws an error saying datagridviewcomboboxcell value is not value"

i also tried handling DataError event of GridView, but still it doesn't work

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Getting Valuemember From Combobox With Datasource?

Jan 19, 2010

I am trying to get the valuemember of my combobox but it just won't work. I have tried a lot of things (won't post them all here) can somebody just show me how to do this?

Private Sub cmbGroup_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbGroup.SelectedIndexChanged ' Get valuemember here End Sub

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Set Datagridviewcombobox Value Based On Valuemember?

Aug 24, 2011

box withing a modal form. The combobox shows a list of ingredients where the displaymember is the IngredientName and the valuemember is the IngredientID, and a user would select an ingredient in the combobox and the returning value would be the ID for that ingredient. My issue is that within this same datagridview, i'd like to prepopulate it with items already existing in the database. However i'd like to set the display value in the combobox using the id value from the database. So if "Pasta" was the ingredient name and 101 was the ID, i'd set the value as 101 and it display Pasta in the combobox.

Here's what i have so far:
For Each row As ListViewItem In listIngView.Items
Dim i As Integer = dgvIngEdit.Rows.Add()


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VS 2008 Get Combobox.valuemember?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a combobox and am binding it to a table like this...

AccountsComboBox.DataSource = AccountsTable


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B1Text (which Is A String) Is Not Either Receiving The Value Or Holding It?

Jun 29, 2009

This has been pissing me off!!I have an XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

Now the problem is, B1Text (which is a string) is not either receiving the value or holding it, but B1Vis is getting the value just fine, and its right below the other one.

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Asp.net Dropdown Listbox Not Holding Viewstate

Aug 5, 2011

I am using VS 2008, VB and using a dorpdown listbox in my asp.net webpage. I select a value from the dropdown, click the submit button, when the page comes back from the server, the value in the dropdown is blank (default). The dropdown controls viewstate is enabled.


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Closing Thread Holding A PDF File?

Oct 12, 2009

I seem to have a problem in finding a solution to threads.I am opening a .PDF file via an <iframe> using vb.net. Then the file is opened, it is then moved to another location. But for some reason I am unable to move the file because it "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." The only way round it i have found is to kill the process for Adobe Acrobat, so the file is released. Even if i fill the iframe with something else.How would I close the file, and stop that particular file from being accessed before the move ?

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