VS 2005 Where To Declare A Class To Share Between Two Forms?

Aug 24, 2011

There are two forms, first form list's the employees and the second form is used to add,edit the employee record. So to pass the information between the two forms i want to use the Employee Objects.To do so, where should i declare the Employee Class?

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VS 2005 Where To Declare Reusable Class

Jun 11, 2010

I need to declare an Address(street address) class which can be reused in multiple forms. Where should i declare it?

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Inside The Service Class, Declare A Class Variable Named Started?

May 8, 2012

Create a class named Service. Inside the Service class, declare a class variable named Started. The datatype of this variable is Boolean.Public Class Service Dim started as Boolean End Class Create a class named Server. Inside the Server class, declare a dynamic array that can contain elements of the type Service.(Note: For convenience, both the array and the variable Started can be accessible from a client program that creates an instance of Server and Service respectively)

Create a constructor for the Service class. When the constructor is executed, it will set the value of the class variable Started to True. Create two new classes: WebServer and DatabaseEngine. Both of these classes inherit from the class Service. Inside the Service class, declare a Sub procedure (method) named Terminate. This method should display the following text Service stopping in a message box when executed.This method can be overridden in classes that inherit from Service class.

Inside both the WebServer and DatabaseEngine class, override the method Terminate inherited from their base class Service. Both methods should first call the base class Terminate method. The messages Web server stopping and Database engine stopping should also be displayed in a message box when the Terminate method for the WebServer and DatabaseEngine are called respectively. These messages should only be displayed if the Started variable inherited from their base class is not equal to False.

Inside the Server class, declare a method named Shutdown. This method does not return any value. When executed, it will call the Terminate method for each of the Service instances (if any) in the arrServices
array. You should call the Terminate method within a For Each loop that loops through the elements of the arrServices array.

In the Sub Main method, create an instance of the class Server. Set the size of the arrServices array in
your Server instance to contain 2 elements. Create first a WebServer instance and then a DatabaseEngine
instance into this array. Call the Shutdown method from your Server instance.

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VS 2005 - Inheritance In Forms From Class

Feb 23, 2010

I am developing a windows based application in VS2005. I want all my form to be inherits from one of my class e.g.ParentClass but indeed the windows forms already inherits windows.forms.form class. what I have tried is that, I inherit "windows.forms.form" in "ParentClass" and all forms inherits my "ParentClass". But in this case when I view the design of the form IDE gives error.

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Declare A RANDOM Class Instance At CLASS Level?

May 6, 2010

If you run this code you will see that the 500 PictureBoxes that are added ( this is easier to show than adding pixels as a pixel is only a single point ) fall mainly on the diagonal.With regard the RANDOM class, why should this be like this when the bounds of the instances are? >>

p.Location = New Point(x.Next(0, Me.Width + 1
), y.Next(0, Me.Height + 1 ))
as in this code.>>


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Declare An Internal Class Within A Public Class?

Nov 17, 2008

how to declare an internal class within a public class using vb.net?

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How To Share Class Properties

Apr 17, 2010

I have an app with my own class "something".So, Im going to one of the my modules and declare public var as a class. After fillup this class by date, I would to get this date from the other module of my app. But there this var is unavailavle (its mean I have to redeclare it again. Its mean I'll lost

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Share A Vb Class For 3+ Web Applications?

Dec 17, 2009

I have three different web applications that I made in VS08 vb.net. Each application uses a class that i continue to update (MyClass.vb), other than using Vault to propogate changes, is it possible to create a class or dll and put it out on the webserver and have each web app call that class or dll?

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Share An Instance Of A Class Across The Application

Feb 8, 2012

I am creating a Windows application using VS 2008. This has a MDI Parent form that hosts multiple MDI children forms. I have a login form that authenticates the user and creates an instance of a user class. This has information such as UserID, Name etc. I would like this instance available to other windows. How would I implement this functionality?

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VS 2008 Share Strings With Class?

Oct 22, 2009

Alright i have 3 strings in a class1.vb. In form1 it will put in a text. In form2 it will read the 3 strings and print them on 3 textbox

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How To Share DataSet Among Two Forms

Jan 13, 2009

I'm new to VB2008 and SQL Server. I have two forms (frmCustomer and frmDetail). The frmCustomer has a datagridview containing general data of customers, and a button to open frmDetail, which contains each customers detail information. All data modification is done on frmDetail (add, delete, and edit). Currently, both forms are binded to the dataset (same table). When the two forms are loaded, each form performs a FILL function that retrieves the data from SQL Server. In addition, all modifications done on frmDetail does not show up on frmCustomer until I perform the FILL function again on both forms. Seems like I'm maintaining 2 sets of data from the same table, and I think I'm doing more work than I have to. I'm sure there are ways to make this easier, such as bind both forms to a single dataset, so I don't have to do everything twice.

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How To Share Variables Between Forms

Feb 17, 2012

Is it possible to share subscripted variables and their data between forms? So far I can't see the variables I made public in one form, in a second form.

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Share Forms Between Projects?

Dec 19, 2009

I've recently noticed that a solution can contain multiple projects. I'd like to know if I can create a form that exists in multiple projects, so i can edit one form (or class) instead of six, and have it published in each one of them separately? I hope that makes sense....I seek not answers, but understanding, that I may not solve, but learn.
What good is a fish without the skill to catch it?

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Share Variables With Other Forms?

Mar 6, 2010

Say I have public string variable called "_Test" on Form1, how can I allow Form2 to edit/read the variable from that form? I tried putting this on Form2:

Public _Test as String = Form1._Test

But if I start Form2 without Form1 being open, it gives me an exception.

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Share A String With Multiple Forms?

Apr 13, 2009

I need to share strings (array) with more then one form.

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VS 2010 Share A Menu Bar Between Two Forms?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm writing a small software similar to the calculator in Windows, the calculator in Windows has a menu bar; in the menu bar, you can find "scientific" and "standard" mode; once you select different mode, your form will be changed, but the two forms still share the same menu bar.

I want to create the same effect of this:

1. Two forms, only one is visible at any time

2. The menu bar on the top of the two forms should be shared between these forms

I just started learning VB for 2 weeks, I'm not sure my thinking can be achieved by VB, if not

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VS 2010 : Share And Edit Variables Between Forms?

Jul 7, 2011

how to share and edit variables between forms? I want the user to be able to enter a value into a textbox and the program store it and then load another form and do calculations and display answers but I can't get it to work.

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Declare A Class As Friend Of Another In VB?

Jun 30, 2009

I have class Aand BHow do i declare the class B as a friend of A?

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Declare A Class In Two Files?

Dec 12, 2011

Say some function is defined in one file and another function is defined in another file

In C++ you can do that right

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Declare An Array As A Class?

Jun 21, 2010

I could have an array of players but I cant dim and array as new and my players are all a class I made called gameobject

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Globally Declare A Class?

Jun 1, 2009

I know you can globally declare a structure so every class knows it.But I have a class named "WPNConnection", but I was wondering if you do like.Public WPN as new WPNConnection but so every class in the whole project could access it. It's just annoying having to raise events to get back to the class holding it, or finding the main class and finding it declared there.

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Must Declare A 'Sub New' Because Its Base Class

Jul 17, 2010

I have a class library that have a lot of classes, in every class I have "Inherits LINQDataContext". And In my xx.designer.vb file I have...

Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(Global.My.MySettings.Default.DbConnectionString, mappingSource)
End Sub

But I get a lot of "Class 'xxxxx' must declare a 'Sub New' because its base class 'LINQDataContext' has more than one accessible 'Sub New' that can be called with no arguments." errors

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Declare As A Sealed Class (non-inheritable)

Aug 16, 2010

How to declare this as a sealed class (non-inheritable) I used this in my main coding..


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Declare New Bitmap In Class' Constructor?

Jun 6, 2009

i've declared a bitmap at class level + i want to load an image into that variable in the constructor. i don't know why but it won't work and everything i've tried won't work either.am i missing a reference or something?


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Define And Declare In Class Module?

May 25, 2011

below is my code to use binarywriter it work fine on class form1 level


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Name Space And Class No Declare In VS2010?

Nov 13, 2010

I have some problems with VS2010,in spite of some of the class are valid in project and using namespace in which page that used that one. but name space and class no declare in VS2010 even application run without error. how can I solve this?

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Forms :: Share Data Between Forms (as Opposed To Passing Data)

Nov 26, 2011

Quite a few threads on passing data from one form to another, but I'm struggling to work out how to share data between the two - back and forth.

For example:

Class1 is a class with 10 string properties

Form1 has 10 labels ("Label1", "Label2" etc) and a [Configure] button.
Form2 has 10 textboxes and a [Apply] button.

I want to load with Form1, and create an instance of Class1. Click the Configure button and load Form2, passing Class1. On Form2 I want to manually fill in the 10 textboxes and hit Apply. The Apply should update the Class1 instance and close the form.

Form1's Label controls should then be updated with the data from the Class1 instance.

I'm fine creating the forms and classes, as well as passing the class into Form2 with a custom Sub New(EmptyClass as Class1) constructor. This gets the empty class into Form2, but how can I get the populated class back to Form1?

As Form1 already exists I don't want to create a new instance with another custom Sub New(PopulatedClass as Class1)

It's also key to be able to use the Form2 multiple times, basically ending up with a Data class being displayed as part of Form1 but updated using Form2? (For example if the Class has already been created and populated with data when it's passed back to Form2 for the second time I would pre-load the Textboxes with the values already in the class).

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Declare Variables In Public Class Form1?

Apr 29, 2012

When and why do you declare variables in the Public Class Form1 section?

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Forms :: Cannot Declare New Form

May 31, 2009

I created a second form in my application and in the first form i wrote:

Dim frmDialog as new form2

But it does not recognize the second form. I tried changing the name and i get the same result.

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Declare Events On Class Library (dll) And Catch Them On Form?

Nov 21, 2009

I need set events on a class library and catch them in an form.

For example, I run a sub in the dll and I need "receive" the event that the sub in the class is running.

The dll is creted by me in vb, but i don't know how raise events on it to be catched in the form.

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