VS 2005 Check Of Update In A Website Manually?

Jul 11, 2009

There's an website which lists the manufacturer's of the items they deal with. Upon clicking on the manufacturer link we get the relevant list of items. There are around 60 manuf. and each manuf makes around 500 items.

The complete list of items of an particluar manufacturer is split in pages and displayed on the web page, one page at a time and also links to the next pages.

There are around 4 to 5 items newly added weekly for each manufacturer.

So what i wanted was , first the complete data must be stored in the database and displayed to the user , and later only the updates should be displayed to the user.

For this, what approch i thought is, opening each and every page of the website and then extracting the data form the site and storing in the database. Then again whenever user wants an update , again extacting the complete data from the website and comparing it with the old data and displaying the update.

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VS 2005 Manually Set Width Of Columns In DGV?

Sep 28, 2010

I need to set some of the columns in a DGV to specific widths. What I am looking for is to line the columns up with the labels above them. I am trying to do it like this(the numbers are just for testing):

Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = dsForm.Tables(0)
' column 6
Me.DataGridView1.Columns(6).Width = 100


what I might have to change in the properties of the DGV for the code to set the widths, I've changed so many that I am not sure what the default settings are any more. Also the look of the form is not open to suggestion as this is what the customer wants.

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VS 2005 - Custom Control - Affect Records That Were Manually Changed

Jul 19, 2009

i created a custom control that accepts only datetime values. [url] but i'm having some issues with it when it is bound to a column and then i navigate through records. it seems to trigger a row-change to all navigated records even though i haven't manually change anything on these records.

this is affecting the last_update_date and last_updated_by fields of my tables. i need to only affect records that were manually changed. can anyone help me? also, any date field should be bound to the Value property of this control instead of Text. haven't figured out how to remove the Text from bindable properties yet.

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Check For Updates From A Website?

May 4, 2011

I'm unsure of how realistic it is for this to work but I know a lot is possible in vb. I have an application called WindowsPRO available from my filesharewebsit This application is intended for those in school to easily be able to do several daily tasks such as calculate and use notepad within one window. I have been working on this application in part with the help of MSDN.Back OT, currently when I click the "Check for updates" I use process.start to open my website. Not very complicated is it. What I want to do is open a form in whichchecks for the update from my site. Whenever I upload a file, I'll upload it as a .zip onto my site and always name it like: "Application name v1.0" or whatever the version number is. That is the only thing that changes.

When the user presses the check for updates, I want to checkhe site in background for a "higher" version number. If my application is v1.2, I want it to check for anything higher than 1.2. So if I have on the site 1.2.2, or 1.3, I want it to check for the highest number version and download it.My question simply is, how do I check for a "higher version" from a website?

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Check Website Before Redirecting To It?

Jan 26, 2010

How can I check the return code of a web site from my code before redirectin my client there using response.redirect? I don't want to send them to my virtual directory unless the document is there.

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Way To Check And See If A Website Is Live?

Jun 3, 2012

have about 15 or so websites on different servers, Some time the server will go down for a some time and I losses money because I'm not aware that it went down . I want to make a program that checks to if my websites are online every hour and if there not send me a email eg "Get your butt home and switch server" lol.. I know how to do all of the email part ,the thing I was unsure about is what is the best and fastest way to make sure a website is

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Program That Check A Website Every 30 Seconds?

Jul 7, 2010

ok i have a program that check a website every 30 seconds. when it has completed going to the site it takes the sites body text and puts it into a richtextbox. how can i make it so that every time it adds a new line to the textbox it performs an action.

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim result As Integer


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VS 2008 Check And See If A Website Is Live?

Oct 27, 2010

i have about 15 or so websites on different servers, Some time the server will go down for a some time and I losses money because I'm not aware that it went down . I want to make a program that checks to if my websites are online every hour and if there not send me a email eg "Get your butt home and switch server" lol.. I know how to do all of the email part ,the thing I was unsure about is what is the best and fastest way to make sure a website is on line?

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Update Form Itself By Website Code

Nov 21, 2009

<?php echo ?Hello !?; ?> I'm new to vb, but i've experience in php. My website will have snippet of code. I'm currently learning vb.net. For my website project I want to create application where program will look for my website and find info and display in textbox or whatsoever. here are the step how i would like to make my app

1. Check if internet is avilable

2. Go to my website (value is fixed, user can't change it)

3. program will get all the snippet of code.


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Windows Service Timed Website Check?

Mar 16, 2009

I have built a Windows Service and this runs great but what I would like to do is have this service check a website every 5 mins and ensure that a status code of 200 (Success) is returned.

checking aspect and the timing side of it.

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Update Database When The Website Is Nor Running On Teh Browser?

Sep 1, 2009

I want to update my database( using a file from my root folder )every hour even when my web page /form is not openedin the browser..

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Making A Website/project Portable - Check List?

Mar 14, 2009

I have an ASP.net 3.5 website and I am using vb.net in VWD 2008 Express, I am also using MS SQL Server 2008 Express, I used ajax tabs and a textBox characters counter control developed by [URL]..The database is attached with MS SQL Server Management Studio Express and the files are stored in the SQL default "Data" folder.

The whole project's code and forms are stored in a folder in my E drive. I need to hand the whole project to another coworker who have to finish it, please describe in steps how can i make my website portable (like i can put it all in a folder that he can carry around in his flash disk).One more thing, I already finished my side of the project, I need to ship it out to this other programmer.

Can anyone suggest something like a: Checklist or Must Do list to achieve this?PS: I have had a problem trying to move the project from one server to the other, the project seems to look for the dlls of the AJAX control and the textBox counter where i originally unzipped the folders in which they cam in, which i think was on my desktop, although when i added those controls to the Tools tab, i created a new tab, then i choose the dll from the where i unzipped the controls source code, aint that enough?

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VS 2008 Check Date Of File On Website From Win Form App?

Jun 4, 2011

From within my VB 2008 windows forms app, how would I check the date (i.e. modify date) of a file on a website (i.e. "www.mysite.com/somefile.txt")?

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Make A Website Login For Gmail To Check Email Faster

Oct 18, 2009

Alright im trying ot make a website login for Gmail to check my email faster Woohoo..Im trying to make a form with 2 textbox's one for pass one for email. Im trying to make it so when the user clicks on the login button on the form it will use the email/pass in the 2 textboxs and then open my build in webbrowser.But if it fails i want it to send back a message saying "Information Incorrect". [code]

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Created Website Monitor Program, Can't Check Status Of Page Loading?

Jun 15, 2011

Intended use of program:

1. User enters 1-3 websites they wish to monitor

2. User clicks go next to textbox with data entered, then button and a copy of form refered to as browse is created.

3. Form refered to as browse is directed to the url refered to on the form refered to as monitor, in the associated textbox(passed as a parameter to copyForm)

4. A timer is used to refresh the webpage every 10 seconds

What I wanted to happen was the program turn the associated picturebox in form1 green if page is loaded, and black is loading.


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VS 2008 Make A Program Which Would Check For Users From Text File On A Certain Website?

Jul 5, 2010

Im trying to make a program which would check for users from text file on a certain website I can populate the list box, and loop through it's items here is the code i came up with so far and it doesnt work properly, it pops out first item in the listbox, and last item only, even though that they shouldnt be popped out

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
If Not ListBox1.Items.Count < 2 Then


(this is supposed to check every user, and if user doesnt exist, website will return page not found, else user exists and his name is added to listbox2)

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VS 2008 Created Website Monitor Program, Can't Check Status Of Page Loading?

Jun 14, 2011

Intended use of program:

1. User enters 1-3 websites they wish to monitor

2. User clicks go next to textbox with data entered, then button and a copy of form refered to as browse is created.

3. Form refered to as browse is directed to the url refered to on the form refered to as monitor, in the associated textbox(passed as a parameter to copyForm)

4. A timer is used to refresh the webpage every 10 seconds

What I wanted to happen was the program turn the associated picturebox in form1 green if page is loaded, and black is loading.


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VS 2005 : Clicking A Button On A Website?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm making an auth form for my program so that only people who are registered on my vBulletin forums can use it. I've got most of it down, it was very easy, just needed to modify some HTML element values to input the user and pass. But, to log in, you need to push the log in button...Since the button has no name in the HTML, how am I supposed to call on it to click?

<input type="submit" class="button" value="Log in" tabindex="104" title="Enter your username and password in the boxes provided to login, or click the 'register' button to create a profile for yourself." accesskey="s" />

For all the skeptical people, I'm attempting this for harmless intentions. I simply don't want leechers using my programs.

EDIT: normally it would be something like this:


w being a webbrowser, but this doesn't work since the log in button doesn't have a name?

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VS 2005 Save Image From Website?

Oct 2, 2009

Im trying to retrieve images from a website in my app. Im using the HttpWebRequest to get the source of the site, and then I search the string for <img src=" to get the link of the source.

The full tag is :
<img src="shopimages/products/normal/WCA356.jpg" alt="12Pc Stripe Over The Knee Socks (Black/Yellow)" style="width:300px; " class="ProductFullImage"/>

Then I do my little code just to get the actual link name... In the end it will be
slink = "http://www.wickedwholesale.com/shopimages/products/normal/WCA356.jpg"

If you go to the link, you will see that the image is a full size image... 300 x 716.

I've tried used the following two methods to get the image :


Method 1 works fine, but looks like the image is saved as a thumbnail. About 39 x 94, instead of being 300 x 716.

Method 2 just doesnt seem to be doing anything, even tho lngRetVal is 46161906918752269.

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.net - CopyLocal In A Visual Studio 2005 ASP.NET WebSite?

May 3, 2009

Is there something like the Reference property CopyLocal in a Visual Studio 2005 ASP.NET Web Site? A VS05 Web Application has a References folder in the Solution Explorer where you can select a reference and view its properties, such as CopyLocal, in the Properties window.But a VS05 Web Site only has a References folder in the Class View, where you can't access any properties for the references. Is there another simple way to set properties on your references in a Web Site? Or are the reference DLLs automatically copied when you publish a Web Site onto a machine other than your own?

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Access A Secured Website Using Vb 2005 And Webbrowser Control

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to access a secured website using vb 2005 and webbrowser control. I've got the credentials, the script can pass the login page but when trying to navigate to the second page within, the page is being redirected back(to the first page after logging in). The second page I'm trying to get to retrieves the data from a database and displays some options for the user to select in order to prepare a report which can be downloaded after the fields selections. And I wanted my script to do this automatically without user interaction.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub TestButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TestButton.Click
Dim wb As WebBrowser = WebBrowser1


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VS 2005 Manully Configure Aspnet.2.0 - Create New Website

Oct 26, 2011

I have a probleam to create new website in visual studio 2005. The error which i got is You need to configure manually configure this site for Asp.net 2.0 in order for your site to run correctly.. Please show me step by step how to configure this site in visual studio 2005..

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Check For Update Feature?

Oct 12, 2009

I got a hard one for you devolpers.In a popular C++ program BitComet they have a Check For Update feature.How would I have a simple Check For Update and have it warn the user every 1 week or so.

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Check For Updates And If There Is An Update

Apr 4, 2009

Alright, when I open my program I want it to check for updates and if there is an update I want it to download. So far I have a text file saying the most recent version and then it downloads that file and compares it to the current file version. If the current file version < recent version then it will download the file. :O Can someone help me with the code? :3 I have a hosting server with direct download links.

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SQL Check If Exists Before Update?

Jun 5, 2011

I would like to see an example how to check if pappssn exsist in database before the update is complete. If so to raise an error record exsist. My front end is VB however i would like to handle this within SQL in my stored procedure if possible.

ALTER Procedure [dbo].[usp_insertmemapp](
@pappfname nvarchar(50),
@pappmname nvarchar(50),


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VS 2005 "refresh" The Sql Update Commands After Every Tableadapter.update?

Jun 15, 2012

Environment = VB.NET 2005 & Pervasive SQL 9.5 ADO.NET In a simplified example, I have single database table (customers) with the columns "customer_code_PK" and "customer_name" This table is presented in VB.NET 2005 as a single form datagrid (bindingsource/dataset). In this example, the database table is populated with the following data

customer_code_PK customer_name
SHELLShell Oil
BPBritish Petrolium

In very simplified terms, code does the following;

sub on form load
fill dataset with database records (select * from customers)


The datagridview loads the records correctly.Here is the sequence of operations that produces the bizzar behaviour.In the editable datagrid;

1.remove the row with PK = MOB -> save_button -> Database correctly updates

2.add a new row with PK = KFC -> save_button -> Database correctly updates

3.remove row with PK = SHELL -> save_button -> Database exception occurs

On this last command, the row SHELL is INSERTED!!, not removed.However, If I change ths save_button routine to this

call generate_custom_updateinsertdeletecommands
bindingsource endedit


It works correctly !Is it correct that you would need to "refresh" the sql update commands after every tableadapter.update?

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Check For A System Update Every 25 Seconds

Aug 27, 2011

I want to check for a system update every .25 seconds. It's very important that it is always .25 seconds apart. I was trying to use do until/while...loop, but it wouldn't let me insert a delay. Does anybody know how to do this/where I could learn to do this?

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Check For Changes In A Database On Insert / Update?

Dec 26, 2011

I have an interesting problem. I need to write a program that checks to see if data has been inserted or updated into a Microsoft access database . The program needs to be compatible with both types of access database, so using triggers is not possible as it wont work in access etc

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Check From NET If Windows Update Is Enabled?

Mar 25, 2009

Is there any way to check from .NET if windows update is enabled?

I want to prompt the users every time they log into my app that their computer might be at risk and give them a link to windows update website (or windows update application from control panel).

Preferably it should work on XP, Vista and Windows 7. Maybe there is a registry key or even better an API?

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Check If A File Is Open And Update It?

Apr 22, 2010

Supposedly I create a file called "hi.txt" and I use Process.Start(filename) to open it. then I File.Opentext(filename), edit it and close it using stream writer/reader, while I still have that file open.

In order to see the changed text I need to close "hi.txt" and reopen it.

Is there a way to automatically do that? Been experimenting a bit but with no luck.

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