VS 2005 Create Dataset In A Module And Call It In A Class?

Aug 7, 2009

This is my vb6 programme for creating recordset in a module. and call it in class
and form


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How To Call Mysql Connection From Class Or Module I Get 'connStr' Is Not Declared

Oct 13, 2009

I am try to learn to use Mysql / MySql.Data.MySqlClientI did find sample how to connect to Mysql but I want to have it in Class or Module so I only call open database when I open the form

How can I fix this Name 'connStr' is not declared


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Keep Each Module Separate And Call EXE's Or Should Create One Large Project?

Dec 15, 2009

The company I work for has a VB6 project that is using an ACCESS database.The project consists of seperate modules such as Accounts Payable, Payroll, General Ledger, and Inventory.At the current time each module is a seperate project in VB6 and the EXE files are called when needed.In total there are about 1300 forms in the project.We are moving from ACCESS to Sql Server and from VB6 to VB2008.The question that I (we) have is as follows; Should we continue to keep each module seperate and call the EXE's or should we create one large project?What are the pros and cons for each way?Is there something written that explains the advantages of either?

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VS 2005 Add A Class Or Module To It As Another Resource?

Apr 10, 2009

I have just one form which is my project however there is a lot of different code behind it, can I add a class or module to it as another resource and call a script from there like I would in say

Private Sub button1_Click ... Handles Button1.Click
Call MyScriptToWorkThingsOutAndGetRemoteXMLWebPage
End Sub

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Create A Control Class Rather Than Use A Module For MVC?

Mar 20, 2012

I'm trying to use it in writing VB.NET Windows Form code.So I'm thinking, instead of using a VB.NET module, or having code embedded in the forms, I should create my own "Control" Class, to handle all operations and "application" level variables.Is this the right approach?Ex:

Private Sub frmLogin_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
goControl = New MyControlClass()
goControl.sUserID = txtUser.text[code]....

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VS 2005 Place The OpenfileDialog In Public Class Or Module?

Jun 30, 2009

if it is possible to place the openfileDialog in public class or module? i tried to place it with this code, but it did not work.

Public Sub DisplayDataOnGrid(ByVal gridTable As DataGridView)
Dim filepath As String
Dim OpenExcelFile As New OpenFileDialog()


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Create A Class Or Module To Easily Connect To One Of Many Databases?

Jun 11, 2012

Basically, we have three databases to grab data from. One is a SQL Server database, one is an Access database (which is particularly annoying to connect to because we have to map a network drive and such), and the final one will be an Oracle database when IT finally gives us rights.I'm thinking about creating a helper function that makes querying any one of these databases as easy as possible. I want to create a two-dimensional array

Dim myEasyResultArray(10,10) as String
myEasyResultArray = DatabaseHelper("Access", "SELECT * FROM Employee")

Is this a good design decision? Also, how can I have the array be the right size? Can I just do this?

Dim myEasyResultArray = DatabaseHelper("Access", "SELECT * FROM Employee")

Should this be a module or a class? I don't really need to share variables?

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Create Two Notepad Files: Module HelloWorld & Public Class Person?

Oct 6, 2009

i am working on the MSDN tutorials through virtual labs and am encountering a problem with the very first tutorial regarding consoles. I am required to create two notepad files: Module HelloWorld & Public Class Person which I have done without errors having triple checked them. When the files are created I compile the HelloWorld.vb file and a .exe is created

I follow the rest of the steps and encounter an error when i try to compile the Person.vb file using the line vbc Person.vb/t:library/out:HelloWorldLib.dll as i am getting the following errors:

vbc : Command line error BC2001 : file 'HelloWorld.vb/t:library/out:HelloWorldLib.dll' could not be found
vbc : Command line error BC2008 : no input sources specified

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Declare A Connectionstring In A Module And Call That Module

Aug 16, 2010

how we can declare a connectionstring in a module and call that module

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Call A Class / Create A Dll?

Feb 18, 2012

I have this code which i got from another forum.[code]...

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VS 2005 - How To Call A Return From A Class From A Sub

Oct 24, 2009

I have a Class in a Windows Form project. I would like to call the class return value from the Form1 sub on button click. How do I do that? Lets say I would like to display the Return in a MsgBox?

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VS 2005 Call A Script On Another Class?

Apr 17, 2009

How do i call a script on another class? for example

MainForm Page
Private Sub MySub
Call Another_Sub_From_Another_Class_Form


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How To Create A Dataset-like Class

May 18, 2011

I've been struggling with this for a while, so I finally decided to ask the question rather than try to figure it out myself.Generally, what I want is a more robust Dataset. I have to do a large quantity of hiarchical calculations, doing a wide variety of calculations.I used datasets for similar situations in the past, but there are some restrictions with datasets that I need to have, such as:Datasets are restrictive in their calculation methods, such as having no method for doing powers calculationsDatacolumns are restrictive in the types they can be, at least in the designer. I need members of this class to be of custom types.

I like the way expressions in datacolumns will calculate only when the dependent columns change. If I build a custom class that recalculates every time the value is accessed, it takes an unacceptable amount of time to recalculate all of the fields. I'd likethe class to only recalculate the value of the field when it needs to.

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[VS 2010] Call A Module Into Another Module?

Apr 27, 2012

I have a VB.Net interface that communicates with an Access 2k3 Database using this module:

'Declare Database connections controls
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider, dbSource As String


I want to call EngineConnect procedure from MOD_ENGINE module into popCboBox module so I can ignate the engine!

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VS 2005 - Compressing A Dataset Converted To XML Using The GZipStream Class Added In 2.0

Mar 25, 2009

I am compressing a dataset converted to XML using the GZipStream class added in 2.0. There are a few things bothering me about this. Here's the code I am using to decompress the XML file:

Using inFile As New System.IO.FileStream(flnm, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.Read)
Dim zStrm As New System.IO.Compression.GZipStream(inFile, IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Decompress)
Dim buff(999) As Byte


This seems inordinately awkward, as I am taking the stream, reading it out into byte buffers, then writing those byte buffers to a memory stream that is then passed to the dataset.ReadXml() method. The reason for this seems to have to do with what is happening in the line colored red. That line is adding a closing > onto the end of the stream. Without that, ReadXml complains about an unclosed dataset. I found out that the > was missing by writing the stream into a string and pasting the string into WordPad. Without that missing >, it appears that I wouldn't need to be using that memory stream at all, and could simply pass in the GZipStream to ReadXML, but as far as I can tell, it's impossible to look at the GZipStream to be sure that the > is not there, and it may be impossible to add it (I haven't tried).

So why is the > missing? Here's the code used to create the file that is being read into the filestream in the above

VB Using ms As New System.IO.FileStream(flnm, IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, IO.FileAccess.Write, IO.FileShare.Write)
Dim zStrm As New System.IO.Compression.GZipStream(ms, IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Compress)

ds.WriteXml(zStrm, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema)
End Using

The real kicker to all of this is that while I was dissecting the first chunk of code, I added a line to check for cnt<1000. My intention was to see the last buffer that was being written into the memory stream to see whether the final > was actually there, or not. To my surprise, I reached the cnt<1000 twice. That means that one read did not read a full 1000 bytes, but read only 675. The next three or four reads were a full 1000 bytes, then the final read was just a few hundred bytes. It is my understanding that Read will return a full buffer if there are that many bytes left to read, and there were, so why did it return only a partial buffer? That suggests that there might be a hole in my XML, though with a half meg file, it's a bit much to read through it looking for something missing. However, the XML that was returned was turned into a dataset that I then merged into some existing data using code that has been working with uncompressed XML files, and I got an error that I should never have received. That may indicate that the XML was, in fact, missing something, though I will have to study the matter further to figure out whether or not that is the case. My major question has to do with the missing '>' at the very end of the file.

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VS 2005 How To Create Dataset From The Form

Aug 25, 2009

i have a form which accepts inputs from the user. I want to create a crystal report ( not from the database but from the form ) and to create a crystal report, i need to create a dataset. i dont know how to create dataset from the form's input

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Create A Single Dataset In Studio To Database / Create A Dataset For Each Form

Jun 28, 2009

I created a SQL database using the migration tool.I am converting my access forms to VB.net (VS2008).I am wondering if I create a single dataset in studio to the database or do I create a dataset for each form (query)? I am trying to determine what the best solution is. Many of my forms have drop downs that are populated using queries from tables.

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BGW In One Class And The Long Process For The BGW (DoWork) In Another Class Or Module?

Nov 16, 2009

I' ve got a short question concerning BackgroundWorker.Is it possible to have the main code for the BGW in one class and the long process for the BGW (DoWork) in another class or module?

I couldn't find anything helpful on the internet.Here is my code - DoWork in a separate class doesn't work:


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Cannot Call The Function In Module

Aug 21, 2011

I have a problem regarding calling the function in form to the module..i have 2 module which is User Login Module and the other Module is Update the Fields of Student..my problem is the Update Module when i call the function in form i cant call the function that i used..this my code in udpate module and this is my code in form The UpdateExeQuery that i use in module.when i call in the form its error..

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Call A Sub Defined In A Form From A Module?

Jun 20, 2011

i've created a Sub in a Form.

I've created another Sub in a module.

I call the Sub in the module from the form, passing the form into the Sub defined in the module.

Then i add an Handler to an istance of a control (for example mousemove) and i want to give to this handler the execution of the Sub defined in the form.


Class form1
Sub Form1Sub()


The problem is that i don't know hot to call the Sub defined in the form, in the Sub handler using the istance of the form passed in the Sub paramenter in the module...

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Call Module Functions Directly In .NET?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a Util module in my VB.NET program that has project-wide methods such as logging and property parsing. The general practice where I work seems to be to call these methods directly without prefixing them with Util. When I was new to VB, it took me a while to figure out where these methods/functions were coming from. As I use my own Util methods now, I can't help thinking that it's a lot clearer and more understandable to add Util. before each method call (you know immediately that it's user-defined but not within the current class, and where to find it), and is hardly even longer. What's the general practice when calling procedures/functions of VB modules? Should we prefix them with the module name or not?

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Call Sub On Open Form Through Module?

Jul 23, 2009

I have a main form (frmPos) and through a module (modTransaction) I open and close several other forms. This works flawlessly. However, when the function on the module is finalized, I want to clear the main (open) form. Therefore, I made a public sub (clearForm) on the main form and when I call this from the main form it works.

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Add A Class And Get The Driver Module To Read From The Class?

Nov 13, 2009

What is a driver module, and how would I add a class and get the driver module to read from the class.

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Call A VBA Module From Command Line Script?

Dec 23, 2011

Is it possible to call a VBA module (found within a MS Access database) from a command line script?

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Call Label Textbox Inside Module?

Oct 15, 2011

im trying to do something like this

Module module1
public sub()
dim a as string[code]....

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Call Public Function In Module From WebPage?

Jul 20, 2009

Im new in this forum. I just recently upgraded my Visual Studio 2003 to Visual Studio 2008.I have a web project which is working very well in Visual Studio 2003. But when Im trying to run the same project in Visual Studio 2008, Im getting a runtime error message.The error message is about a public function which is defined in a public module. When Im trying to call that function from different web pages of my project, the web pages are not recognising the public functions and asking me to

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Call A Function In Module And Get Result In The Main Thread Asynchronously

Mar 2, 2011

I have a function in a module that returns a datatable.I need to call that function asynchronously and get the results in the Main thread (Main Form) in vb.net.

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Database - Running SQL Query From Module With A Function Call From The Form?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a form set up where I want to run the function PopulateGrid on it's Form_Load event. I have initialized the DB connection as follows:

Private Sub Main_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & config("DatabasePath") & ";")
End Sub

Now, I want to run the PopulateGrid function directly after I connect to the database as shown above. I'm confused as to how I'd use a database query in a module when the database is initialized in my main form. Would simple setting the variable cn to public work?

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Using A Modules - Error When Try To Call My Sub OpenDatabaseConnection That Is In A Module Called Dataaccess

Sep 27, 2011

I have not used a module in a long time. I am get an error when i try to call my sub openDatabaseConnection that is in a module called dataaccess. i amtring to call this method in my ui form code but i get the error as so: The type initializer for 'bsoDetailsDB.dataAccess' threw an exception.

My code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnOpen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpen.Click


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VS 2010 - Calculate The Y Intercept First But Unable To Call Function From Module?

Mar 13, 2011

I have to calculate y = a + Bx or y = mx + b in non engineering form. Anyways I have to calculate the y intercept first and am having trouble calling the function from a module. Here is the module and the second window will be the code from my main form


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