VS 2005 : Initialize String Array In Parameter?
Mar 9, 2010
how should i initialize the string array in this procedure call
Private Sub SetAddres(Optional ByVal Addrvalues(4) As String ) End Sub
how to initialize it with values and also with empty strings or null values
View 7 Replies
Oct 2, 2009
how do i declare jagged array? it has 7 elements consisting of 2 to 8 elements consisting of 3 elements.[Code]
View 1 Replies
Jul 5, 2011
How create a array of objects (another class) in VB.NET and initialise it. Since I am not sure about the length of the array, it should be generic. I mean I should be able to add any number of objects to the array.
View 2 Replies
Sep 14, 2009
I am working with some code that uses array lists and I am using some of these to pass data back and forth like this: whatFile = (sideLookUp(x)) and its working, BUT when I turn this code into a sub/function then I call it I get problems, like double to string errors, even though its all set to double.
View 8 Replies
Jan 28, 2010
I'm attempting to pass in a collection of dates to a T-SQL 'IN' clause via a date array (see below for how data is collated).
'Workout weeks difference between start and enddate
Dim wksDifference As Integer = CType(DateDiff(DateInterval.WeekOfYear, bookingStartDate, bookingEndDate), Integer)
View 9 Replies
Nov 10, 2009
initialize an indefinite (eg. Decimal) array without setting boundaries on the array length?
View 2 Replies
Aug 2, 2011
given the following Sub, how would I initialize byte array 'temp'to zeros and give it the length of the incoming byte array passed into the subroutine?
Sub ReceivePacket(ByVal buffer As Byte())
Dim temp() As Byte 'initialize to zeros and length of buffer
temp = buffer.Skip(17).ToArray()
End Sub
View 2 Replies
Dec 28, 2011
Argument matching parameter 'separator' narrows from 'String' to Ƈ-dimensional array of Char'. ERROR
View 7 Replies
Jan 17, 2010
I don't understand why the line final.join etc pops up with these errors!! Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of String' And Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated This is my code.
View 6 Replies
Feb 13, 2012
I define a arrary.
Dim myStr(100) as string.
Then the length of this array is still 0. Then is risky to cross the bound. So how to intialize this array without using a loop?
View 9 Replies
Oct 6, 2010
is there a shorter way to create an array of 215 boolean 'true's than the following?
Dim ArrayOfBits As Boolean() = {True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,
View 4 Replies
Nov 26, 2010
Assuming the array has 216 elements:
Dim Data As Integer() = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
View 6 Replies
Sep 15, 2011
In C#, I can declare an array variable like this: object[] Parameters;
And initialize it like this: Parameters = new object[20];
In VB, declaring and initializing an array is easy:
Dim Parameters(19) As Object
Dim Parameters As Object(19) ' Alternative Syntax
How would I initialize an array variable that has already been declared in VB.NET? Parameters = New Object(19) doesn't work.
For example, how would I translate the following to vb.net?
int value = 20;
object[] Parameters;
if (value > 10)
Parameters = new Object[20];
View 3 Replies
Oct 4, 2011
[URl] The code in question is specifically at line 143. Whenever I try to access a label in the array like so Dicelbls(0).Text I get a null reference error. Obviously I am not declaring the array right?
View 3 Replies
Sep 16, 2011
I need some constant arrays to be ported like this one:
[3] - first dimension
[2] - dimensions in each first dimension
[3] size of string array is needed in the language i'm porting from, y - 0, o - 1, \0 - 2 = 3 new RevTable[3][2][3] =
View 3 Replies
Mar 25, 2010
Im in a programming class and im having trouble with two problems.
Problem 1.
1. Declare an array of data type Integer with size 10
2. use a for loop to initialize the array with 1, 2 or 3 using given random number function below
3. display content using msgbox.
'low - the lower bounds of range
'high - the upper bounds of range
View 1 Replies
Jul 12, 2011
I am trying to initialize a multidimensional array. Here is my syntax; this does not create errors but it does not store all values either. Although it correctly prints out all records in this snippet,
dFirstWeek = CDate(FirstWeek)
dFirstWeek = DateAdd(DateInterval.WeekOfYear, -1, dFirstWeek)
Dim dFirstDay As Date
Dim arrWeekYear(5000, 1) As Date
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim j As Integer = 0
[Code] .....
But this time, only one "j" record appears per "i" record. Why is this? And then after these few records, many dates resembling null dates appear: "1/1/0001". So why do all records appear in upper section, but not from lower? Did I insert values wrongly into this array? And it does not have to have fixed number of rows, just a fixed number of columns.
View 3 Replies
Jun 24, 2012
How to define ,dynamically initialize and print 3D array in vb.net ?
I have this code that return a 3d array and I have errors telling me the there is an argument out of range [code]...
View 1 Replies
May 11, 2012
I am working on a VB Windows Form and I have a question here about initialize an array (friend variable)[code]But this didn't work and it thrown an exception says Object reference not set to an instance of an object.I am wondering how I can have the array initialized to size 4.
View 1 Replies
Nov 5, 2009
How to get values for array elements in VB.nET from the user.also i wanted to display these values in the combo box.[this is easy i could manage this].
View 2 Replies
Mar 6, 2012
I am trying to create and initialize an array of structures of a fixed size. Each struct will be populated when a button is clicked. Here is an example of my struct:
public structure buttonStruct
dim x() as Boolean
dim y() as Boolean
In my form_load function I am declaring the array of structs and:
Dim BtnStruct(15) As ButtonStruct
Whenever a specific button is clicked, I am trying to collect data and store it in the respective struct and so for example, if button 1 is clicked then I will store the data associated with button 1 into BtnStruct(0). The position of the button is stored in a public variable called BtnNum. If I attempt to store information in the struct inside another function as follows, I receive an error
BtnStruct(BtnNum).x(pos - 1) = temp "btnstruct is not declared. it may not be inaccessible due to its protection level"
View 6 Replies
Nov 14, 2011
How to initialize a multidimensional array by loop operation in VB .Net?
I have some arrays called 'Room', 'Subject', and 'Population'.[code]....
View 1 Replies
Nov 19, 2009
I wrote a console application where arguments are passed from the command line to a string array called args()If someone runs the program without supplying any of the arguments, I want to catch this. How do you check this? I was trying this
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Mar 2, 2011
I've got a string like
How can i split them into an array?
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Jun 10, 2009
Dim objStreamReader As New StreamReader(Server.MapPath(".eof_uploads") & tfile)
Dim arrText As New ArrayList
Do While objStreamReader.Peek() >= 0
I have a string from a text document that would be formatted for example: "this, is, an, example" and i would like to add this to a gridview on my aspx page.
The above populates the gridview like this:
|this |
|is |
|an |
how can i get it to add a new colum instead of a new line? For Example:
|this |is |an |example|
View 13 Replies
Jul 6, 2010
Dim pix() As new List(Of String) = {"*.jpg", "*.avi", "*.mov"}
Dim pix As new List(Of String)() = {"*.jpg", "*.avi", "*.mov"}
Dim pix() As List(Of String) = {"*.jpg", "*.avi", "*.mov"}
Dim pix As List(Of String)() = {"*.jpg", "*.avi", "*.mov"}
Does it matter where the () are?
What difference does New make?
View 1 Replies
Sep 2, 2009
I'm trying to use something simple this:
Dim Names() As String = {"Bob", "Bill", "Jim"}
Dim AllNames As String
For Each Name As String In Names
AllNames &= Names & " "
Operator '&' is not defined for types '1-dimensional array of String' and 'String'
I guess I'm not trying to store each item in the string array correctly. How would I do this?
View 5 Replies
Aug 3, 2009
I'm writing a byte array to a file, but I want to prepend a string onto it. I'm not sure how. Here is my
Dim myString As String = "Header Text"
oFileStream = New System.IO.FileStream("output.txt", System.IO.FileMode.Create)
oFileStream.Write(barrCrypt, 0, barrCrypt.Length - 1)
barrCrypt contains the ByteArray. The contents of it will be stored in output.txt. How can I make myString show up as the first entry in output.txt, prepended to barrCrypt?
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Mar 31, 2009
I always initialize my variables with a value when declaring them.I was wondering if using String.Empty to initialize a variable is correct.'Is this OK ?
Dim strValue As String = String.Empty
'I used to do
Dim strValue2 As String = ""
On the same subject.
View 13 Replies
May 4, 2010
ve got a string of email addresses that are semi-colon separated.I need to bring the string into an array (I think).Then, I need to loop through
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