VS 2005 &= To Append Items To A String Array?

Sep 2, 2009

I'm trying to use something simple this:

Dim Names() As String = {"Bob", "Bill", "Jim"}
Dim AllNames As String
For Each Name As String In Names
AllNames &= Names & " "
Operator '&' is not defined for types '1-dimensional array of String' and 'String'

I guess I'm not trying to store each item in the string array correctly. How would I do this?

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Append String To Array And Cast To 1-Dimensional Array

Aug 25, 2010

I need to append STRINg to Array and cast it 1-dimensionalArray

Dim remoteFileNames(0)


Here "FtpRemoteDirectory" is a string and ftpFileNames() is the Array String which list the FileNames.

and remoteFileNames is 1-dimension array

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Program See If A String Contains Any Of The Items In An Array?

Aug 17, 2009

I need my program to check and see if it contains any of the items in an array. For instance I want the program to only filter .jpg png bmp and gif in a listbox when files are added, so I did this

If str.Contains(".Jpeg") Or str.Contains(".png") Or str.Contains(".bmp")Or str.Contains(".gif")Or str.Contains(".wmf")Then end if I want to have a a list of all these filetypes in an array or so and have it only checking in the whole array instead of typing each one.

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VS 2005 - Error Value Of Type 'String' Cannot Be Converted To '1-dimensional Array Of String'

Jan 17, 2010

I don't understand why the line final.join etc pops up with these errors!! Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of String' And Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated This is my code.


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Store Items In A Collection In String Array?

Sep 2, 2009

I have a string array called m_DirFileList and a collection called myFileCollection. I'm trying to loop through the items in the collection and store each one in the string array. It's not working though.


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Storing Items In A Collection In A String Array?

Sep 28, 2009

I have a string array called m_DirFileList and a collection called myFileCollection. I'm trying to loop through the items in the collection and store each one in the string arrayIt's not working though. This is what I'm trying to do:

Dim myFileCollection As Collection = clsFTPClientClass.GetFileList(fileFilter, True)
intItems = clsFTPClientClass.GetFileList(fileFilter, True).Count()


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Write To Excel From A String Array Of 3 Items?

Aug 12, 2011

I have done some code to write to Excel from a String Array of 3 items. These 3 items are written to columns 1, 2, 17 or 3, 4, 17, depending on the value of the 3rd item in the array. For certain Excel files, this is taking too long to write. Is it because I'm writing cell by cell? Is there any other way of writing faster to Excel?

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Append A Text File With Items From A Listbox?

Oct 14, 2009

I want to append a text file with items from a listbox. I tried to search for a code to do that, but couldn't find anything(most likely I don't know what I am looking for). But I wrote this code and got it to work, but after looking at the code, it looks sloppy and I'm sure could have bugs I didn't catch....my question is, is there a better code than the one I made, or will my code work fine. I am eager to write code correctly, not just get the code to work.

Private Sub Button8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
Dim save As New SaveFileDialog
Dim saveFile As String = save.FileName


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Append Span Of Listbox Items Onto Textbox?

Jul 26, 2009

I have a listbox which I use to load file names into from a selected folder. once added to the listbox, I select the first number in the desired span then the last number of the span from this listbox. I need to append that full span (meaning first, last and all in between) of file names into a text box, all in one row. How would I do that?

I have Windows XP3 and VisualBasic2008.

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Find Specific Characters (items) In String Array (or List) And Then Merge Them?

Mar 8, 2012

I'm having a problem recently, a logical issue so hard to determine various examples.I need the text that is inserted in textbox, which has been altered or modified or twisted to have a proper format through line accordance and constant white spaces etc. And some cases I stuck at defining the If statement within the loop. Here's an example of a text I'm trying to reformat.[code]I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate version with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. This code is being fired on mouse click event of a button control. This is a snippet of my code there are more filtering after but here is what should be changed.

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Append / Keep The Last 5 Lines Into Some Sort Of An Array?

Nov 9, 2010

I need to capture the last 5 lines from my "write to log" function so I can add it to a debug email. I can't think of an easy way to do this.

I did think I could have an array with 5 items in it, but I'd still need to shuffle the existing items to add the current data.

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Append An Array Into An Access Database With VB?

May 1, 2009

I'm already connected to the datasource in my program, and I already have the information in an one dimensional array. I want the array to be put into the first empty row of the database table, and obviously it will keep all the data and just keep appending to the database, I don't want anything in the database re-written.

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Append Byte Array To File?

Oct 5, 2011

I want to write a byte array to the end of an existing file. How to append byte array to file?

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Append Text To Each Line In An Array?

Jan 1, 2011

Say I've got a variable that contains multiple words, each one separated by a newline. What I'm trying to do is add specific text to the end of each line in that variable.

For example, say the variable contains...


And say the text I want to append is "newtext"

So then I'd like the output to look like...

alpha newtext
bravo newtext
charlie newtext

What I tried to do is to split that variable into an array (separated by newline), and then use a For Each to append the newtext to each line in the array. But it's obvious I haven't messed around with VB in a long time, as something is wrong with my logic. Here's what I've got...

Dim Text_Array() As String
Dim OriginalText As String
Dim OutputText As String


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VS 2005 A String Array With No Values?

Nov 19, 2009

I wrote a console application where arguments are passed from the command line to a string array called args()If someone runs the program without supplying any of the arguments, I want to catch this. How do you check this? I was trying this

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VS 2005 Split A String Into An Array?

Mar 2, 2011

I've got a string like


How can i split them into an array?

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VS 2005 Split String Into An Array

Jun 10, 2009

Dim objStreamReader As New StreamReader(Server.MapPath(".eof_uploads") & tfile)
Dim arrText As New ArrayList
Do While objStreamReader.Peek() >= 0


I have a string from a text document that would be formatted for example: "this, is, an, example" and i would like to add this to a gridview on my aspx page.

The above populates the gridview like this:
|this |
|is |
|an |

how can i get it to add a new colum instead of a new line? For Example:

|this |is |an |example|

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VS 2005 Itextsharp Pdf Append Columntext?

Aug 10, 2011

I am still working with the itextsharp library. I have created a pdf template through livecycle design and saved as the pdf form not the pdf that runs from the xml form. I was wondering if there was a way to append some column text at the end of that template. right now i have the filestream setup to append but it keeps overwriting the pdf and i wasn't sure if this was because it

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VS 2005 : Initialize String Array In Parameter?

Mar 9, 2010

how should i initialize the string array in this procedure call

Private Sub SetAddres(Optional ByVal Addrvalues(4) As String ) End Sub

how to initialize it with values and also with empty strings or null values

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VS 2005 : Prepending A String To A Byte Array?

Aug 3, 2009

I'm writing a byte array to a file, but I want to prepend a string onto it. I'm not sure how. Here is my

Dim myString As String = "Header Text"
oFileStream = New System.IO.FileStream("output.txt", System.IO.FileMode.Create)
oFileStream.Write(barrCrypt, 0, barrCrypt.Length - 1)

barrCrypt contains the ByteArray. The contents of it will be stored in output.txt. How can I make myString show up as the first entry in output.txt, prepended to barrCrypt?

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VS 2005 Append Data To Existing Worksheet?

Mar 5, 2011

I have worked out all the other bugs in my Staffing app. A while back .paul helped me with exporting my data to excel. So what I need to do now is this:

Schedule AM RN's and export to excel DONE
Schedule PM RN's and export to excel appending to existing worksheet
Schedule AM NT's and export to excel appending to existing worksheet
Schedule PM NT's and export to excel appending to existing worksheet
Schedule AM WC's and export to excel appending to existing worksheet
Schedule PM WC's and export to excel appending to existing worksheet

I only need 1 workbook, and each new full schedule will be a new worksheet with the beginning date/ending date as the worksheet name.

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VS 2005 Semi-Colon Separated String To Array?

May 4, 2010

ve got a string of email addresses that are semi-colon separated.I need to bring the string into an array (I think).Then, I need to loop through

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VS 2005 Extra Newline Chars On File Append?

Dec 3, 2009

I am writing a program that will read and write to a file using the My.Computer.Filesystem namespace, and when I append my data file with the code shown below under SaveFile subroutine, it sometimes places extra ControlChars.Newline at the end of the appended text. Sometimes it places one extra newline, and sometimes it adds 3-6 newlines. I have tried everything I can think of to make it add just one newline at the end of each append, as I will be using the newline char to flag each entry on retrieval. I am working out some algorithms in this project to use in a project that will keep track of data in a file using csv format(just practicing saving/retrieving data from a file). The extra newline characters that are added will become a problem when I start to sort the data to display. my xSaveButton click event:

Private Sub xSaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xSaveButton.Click
Dim boolAppendData As Boolean
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("myData.dat") = True Then


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VS 2005 Merge / Append Two RichTextBox's And Preserve Formatting

Jul 22, 2009

I have two RichTextBoxes, each of which can have any sort of formatting. I need to be able to take the rich text from box 2, complete with formatting, and add it to the end of box 1, preserving the formatting of both box 1 and the appended rich text.

I've not managed to find anything usefull on this anywhere apart from hints pointing to manually re-building the RTF codes for the result (but no actual VB / C# / C code to perform this or similar).

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.net - Append Text To A String From A Tcpclient?

Feb 26, 2011

For some reason I can't append text to data I get from a tcpclient stream I have.

Dim Client As New TcpClient("server", port)
Dim stream As NetworkStream = Client.GetStream()
Dim receiveBytes As [Byte]() = New [Byte](Client.ReceiveBufferSize) {}


The message box will only contain the returnData string without the hello.

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Create A String And Append Text To It?

Mar 19, 2011

I had a textbox and I could append strings to it.But now I create a string like this:

Dim str As String = New String("")

And I want to append to it other strings. But there is no function for doing so. What am I doing wrong?

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Remove Sections From A String And Then Append Together To Form Another?

Jun 10, 2011


I need to convert the string above into - bearing in mind the string is not constant [URL]

So in this example it would be [URL]

What is the code that will extract only these pieces of this information?

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Check Array Items "this Is Item One" Contained In A String (page Source)?

Apr 16, 2011

basically i have Three messages in an array Private MyArry() As String = {"This is Message one", "This is Message Two", "This is Message Three"}

I want to compare it agasint a string which is a web sites page source.If it contains one of three messages return true.

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Visual Studio 2005 - Menu Items,Toolbar Items ,etc Displayed In Duplicate?

Jun 1, 2009

My visual studio 2005 has been running great up till now The menu items in the menu toolbar display exactly as follows:File File Edit Edit View View File File Edit Edit View View Tools Tools Tools Tools Window Window Community Community Help Help Window Window Community Community Help Help

Error List is displayed as follows:(I've excluded the icons)0 Errors 0 Errors 0 Warnings 0 Warnings 0 Messages 0 Messages The standard toolbar images are also displayed in 'duplicate'

This is before I open a project and visual studio is on the start page. The 'duplicates' do not go away even when a project is open.When project is open, Solution explorer displays duplicate images as well

I've tried all the following but still cannot get it to display normally. Restored my computer to a time when it was working ok. Full scan on my computer with AVG premium which includes spyware etc (No viruses , etc found) All software is updated fully

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How To Append A String Into A Richtextbox With A "" In The String

Dec 19, 2009

I was wondering if there is anyway to resolve this code?Richtextbox1.AppendText("Bob said "Welcome!"")The append stops at the quotation double quotes which is supposed to be within the String. Is there anyway to fix this?

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