I want to append a text file with items from a listbox. I tried to search for a code to do that, but couldn't find anything(most likely I don't know what I am looking for). But I wrote this code and got it to work, but after looking at the code, it looks sloppy and I'm sure could have bugs I didn't catch....my question is, is there a better code than the one I made, or will my code work fine. I am eager to write code correctly, not just get the code to work.
Private Sub Button8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
Dim save As New SaveFileDialog
Dim saveFile As String = save.FileName
I have a listbox which I use to load file names into from a selected folder. once added to the listbox, I select the first number in the desired span then the last number of the span from this listbox. I need to append that full span (meaning first, last and all in between) of file names into a text box, all in one row. How would I do that?
1.In my program I have 2 textboxes.In first textbox user need to put some number.Let's say he put number 10, then in other textbox program need to write numbers from 1 - 10, like this:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 If he put 20 in first textbox, in second textbox it should be:
I'm trying to take items from a list box, add them to an array and then output the array items to a text file using Visual Basic 2008 express.The number of items in the list is unknown so I can't set the array size to start.[code]I'm sure this is easier than I'm thinking but after searching google, finding multiple different "methods" and having none of them work for me,
I've been trying to figure out how to do this correctly for some time now, and I have seen no insight. I'm trying to successfully save all of the items in a listbox without saving items that are not there. What I mean by saving items that are not there is when it saves, it seems that blanks magically appear in the text file.Here is a sample of my current code to save.
I'm not completely sure if it's the loading or the saving that's causing problems, but what would happen is it would add a blank item to the listbox that I do not want.Here's a picture before the listbox is saved, look to the bottom left.Now here is what it looks like after: (notice the red oval)Does any one have any idea what could be wrong?If you want me to attach the text file, just ask.
I have text file to read. If i find a line "T001" then i must add specific text beside that line. With my code now it write the specific text at the end of the file not beside the line "T001" This is my code so far
Dim filename As String = strFileName Dim tfLines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filename) Dim objwriter As StreamWriter objwriter = File.AppendText(filename)
This question is a little more in depth than the typical append and save. I'm needing to append multiple controls text to 1 file. Basically what I have is:User inputs name in TextBox1 User inputs Service Type from selected list in ComboBox1 User checks of any or all CheckedListBox fields that apply. Now, all together, there are actually between 4 to 6 different checkedlistboxes.What I am wanting to do is when the user clicks the Submit button (Button1), at the bottom, it will write a text file of TextBox1.Text,omboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString, and all the checkedlistbox items.Now there is a small thing I may have to start another question on. For every checked item in a checked list box, I would like to writ
my app will be parsing an array of data and generating text strings (of around 80 chars each), which I then want to append to a text file. What is the best (fastest) way to do the file appends? file size will be up to 40K lines.
I have a program, which writes data to a text file in the following format.
test1 - test1 - test1 - test1
After writing the first line, the text fields are cleared to make space for another round of user input. Simply said, this is how it should look[code]....
I am trying to append a new line to a text file. Sometimes it posts to a new line (like I want it to) and sometimes it appends to the current line, consequently screwing up my read. I even put VbNewLine in the code.
Here is the snippet: Dim outputline2 As String outputline2 = equip & "," & value Dim myfile2 = File.AppendText("equiped.txt") myfile2.WriteLine(outputline2, vbNewLine) myfile2.Close() [URL]
Below is the code which I am using to append data to a text file. Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:cebsample.txt" Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(FILE_NAME, True) Dim record As String Dim amount As Integer Dim amt As Decimal [Code] .... Now I would like to save that updated file with another name.
I am using VB.NET (version 2008). I have two types of items populating in a listbox (checked listbox). For example: lets say one is type "A" and other is "Type B". Their names maybe same so if the user sees those items in listbox then he won;t be able to determine their type until he click on them and checks out its properties. I wanted that I add each item to listbox and colour them so that blue for example means type "A" is there and red means the other. So this way I will be able to know at a glance that how many item of what type is present. I guess it may not be possible to do that in a standard checkedlistbox. I am also using component factory's krypton controls which enhance the gui of an application. But I dunno if I can progress using that.
With the following code I can import comma delimited data from a text file into Excel.The problem is that I cannot seem to figure out how to append the data from the text file to an existing Excel file. (adding to a new row each time.)
With objExcel .Visible = True .Workbooks.OpenText(Filename:="c:scripts1New Text Document.txt", StartRow:=1, Tab:=True,
With the following code I can import comma delimited data from a text file into Excel.The problem is that I cannot seem to figure out how to append the data from the text file to an existing Excel file. (adding to a new row each time.)
With objExcel .Visible = True .Workbooks.OpenText(Filename:="c:scripts1New Text Document.txt", StartRow:=1, Tab:=True,
I'm using this script to add text to a variety of .txt's on the fly: Const ForAppending = 8
So I'm sending text with the program launchy this .vbs (addln.vbs) - ("$$" c:ideas.txt) is what the argument is if I want to send to ideas.txt for example All I want to do is make it so I get the date and time right before whatever text I send to this text file. I don't think this would be too complicated.
I have files in a folder which i need to append and produce a single textfile.
1)I first select the folder using FolderBrowserDialog and write the path in the textbox. 2)By the click of a button I want to append all the files contained in that folder and write it in the same folder with the name of the textfile as new.txt
[code]This code open the FolderBrowserDialog and selects the folder and writes the path in the TextBox1..I need help to proceed with appending the text files within that folder
I want to read the text file and check whether its contain the specific string or not at the end of the text file. If it doesn't contain the specific string, I want to append the text file to write the specific string.. Can I use this code? But its not working..What is the problem actually?
Dim line As String = "" Dim fileName As String = "C:\Drill Blind.txt" Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(fileName)
I have text file to read. If i find a line "T001" then i must add specific text beside that line. With my code now it write the specific text at the end of the file not beside the line "T001" This is my code so far Dim filename As String = strFileName
What is the code to open a text file and append data to it, in visual basic express edition?Normally one would write:open "data.txt" for append as #1 but visual basic express does not accept it.
I need to add items to a listbox. The listbox should have a text value that is shown to the user and a value behind that text that will be used by the code when they select an item.I can add the text for the listbox item with
I have this code to check if an item from a textbox is in a listbox and its giving me the error at the bottom.I copied it from another part of my project and it was working for that part so I cant see whats wrong.
If LocationsSearchTextBox.Text <> "" And LocationListBox.Items.Count > 0 Then tempInt = 0 While (tempInt < ClientListBox.Items.Count)[code]......