VS 2005 Way To Accomplish Task?

Jan 22, 2011

In some of my TextBoxes and editable ComboBoxes, I want to make sure that the end-user can only type characters and whitespace but not to allow whitespace without characters existing too.

I have started to write a public sub and would like to know the best way of accomplishing this scenario check. This is what I have so far. Your ideas are welcome.


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VS 2005 MS Task Scheduler?

Aug 3, 2010

I would like to know if its possible to check on the result 0x0 if scheduler run ok or 0x1 if it did not, but within .net, I found a post here but no resolutions so I am asking again just in case I get lucky.

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Accomplish An Aero Wizard

Jun 9, 2012

I am trying to accomplish an Aero Wizard in VB.Net, shown here: Features in need include: Extended glass frameGlowing textRemoving original caption bar title and iconBack button

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Framework 3.5 And 2.0 Difficulties - How To Accomplish

Nov 5, 2010

I have made an application which involves the .NET Chart control by Microsoft. My difficulty here is that I'm targeting my applications for lower specs computers, i.e. with fresh installed Windows XP and with .NET Framework 2.0 installed on them. Whereas the Chart control requires .NET 3.5 to be installed on the system.

I was thinking, is it possible that I make my app that runs on the system which has .NET 2.0 on it, and in the part where my app shows the Chart, it simply shows a message that "please install .NET 3.5 in order to view the trend charts". And when the user installs the .NET 3.5, my app detects it and enables the chart control.

Problem is that if I want my app to run on 2.0 framework, I have to set the target framework in compile options to 2.0. But that way I cannot put the Chart control on my WinForm because it requires at least 3.5 framework to be set in the compile options.If I set the 3.5 as target framework, then obviously it wont run on 2.0 system.

Can some kind of conditional coding be done that only runs if the system is equipped with 3.5 framework. I dont want to create two separate applications for 3.5 with chart, and 2.0 without chart.

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Accomplish MMS Audio Streaming With Program?

Aug 10, 2009

Is there any way with vb.net of accomplishing MMS audio streaming?

Also, i read somewhere else within SO, that MMS streaming is no more supported by Microsoft. Is that true?

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Asp.net - Accomplish With Entity Framework Without Using Two Contexts?

Apr 6, 2011

I have the following code:

Private Sub btnReserve_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReserve.Click
Using dbContext As pbu_housingEntities = New pbu_housingEntities


executes it always get 0, because the row has not yet been created in the database. I can just move this last bit of code out into its own Context, but is there a better way to do this?

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Accomplish Is For The User To Select A Menu Item(New Tester) From The MainForm?

Oct 9, 2010

What I'm trying to accomplish is for the user to select a menu item(New Tester) from the MainForm(only used for menu)to open the NewTesterForm and enter a rating from 1 to 10( 10 being the best) for two different drinks. When the user clicks the ok button on the NewTesterForm it adds the new rating to the totals. It keeps adding the rating totals until a user clicks the cancel button which returns to the MainForm. When the user clicks on the MainForm menu item Summary, The SummaryForm opens and displays:

-average rating for each drink which drink had a higher rating(the name of the drink)the total number of testers


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VS 2005 Keystroke Watch - Create A Program That Runs In The Task Bar Next To The Time

Apr 10, 2009

what I would like to do is create a program that runs in the task bar next to the time. What I want this to do is listen for the key stroke combo of CTRL-ALT-T no matter what program they are in. When they hit this key stroke I want the program to do is hide the task bar on the bottom of the screen. you know how you can change the hight to two rows one row and so on but you can also drag it down so it has no rows and can't see it. Then when they hit CTRL-ALT-T it will then display the task bar with what ever the hight wa set to. Just don't know what direction to go to do this.

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VS 2005 Work On A Treeview To Preform A Task On The Event That A Node It Clicked?

Mar 29, 2009

How can I work on a treeview to preform a task on the event that a node it clicked?

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Is It Guaranteed That Task A Started Before TaskB Will Be Completed Before Task B

Nov 24, 2010

is it guaranted that a task A started before TaskB will be completed before task B assuming the task do the same level of operatons?or in other words is there a chance that a task B will finish before tast A in the assumption that the task calls the same procedure?

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Accomplish Is When The User Presses A Button, "moneyamount" Increases By A Random Number Generated?

Jul 4, 2009

the goal i want to accomplish is when the user presses a button, "moneyamount" increases by a random number generated. the problem i am having is that after the action is finished the script does not seem to save the new value and always starts at zero. here is the script:

Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dojob1button.Click

Dim moneyamount As Integer = moneyamount + Int(Rnd() * 10)
moneylabel.Text = "$" & moneyamount
End Sub

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.net - Dispose Of A Task?

May 13, 2011

I am having fun working with System.Threading.Tasks. Many of the code samples I see, however, look something like so:

Dim lcTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() DoSomeWork())
Dim lcTaskLong = Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() DoSomeWork(), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning)
Task.WaitAll(lcTask, lcTaskLong)

That's the extent of the sample.Tasks implement IDisposable, so obviously I'm supposed to dispose of them, but what if I just want to "Fire and Forget"?If I don't dispose, will I leak threads/handles/memory/karma?Am I using tasks "wrong"? (Should just use a delegate and leave tasks alone?)

Can I dispose in a "ContinueWith()"? (That seems like playing Russian Roulette.)[URL]..

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.Net Application Does Not Comes In The Task Bar - But Can Be Seen While Doing Alt+Tab

May 26, 2011

My application displays a Splash Screen. In the Main form load event , we show another form in which user has to be select something. On the basis of that selection , the main form is loaded.

The scenario in which the main form is not shown in the task bar is :

1. Application runs , Splash screen is displayed.

2. a new window is shown to user to select something. this window comes over the splash screen.

3. Clicks ok on that window.The window is closed . Only splash screen is showing.

4.Now click on the space outside the Splash screen , the splash screen goes in backgound.

5. The main form is loaded. It comes for a moment in task bar but does not stay there. when i do alt+tab , it is there .

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C# - Run The Same Task Simultaneously?

Apr 20, 2009

I have a MDI WinForms application that can perform several tasks. Each task is running as a backgroundWorker.What is the good approach to control the running threads:check whether the specific thread is running stop specific thread ?For example it shouldn't be possible to run the same task simultaneously.May be I need a separate class where I can store isTaskRunning variable?

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How To Add A Scheduled Task

Aug 3, 2009

How can you do this? I want to have my program run every once in a while but I don't want to make it a service.

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How To Set A Task In My Program

Apr 29, 2010

I was wondering how to set a task in my program, For example if the user selects to take a screenshot on a chosen date and time the program would take that screenshot at the specified date and time. I have a DateTimePicker for my users to select a specific date and time to run the task. Since the date and time includes the date i don't think i can use a timer. And FX Cop said that timer intervals shouldn't be longer then a minute.

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Run A Task Scheduled?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a program and for now I am using timer for schedule a task but does not work as I want. I want for example run a task with a MonthCalendar.

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Run Task In Program?

Jul 6, 2011

I am writing a small app in VB and I would like to know how I would set it up so that when a user pressed a button, a sechduled task is ran. Keep in mind that this task is already created, I just need it to run.

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.net - Creating A Scheduled Task?

Aug 24, 2011

I came across this code which should be able to compare my PC time with the time stored in theTime; however, I can't get it to work.

dim theTime as datetime
theTime = CDate(txtTime.Text)
if theTime.hour = now.hour and theTime.minute = now.minute then


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Add One Task Menu To Control?

Oct 21, 2009

i'm building a custom control to draw graphics. In my control i have a picturebox and one propertygrid, what i need it's to hide all the public property's of the picture box (browsable(false)), but i don't see how to do it...

Other question, it's possible to add one task menu to my control? Kind of the the task menu of the datagridview where we can set the datasource...

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API For Scheduled Task To RUN Manually?

Mar 1, 2011

TaskScheduler on Windows xp, does anyone know a API used to select a certain task to Run? or do I have to go through that darn COM ITASK interface, I think that might have a method?

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Application ICON Not In Task Bar?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a vb application. I assigned an icon to the app. It shows up with the file and when i create a short cut. However when it is running the default box icon appears in the task bar.

My class Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

What do I need to do to make the icon appear in the task bar?

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ASP.NET Impersonation Or Scheduled Task?

May 25, 2012

I have to sync information between a users table in SQL and a user group in active directory. For example, if a user is entered into SQL table A then they need to be entered into group A and if a user is removed from SQL table A, then remove them from group A.The application is written in ASP.NET (VB)

I see two solutions:

1) A scheduled task that runs every night syncing the two (written in VB.NET).

2) Use inpersonation so that Active Directory can be updated by the ASP.NET application. The Web.Config file will have to be encrypted in this solution.

I have read articles online that say it is bad practice to update AD in ASP.NET. This would suggest that option 1 is the better solution. Which is the better solution?

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Asp.net Run Long Task Separately?

Dec 29, 2011

I am developing a web application in asp.net vb. My current situation is,I have a main site say [URL] and another site for generating reports depending on certain user ids say [URL].If I click a button on [URL] I have to switch on the generate report page on [URL] and return to[URL]. [URL] should generate report and set a flag in database of [URL].Currently I am redirecting to the page in xyz.com and add the long running task to queue as follows and redirect back to [URL].

If ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(New WaitCallback(AddressOf LongTimeTask), New Object) Then
End If

But the problem is its not dependable. Means some times the queue is executing correctly but some times not. There are no errors in long time task. Just the queue is not executing.

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Create Scheduled Task In .NET?

Oct 12, 2010

Is it possible to create scheduled task with VB.NET. That is I'm trying to launch/trigger my application at specific time.

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Creating A Task Manager

Jun 7, 2012

I am currently creating a task manager. But there is a problem : After killing the processes, it still remains in my list box (list of processes).I don't want to use a timer to clear the list and add the list of processes again because this will cause the list to blink.[code]

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Difference Between Task And Backgroundworker

Nov 15, 2010

what is the difference between a task and a backgroundworker? when it is better to use one and when the other?

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Form Location Above Task Bar?

Apr 21, 2012

Is there a way I can place my form above the task bar?

Something like this: But, people have different sized task bars..

Is there something like: my.computer.screen.taskbar ?

My current code is: Me.Top = My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Height - 116

Me.Left = My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Width - 365

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Get Task Manager For Network PC's

Oct 19, 2011

Need to know what processes are runnuning n other Pc in my Network.

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Get User Name From Task Manager?

Oct 27, 2011

how to get application User Name from task manager (in Processes Tab) ?

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