ASP.NET Impersonation Or Scheduled Task?

May 25, 2012

I have to sync information between a users table in SQL and a user group in active directory. For example, if a user is entered into SQL table A then they need to be entered into group A and if a user is removed from SQL table A, then remove them from group A.The application is written in ASP.NET (VB)

I see two solutions:

1) A scheduled task that runs every night syncing the two (written in VB.NET).

2) Use inpersonation so that Active Directory can be updated by the ASP.NET application. The Web.Config file will have to be encrypted in this solution.

I have read articles online that say it is bad practice to update AD in ASP.NET. This would suggest that option 1 is the better solution. Which is the better solution?

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How To Add A Scheduled Task

Aug 3, 2009

How can you do this? I want to have my program run every once in a while but I don't want to make it a service.

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Run A Task Scheduled?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a program and for now I am using timer for schedule a task but does not work as I want. I want for example run a task with a MonthCalendar.

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.net - Creating A Scheduled Task?

Aug 24, 2011

I came across this code which should be able to compare my PC time with the time stored in theTime; however, I can't get it to work.

dim theTime as datetime
theTime = CDate(txtTime.Text)
if theTime.hour = now.hour and theTime.minute = now.minute then


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API For Scheduled Task To RUN Manually?

Mar 1, 2011

TaskScheduler on Windows xp, does anyone know a API used to select a certain task to Run? or do I have to go through that darn COM ITASK interface, I think that might have a method?

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Create Scheduled Task In .NET?

Oct 12, 2010

Is it possible to create scheduled task with VB.NET. That is I'm trying to launch/trigger my application at specific time.

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Set Up A Scheduled Task Programmatically?

Mar 24, 2011

My application needs to set up a scheduled task on installation. The task is to run my program on several triggers (related to logon events). I am wondering what is the easiest way to do this? Should I use a batch file?

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Setting Up A Scheduled Task In .Net?

Feb 20, 2010

I've read a few posts here on StackOverflow about task scheduling, but I'm not sure that I get it right. I'm coding (in VB.Net) a backup application, that I'd like to add as a scheduled task (in fact, I'd just like to let the user decide to run it every day at, for example, 3 AM)I've read posts suggesting to use a windows service for this, but it sounds a bit to much for something as simple as periodically running a task, isn't it?

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.net - Run Scheduled Task With Highest Privileges?

Aug 20, 2010

Im am currently coding an application for auto updating ccleaner. Everything worked well until I enabled UAC.. I am using this project: [URL] to schedule the updating process, but when uac is enabled I get every time a message if I would let ccleaner installer make changes to my computer. The auto updating process must be done silently without bugging the user with prompts of uac.

When i manually check the "run with highest priviliges" box in task scheduler it does run without a prompt. But I can't seem to do this programmatically. Or I havent found it yet.

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.net - Security When Creating A Scheduled Task?

Feb 21, 2010

To create a scheduled class, I call the schtasks command from my code, passing it the necessary arguments.Yet, I can't really figure out how to create a task without the user having to input his password.

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Automate Creation Of Scheduled Task?

Mar 9, 2009

Is it possible for the installer or the first running of an application to create a scheduled task entry? Barring that, what is the least resource wasteful way to have a program run in the background watching the system time to run at a preset time?

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Create A Scheduled Task From Code?

Apr 19, 2011

how to do this off hand? I saw a few things for Microsoft.Win32 having some classes but I can't find the reference for it in 2010, which makes me think it is depreciated.

Edit: Can't find Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler or Microsoft.Win32.Win32_ScheduledJob which are the 2 I see suggested to use.

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Excel Task Not Close After Scheduled?

Jun 22, 2012

i got application when i debug in task menager the EXCEL.EXE is closing correctly after all operations. When i scheduled it the excel.exe is running. What can be a reason of that?Sample of code :

Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Module Main
Public objApp = New Excel.Application


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ClickOnce Application Not Running As A Scheduled Task

Jul 27, 2009

I am currently attempting to support a ClickOnce application that i did not write. This application is running from a scheduled task. The scheduled task points to a .application file. This had been running happily untill today when it stopped. The only thing that has changed is that the application has been executed manually by a developer by double clicking on the .application file. Since then each time the scheduled task is scheduled to run the application doesn't appear to execute. The task reports no error and the error code (0x0) given indicates it ran and completed ok.

I am not familiar with ClickOnce and am not sure when implication clicking the .application file would have had or why it has stopped running as a scheduled task. It appears to me that everything else has remained the same (i have checked it is running under the correct account etc).

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Enable/disable A Scheduled Task Programmatically?

Mar 3, 2011

I am developing in VB .net Visual Studio 2010. Would like to enable/disable a scheduled task programmatically.

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Programmatically Create Scheduled Task For Windows XP?

Sep 12, 2008

Has anyone here ever programmatically created a scheduled task in either VB or C# for Windows XP?

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Scheduled Task - Overflow Exception Manager

Jul 25, 2011

I have created a console application to run through the db (about 22K )records and update some values nightly. I've added an email to myself on any errors. When running the task I get about 500 emails saying:
"Overflow" (which is what's returned by : exception.Message)
What does it mean? Is it running through the db too fast?

Here is my code:
For Each dataRow As DataRow In dt.Rows
curries = 0
baseDate = Nothing
sourceID = 0
[Code] ......

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Scheduled Task And EXE Not Working Properly As Desired

May 18, 2012

I created an exe app in and I want it to run every 3AM so I used the scheduled task feature of Windows 7. The app has an initial form that will countdown from ten before proceed to the main process. My problem is that the form doesn't poped up. But when I look at the task manager, my app is running. I don't know what's wrong with it because when I tested the app to run at times when I am viewing it, the initial form pops up. I already set everything like to Run whether user is logged on or not. So I really don't know what wrong with my app.

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Scheduled Task Will Not Run Returns E0434f4d As Last Result?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a simple application. When I go to bindebugprogram.exe and double click the program runs perfect. The same program will not execute using task scheduler. When I create a scheduled task and click 'run' it just pops up a console window for a second, closes. Additionally, this same program used to run with task scheduler. One day, it just stopped working.

ps: I have this program code managed in svn so I can safely say that the code has not changed.

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Deployment :: Add The Creation Of A Scheduled Task To The Setup Project?

Feb 8, 2009

how to add the creation of a scheduled task to the setup project of a solution so that it will install the main executable and also schedule it to run in windowsscheduled tasks. The project is in 2005?

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Program Has No Interface When Scheduled As A Task With Network Administrator Username / Password

Sep 1, 2009

I've been having huge problems having a VB.NET Windows Forms program run as a scheduled task under XP SP3. The program runs when I set the task up to use my non-admin network username and password, I can see the interface fine (albeit without the desired results - the program requires access to remote shares). When I set the task up with the network administrator account credentials, the task is "Running" but I do not see any interface. It doesn't error - it just kind of sits there happily in the background.


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VB5 Scheduled Task - Obtain A Screen Picture For A Post Review Of The Running Window

Dec 31, 2009

I'am trying to write a program in order to obtain a screen picture for a post review of the running window that should be periodically executed with the tasks manager.


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Best Way To GAC Dll On Remote Computer With Impersonation?

Jan 27, 2009

What is the best way to GAC dll on remote computer with Impersonation to an admin account?

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Delete File By Impersonation In .net?

Dec 1, 2011

delete file by impersonation in .net

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Hide Passwords For Impersonation?

May 26, 2012

The following webpage talks about using impersonation in code (ASP.NET)[url]... I am thinking about creating a class for the code, then the application can call impersonateValidUser and undoimpersonation.

I am concerned about putting usernames and passwords in my code as surely anyone will be able to see them using a tool like ILDASM. What is the best way to hide these passwords?

The article has a section titled: Impersonate the IIS Authenticated Account or User. I thought about creating an impersonated user in the Web.Config, but this would mean that the entire application is run as the inpersonated user. I only want a very small part of the application to run as the impersonated user - when it is necesary to access and update active directory.

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Impersonation Not Working On Windows 7?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 and I've written a very handy little app that takes care of serveraladmistrative tasks when our company gets a new project. I won't get into all the features but one of the tasks that it performs is setting up a new projectolder structureon our file server with a predefined set of subfolders and it also sets userpermisions on the subfolders.nder Windows XP it worked great and saved me tons of time. It made me giggle everytime I used it in the past becuase it would save me so much time doing these simple but time consuming tasks.

Now my computer is a Windows 7 Pro machine and the only way I can get the exe to run is to right-click the .exe and choose RUNAS administrator. I'm already a domain administrator so why I would need to do this is silly and annoying. In my code I already included a RunAs_Impersonator class so that anyone could use the app which worked great until windows 7.The RunAs_Impersonator class that I use can be found hereI recently needed to make some additions to the program'sbut when I try to debug itwhen it gets to the portion of trying to create the folders on the server,the program breaks and makes claims that I don't have the rights to do so.

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Is It Guaranteed That Task A Started Before TaskB Will Be Completed Before Task B

Nov 24, 2010

is it guaranted that a task A started before TaskB will be completed before task B assuming the task do the same level of operatons?or in other words is there a chance that a task B will finish before tast A in the assumption that the task calls the same procedure?

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.net 2008 Express User Impersonation API?

May 31, 2010

If someone has any knowledge on how the following works, please advise as to why I can sucessfully Load a user token, Set token privileges to load the profile, impersonate the logged on user, create the environment block, obtain the roaming profile path, and load the profile perfectly fine as long as the application calling the functions is running as an admin. The application runs as a service on the local machine. As soon as I try to run the exact same code under the SYSTEM account, LoadUserProfile returns error 5. What must I have to change in order to allow the SYSTEM account on the local machine to perform the same tasks?

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Impersonation Doesn't Work Correctly?

Aug 30, 2011

I am trying to use impersonation when running an exe on a server. It appears to log in correctly but windows still doesn't recognize the Username.

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Impersonation Slows Down Form Controls

Jul 15, 2010

I have a strange issue when using WindowsImpersonationContext.

Whenever I use Impersonation in a Windows Forms and the Main Form loses focus, all of the controls freeze up and their events are either not triggered or take too long to trigger. This only happens when I use LogonUserA with a user that is not the current[code]....

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