Delete File By Impersonation In .net?

Dec 1, 2011

delete file by impersonation in .net

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Impersonation - File.Copy / File.Move With Different Credentials

Apr 2, 2009

Ideally I'd like to be able to copy/move between an accessible folder on my local drive and a network share that I don't have permission to access (but the application would). I am using impersonation to give me access to the files in the network share but using System.IO File.Move or File.Copy forces me to use the same credentials for each location. Is there a way around this?

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How To FileInfo Before, Delete Or SHIFT + DELETE, Process Final Delete Of File

Feb 13, 2011

How can be find out which file is going to delete when, user provides command like DELETE or SHIFT + DELETE or by programmatically gives DELETE command. Well I know about FileSystemWatcher Class, but this class doesn't provide information before delete...

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ASP.NET Impersonation Or Scheduled Task?

May 25, 2012

I have to sync information between a users table in SQL and a user group in active directory. For example, if a user is entered into SQL table A then they need to be entered into group A and if a user is removed from SQL table A, then remove them from group A.The application is written in ASP.NET (VB)

I see two solutions:

1) A scheduled task that runs every night syncing the two (written in VB.NET).

2) Use inpersonation so that Active Directory can be updated by the ASP.NET application. The Web.Config file will have to be encrypted in this solution.

I have read articles online that say it is bad practice to update AD in ASP.NET. This would suggest that option 1 is the better solution. Which is the better solution?

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Best Way To GAC Dll On Remote Computer With Impersonation?

Jan 27, 2009

What is the best way to GAC dll on remote computer with Impersonation to an admin account?

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Hide Passwords For Impersonation?

May 26, 2012

The following webpage talks about using impersonation in code (ASP.NET)[url]... I am thinking about creating a class for the code, then the application can call impersonateValidUser and undoimpersonation.

I am concerned about putting usernames and passwords in my code as surely anyone will be able to see them using a tool like ILDASM. What is the best way to hide these passwords?

The article has a section titled: Impersonate the IIS Authenticated Account or User. I thought about creating an impersonated user in the Web.Config, but this would mean that the entire application is run as the inpersonated user. I only want a very small part of the application to run as the impersonated user - when it is necesary to access and update active directory.

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Impersonation Not Working On Windows 7?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 and I've written a very handy little app that takes care of serveraladmistrative tasks when our company gets a new project. I won't get into all the features but one of the tasks that it performs is setting up a new projectolder structureon our file server with a predefined set of subfolders and it also sets userpermisions on the subfolders.nder Windows XP it worked great and saved me tons of time. It made me giggle everytime I used it in the past becuase it would save me so much time doing these simple but time consuming tasks.

Now my computer is a Windows 7 Pro machine and the only way I can get the exe to run is to right-click the .exe and choose RUNAS administrator. I'm already a domain administrator so why I would need to do this is silly and annoying. In my code I already included a RunAs_Impersonator class so that anyone could use the app which worked great until windows 7.The RunAs_Impersonator class that I use can be found hereI recently needed to make some additions to the program'sbut when I try to debug itwhen it gets to the portion of trying to create the folders on the server,the program breaks and makes claims that I don't have the rights to do so.

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.net 2008 Express User Impersonation API?

May 31, 2010

If someone has any knowledge on how the following works, please advise as to why I can sucessfully Load a user token, Set token privileges to load the profile, impersonate the logged on user, create the environment block, obtain the roaming profile path, and load the profile perfectly fine as long as the application calling the functions is running as an admin. The application runs as a service on the local machine. As soon as I try to run the exact same code under the SYSTEM account, LoadUserProfile returns error 5. What must I have to change in order to allow the SYSTEM account on the local machine to perform the same tasks?

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Impersonation Doesn't Work Correctly?

Aug 30, 2011

I am trying to use impersonation when running an exe on a server. It appears to log in correctly but windows still doesn't recognize the Username.

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Impersonation Slows Down Form Controls

Jul 15, 2010

I have a strange issue when using WindowsImpersonationContext.

Whenever I use Impersonation in a Windows Forms and the Main Form loses focus, all of the controls freeze up and their events are either not triggered or take too long to trigger. This only happens when I use LogonUserA with a user that is not the current[code]....

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Windows Impersonation And MS Access Database?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a VB.Net windows application which needs to modify a MS Access database availabe in server. The login user does not have permission to the folder where the database is available. So I am using windows impersonation with another user's credentials to access to that folder.This works fine and I am able to create a new text file in that folder. But when I try to access the database try to get a dataset from the database, it gives "unspecified error". When I check in the internet some people say that there could be problem with temporary files that OleDB tries to create.

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C# - Impersonation In .NET In Windows 7 (Requested Registry Access Is Not Allowed)

Sep 27, 2011

So I am using a user to run the following code that is a member of the "User" group on a Windows 7, x64 machine. I am trying to use impersonation (by logging in as a user that is part of the Administrator group) to allow the current user to read from the registry. For some reason the login happens successfully but even though WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() is returning the user that is part of the Administrator group I am still getting an error message saying "Requested registry access is not allowed". What am I doing wrong? This is the main code:


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VS 2005 Impersonation With Account Local On A Remote Server

Mar 19, 2009

I need to impersonate with an account that is local on the remote server not the server where the application is running.

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VS 2010 : Creating Folders With Alternate Credentials (impersonation)?

Sep 13, 2011

I am developing a small tool to allow our Windows admins to do stuff like create/delete users, mailboxes and other useful stuff.The current version has to be launched with RunAs as it requires domain admin privileges to do a lot of the stuff. Now, to overcome this I'm trying to incorporate a dialog box that prompts for credentials when the application starts and then uses said credentials throughout the application. I have it working for the AD interaction but one of the tasks the tool needs to do is create folders on a remote server and share them.Is there any way to create folders using alternate credentials? Maybe, once I have the credentials, quit the application and re-launch it with the specified credentials?

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Properly Delete A File Using File.Delete()?

Mar 9, 2008

How To Properly Delete A File Using File.Delete()

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Create A File Removal Which Revieve Directory Files To Delete From Text File

Feb 8, 2012

I want to create a file removal which revieve directory files to delete from a text file..[code]

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Windows Xp - Get Full Permissions To Modify Boot.ini File And A Registry Value And To Delete A File

Jun 13, 2010

i am working on an application called logonscreenchangerxp i made my program and when i run it on xp virtualmachine i get errors the program is made using vb 2008 and using .net framework 2.0 i am not able to get full permissions to modify boot.ini file and a regisrty value and to delete a file

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Delete The Transaction From Listview And Text File(temporary Log File) Using Button

Jun 6, 2011

Below is my code for DELETE button. What i want is if the user select the transaction from the listview and press the DELETE button it must be able to delete the transaction from listview and text file(temporary log file) which i keep all the transaction record. At the same time the list view must able show the total current balance from the deleted trnsaction.


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File Info - Pass Delete And Copy File Method On A Button?

Jul 22, 2011

i am very new to VB. I am working on file operation such as show files, copy file, delete file, show current directory, rename folder, make folder. My problem right now is with delete and copy file. I have a method of delete and copy but i dont know how to pass this method on a button.


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File I/O And Registry :: Code A Delete Button For A Browsing Program Based On Data From A Txt File?

Dec 3, 2010

I am trying to code a delete button for a browsing program based on data from a txt file. I have coded the buttons to sort(ascending and descending), append to the text file, search the text file, but I can not seem to get the delete function working. I am using VB 2010, this is what I have so far:

Dim deleline As String
Dim line As String
Dim isFound As Boolean = False
sr4 = IO.File.OpenText("Students.txt")


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DGV Bound Data Save To File, Load From File, Delete Row?

Apr 1, 2009

[VB 2008 express edition] i am doing a application data grid view bound data from MS access (.mdb) as my dataset. the dataset have 5 tables, each table consist of ID, Items, Rates, And Amount, i face some problem here:

a) cannot delete row from the table, (using binding navigator but error)
b) how can make a opendialog to load the .mdb file dataset table in to the datagridview?
c) how do i save table in the datagridview into the MS Access file ?

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File Rename - A Message Saying OldPathName Is Being Used By Another Process, When It Tries To Delete The Old File?

Dec 12, 2006

I try to rename a file by

file.copy(oldPathName, newPathName)



File.copy works.But somehow, a message saying oldPathName is being used by another process, when it tries to delete the old file.

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Recovery File System - Return Any File Delete Or Replace

Apr 13, 2009

I have Project i need to recovery file System . And some information who Create that file , deleting , replace , Modifying . I need also return any file delete or replace .

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The Process Cannot Access The File During System.IO.File.Delete(filename)

Apr 7, 2007

I encountered the error:The process cannot access the file <full file path> because it is being used by another process.during System.IO.File.Delete(filename)I have opened the file using:pctPhoto.Image = Image.FromFile(filename)before I delete the file.

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Write The File Path In The Textbox And Delete Some File?

Dec 2, 2010

i know how to do it but is this even possible in vb. get a textbox and a button.write a file path to something you want to dlete in the text box then press the button and the button deletes the object the file path has specified.and you

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File I/O And Registry :: Delete Text From A .txt File?

Nov 22, 2008

I have a project where you type something then it looks through a text file for what you typed. I would then like to make a way to edit the text file once I find what I'm looking for. So, how do you delete text from a .txt file that you are searching through? Also, how do you re-write in that place you just deleted the text from?

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Unable To Delete File Get File In Use Error

Aug 31, 2011

What I want, is for my text file to be read into the array named "CFiles()". Then once this is complete to delete the file But I get the error, The process cannot access the file 'C:UsersAndrewDesktopNew.txt' because it is being used by another process. On 3rd to last line. My code is below:


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Unable To Delete File Get File In Use Error?

Aug 31, 2011

What I want, is for my text file to be read into the array named "CFiles()". Then once this is complete to delete the fileButI get the error, The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\Andrew\Desktop\New.txt' because it is being used by another process. On 3rd to last line.My code is below:

Public Class Form1
Dim File As String = "C:\Users\Andrew\Desktop\New.txt"
Dim CFiles() As String


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.NET Delete File That Is Currently 'In-Use'

Nov 16, 2009

I was wondering how I could delete a file that is currently in use. Well, basically the app that i'm making is an app that detects what files you download. if it detects a certain app, it trys to delete it so you can't click the 'Run' button with-in IE. But, when I try to delete it, I get the 'File is currently in-use' -exception. How could I do this? So if they download aim6.exe and my app doesn't allow it, it will delete it from the temp files so when they click run, all they get is an error like, 'Not a valid Win32 application' ...or something

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Add / Delete From XML File?

Dec 16, 2008

I have the following XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


but I need the code to Add to the XML (not editing as i ready have that) and also need how to delete it from the database.

This is my first time using as im used to using vb6.0.

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