VS 2008 2 Listboxes And Only One Delete

Jul 5, 2011

i have a problem, i have a


But when i want to delete something in the list, it deslect in the other list, so it don't remove there then i get like


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VS 2008 Saving 2 Listboxes?

Sep 2, 2011

so, now my code is: (part of it.)

For Each item1 In ListBox1.Items
Write.WriteLine(" " & item1.ToString)


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VS 2008 A Couple About Listboxes And Comboboxes?

Aug 20, 2009

1) Does this code make text the selected items text? If it doesnt then how would I do that?Dim text As String text = ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()

2)How would I make it so that if in combobox.items there is an item with the same text as the listbox selecteditem it is removed? This is what I have and it doesnt work.

If ComboBox3.Items.Item(text) Then
End If

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VS 2008 Opening A File In 2 Listboxes

Sep 3, 2011

So, i have a saved file like:

|Ice Tea
1,00 �
1,20 �

Now i would like everything with a "|" symbol for the sense to get in Listbox1 and everything with nothing in Listbox2.

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VS 2008 Remove Duplicates Of 2 Listboxes

Oct 22, 2010

the question states im looking to remove duplicates from a textbox in the sense that i have two textboxes like this


My goal here is to remove item 1 and 3 from the first listbox if it exists on the 2nd listbox, ive searched for 30 minutes to no avail, found a similar question on how to do it in vb but still didnt give me a idea on how to do it relating to vb.net also this is more then one instance,


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VS 2008 Drawing Connectors Between Items In 2 Listboxes?

Jun 20, 2009

i considering implement something similar to this

where I display links between two listboxes, the links must correctly display when the listboxes are:moved resized scrolled

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VS 2008 Scroll Multiple Listboxes Simultaneously?

Apr 16, 2009

I have three listboxes with vertical scroll bars. I'd like it so that when one is scrolled, so are the others. However, I can't seem to find a "scroll" event. I tried this:

Public Scrolling As Boolean
Private Sub ListBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.MouseDown
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then


It works when you click and drag on the listbox area where the items are, but not when you click on the scroll bar!

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How To FileInfo Before, Delete Or SHIFT + DELETE, Process Final Delete Of File

Feb 13, 2011

How can be find out which file is going to delete when, user provides command like DELETE or SHIFT + DELETE or by programmatically gives DELETE command. Well I know about FileSystemWatcher Class, but this class doesn't provide information before delete...

View 1 Replies

How To Use Listboxes O.0

Mar 19, 2012

I am creating a programme in which the user searches a file by typing into a textbox. if the search terms match anything in the file, it will be displayed in the list box. I understand this may be unclear so i will include an example:If the user enters "Oliver" into the textbox, the programme will search the file for any records that include "Oliver".The records are stored in structures:[code]The user will then click the desired record (several may appear)how would i get the integer and perform simple addition and subtractions on it?

View 10 Replies

.Net Listboxes Audio?

Nov 8, 2011

i keep getting this very wierd problem were i put in audio into my forms and (Design) but when i put in a 4'th song, it stops working and comes up with a error. I havn't limited my audio to how much songs i can play but for some reason it just stops playing them. This code below is the code i use for this form

Public Class Form1


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Comparing 2 Listboxes?

Nov 15, 2011

First my prog scan a specific path "C:music" which contain Mp3. Then it takes the MD5# of all mp3 and put it in a listbox1. Also on the formload it does open a ".txt" which also contain MD5# that goes into listbox2.Now this is what i am looking to have :When i click my button it compare each line of my listbox1 to listbox2. If , for exemple , the first line of listbox1 is already in the listbox2 then it delete the first line of listbox1 (listbox1.items.removeat(0)). And Do until listbox1.items.count = "0".

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For Each Statement With Listboxes?

Feb 17, 2009

i am generating a listbox from a txt file this list box has ip's in and what im trying to do is run a for each statement

for each item in listbox.items

this is what the query() is

Dim UdpClient As New UdpClient()
UdpClient.Connect("my ip in here", 2005)


this is the same code i used for my last app to populate a list box?

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Get 2 / More Listboxes To Play Together?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a program I'm trying to put together to allow my employees to submit shift reports. I'm doing this simply to make my life a little easier as this way, they will all be formatted the same. Instead of spending a large chunk of my afternoon thumbing through a bunch of differently formatted reports.

One feature that I need to figure out requires that one listbox can see what another is doing. Here, let me try to explain..

I have one list box that keeps track of EVERY action the employee does on a customers account. (cancel, upgrade, downgrade) and then a hidden listbox that JUST tracks "cancel" actions..one for "upgrade" actions and one for "downgrade" actions.

The reason behind that is that in the shift report, the all need to be listed separately. This way, I can just add each list to it's own array and list them where I need to.

The problem I've run into... If an employee handles an "upgrade" action at the beginning of the day..and then later on the upgrade is canceled, I can easily remove it from the main listbox that shows everything, however, I can't figure out how to find it in it's own listbox. The "Upgrade" box.

View 11 Replies

Getting 2 Listboxes To Work Together?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a program I'm trying to put together to allow my employees to submit shift reports. I'm doing this simply to make my life a little easier as this way, they will all be formatted the same. Instead of spending a large chunk of my afternoon thumbing through a bunch of differently formatted reports.

One feature that I need to figure out requires that one listbox can see what another is doing. Here, let me try to explain.I have one list box that keeps track of EVERY action the employee does on a customers account. (cancel, upgrade, downgrade) and then a hidden listbox that JUST tracks "cancel" actions..one for "upgrade" actions and one for "downgrade" actions.

The reason behind that is that in the shift report, the all need to be listed separately. This way, I can just add each list to it's own array and list them where I need to.The problem I've run into... If an employee handles an "upgrade" action at the beginning of the day..and then later on the upgrade is canceled, I can easily remove it from the main listbox that shows everything, however, I can't figure out how to find it in it's own listbox. The "Upgrade" box.

So unfortunately, on the shift report, it's still there even though it's gone in the program as far as the employee can see.The item in the main listbox doesn't have the same index as the item in each individual list boxes so I can't just tell it to remove the item at the same index..

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Way To Print Three Listboxes

Oct 5, 2009

Way to Print three listboxes

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Animating Images In ListBoxes?

Mar 13, 2010

So I have a ListBox that animates the images in it. Now I think this is impossible, but I need to let the user choose a custom animation speed. Here's the

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles animate.Click
Dim cananimate As Boolean = True


View 17 Replies

Can User Copy Out Of Listboxes

Sep 16, 2009

I've got my first ever program and it's working. Having tested it a bit it would be helpful for the user to be able to copy the results printed in a listbox into an email or text doc. Just somewhere where they can make a note of it really.Is there something I need to do to enable it? All the google results I found were referring more to doing this in code. I literally want to be able to support Ctrl+A, the Ctrl+C straight out of the program to wherever the user wants.

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Comparing Numbers In Listboxes?

Jun 5, 2011

I am starting to feel completely dumb when it comes to VB.Net coding. I am using Visual Studio 2010 and am trying to compare the numbers in 2 listboxes. If an item from list A matches an item from list B, I want it to add that item to List C. Once it has added the item to List C, remove those searched items from list A & B. Continue until it runs out of numbers to check.

If you are wondering what I am trying to do, I want to make a Common Factor list. I already have the Factoring list done, but got stuck here.

So far, my code looks like

Private Sub CommonFactors(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_Common.Click
Dim BoolAdd As Boolean, i As Double, j As Double


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Create A Form With 2 ListBoxes

Apr 6, 2012

I have this exercise which says the following: Create a form with 2 listBoxes. Add a number of items to one listBox. Create a button that when clicked removes the selected item in the first list and adds it to the second list... Also How can i create a Messagebox that will display error when nothing is selected

I wrote this code:


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Datarelation Between A Datagridview And Listboxes?

Dec 17, 2008

I have a datagridview (parent) and a (well, several) listboxes that I am trying to create a relation with.Datagrid has master records which contain ID fields to lookup tables. The lookup tables are populated into listboxes.I have 1 dataset which contains tables for my datagridview(s) and my listboxes.I need to create the relations so that when they click on a row in the grid, it shows the corrisponding item in the listboxes as well.Problem is, a lot of the ID's in the parent table are empty... so when I try to create the relation, it blows up.

Code: "This constraint cannot be enabled as not all values have corresponding parent values." I'm doing like like so

lo_relation = New DataRelation("RelationName",DataGridTableIDColumn, ListboxTableIDColumn)

I tried to reverse it, naming the ListboxTableColumn as the parent. That allows the relation to build, but I can't set the Listboxes .ValueMember to that...I'm kind of stumped... as it needs to be a two way relationship.

1) When the parent record (datagridview) changes, it changes the value in the listbox

2) When the Listbox changes, it changes the "value" in the parent datatable so it can be updated.

Would I resolve my issue if I populated the parent with a "default" ID in each field (say 0)... if the database value is null? And furthermore, populate each lookup table with a "blank" default value as well? i.e. First record is ID = 0, Desc = ''?

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Drag And Drop Between More Than 2 Listboxes

Jan 8, 2010

I've seen the code on this site to setup a drag-and-drop between 2 listboxes (and that works perfectly for me), but I have a need to be able to move items between up to 12 listboxes. For example, I move an item from listbox1 to listbox2; at some point in the future, I need to be able to move that same item from listbox2 to listbox3, then at another point in time from listbox3 back to listbox1, etc. When I make these moves, I need the item to be removed from its previous location. I've attempted to modify the 2-listbox code to include, on my test form, a third listbox, but that code copies to the third listbox, and when I attempt to move the item from the third listbox to the second, it, too, only copies and does not remove the item from listbox3.

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Drag Drop Between Listboxes?

May 20, 2009

I have almost completed coding moving entries between listboxes. My only hangup is: when I trigger the dragdrop event I get the target listbox x,y coordinates. I need a way to convert these coordinates to an entry number so that I can insert the source entry in the proper place. Any one have a solution?

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Get Average Of Items In Listboxes?

Jan 22, 2011

I want to create a program that will let the user input a number and it will go to listbox1. Then listbox2 and 3 will do some algorithms that i made. The only problem that i'm encountering is the average of listbox3.

I have 3 textbox, 1 button, 3 listboxes.the names of the objects is default except to textbox2 and textbox3, I change their name to AveTTTextbox and AveWTTextbox.I use AveTTTextbox to get the output of the average for listbox2 and AveWTTextbox to get the average output of listbox3.[code]....

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How To Kill Dupes From 2 Listboxes

Sep 30, 2009

I have 2 listboxesdoes anybody have a code to remove dupes from both listboxes if dupes exist?

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How To Select Item # On Listboxes

Jul 2, 2010

what I want to do is make it so when i select the first item in Listbox1 it will also select the first item in listbox2 and if i select the second one it selects the second one on listbox2 as well. Is there a way to do this? i honestly have no clue and i know my code is wrong cus i do not know how to select the item # on listboxes but this is what i have:[code]

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Move Items Between Listboxes?

Dec 6, 2010

i am working in vb 2008, and i am having problems switching data between listboxes. I want all the data thats in listbox 2 to appear in listbox 1.here is my code.

While ListBox1.SelectedIndices.Count > 0
ListBox2.Items.Add(ListBox1.Items( _


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Multiple Listboxes Not Working

Jan 30, 2012

I have four list boxes, side by side. I've got a huge list of files that the program scans through and if (file insides) = (this) then; else if and etc. I know that part is working. The problem is actually the list boxes themselves. The reason I know this is:

I have four listboxes side by side, only the first one shows data, but if I delete the first one from the form, only the second will show data, if I delete first and second, the third one displays data, and if I delete the first three, the last one shows data. The problem is they wont display data at the same time. I was talking with someone else and they said I needed to change the IDs and I should see that option somewhere near the "Name" section. I use Visual Studio 2010... I don't see any IDs option to change. on how I can change this ID or maybe something I have to do to get these listboxes working?

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Parsing This And Add The Names And IDs In Listboxes ?

Oct 6, 2010

How do I parse this and add the names and IDs in Listboxes ?

"data": [
"name": "Some Name1",[code].....

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Replacing Data Between Listboxes?

May 21, 2011

im trying to replace data from listbox1.selecteditem to listbox2.selecteditem i have a temp.txt text file that loads in to listbox1 (rlines) this is the methord i use to load each file in to a list box...

Dim file_name As String = tempdata()
Dim stream_reader As New IO.StreamReader(file_name)
Dim line As String


it dose what it says and replaces that line of text from the data loading in to listbox2 with the data i selected in listboz1(rlines) but what im looking for is to have the data load in to listbox2 and then have a button so i can select a line in listbox1 and in listbox 2 and it will replace the line from listbox1 in to listbox2 now i can add a line in to listbox2 from listbox1 with


but cant find a replace for it

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Transfer Data Between Listboxes?

May 22, 2010

i have a form with two list boxes and two buttons to transfer data between the list boxes.one button is the add and the other the remove. some code for these two buttons?

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