VS 2008 Code Makes All Disappear

Jan 21, 2010

I'm have coded some code so that when Ball1 hits objects extra1 or extra2 or extra3 or extra4 or extra5 then that extra what ever value was hit would disappear. But for some reason when ball1 hits one of them they all seem to go.[code]

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VS 2008 Confused - Code Makes All Disappear?

Feb 15, 2012

VS 2008 Confused - Code Makes All Disappear

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VS 2008 Concatenating New Field Makes Everthing Disappear?

Apr 25, 2010

The following works in reading from my SQL Server table:

Dim CMD As New SqlCommand
CMD.Connection = conn
CMD.CommandText = "SELECT tblPersons.id, "
CMD.CommandText = CMD.CommandText & "CASE "


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VS 2008 Get The Code That Makes The GUI?

Mar 30, 2010

I just tried fooling around with a "windows forms" project, and I would like to see the code that creates the form. How would I go about looking at that?I can only edit the code that would occur from GUI events.

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.net - Custom Code In Reporting Services 2008 Makes Cell Show #Error?

Dec 6, 2011

I have the following code in "Custom Code" in SSRS 2008. It works fine in VS2008 but it won't run on the server:

Public Shared Function Ns(ByVal num as Object, ByVal def as Object) as Object
if IsNothing(num) OrElse Not IsNumeric(num) OrElse System.Double.IsNaN(num) then
return def


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Editing Code - Cursor Is A Flashing Box And It Makes It Difficult To Change One Character

May 14, 2012

When editing my code in vb.net, my cursor is a flashing box and it makes it difficult to change one character. I would like to get the i-beam back instead of the flashing box when editing code. Can't seem to find a setting anywhere.

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Using 'magic Numbers' In Code Is Not Good Practice And Makes Maintenance Difficult

Feb 26, 2012

"First of all please TURN OPTION STRICT ON.I make no apology for the capitals - I consider it that important.When you do you will see that you are still using HorizontalAlignment instead of ContentAlignment.VB is converting from one to the other for you.Although that works fine here there are many cases when it will not be what you intended and can cause some very hard to find bugs.Under Tools | Options | Projects and Solutions | VB Defaults Set: Option Strict ON, Option Explicit ON, Option Infer OFF".I did do this but it showed no errors, so I placed 'Option Strict On' at the start of the code, it then showed HorizontalAlignment with the squiggly line. I did edit my code to show this but I think you must have read it before I did. All other suggestions I will note and from now try to implement.Using "magic numbers" in the code is not good practice and makes maintenance difficult.Declare all such numbers at the top and use the names in the code.Is this what you mean? Const SpinTime As Integer = 500

Now when ever I refer in code to SpinTime it will always be 500..Change the NumberOfBoxes to 10 and run the app.In mine, to change boxes to 10 I needed to alter the code in 5 places, in yours 1 place! Talk about proof of the pudding etc.Now to my question, in the program when the start button is clicked and the five random numbers are displayed I have to stop and restart the program to generate five more. So I thought I would create another button 'Reset' this I did and all worked but it seemed a waste so I then just kept the start button in place and changed the text to Reset eg [code] This is fine the one thing I can't figure is how to replace the five numbers that were removed so that it is picking 5 from 500 every time. Now I'm at the end of all this writing I have it! just comment out the line 'Numbers.Remove(Number).

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VB 2008 Express Forms Disappear

Jun 30, 2009

I just installed VB 2008 Express and started a project.When I saved it, closed it, and re-opened it, my form was GONE! When I try to click on Form1.vb, it's blank.The project still runs properly.

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IDE :: Vb 2008 Class Library Settings Disappear?

Mar 12, 2011

Solution has 3 Class Libraries and 1 Windows Form application projects. For no apparent reason, one of the Class Libraries keeps loosing its Settings. These are primarily configuration strings. When I try to add them back in the IDE, they disappear again without explanation.

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VB 2008 - Image Keeps Moving Out The Borders And Disappear

Apr 23, 2011

I have created a new project in visual basic and imported a photo in now i want to make the image move inside and I did that the problem is that the image keeps moving out the borders and disappear I want to make it stop how I should do that?


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VS 2008 Empty Values In Packets Disappear - TCP?

Jun 10, 2010

Empty values in byte array at the end of one packet are replaced by beginning values of the next packet sent in TCP connection. How may I avoid this?

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VS 2008 Enter Makes The Webbrowser Go

Apr 4, 2009

Another one of my noob questions. How would I assing the enter key to press a certian button? Like I press enter and it presse the go button on my webbrowser.

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VS 2008 - Program Which Makes Tables In MS WORD?

Apr 7, 2012

I am working on a program which makes tables in MS WORD. But there are many parameters that should be asked. Its so embarrassing to ask all of them with inputbox while codes are working. I made forms for each tables which will be created. While codes are working, when it is the time to create table, form appears and user inputs the datas and press OK button and table is build according to these datas in MS Word. Does anyone has an idea ?

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2008 - AxWindowsMediaPlayer In Usercontrol Makes VS Crash Instantly

Feb 15, 2010

I have a solution where I wanted to create a custom AxWindowsMediaplayer control. So I added a usercontrol. I added an axwindowsmediaplayer and then I added the control to my Form1. No problem so far. I use a Timer in the Usercontrol to make some sort of Fader. No problems there either. BUT I also added a few labels. In the Timer Tick I type the following lines:


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IDE :: Navigation Bar Does Not Disappear

Jun 6, 2010

I am using visual basic and when I try to hide Navigation bar, I am not able to, it is disabled. Ok I tried to turned it off going to "all languages", althought I unchecked the setting. It didn't disappear. I restarted visual studio, closed all open classes. It is just visual basic, when I try with c# I can hide and show it.

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Labels Do Not Disappear

Feb 14, 2011

I am storing labels in a collection array called mylabels.now I want to not only remove a label from the array but also from the picturebox it is drawn on.I am trying the following


but although the labels are removed from the array, even on picturebox refresh they donot disappear from picturebox.

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My Progress Bar Disappear

Aug 30, 2011

I have seen this problem before but I haven't seen an answer to the question that applied to my particular case. I have a BackgroundWorker running in my VB form, as well as a progress bar and some labels. I also (if it's important) have a WebBrowser on my form, but it isn't affected by the thread.

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IDE :: Asterisk Character Does Not Disappear From Tab

Jun 4, 2009

When I open "My Project" in VB WPF Project, then make changes and save, then character "*" doesn't disappear from tab.

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IDE :: Windows Disappear At Run Time

Sep 3, 2009

I use VB 2008 Professional. Initially, when I'm in debug mode all the windows are visible: The Solution explorer, Server explorer, Auto window, the tool box, etc. Suddenly, whenever I'm in debug mode only the code editor is visible. I have tried opening them from the View and Window Menu but they don't show up until I exit the debug mode.

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Make A Control Appear And Disappear?

Mar 27, 2010

I have 4 different panels, which I want to appear in the SAME spot on the form at different times. Currently, I've just got all four stacked on top of each other in the designer, and I'm toggling their visible properties to show each. This is becoming extremely difficult though, as now I have different buttons in each panel, and the panels keep getting accidentally put inside each other when I move them.

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Make A Screen Disappear A Bit?

Apr 6, 2012

I am making a calendar, if I click on a day I want to make a screen disappear a bit like this:

|12:00 |
| Mister One, Footmassage |


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Splash Screen Disappear?

Jan 25, 2010

I have splash screen with three buttons.When i run My application after sometime splash screen disappear. Actually what i wanna do when user click button then splash screen will close otherwise not.I don't wanna use timer.

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VB6 Makes A .vbp Instead Of .exe?

Jun 11, 2012

In Visual Basic 6.0 Professional, on some of my programs (probably the simple ones) the File drop-down menu Make option has .vbp instead of .exe extension. How do I force it to compile?

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Add Controls To A Form Fails Because They Disappear

Jun 10, 2010

I have an add-in that creates a form, adds controls to it, then tries to add some more. But on the second attempt to add controls, they disappear. If I have an error in my code that gets displayed in a message box I can see the new controls behind it. When I click OK they disappear. If I have no error and step through the code, they are there according to properties, although I can't see them because the form will not display while in debug mode. When the program finishes, th controls that were created are gone. Perhaps I am selecting the form to edit wrong.Too bad there isn't any documentation (or any than can be found) that describes how to do this.[code]...

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Asp.net - Textbox Values Disappear On Postback?

May 11, 2012

I have an asp.net page with a button that adds an additional row to a gridview for input to the database. The gridview consists of 3 textboxes(template fields), when I add a row the information already entered somehow disappears on the postback. I want the button to add additional rows without disspelling the data in the other rows, until I hit the submit button. Here's my code

Private Sub AddNewRowToGrid()
Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0
If ViewState("CurrentTable") IsNot Nothing Then


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Controls Disappear On Form Restore?

Aug 22, 2010

I experience very strange behaviour of a windows form written in VB.NET 2005.
The form contais DataGridView with data.

I minimize the form to Windows task bar, then I restore it. The form appears, but the DataGridView and other controls are not displayed. In order recover from this situation, I need to resize the form or maximize it.

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DataGridView Row Headings Disappear On Tabpage2?

Feb 16, 2010

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Entered Text Disappear At Combobox?

Aug 11, 2010

I have an application that uses the editable dropdown combobox (comboboxstyle.dropdown)

But when I run the application, whenever I entered a new value that is not in the list, it disapears when i focus to other cells.

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Icon To Disappear After Application Is Closed

Jul 31, 2009

My winforms app puts a little icon in the taskbar next to the clock while it's running. how do i make it disappear when i close the program in vb.net?

after the application is closed and i put my mouse over it, it disappears.

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Lines Disappear When Form Is Minimized?

Nov 19, 2011

I have made a drawing program. It draws a line when you click in the form, but if the form is minimized or another window is on top of it, the lines disappear partially.

Here is the

Dim FormMiddleX As Integer
Dim FormMiddleY As Integer


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