VS 2008 Datagrid Combobox Woes?

Jul 16, 2010

This is probably a really easy question but i cant seem to find an answer anywhere.I've got a datagrid in which the first 2 columns are comboboxes.I have them populating from 2 different datasets but what i need is for the second one to be filtered, depending on what is selected in the first.How is the best way to pass the selected value from the first combo to the query in the second?On a related note, how can i set the combos to values i pull back from a query?Basically I'm running a query to pull back a load of information that has been previously entered and then populate the grid so that it can be viewed/amended, but i cant seem to set the value (or the display value) to what i pull back, even when it appears in the list of options in the drop down.

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VS 2008 Redirect Standard Output Woes

Feb 26, 2010

i have a form app that needs to get the output of a console app in real time.or as close to it as possible.[code]that is my code so far, and it seems to work great for everything other than the actual console app i need it to.when i use it on ping commands it comes up in my text box perfectly.when i use it with my console app (which i don't have access to the source for) it outputs nothing until the app closes, sometimes.it depends on the arguments given. i am 100% sure it is the way the app is written but there is nothing i can do about it.so is there any way to get the desired functionality some other way?

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C# - Mixed Language Woes In Visual Studio 2008?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to get mixed-language support working in Visual Studio 2008. In my app_code folder, I've created two subfolders (CS, VB), and added the following to the web.config file:


The main application is a VB.NET Web application (with a .vbproj file). Any time I attempt to open a C# file from the app_codecs folder, it treats the file as Visual Basic for compilation and syntax checking purposes. It still tries to build the classes in the CS folder as though they were Visual Basic. (The extension on these classes is, indeed, .cs.)

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VS 2008 Datagrid View Combobox Column

Dec 20, 2011

I use a datagrid view in which i have a combobox column in the following order

SlNo TextBox
Item Name ComboBox
Qty Textbox


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Datagrid - Filter Combobox In A Datgrid Based On Another Combobox

Oct 19, 2010

I think my question is discriptive, or as Microsoft in the Documentation for Data Grid the question is, How do I have a combo box column display a sub set of data based upon the value of a different combo box column?


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ListView Woes With Forms?

Aug 27, 2010

I'm using VB2008 Express and I'm using the ListView control for the first time. My problem is that I'm trying to add an item to the listview on one form (frmMain) to another (frmItems) but it's not doing it. I'm using subroutines and have discovered that it seems that the command has to come from within the form the listview is contained itself. But even if i have the subroutine in the same form, it doesn't work if i call it from the 2nd form.

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Option Strict Woes?

May 25, 2012

I have a DataGridview in which one column is a checkbox. I use the following code to check/uncheck the box whenever the cell is clicked.

Private Sub dgUnscheduled_CellClick(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgUnscheduled.CellClick
If dgUnscheduled.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value = True Then


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BGWorker Woes.. How To Loop A List?

Jan 6, 2012

i have a list that has things that needs to be looped. This list can be up to 500k items.I would like to add a multithreading option with a variable. This is not an issue, as I know how to make multiple bgw's (Code below)

i = spin_NumOfThreads.Value
Dim bgwrks(i) As System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
For Each bgworker As System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker In bgwrks[code]....

so in that code, it'll make the number of threads based off of my spineditor.Now, ideally i'd like it to go through a list, each thread does its thing.Now, a simple dowork would just allow it to do 1. i would ideally like it to stay @ X threads until the list is done, so how would I basically go about remaking a thread once it finishes to continue? So, lets say I have 50 items in a list, i set the number of threads to 5.The first 5 would do the first 5 items, when the 1st one finishes, it works on item 6, then the next would do 7, etc. and it'd keep remaking until 50 is done.

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Interface And Graphics :: AppBar And Popup Menu Woes?

Oct 10, 2009

I have an AppBar application that I've added a few drop down menu items and context menus to, but each and every time I try to access the menus, they appear outside of the form. This is what's happening with the drop down menu button I've added to my status strip, and context menus show up on the right side as well.

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VS 2010 Textbox Border And Text Size Woes?

May 14, 2011

When changing a textbox border style to "none," and the font size to anything higher than the default 8.5, everything is fine unless if the letter goes downward ('g', 'y', 'j', etc). This is most noticeable with the g. I've linked a picture here, and I have no solution to have each character come out clearly. If I'm using another textbox border, it works fine. If I use the font size of 8.5, it's fine, but I can't have no border and a larger font. Though the textbox changes size it does not change enough to show the tail of the g. I can't change the size of the textbox because i

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Add Combobox In Datagrid?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a data as excel format in Datagrid. I want to format data as combobox in datagrid.

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.net - ASP.Net 3.5 AjaxControlToolkit CollapsiblePanelExpander In Master In UpdatePanel Partial Postback Woes?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a content page linked to a master page. The master has the toolkitscriptmanager. On the content page, I have a nested repeater within the item template of the parent repeater, I have a CollapsiblePanelExtender for the child repeater control. Upon partial postback, if the collapsed attribute is not set, then all of the panels expand. If the collapsed attribute is set to true, then all of the panels are collapsed upon partial postback.

The databinding of the repeater is occurring in the page_init section of the code behind, and I am checking the state of the panels by iterating through the items in the page_load event. Nothing appears to be working, while debugging the code, I do see the properties being appropriately set, but when rendered in the browser, all panels are open. The edit event that triggers the partial postback is preformed in a modalpopup.

I have attempted to move the panels into their own update panel, remove the update panel, place the modal outside of the update panel to no avail. The ViewState is not maintained.

Page Code:

<asp:Repeater ID="rptrConsultants" runat="server" OnItemCommand="rptrConsultants_ItemCommand" OnItemDataBound="rptrConsultants_ItemDataBound">


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Add A Combobox At The Top To Filter The First Datagrid

May 19, 2012

I have a form with 2 datagrids bound together which are working perfectly. I know want to add a combobox at the top to filter the first datagrid. I have the combobox show the items I want to filter on:


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Add Combobox For One Cell Into Datagrid?

Apr 23, 2008

I have created datagridview in vb.net. and I want to create combobox for one particular field or cell.

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Combobox Datasource From A Datagrid?

Aug 12, 2010

I have defined a datagrid which has combobox in one of the columns, is there anyway to modify the datasource of the combobox (the source of the list) at run time?

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How To Add Items To DataGrid ComboBox

Jun 4, 2009

I have a datagridview and I have a column combobox. (First column) I want to add item to combobox of datagrid. But I cant get name of it.

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Populate Combobox In Datagrid?

Mar 8, 2012

I am using datagrid in one of my winform in which there is one column which has combobox cell type.I want to populate this combobox by data from table present in database.Tell me the shortest possible way to achieve this.

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Set The Datasource Of A Combobox Or Datagrid?

May 17, 2012

just curious what happens when i set the datasource of a combobox or datagrid or what-not to a dt then when i want to change what's in the combobox etc., i just set the datasource to a new one. i am cleaning as i go but just want to know what happens to the old datasource:


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Wpf - Using A Databound Combobox On A Datagrid?

Jan 9, 2011

With a datagrid, I want to use a databound combobox to set the value of a property with the combobox's selected value. How would I go about doing that?

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Combobox To Select 1 Item Datagrid?

Mar 6, 2012

I'm trying to create a Select Distinct query, but i'm getting stuck with either an empy combobox either a filled combobox that displays all the doubles.or a message "System.Data.DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor"

I have a form (form5) with 1 combobox and 1 datagrid.The datagrid loads 5 collumns "ID", "firm", "Fname", "mname", "Lname" The collumn "firm" will have some double firms with people in the other collumns ID Firm Fname Mname Lname1 AA John N West2 AA Jim L East3 BB Harry Sick Long4 CC Barry N Klote etc.I would like to select the firm from a combobox and filter the datagrid so that it only displays the selected firm and the people that are registred here. Furthermore i want the combobox that i use for selecting the firms to lose the doubles. I can load the datagrid and load the Combobox, but selecting is only pointing to the record (highlights in the grid) i choose and doesn't filter. Is there anyone that can give me a clue on how to solve this.

Collapse | Copy Code

Private Sub Form5_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Kjelpasser2012DataSet.Employees' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
'Select DISTINCT "firm" from "Employees"


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Create A ComboBox With A DataGrid Dropdown In WPF?

Jan 5, 2012

I'm trying to rig up a ComboBox with a Datagrid dropdown in WPF. I need the the code to be done programmatically and contained in the codebehind. Here's what I've got so far:


This code produces a ComboBox that contains a DataGrid with two columns and seems to look fine. Although when you click on the ComboBox and select one of the rows in the DataGrid the selection in the ComboBox doesn't work properly. (It just shows the colum headers.) I want the value in the first column of the selected row to appear as the ComboBox selection.

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DataGrid / ComboBox - Showing Value From Database

Nov 22, 2010

I want to work with datagrid. I want that when I select any value from combobox of datagrid (value in combobox come from database) the textbox of same datagrid show the value of sleceted combobox no from same database. I select a item no form database in combobox of datagrid now I want textbox of datagrid show the item name related to the particulars of a particular item number.

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Datagrid Combobox Column Valiue?

Oct 24, 2011

I have a VB.NET project that has a datagrid with a combobox column.When I click in the new row (*) Field column the text displays and the combobox has selected the values (SelectedIndex, SelectedItem, etc) for the last combobox that had focus. What I want to happen is that the text is blank and nothing is selected.What do I need to do to not pick up the previous values?

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Datagrid View ComboBox Update?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a datagrid that is populated using a stored procedure. One of the columns is called LotNum which I would like to have as the combo box....this combo box should be populated by a table called CurrentLotNumbers, with the field LotNumber. My current coding is below. I am using windows forms and vs 2005. What do I need to add so the user can use this combo box, and do I need to add anything extra to my save button which saves the changes to the datagrid.

Dim ReturnInventory As SqlCommand = InventoryConn.CreateCommand
ReturnInventory.CommandType = CommandType.StoreProcedure


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Updating Db From Datagrid Combobox Column

Sep 5, 2011

I have a bound datagridview when a editing a datagridviewtextboxcolumn and the end edit is called I use the tableadaptermanger.updateall(dataset) to update the db. All well and dandy but having a problem with a comboboxcolumn. The db is only updated after I have selected a new value from the comboboxcolumn and click on another cell in the grid. If I dont click on another cell the db is not updated. I have tried this code but no good:


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VS 2010 - Any Way To Filter DataGrid Using ComboBox?

Nov 6, 2011

Kinda new to working with wpf apps (and vb.net). Looking for a way to filter a datagrid using a combobox (to select the field that the user wishes to search) textbox (to input search terms for specific records). The datagrid loads fine as does the combo containing the fields, however my filter simply does not work.

Code for loading data (works fine)
Dim obj = Me._dataManager.Collections.ReturnCollectionByID(tableSelectionCombo.SelectedItem.TableID)
Me.DataGrid.ItemsSource = obj
obj.Load(New DataManagementDataRequest(Nothing, Nothing))

Code for filtering (not working)
If Me.searchTxt.Text IsNot Nothing Then
obj.filter = selectFieldCombo.SelectedItem.ToString Like searchTxt.Text.ToString
obj.filter = ""
End If

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Adding And Binding A Combobox To A Bound Datagrid?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a datagridview bound to a datatable. I want replace one of the cells with a combo box and bind that combobox to one of the columns in the datatable. I have been able to replace the cell OK but currently have two issues I have not been able to resolve.

1. When I add items to the drop down (items.add ("Yes")...) they don't appear in the drop down box.

2. I can't figure out the syntax to bind a particular column in my datatable to the newColumn(combobox) in the datagridview.

dbConnection = New OleDbConnection
cmdCommand = New OleDbCommand


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Combobox,double Click On Datagrid Can't Give Value To Cmb?

Feb 7, 2012

i have many fields in the form ,one of them is combobox.now iam going to update the data so i double click the row on the data gridview and i got the exception 'conversion frointeger is not valid..

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Filter Datagrid With Combobox And Prevent Doubles

Mar 15, 2012

I'm trying to create a Select Distinct query, but i'm getting stuck with either an empty combobox either a filled combobox that displays all the doubles.or a message "System. Data. DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor".I have a form (form5) with 1 combobox and 1 datagrid. The datagrid loads 5 collumns "ID", "firm", "Fname", "mname", "Lname".[code]I would like to select the firm from a combobox and filter the datagrid so that it only displays the selected firm and the people that are registred here. Furthermore i want the combobox that i use for selecting the firms to lose the doubles.I can load the datagrid and load the Combobox, but selecting is only pointing to the record (highlights in the grid) i chooses but doesn't filter.[code]I use the "Me.EmployeesTableAdapter.Fill" method so mu question is, is it possible that i don't need to use the OLEDB connection or do i still need this to correctly connect to the DB (access)? I changed the script that i brewed together as displayed above, but this did not do the trick.

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Get Data From A Combobox To Show Up In A Datagrid Cell?

Jun 5, 2011

How do I get data from a combobox to show up in a datagrid cell.

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