VS 2008 DateTimePicker Highlighting Disappeared

Jan 12, 2012

We have this custom DateTimePicker in our project where you can alter the BackColor and so on. But normally, when you click on the month of a DateTimePicker, it gets highlighted and you can change it with for example the arrow buttons on your keyboard or by typing a different number. Now the problem is that in our DateTimePicker, the highlighting doesn't happen anymore. When you click on for example month, you'll be able to change month but you don't see wether you selected month or something else.

This is the code we have (it's old code from way before I even started working here):

Public Class ucBaseDateTimePicker
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker
' true, when no date shall be displayed (empty DateTimePicker)


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VB 2008 - The Bar To The Left Disappeared?

Mar 11, 2010

pressed (X) on all of the bars to the left?how do I re-enable them?

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IDE :: VB 2008 Help File Has Disappeared After System Restore?

Oct 22, 2010

After a System Restore, to just two days ago, VB 2008 Express Help is no longer available. I get the message "No Help topics have been saved." I downloaded the help file long ago but don't know where it resides.

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VB 2008 & Mic Access My Data Disappeared Even After Saved

Jun 12, 2011

I 'm trying to develop a database whereby all information input via vb 2008 will be saved into a microsoft access database. I've tried to populate a few information. The data was saved at that point, but when i reopen my system the next day, all the rows are gone. [code]

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VS 2008 Disable The Highlighting?

Oct 4, 2010

In my project I have a DataGridView with only one row. See here:

But I have to change something. When the datagridview appears, the first cell is highlighted what I dont want, because, in this case, this is confusing. Is there any possibility to disable this highlight?

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VS 2008 Highlighting A Node

Jan 28, 2011

I'm trying to highlight a node inside the tree view.I'm using this code, but no luck.[code]I do not get any errors or anything.

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VS 2008 Syntax Highlighting?

Jan 10, 2010

Ok, So i am building a code editor for a new Multi-Player modification thats being coded (IV-MP), And i was looking into making the syntax of the code highlight, Like it dose on this picture:

The code is 'Squirrel', But i totally have no clue on how to make it highlight like in those pictures, And all the code would be in a large Rich textbox.

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Make Make Syntax Highlighting And Keyboard Behavior Identical For C# In Visual Studio 2008?

Aug 25, 2010

Types have their own color (cyan by default).Enter completes the auto-complete suggestion.

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All My Controls Disappeared

Jan 7, 2012

All the controls on one of my forms has vanished. I was attempting to doubleclick a radio button to get to the CheckedChange event, go some sort of COM error, then the next thing all my controls dissapeared off the form. I got some other strange things happening.[code]...

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All My Controls Have Disappeared

Jul 15, 2009

I went to go open up my form a minute ago and everything is missing!!! It is all there, but it is not. The form looks like a completely blank form with nothing on it. But all the controls are still there, somewhere, because if I click the dropdown at the top of the properties window, I still see all my controls, and my code does not have errors. It was working fine 10 minutes ago!!

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Images Have Disappeared?

Sep 1, 2010

Images have disappeared

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Design A Form But Now Disappeared

Nov 23, 2009

I was designing a Form in VS.NET but the form controls etc have dissappeared. I am left with a pnael which i can write code in but cant see the Form or its controls.

However - if i press the play button then i appears again but dissapears again when i close the form after playing it.

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Everything On Main Form Disappeared

Nov 16, 2011

I don't know what happened I compiled the program and everything just disappeared from my main form....i can't name buttons the same thing that i recently had before everything disappeared so i know it still has to be there somewhere, i just don't know what to do.

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Header Of The Button Disappeared?

May 18, 2010

I have a vb.net application, it is so far so good in high resolution. When I set the screen resolution of the machine to | 800 x 600, the header of the Save button has disappeared. If you look at the attached file, that means caption "F12" disappeared. I tested it in different machines, sometimes it is there but it may not be there in other machine.

I don't know whether it is the code error or machine environment setting up.

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IDE :: MsgBox Option Has Disappeared?

Nov 24, 2009

I've just started using Visual Basic - I'm completely new to programming altogether and thought it might be a useful skill - and I've been slowly working my way through the tutorials - from 'Learn VB' in the Start Page - and now the MsgBox function has disappeared! I have no idea why, as I'm doing the same thing (I think) as I was always doing. New Project > Windows Forms Application > Right Click on 'Form 1' in the solutions box > Source Code. Anyhow; when I type MsgBox there is neither a dropdown box with that name (IDE I think it's called?) and it becomes underlined with a squiggly blue line. I seem to remember that, in the IDE box, there were several different types of logos next to each name, but now only the logo that shows a windows with what looks like green highlighter written on it (you can see it if you type in #If) appears. I've already restarted the computer (via the start menu).

ps. I'm Running 'Visual Basic Express 2008' - and downloaded that yesterday (23/11/09)

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IDE :: Step Into Disappeared From Toolbar

Sep 28, 2011

I am using VS2010 Pro and can no longer see the step into command buttons on the toolbar. That and the step out have disappeared. I know I had many more toolbar buttons across the top that I don't see now but the debug toolbar is checked but there isn't even the step into or step out options to add to the toolbar.

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VS 2008 DateTimePicker?

Mar 14, 2011

Does anyone know what is the best way to check has datetimepicker been clicked and value selected before saving and updating database. I am working on a database app and database field for "Date" does not allow null so in order for app to work properly i would like before saving to check if the date is selected and if not to create warning for user. I have created that for "Name" and other columns, but those are text boxes so I had no problem with that. I could change the database field for "Date" to allow null, but that the easyer way and not what I really want. If someone has solution for problem

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IDE :: DataGridView Control Properties Have Disappeared?

Sep 21, 2009

Greetings. I have a DataGridView control in a form, and as of a day ago, when I click on the control, I get *no* properties listed in the Properties pane of the IDE. The properties pane is totally blank. Neither properties nor events are visible. I have tried everything. Prior to this, the properties and events displayed normally.

Other controls' properties are displayed when I click on them, but not the DataGridView control. If, after clicking on my DataGridView control, I use the combo-box on the Properties pane to look at any other control's properties, they come right up. If I then select my control's name (DataGridView1) in the Properties pane combo-box, the IDE crashes completely and I have to restart.

I tried a repair re-installation. The same things happens.

I can set properties etc. programatically, but that sorta defeats the point of an IDE, not so?

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IDE :: How To Delete Control Disappeared From Form

Dec 8, 2011

For some reason a control on my form has disappeared. I can select it in the properties window and view all the properties (Visible = True) but I can't see it. It also doesn't appear when I run the form. How can I delete it, or bring it back?

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TabControl - Textbox Disappeared But Name Exists

Dec 11, 2010

I have been using a tabcontrol with multiple tabpages. On one particular tabpage I accept a value into a textbox which has worked many times. For some reason the textbox has now disappeared {clumsy thumbs are always a possibility}. However, when I try to put a new textbox in its place I find the textbox name already exists. I look for the name in the components address box in the properties sections of the ide and it doesn't exist?

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User Control Disappeared From The Project?

Nov 23, 2011

Yesterday I added a new user control to a project I was working on: right click on the project name "Estimator", then add, then new item, then on the add new item dialog I typed the name of the user control, and I created my ButtonWithCheck.vb control.

My user control appeared on the toolbox, I inserted it in a form, used it, kept working on my project, and everything was fine. I saved and closed the solution.

Today I open the solution and I got an error: "Could not find type 'Estimator.ButtonWithCheck'. Please make sure..."

Why a project saved while working doesn't load?

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VB2010 Design Mode Disappeared?

Nov 2, 2010

I created a Windows Forms Application and spent a lot of time putting it together. This is my first project like it, it works correctly and... I'm very happy with it. However, I didn't open Visual Studio for a couple weeks. And when I went back to open the project's .sln file to edit it again, I can no longer see the design view with the layout of the program and all its objects (textboxes, labels, buttons, etc).

When I open a brand new Windows Forms Application, I can Right click the Form1.vb file in the Solution Explorer and "View Designer." Here is a picture. Now, when I right click on the .vb file from my program, that option is not there. As you can see, my program has a lot of objects. So I'm getting a concerned that I did something wrong and will not be able to use the design mode any more.

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VS 2010 All Child Controls Disappeared?

May 17, 2011

In the project I'm working on, I was editing a class and when I got done, I clicked save all. I moved on to my main form's designer. When it came up, the custom tab control I have on the form was blank. There used to be a ton of controls in it, so I am extremely confused about where everything went.I checked the properties window and it thinks everything is still there:ut when I check the Document Outline window, everything is gone. The tab control is still there, "AVERT Wizard", but all of it's child controls and tab pages are gone.

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VS 2010 Charting Control Disappeared?

Oct 19, 2010

The charting control has disappeared from my toolbox in VS2010. I know it was there when I upgraded to 2010 a few weeks ago. Both chart items are checked in the Choose Toolbox Items dialog but it doesn't show up in the toolbox. I'm pretty sure it was under the Data category. I tried resetting the toolbox but that didnt bring it back.

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VB 2008 On Using Dates And DateTimePicker?

Apr 14, 2010

I am using visual basic 2008 and I am trying to create a form.


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VS 2008 - DateTimePicker Not Displaying Value

Jul 31, 2009

I am having trouble with the datetimepicker. I use this and I tried as many as I could but didn't get a proper result, this one is the closest, so atleast while debugging I can see it having the right value:
datePContBDay.Value = dsn.Tables(0).Rows(0)("PContDOB")
But all it shows is todays date, don't know why?

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VS 2008 DateTimePicker Format?

Jul 23, 2009

I have a form with a DateTimePicker and want to convert the user selected date into ddmmyy and then display the result in a label on the form.


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VS 2008 Datetimepicker Value Needs 2 Digit Day

Nov 11, 2009

How can I get the datetimepicker value to have a 2 digit day EX. If it was November 6, 2009 the value is showing as 11/6/2009 but I need it to be 11/06/2009

I have a search that searches by date and Im using the datetimepicker. the date format in from my sql database is in MM/DD/YYYY not MM/D/YYYY So my results come up ok if the day is a 2 digit day normally (ex. 11/20/2009)but if its a single date (11/6/2009) I don't get any results because it is looking for 11/06/2009 I don't see how I can get the value of datetimepicker to be MM/DD/YYYY Even if i set the custom format to MM/dd/yyyy the value is showing up as MM/d/yyyy

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VS 2008 - Any Way To Disable Dates On DateTimePicker?

May 2, 2011

I am working VB.NET 08 Access Database. I have Two "DateTimePicker" controls one is "StartDate" and one is "Enddate". Now I am selecting Startdate like May 1st OK. Now when I select Enddate control this calender shows only Equal or Greater than dates should be Enable. EndDate should be Always Greater than Equal Date. That's why when ever user selects the Enddate Before May 1st dates should be disable..

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VS 2008 Adding To DateTimePicker Control?

Nov 26, 2010

Wasn't really sure what to name this thread or how to explain it. I have a form with a dateTimePicker control on, textbox for days, button and label, when the button is pressed I'd like the amount of days put into the textbox to be added to the value in the datetimpicker then the result being put into the label.

E.g. Select 26th November in the DTP, then put 6 into the textbox, press the button then have 2nd December come out in the label. I've tried a few things but all fails and just gives me back the original value in the DTP.

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