VS 2008 - Failed To Create Component AxHost

Jan 26, 2010

I am running Visual Studio 2008 on Vista Premium sp1, and when i'm trying to add to a form :COM Component "Microsoft Spreadsheet .." then i get this error:

< Failed to create component 'AxHost'. The error message follows:
'System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. this is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at System.Windows.forms.design.documentdesigner.axtoolboxitem.createcomponentscore(idesignerhost host)
at system.drawing.design.toolboxitem.createcomponentscore(idesignerhost host, idictionary default values)
at system.windows.forms.design.oledragdrophandler.createtool(toolboxitem tool, control parent, int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, int32 height,
boolean haslocation, boolean hassize, toolboxsnapdragdropeventargs e)' >

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Failed To Create Component

Dec 1, 2011

I'm trying to fancy up a panel control with some style so I created a class as such.[code]...

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Failed To Create Component OvalShape

Dec 29, 2009

I recently changed from vb 2008 express to vb 2010 express and converted a project I was working on to vb 2010. After conversion I added a lot of code and all worked well. Now I want to add some shapes from the vb power pack tools and I get the following error:

Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express
Failed to create component 'OvalShape'. The error message follows:
[A]Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer cannot be cast to [B]Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer.
Type A originates from 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' in the context 'Default' at location
How can I recover from this?

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User Control - Failed To Create Component (Out Of Memory)

Nov 3, 2011

I am working on a user control. Embedded in my user control is another user control. All of a sudden while programming some simple stuff I get an "out of memory error message". I can no longer load my project (after reboots etc.). I start a new project, copy the control.vb files into a new project folder.. add then add the control to the new project. Ican view the design and the code of the control. When I attempt to drag the control onto another control in the same project I get an error message
"Failed to create component... 'system.outofmemoryexception. Out of memory".

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Create A DLL Component For Database Operation And Use Created Component In Another Project

Mar 1, 2010

Create a DLL component for database operation and use created component in another project. Required methods, events and properties

a. Connect
b. Add
c. Delete
d. Save
e. Record navigation (first, next, previous, last)
f. Properties for all database fields
g. Events for validation of database fields.

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Creating Instance Of COM Component From IClassFactory Failed

Apr 15, 2010

I am using msn api to read contacts out of msn

When I run the app on my machine everything works perfect. But when I run it on another machine, the following error appears:
Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {B69003B3-C55E-4B48-836C-BC5946FC3B28} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 8007000e.I have merged the interop messenger dll properly with imerge, so that cant be the problem.

Also a memory problem must be out of the question. I only use 300mb from the 4GB. There is also enough disk space available.

My Code:
Private Sub getMSNContacts()
Dim objMSN As New MessengerAPI.Messenger
Dim msncontact As MessengerAPI.IMessengerContact
Dim msncontacts As MessengerAPI.IMessengerContacts = objMSN.MyContacts
For Each msncontact In msncontacts
End Sub

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Create Your Own Component In VB 2008?

Aug 27, 2009

How do you create your own custom component for vb.net 2008? I want it to simply output to a .dll, not a whole winforms app.

How can I control the component? For example, I want my component to not have a visible design view, I want it to stay below like the stopwatch component and the notifyicon component and such, it is not something to be designed. Then, how do I edit the possible properties a user can control, and make them effect the end result?

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Component Can't Create Object Win 2008 64 Bit

Jan 4, 2011

My app is a classic vb6 app. I have distilled my problem down to fact that an activeX control can't be registered on Win 2008 64 Bit using Regsvr32 but can be registered on Win 2008 32 bit and on Windows 7, Vista, XP/Pro, Win 2000 etc. The classic vb6 app works well on every Microsoft platform except Win 2008 64 Bit. Some Win 2008 64 Bit systems seem to work and we're not sure why, but many don't. The application fails with 429 error when run and when you try to manually register the activex component using regsvr32, the registration process hangs with this result[code]...

View 2 Replies

VS 2008 Failed To Create InternetFavorites.snk Access Is Denied?

Jan 14, 2010

VS 2008 Failed to create InternetFavorites.snk Access is denied?

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MSComm Installation - Creating An Instance Of The Com Component With CLSID - IClass Factory Failed

Feb 19, 2009

Iam working with VB.net. I have used MsComm6.0 control in VB.net. It is working properly on my machine.But when i installs in a system in which .net is not installed it is giving an error


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Retrieving The Com Class Factory For Component With Clsid Failed Error: 80040154 ADOX/?

Dec 18, 2009

I have a line of code that is producing the error: Retrieving the com class factory for component with clsid failed error: 80040154 ADOX The line of code is:

ADOXTable As New ADOX.Table

This error only occurs on one computer.

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Creating An Instance Of The COM Component With CLSID {B5E61148-76CA-4D31-9A1B-B3E893F7FBE8} From The IClassFactory Failed Due To The Following Error: 800a0153

Dec 9, 2009

I have facing this COM error when runing a program with SPEECH ENGINE.

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Failed To Import ActiveX Control (trying To Load A VC++ ActiveX Component Into A VB Project)?

Apr 8, 2009

I am trying to load an actixex component in a VB project which was made in Visual C++.n VBA it works fine.In VB6, when I try to load the component on the toolbox I get an "Error 35005"In VB2008 the component can be added to the toolbox, but when I try to place it on the form, the following error occurs: "Failed to import ActiveX control. Please ensure it is properly registered."

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Can Not Create An ActiveX Component

Nov 1, 2009

I didnt know if this was the correct location to post this kind of question. My code is in C# however I am using the visualBasic. Interaction. CreateObject to connect to a OCX file. I notice that this works great for a while but if it continues to do its job for lets say a few days then I get and exception... "Can not create an ActiveX component." I am 100% sure that the ocx and dlls are registed correctly to the system.

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Can't Create ActiveX Component

Jan 27, 2009

I am using the following code to send an email thru Outlook 2003:

Dim omsg As Object
Dim oRcp As Object
Dim objCDO As MAPI.Session


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Cannot Create Activex Component

Jun 30, 2010

I am develpoing a small vb.net forms application. From that trying to load the Autocad using the following code.[code]When creating the application for first time, it works fine. Loads the Autocad correctly. But for second time if run the application the following runtime error is occuring. "Cannot create ActiveX component" at the CreateObject line.I cant predict what is the problem. I've included the following references in my program.[code]

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Cannot Create ActiveX Component?

Jul 26, 2010

I am developing a VB2008 application that makes use of the Office Access runtime.I started development on Win7 64-bit & Visa 32-bit machines.The application runs just fine on the machines with VB2008 installed.I have used a number of tools to build the application installation and I am running into the same thing on all target test machines (currently XP Pro).The system fails when the Office Access portion of the code starts to run.Below is the Just-In-Time debug info.

I also notice that .NET 2 is being called.Is it wise to make .Net3x the preferred .Net client?In the application, I have specificed .Net3 (however, it does not look like it is being called).The target test machine (XP Pro) has .Net 2.3 and 4 installed.See the end of this message for details on invoking

just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************

System.Exception: Cannot create ActiveX component.[code].....

View 12 Replies

Create A .NET Component As A DLL And Distribute It?

Apr 10, 2009

How do I create a .NET component as a DLL and distribute it?

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Create A Component Services For A DLL?

Jan 24, 2009

when is the neccisity to create a component services for a DLL.

i ask because , i have a dll and the website runs fine if i just register the dll.
so when should i go for componet services

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ActiveX Component Can't Create An Object

Dec 10, 2009

I am getting error : ActiveX component can't create object. Actually I have VB6 Dlls where business logic is reside and I am calling that dll function in my vb.net application , all dlls are dependent on other dlls.I am getting the error from one of the dlls

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object?

Nov 30, 2009

I have VB6 ActiveXDLL called A.dll , I am referencing this DLL into my VB.Net Application.Now I am calling a function of A.dll in this project. A.dll function is referring to the function of B.dll ,C.dll ,C.dll further referrer to Z.dll and so on.when I am executing application it gives an error from B.dll that ActiveX component can,t create an object.

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Cannot Create ActiveX Component Error From Web Using VB6 Dll?

Mar 15, 2010

I created a VB.NET web site that must use an existing VB6 dll. In the VB.NET code, I use the dll like this:

Dim objTEST As CAPObject.TESTCls


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WorkSite SDK - Cannot Create ActiveX Component

Jul 10, 2011

I am attempting to learn how to develop applications to interact with the Autonomy WorkSite 8.5 server and have found the WorkSite DB Administrators COM Developers Reference Guide, it has helped me somewhat and I can now see the types of objects that I can interface with, however I am stumbling on showing the members of a group. [Code] Can anyone offer any assistance on this problem? I have read on page 21 of the DB Admin COM guide that it mentions to execute iManAdmin - REGSERVER from the command prompt, however this will not work for me with Windows reporting that the file doesn't have a open with program set. I am running Windows 7 64bit.

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[2005] Cannot Create ActiveX Component?

Mar 12, 2009

I have a DLL that utilizes the Redemption Outlook Library. This is included in the DLL's Reference on the Project Properties Tab. This is a DLL that I wrote and one of its newest features is its ability to send an email.This DLL is called by a Click-Once program that has a GUI. When the program called the DLL and at the point of sending the email....I receive the "Cannot create ActiveX Component" error. So, in the Click-Once application, I also referenced the Redemption Outlook Library thinking that would fix the problem but it didn't. The Click-Once app resides on a server with other Click-Once apps. In it's irectory structure the DLL is also present and now....so is the Redemption Outlook Library DLL. I'm all out of ideas. Here is the code that sends the emails below.

Private Sub SendEmailToUser()
Dim Application = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")


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Create A Class Library Project Is That A COM Component?

Feb 7, 2012

I hear COM here and there and I want to know is COM and a COM dll the same thing, and most important: when I create a Class library project is that a COM component?

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Create A Component In The Same Windows Form Project?

Feb 2, 2010

I have an error that keeps regenerating when the form is closed and open back up.

1) Windows Form Application (Project: TestProject)

2) Add class in same project:

Public Class Test : Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

3) Drag and drop into the form within the project (works fine)

4) Close form

5) Re-open form... then error about the class Test in the project not defined

Actual Error: Type 'TestProject.Test' is not defined.

Is there a best way around this besides creating a separate project and putting the 'Test' class in that separate project and referring that separate project in the 'TestProject'?

Modified Added: By the way... i've used Global.TestProject.Test... but then again another error generate with the custom property within the 'Test' class.

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Create A Textbox And A Label Component Using The KeyPress

Jan 15, 2009

I have to create a textbox and a label component. The textbox object will have to behave under the following conditions: 1. It will only accept letters and the ENTER key as input.
2. As an extension of condition #1, a message will appear whenever an invalid key is pressed


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Keep Getting An Error That ActiveX Component cant Create object

Feb 12, 2010

I have a vbscript that tries to create an object of msmq but I am keep getting an error that ActiveX componet cant create object. I have msmq installed and queues are there but cant create an object.

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Exception Using GetObject (Ldap://) - Cannot Create ActiveX Component

Sep 6, 2010

I'm my program always fails at the same line:

objUser = GetObject("LDAP://CN=" & strUser & "," & ADPath)

If I reduce the code down to just this:

objUser = GetObject(), I still get this exception:

"Cannot create ActiveX component."

After googling this for about 18 hours, I found that it could be because of a permissions issue. I am a local administrator on the PC, so I believe that takes care of permissions. Secondly, I discovered that the dll file might not be registered. I tried to use the following command to register the dll file I think is being used:

regsvr32 "c:windowssystem32wldap32.dll"

It says the following:

Error - The module "C:windowssystem32wldap32.dll" was loaded but the entry-point DllUnregisterServer was not found. Make sure that "c:windowssystem32wldap32.dll" is a valid DLL or OCX file and then try again.So no matter what I try to do, I keep getting this unhandled exception error that says that it cannot create the activex component. What do I need to do to be able to use this getObject() command? Is the problem with LDAP? What activeX or DLL file is failing if even just running the getObject command gives an exception?

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Run-time Error '429': ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

Sep 6, 2007

I am getting a run-time error within my VB app:

Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object

I have run this application under WinXP and previous Windows operating system fine, but when I installed my application on Windows Vista I get the above error at run-time.

how I could resolve this error as I believe it is not a programming error as the app works on other Windows OS's fine. Could it be something to do with registering dll's etc.

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