VS 2008 File Downloader Error

Oct 21, 2009

I'd where the error is but it wont download or it will but it will only be 1 byte. [code] I do have Imports System.Net

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VS 2008 Multiple File Downloader - Only Download One File At A Time

Dec 25, 2009

i made downloader that will display the following items to the user. The Name of the file that the user is downloading The Url Were the file is being saved The Size of the file The speed at which the file is being downloaded And the Status. But the Problem is that the downloader can only download one file at a time. How can i make a multiple file downloader Which if the user wants to download 2 or 23 files he can.

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Create A Torrent File Downloader Using Vb?

Jan 1, 2012

Does any one know how to create a torrent downloader in visual basic?

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Downloader - Single File Downloading ?

Feb 13, 2011

Having problems with this downloader. Its a single file downloader (the file location is in the code) and it only downloads the file as 0kb (it debugs fine). Also, i think my directory finder is not working, as i did it the simple way, because i dont know the environment code. (please note i have changed the website link, but the actual link works fine )

Imports System.Net
Public Class Form1
Dim Directory As String


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Multiple File Downloader - Add Progress Bar ?

May 13, 2012

I have to download about 100 small files so I did a multiple file downloader code but I have to add progressbar. [It will show total progress]

I found a solution in the code project [url] but has a problem in code.

Button codePanel1.Hide()
Me.ControlBox = False
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(filenames)


My VS Version is 2011 but I have same problem in 2010 too...

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Vb 2008 - Downloader Created From VB?

Jun 12, 2011

I was just wondering if I could create a simple downloader created using VB 2008. The user will enter the complete address of a file from the internet, click the Download button then the downloading process will start. There should also be a button labeled "Paste" which will paste a valid path (copied into the Clipboard) into a textbox .

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VS 2008 Silent Downloader - Loading Pictures From Internet

Oct 25, 2011

I'm working on a project that loads pictures from internet, but it takes few seconds to load a picture/image. Simply, I want to avoid this issue by silently downloading these pictures to somewhere on the HDD without letting the user know. So my question is, how I can download files silently?

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How To Make A Downloader

Oct 15, 2010

i need to make a downloader.EXAMPLE:I have a file that i uploaded to a ftp, i want to make a file that when a person presses "DOWNLOAD" the file starts downloading to a directory he selected.

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Open Up A Downloader In A Web Browser?

Mar 12, 2010

how to open up a downloader in a web browser in vb 2008. i want to open up my own dowloader but it alway's open's the window's downloader does any one know how to open up my own web dowloader? or to find out if a url is a file some like this

If CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Url.IsFile Then
End If

i have tried this but it still open's the window's downloader?

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VS 2010 Making A Downloader Like IDM?

Nov 29, 2011

I'm just wondering about making a downloader like IDM, we all know how it works right?well, just wondering it how did they implement like"Chopping / Splitting " files to download - They do have each a starting point.then merges the files?

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WebBrowser Custom Downloader?

Jul 21, 2009

I was wondering if it was possible to create a custom downloader integrated into your web browser like opera or firefox, just downloads the item and lists the downloads.

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Browser Downloader Checked List Box

Nov 3, 2011

I'm having a bit of a problem with my if statement on my browser downloader checked list box at the moment.

This is happening: If the selected item is "Google Chrome" Then a textbox's text should be "Google Chrome".

I want it to be: If the checked item is "Google Chrome" Then a textbox's text should be "Google Chrome".

My current code for this is:
If boxBrowser.SelectedItem = "Google Chrome" Then
devbox.Text = "Chrome"
End If

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Make A Exe Downloader With 2 Textbox And Button?

Apr 26, 2009

If its possible to make a exe downloader with a 2 textbox and a button. All you would do is place the direct download link in the textbox1and in textbox2 the directory the file will be saved in and push the button and it will download it.

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Resume And Pause Facility In Downloader

Nov 15, 2011

I create downloader in vb.net. I need to add resume/pause buttons to it. Whats the program for it?

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VS 2010 Downloader, Calculating Speed?

Dec 10, 2011

Private Sub btnStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click


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VS 2010 Downloader Program - Arithmetic Operation Resulted In An Overflow?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm making a downloader program in Visual Basic 2010, and it calculates the current download speed, the approximate time left and all that good stuff.But when I download certain files, the program decides to f*** up.The program stays still for a bit, and nothing happens when i click download button, but then all out the sudden the download starts like normal but an error message pops up and it says:

"Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow"As I previously said, this error message only pops up on certain files.Then I started to do some "error-investigating" xD, and i found out that this line caused the error msg:

dlspeed = e.BytesReceived / SW.ElapsedMilliseconds
remainingtime = ((e.TotalBytesToReceive - e.BytesReceived) / dlspeed) / 1000
lbl_dlspeed.Text = Math.Round(dlspeed) & " kB/s"

That code is written in the web_downloadprogresschanged class.And SW is a stopwatch.I mean, it still downloads fully and such, but it looks ugly when an error message pops up even though it works.

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VS 2008 Copy File Error

Feb 21, 2011

I have got the following code to copy a file from one location to another.

Dim strPath As String = txtUploadLocation.Text
Dim strFile As String = txtUploadFile.Text
Dim FI As New IO.FileInfo(strFile)
Dim SR As New IO.FileStream(strFile, IO.FileMode.Open)
Dim SW As New IO.FileStream(strPath, IO.FileMode.Create)


Now obiously this is saying a permissions problem however i have checked the permissions and the user i am runing it from definatly has write access (full control as im a system admin., I have also just tried copying it to the local maching instead of the server in a remote location and it gives me the same error.

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VS 2008 File Being Used By Another Process Error

Jul 29, 2009

I've got an import program that reads csv files and imports the data to a sql server database. After the import I call a send email procedure which takes some arguments including the two files and adds them as attachments to a mail message, then sends the email:


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VS 2008 Reading File Error

Oct 26, 2009

I made this

vb TextBox1.Text = GetWebSiteSource("my url")
Dim lines As New List(Of String)(IO.File.ReadAllLines(TextBox1.Text))
Tsteamid1.Text = lines(1)
IO.File.WriteAllLines(TextBox1.Text, lines.ToArray)


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VS 2008 File Streaming - Error "Cannot Read From A Closed Text File"

Nov 12, 2011

I have a 'next' button which changes the questions when clicked. How do i make the questions keep changing to another question from a file with only 1 button when clicked and also display it on a label with 4 radio buttons with answers in vb. I always get an error " Cannot read from a closed text file "

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VB 2008 - Error While Trying To Run Project - Could Not Load File

Sep 9, 2009

I installed VB 2008 Express on my laptop. I have Net. Framework 3.5, and whenever I try to run ANYTHING. I get the following error: "Error while trying to run project: Could not load file or assembly 'Windows Application1' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest." I've tried renaming the project, the rootname, and I've reinstalled it like 9 times. Any ideas?

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VS 2008 : Error - System Cannot Found The File Specified

Jan 15, 2010

I have added bat_fix_w7.reg as a resource file, with binary type, now when i run the code it gives me err System cannot found the file specified, but when i checked my F: drive the file is there than why 2 line is generating err.

My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes("f:FixBAT.reg", My.Resources.bat_fix_w7, 0)
Process.Start("regedit /S f:FixBAT.reg")

I want to add hex data to regedit.

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VS 2008 Deserialize : Error Reading XML File

Mar 29, 2010

I get "Implicit conversion from "Object" to "Missed_Calls.MySettingClass" error message.

Dim objStreamReader As New StreamReader("program filesmissed_callsSettings.xml")
Dim p As New MySettingsClass()
Dim x As New XmlSerializer(p.GetType)
p = x.Deserialize(objStreamReader)

How can I transform "P" to and object ?

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VS 2008 Error Loading Txt File Into A Listbox

May 19, 2010

i'm trying to load a txt file into a listbox in this way

Dim FILE_NAME = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(FILE_NAME)
Dim riga As String
riga = sr.ReadLine()readline
While riga Is Nothing


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VS 2008 Error: Input Past End Of File

Nov 12, 2009

I have this program that excepts user input and does some mathematical calculations. When the user hits quit, the program saves all values that are entered and stores them into a text file called values.txt. Then when the user opens the program again all the values are there. But when I run the program, sometimes it gives me this error:

EndOfStreamException was unhandled by user code

Input past end of file I don't know what could be the problem. Here is my code to load the values and then save the values:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click


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VS 2008 File Dialog Error Handler

Jul 30, 2009


I've tried several variations of this. If the Cancel button is clicked on the dialog, an exception occurs, and a crash in an executable. I thought the "Exit" statement would take care of it. Not true. What I need is an error handler. In VB6, I used "On Error". I would prefer to not do that here.

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VS 2008 Strange File Not Found Error?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a program that looks for a file named 'license.dat' upon startup. The program first checks the directory it's in, and if the license file isn't there, it prompts the user to select the license file with a file browser dialog. I have tested this code and confirmed it working in a number of different OS environments.Recently, I received reports from two users (one in Germany and one in Italy) that the program can't find the license on their computers, even though it is present in the program's directory and they manually selected it with the file browser dialog. The only commonality I'm seeing here is a lack of English OS, but beyond that I'm stumped.This is the code I'm using:

If System.IO.File.Exists(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "license.dat") = False Then
File dialog code goes here


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VS 2008 - CopyFile - Error - The File 'e:ssssss.jpg' Already Exists.

May 12, 2010

I am trying to run the below code but it is giving error.

Dim BG_Logon As String
BG_Logon = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(BG_Logon, "e:ssssss.jpg")

Error: The file 'e:ssssss.jpg' already exists.

I have checked and there is no such file in E:sss, no matter wherever I copy this file error remains the same.

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VS 2008 Error: The Volume Does Not Contain A Recognized File System

Aug 17, 2010

I have the following code.

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Public Class frmUpdater

When I try to run this I get the following error: The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted.I am trying to read all drives with FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS.My PC is using NTFS and is running normally.

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Vb 2008 Express - My.resources Won't Work - Error Saying The File Does Not Exist

Jun 19, 2011

I have been able to use my.resources perfectly, no problems at all. all of a sudden, i try to use resource (i have done EVERYTHING EXACTLY the same as the way i have been using for the last 1 and a half years) and i get an error saying the file does not exist. its there, i only need to type my.resources.s and it already selected the resource i want. it says the file doesn't exist. why? also, the resource is called settings.dat. could that be the problem, don't think it is. i even tried a picture, but it still says the file doesn't exist.

It says: Could not find file 'C:Users[username removed]DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsdiskSaverdiskSaverinDebugSystem.Byte[]'.

I worked out a way around it (i worked out how to use my.settings in stead), but i haven't worked out why my.resources won't work.

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