VS 2008 Fill Textbox On EBay From Webbrowser Control?

Oct 2, 2010

I have checked out the webpage manipulation on VBForums but it did not help me in this case because this textbox is not part of a form.Okay so basically i need to be able to add text to the textbox where you type in your bid on eBay and then send the enter key to submit the form that i can't see (so just the enter key)

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VS 2008 Fill Webbrowser Textbox?

Aug 3, 2009

how can i fill in a textbox in my webbrowser just by the name of it this is how it looks name="email"i know how to fill in the textbox if you have the ID of it but can i fill it in with just the name ?

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VS 2010 Webbrowser Fill Textbox?

May 19, 2011

<input name="Email" type="text" value="" class="email" />

how to do put text into that field.

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Fill Out A Form Field Without A Name In Webbrowser Control?

Apr 14, 2010

In the past, I used the code below to fill out a form field using the webbrowser control in VB.Net. The page I am working with doesn't have name field for the inputbox, so my code doesn't work. How would I fill out the input box defined at the bottom of this post in bold?[code]...

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Use A WebBrowser Control To Automatically Fill Forms?

Mar 26, 2010

I need to automatically fill forms in a WebBrowser Control. There are TextBoxes and CheckBoxes. How can I automatically set their value programatically? Language: VB 2008?

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WebBrowser Control - Fill In Password Not Working

Aug 28, 2011

I have a pretty good understanding of VB.NET. Basically I'm trying to fill in the password to login to a school website, but for some reason it won't fill the value in. The closest that I've come is getting the password to appear on screen, but it's not masked with asterisks and when I click login it says invalid password. It's almost as if it edits the label right before the text box for the password.

Here's a section of the html code from the login page:
<FORM ACTION="/pls/PROD/twbkwbis.P_ValLogin" METHOD="POST" NAME="loginform" AUTOCOMPLETE="OFF">
<TABLE CLASS="dataentrytable" SUMMARY="This data entry table is used to format the user login fields">
<TD CLASS="delabel" scope="row" ><LABEL for=UserID><SPAN class=fieldlabeltext>UID:</SPAN></LABEL></TD>
[Code] .....

The textbox that has the NAME="PIN" is the value I wish to change. Here is some of the code that I have tried where webMain is a WebBrowser VB.NET control. This doesn't work, but does display the unmasked password:
Dim passwordTextBox As HtmlElement = webMain.Document.GetElementById("PIN")
passwordTextBox.InnerText = txtWingsPIN.Text
The webpage [URL]

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WebBrowser Control - Possible To Fill Forms And Stuff

Jul 2, 2009

If a "web page" is more of a "Web App", meaning it is more of an "application" in a web browser, is it still possible to fill forms and stuff? I have come across a pretty huge hurdle in my fight for automation and it involves filling in a "service ticket" submission thing that is browser-based. I can view the source code of the page, but it doesn't look like normal HTML and the first screen of it has a username and password box, but there is no mention of either in the page's source code.

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Programatically Wait For A WebBrowser Control To Fill Its Window?

Oct 8, 2011

I'm getting spotty results trying to build a procedure that queries Yahoo finance, retrieves a stock quote and then passes the HTML body contents to a text variable. Using a WebBrowser control, it works in a 2 step fashion, using a textbox to input the symbol and a button to trigger navigation. After the WebBrowser window fills, I can pull the contents out of the browser window. In this case, it's just one number to keep things simple. The working code appears below:


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Wordpress - Fill In A Form In A Website Then Click At A Button And Download The File Using Webbrowser Control?

Mar 15, 2010

I am using a WebBrowser-Control to fill in a webform and then click at a button, this currently results in a standard Download File Dialog (you get these if you download a file using internet explorer), but instead, I have to catch this file and save it automatically with a by me defined name to a specific folder.I am trying to code a little application in vb.net which download the Export-file from my wordpress-blog, and I want to do this completely without user-interaction.Currently everything works, except the downloading of the file.I tried to catch it with the event System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser.Navigating(ByVal Object, ByVal System.Windows.Navigation.NavigatingCancelEventArgs) but I don't see where to download the file from?

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VS 2008 Webbrowser Won't Fill Form?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a Form that has some Labels and Buttons on the left side and a WebBrowser on the right. I would like to let the WebBrowser fill the rest of the Form when it is resized. Resizing of the Form works, but the WebBrowser always has a distance of approximatel 150-200 pixels from the border of the Form. I'd prefer it to fill the form up straight to the borders of it. Can anyone give me a hint on how to change that behavior?

Another thing I couldn't figure yet is how to get the form to show a Scrollbar when it gets so small that the labels and buttons on the left get out of the form.

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Visual Basic 2008 Web Browser Navigate Via Textbox With Multiple Lines - Web Browser Control - Vb 2008 Webbrowser Navigate

Sep 3, 2009

I would like for my program to navigate via textbox1.text with multiple lines and multiple url links inside of it. I know how to make the webbrowser1.navigate via textbox1.text with multiple lines, however I want my webbrowser to navigate to each url every 1-1.5 seconds once button1 is clicked. Yes, my webbrowser1 will navigate to the specified urls via the textbox1.text (multilines) with a button click, but I need the webbrowser1 to navigate in a order sequence from top to bottom of Textbox1.text (multiplelines) every 1 second. Here is the current code that I have to navigate via multilined textbox1.text control in order sequence:


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How To Activate A Textbox In The Webbrowser Control

Mar 23, 2008

how do i activate a textbox in the webbrowser control? I have this code to navigate to the webpage but it does send the keys since the textbox in the webbrowser is not activated:

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Forms :: Setting Value Of A Textbox In A Webbrowser Control?

Sep 20, 2011

I am having one heck of an issue with a webbrowser control I am using. As part of my job, I am working on creating a tool to automate an older system that we still use. The part that is being automated is web-based, and the group running the automation does not have access to any automation tools like QTP. In order to give them something they can use, the idea was to build an application just for them. In this application, I have everything working perfectly, with the exception of the most important part: the entry of a policy number. The policy number goes into a textbox, and then the user presses a button. A part of the automation sequence involves the use of a timer.

If I manually navigate to the appropriate page and put the .SetAttribute statement in a button action on my form, it works perfectly fine. However, if I put the .SetAttribute statement anywhere that is being controlled by the timer ticking, it does not work.So, this works:

Private Sub btnTest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTest.Click
Me.wbPrestige.Document.Window.Frames("WORKSPACE").Document.GetElementById("policynumber").SetAttribute("value", "1234567")
End Sub

but this does not:

Private Sub timerLoad_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles timerLoad.Tick
Select Case currentStatus
Case Status.wait_for_retrieving


As a note, I do not have the Select statement in the Tick action; I have it in its own little sub. However, since it functions the same way no matter where it is, and to save space, I combined everything here. Also, at the time of the timer firing and setting things into motion to enter the policy number, the page is already fully loaded, so I don't think it is an issue with that, though I could be wrong.

It does not throw an error. The "1234567" above is passed in as a string, and doing a watch on it at run-time does show that the value is actually in there. It just seems like the .SetAttribute is not registering on the textbox. I have tried a few things ranging from "what-if" all the way to "that-is-so-dumb-it-just-might-work." Nothing seems to do the trick. I have tried sleeping everything for a few seconds just to see if there was an issue there. I have tried issuing the .SetAttribute command a few times in a row thinking it just wasn't taking the first time. Since setting .Focus() didn't seem to work for it, I even went so far as using SendKeys to move focus to the textbox on one attempt and API calls for mouse clicks (to click inside of the textbox) on another attempt. As a last crazy attempt, I had the Select statement doing a .PerformClick on btnTest (which works if I navigate to the page manually).

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How To Add Text To A Textbox In Webbrowser Control With Random Identifiers

Nov 26, 2009

I am attempting to send a string to a textbox in the webbrowser control and the page I am trying to do this with has random name= and value= fields which makes it difficult to use the typical methods for placing text in the textbox. I have spent quite a bit of time searching and attempting to figure this out and I'm stumped.


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2008 Within FOR LOOP To Fill TextBox And ProgressBar

Feb 22, 2012

I am using VBNET2008 to develop a Application using FORM and the Logic using FOR LOOP. Within FOR LOOP logic to fill the Form TextBox from DataSet and also to Fill ProgressBar Progress. Apparently Within the FOR LOOP the FORM TextBox and ProgressBar1 is not filled.

Here are the overall Coding

Private Sub FCountTotalOrderID()
'--- retrieve OrderID Row count from Table ---
Dim strsql As String


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[2008] How To Fill Datatable To Array And Set To Textbox

Jan 10, 2009

my Code for fill datatable is :

n1.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand("Select Code from PriceDrystore where AirplanCode = '" & lblAPcode.Text & "' and substring(Code,8,1)='" & lblRoute.Text & "' ", DS)
n1.Fill(z1)result this code = 8 items


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Fill A Textbox With Text From A Textfile In Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition?

Jun 13, 2009

I am making a Help-form for my application. A Help-form normally has a ListView on the left and a RichTextbox on the right. When you click on a Help topic in the ListView, the text in the RichTextbox is supposed to change accordingly. The text file is part of the application's resources.

I also asked the question on stackoverflow: [URL]

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URL For Automatic Login To Ebay?

Jan 20, 2010

I would like to create a program to upload products I am selling on ebay. I would like to do this with VB2008. The issue I am facing is How do I automate the login process.. I would like to supply my user name an password in text boxes and insert it into the url. The problem is I can't find the URL to use.

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Script To Check EBay Average Price?

Oct 17, 2009

I have been using VB.NET for a couple of years but I have never used a VB Script, how would i go about creating one? Is it complicated? I am willing to pay someone to do it if it is not that easy to do.

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VS 2008 Add Info From Textbox In Webbrowser?

Sep 11, 2011

i have a form with a textbox, a button and a webbrowser.

I want whatever is in the textbox to be inserted into the webbrowsers textarea, like a form.


<textarea name="proxylist" class="textarea defaultTextActive" cols="22" rows="11">

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VS 2008 Webbrowser Control?

Jun 17, 2009

I'm attempting to load a website, look through the HTML, and then put it into a control.When I do this, the site redirects to another page. I know how to pull the info, so I need to figure out how to get to my destination page. I'll break it down in steps:

1. Attempt to load www.site.com/1
2. If cookie is not on machine, site redirects to www.site.com/zip code.
2b. Enter Zip code
3. Attempt to load destination site again.
4. Page redirects to www.site.com/default.aspx
5. Attempt to load www.site.com/1
6. Success

If the cookie is already on the machine, it skips to step 3. No matter what, it always loads the default.aspx page first. This isn't a webbrowser control issue, it's a site issue. This happens when on a normal browser.I'd hate to say it's bad coding standards just because it's not working because I want it to, but it sure seems like bad coding standards.

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[2008] Grabbing Text From Webbrowser's Textbox?

Mar 15, 2009

okay so in webbrowser1 is there any way to grab text from it's textbox like say i go to google and type something in the textbox hit send can i grab the text from that textbox ?

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VS 2008 Function With Webbrowser Control?

Nov 23, 2009

Function GetHtml(ByVal URLString As String, ByVal web As WebBrowser) As String
Dim NewString As String
NewString = web.Document.Body.InnerHtml
Return NewString
End Function

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

RichTextBox1.Text = GetHtml("http://www.yahoo.com.hk", WebBrowser1)

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VS 2008 Paint On A Webbrowser Control?

Mar 27, 2010

I've looked everywhere, but I havn't found anything on how to paint on a webbrowser control. I tried to do it with a transparant panel over it, but that didn't work.

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VS 2008 TextArea Using WebBrowser Control?

Sep 23, 2009

I know this sounds like a simple thing but I have searched and all examples have not helped. I have been unable to update the textarea at I have gotten the code to work at other sites though.So specifically I want to update the "post a new thread" textarea. If you go toand then signup (you need an account to post a new thread). Then go to any forum and click "NewThread".I then can update the subject field but the textarea (name="message") does not update with the value. I am not sure why it doesn't work when I have got this working on a lot of other sites.

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted


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VS 2008 WebBrowser Control - Button ID?

May 20, 2010

How can I find an ID of this button? I am trying to do this: WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("NAME").RaiseEvent("onClick")This is the button

<button type="button" class="watch-comments-post yt-uix-button" onclick="yt.www.comments.watch5.post(this);;return false;"><span class="yt-uix-button-content">Post</span></button> It is not possible to do it with this button. How can I call it on some other way?

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VS 2008 Webbrowser Control Not Working Right?

Mar 31, 2010

1) i have a WB control that is scraping a page... it worked fine for weeks. now today. it stopped? its not "seeing" things the same!?? makes NO sense?My wife has the same program running on her machine and hers still works... so I know the page did not change (i looked at the code)fyi.. lol... this is a facebook page scraper for farmville itemsso anyway...example its looping through the links..find the right links, checks this.. checks that...then gets to thisDim hClass As String = link.GetAttribute("classname").ToLower.ToStringnow it was gettting the class... now it just returns "passiveName" which is NOT the class?

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Fill A Textfield In The Webbrowser-component?

Jun 3, 2008

how to fill a textfield in the webbrowser-component?

I tried the VB6 way:
Web1.Document.All("fieldnamn").Value = "some text"

But it didn't work in vb.net

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Fill Out Form In Webbrowser Program?

Mar 30, 2012

I am trying to fill out a form using data from form fields in my application. I believe the form is in Java script.[code]...

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IDE :: VB 2010 - Webbrowser Auto Fill

Dec 5, 2011

I have a program that will load a web page into the Program Contained 'Webbrowser1' and autocomplete the Login by referencing the Code:

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById( _

What I actually want to do is directly enter the Value into the Active Browser page, rather than the program contained 'Webbrowser1'. What code do I need to access the Current Browser Web page (be it IE, FireFox etc)?

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