Programatically Wait For A WebBrowser Control To Fill Its Window?

Oct 8, 2011

I'm getting spotty results trying to build a procedure that queries Yahoo finance, retrieves a stock quote and then passes the HTML body contents to a text variable. Using a WebBrowser control, it works in a 2 step fashion, using a textbox to input the symbol and a button to trigger navigation. After the WebBrowser window fills, I can pull the contents out of the browser window. In this case, it's just one number to keep things simple. The working code appears below:


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WebBrowser Control Is In A Wait State : How To Kill The Wait

May 27, 2009

While navigating to a series of sites at one site the WebBrowser control's DocumentCompleted EVENT is tripped and no other recorded Browser events occur after that. When this happens the hour glass cursor indicates the browser is waiting. From this point it take 120 to 250 seconds of wall clock time before the browser resumes. I am looking for a way to force an abnormal termination without destroying the control. I have tried "Stop", "nav to about:blank" repeatedly without success. How can I force an abnormal termination when the Cntrl is in a wait state?

Consider the following: The last known Browser event to be tripped is a Document Complete event; nothing else occurs after this. When this transpires the Cntrl is waiting.

1:50:657: ============================= ENTER WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted EVENT ========================================
31:50:657: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE NEW WEBBROWSER STATEMENT


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Programatically Fill PDF Form Fields In Browser Control?

Feb 4, 2012

Basic scenario is that I need to programatically fill out a PDFs text fields that resides on a webserver. The fields will be mapped and filled out with data contained in a CSV. The PDF must be opened in the browser (browser control or ie/ff/chrome/etc) and edited in place. Cannot be downloaded, filled out, and uploaded (it must be filled out and submitted using the submit button in it; I've tried editing the buttons submission path to no avail).Thus far I've put a web browser control on a form and made it navigate to the website, login, and load the PDF file. How do I interact with the PDF file thats open in the web browser control? Looking through various PDF libraries, they seem to mainly interact with a closed pdf located on the harddrive, make the modificatio

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Fire SelectedIndexChanged Event Programatically In Combo Box Of WebBrowser Control

Jun 20, 2009

I am using visual studio 2005. i am using webBrowser control to automate third party website.My problem is SelectedIndexChanged event is not getting fired. I used the code.[code]This code is changing the value in combo box but it is not firing the selectedindexchanged event. If i manualy select the item then after selecting a item it shows different message. How should i do it programatically.

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How To Wait For Webbrowser Control Load Page

Jan 10, 2009

I have a web browser control, what I use is:
Ret = (MainBrowser.ReadyState <> WebBrowserReadyState.Complete Or MainBrowser.IsBusy)
If ret is true, not loaded, otherwise, loaded. It works fine on winxp, however, on vista, most times, it works, sometimes, not. Do I have to use documentcomplete for this? The page is loaded from another thread, does it matter?

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VS 2008 WebBrowser Control - Wait Until Page Loads Before Executing?

Mar 28, 2009

How can I make the webbrowser control wait until a page finishes loading before continuing on to the next lines of codes?

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Keep Popup Window In WebBrowser Control Instead Of A New Window?

Nov 7, 2010

When using the WebBrowser control, is it possible to cause popup windows to appear within the WebBrowser control itself instead of a new window?

how to get the popup to appear in the same browser window.

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Fill Out A Form Field Without A Name In Webbrowser Control?

Apr 14, 2010

In the past, I used the code below to fill out a form field using the webbrowser control in VB.Net. The page I am working with doesn't have name field for the inputbox, so my code doesn't work. How would I fill out the input box defined at the bottom of this post in bold?[code]...

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Use A WebBrowser Control To Automatically Fill Forms?

Mar 26, 2010

I need to automatically fill forms in a WebBrowser Control. There are TextBoxes and CheckBoxes. How can I automatically set their value programatically? Language: VB 2008?

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WebBrowser Control - Fill In Password Not Working

Aug 28, 2011

I have a pretty good understanding of VB.NET. Basically I'm trying to fill in the password to login to a school website, but for some reason it won't fill the value in. The closest that I've come is getting the password to appear on screen, but it's not masked with asterisks and when I click login it says invalid password. It's almost as if it edits the label right before the text box for the password.

Here's a section of the html code from the login page:
<FORM ACTION="/pls/PROD/twbkwbis.P_ValLogin" METHOD="POST" NAME="loginform" AUTOCOMPLETE="OFF">
<TABLE CLASS="dataentrytable" SUMMARY="This data entry table is used to format the user login fields">
<TD CLASS="delabel" scope="row" ><LABEL for=UserID><SPAN class=fieldlabeltext>UID:</SPAN></LABEL></TD>
[Code] .....

The textbox that has the NAME="PIN" is the value I wish to change. Here is some of the code that I have tried where webMain is a WebBrowser VB.NET control. This doesn't work, but does display the unmasked password:
Dim passwordTextBox As HtmlElement = webMain.Document.GetElementById("PIN")
passwordTextBox.InnerText = txtWingsPIN.Text
The webpage [URL]

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WebBrowser Control - Possible To Fill Forms And Stuff

Jul 2, 2009

If a "web page" is more of a "Web App", meaning it is more of an "application" in a web browser, is it still possible to fill forms and stuff? I have come across a pretty huge hurdle in my fight for automation and it involves filling in a "service ticket" submission thing that is browser-based. I can view the source code of the page, but it doesn't look like normal HTML and the first screen of it has a username and password box, but there is no mention of either in the page's source code.

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VS 2008 Fill Textbox On EBay From Webbrowser Control?

Oct 2, 2010

I have checked out the webpage manipulation on VBForums but it did not help me in this case because this textbox is not part of a form.Okay so basically i need to be able to add text to the textbox where you type in your bid on eBay and then send the enter key to submit the form that i can't see (so just the enter key)

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Wordpress - Fill In A Form In A Website Then Click At A Button And Download The File Using Webbrowser Control?

Mar 15, 2010

I am using a WebBrowser-Control to fill in a webform and then click at a button, this currently results in a standard Download File Dialog (you get these if you download a file using internet explorer), but instead, I have to catch this file and save it automatically with a by me defined name to a specific folder.I am trying to code a little application in which download the Export-file from my wordpress-blog, and I want to do this completely without user-interaction.Currently everything works, except the downloading of the file.I tried to catch it with the event System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser.Navigating(ByVal Object, ByVal System.Windows.Navigation.NavigatingCancelEventArgs) but I don't see where to download the file from?

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Get A Webbrowser Control On 1st Form And A New Window Button?

Jun 14, 2009

I got a webbrowser control on 1st form (Form1.vb) and a New Window button...When i press new window button, SAME window must open (i mean with same content)heres what i tryed:

rivate Sub newWind_click (

I just copied form1. (Form2 = Form1 copy)

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Webbrowser Control Links Force To New Window

Dec 27, 2008

I have a webbrowser control built into a windows form of my application and I was curious if there was a way that any links that are clicked on in the webbrowser control will be forced to open in a new browser window?

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Session Lost When New Window Is Opened By A WebBrowser Control?

Apr 11, 2012

I am developing an application which has a WebBrowser control, and it navigates to a forum. Now allows users to sign in using existing accounts in google or facebook, and opens a new window for the same.Now when i click log in, a new IE window opens up, which asks me to log in, i provide the information, the window closes, but the user is not logged into the forum.I have heard that session plays some part here, but i don't know anything i can do for this. I tried WebKitBrowser but that not even opens a window to log in.

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Webbrowser Control - Capture Popup - Site Returns In The Form Of A New Window

Mar 10, 2006

I am using an embedded webbrowser control to access a third-party website, populate the username and password boxes on their front page, and login. The problem I have is that the resulting window that the site returns to me is in the form of a new window. What I want to do is capture this window and all it's session/cookie data in to the original webbrowser control, as even if I direct the original window to the same resulting url, some kind of authentication data is missing and the site tells me I have logged out, even though the popup window works fine. I need that page in the original control so that I can continue to access it programmatically, and I don't really want to get in to the complication of accessing the new window, as I expect I'll have to delve in to the api or something.

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Prevent Internet Explorer To Open When Click On A New Window Link In A WebBrowser Control?

Feb 17, 2012

I have searched the forums a bit in search of ways to find out how to prevent Internet Explorer to open when you click on a new window link in a WebBrowser control. I came across a topic with this code:


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Window.location.reload(true) Only Works In Real Browsers Not .net WebBrowser Control?

May 26, 2011

I have a button on my webpage that runs some javascript code:

alert("Will refresh now");

It works in all the browsers we've tested it in.But when I display that webpage inside my executable (in a WebBrowser control)... the "refresh" code is definitely run, but it just clears the screen.

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Wait For Window Exists

Nov 7, 2010

What i'm trying to find out, is, is there a way to recreate the Autoit feature "WinWait", whereby:

"WinWait": Stops script execution until the specified window exists.

The window does not need be active.

e.g. Wait forever for the notepad window.

WinWait, Untitled - Notepad

Does any body know if this is possible with Visual Basic?

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Wait Until Webbrowser Is On Certain Page

Nov 11, 2009

im new to and im trying to wait until a webbrowser is on a certain page and then submit a form. Here's my code but it doesnt seem to be working


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How To Make A Pop-up Window (messagebox) Saying That 'Please Wait'

Apr 25, 2010

When my App open, it will download data from server.How to make a pop-up window (messagebox) saying that "Please wait..." and then auto close when download finished?

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C# - WebBrowser.Print() Wait Until Complete?

Mar 18, 2010

I am using a WebBrowser control in VB.NET and calling the Print() method. I am printing out using a PDF printer and when Print() is called it is not immediately kicked off (it waits until it has completed running code for the entire Sub or block.

I need to make sure the file I am printing too is complete and continue process with this file, therefore, I would like to print on demand and get some status of when the operation is complete. I have tried usign printDocument and process without luck.

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Wait For WebBrowser To Complete THEN Do Action?

Jun 18, 2012

Here's my code :

Private Sub FullLoginTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FullLoginTimer.Tick


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Wait For WebBrowser To Completely Load?

Jul 3, 2009

How do I make the application wait for the WebBrowser to completely load a page before it proceeds.

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Wait For WebBrowser To Finish Navigation

Jun 19, 2012

How can I wait till webbrowser loaded the page? I tried:

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Wait Until WebBrowser Is Completely Loaded?

Jul 18, 2010

I have a WebBrowser Control in my VB.NET application. Now the it browses through many URLs (may be 10 - 20) and I want that each of the page HTML saved in text file. Now the thing is that when I write the HTML of page in file, it does not write the HTML of current page rather than the initial one because it calls the event before even the page is loaded.

How can I wait until the page is completely loaded before calling any event?

I tried the following code but it doesn't works.

Do Until WebBrowser1.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete

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WebBrowser Wait For Form Submit?

Apr 24, 2009

I'm submitting a login form remotely with my application but it seems to move on before the next page has loaded.

I'm using

do until webbrowser.readystate = complete code loop

but still getting the problem.

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VB 2010 - Get The Links That Open In A New Window To Open In Main Webbrowser Control?

Mar 11, 2010

Private Sub LinkClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim link As HtmlElement = WebBrowser1.Document.ActiveElement
Dim url As String = link.GetAttribute("href")

Okay so here's the question how do I get the links that open in a new window to open in my main webbrowser control. The above code does some, but it's not fool proof.

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Advanced WebBrowser - Wait Cursor Displaying

Feb 18, 2010

I'm coding an advanced web browser. The bad thing is, is that whenever you move your cursor over the window, a wait cursor is displayed. I tried to deselect the wait cursor but it doesn't work! I'm using Visual Basic 2010 Beta 2...

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