VS 2008 - Get Rid Of Error Message To Continue The Program
Nov 25, 2009
When I do the try/catch method in my vb.net project I will try the code I want and when it can't do it, i make a message box right after the catch method. The thing is that it will show the message box, and then another message from the program itself. Like for example, I have here a MySQLException, and when i click ok on the message box, it will show another one right after showing the exception itself. How would I be able to get rid of this so the user doesn't have to see this, and the program can continue.
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May 5, 2011
The program has errorhandle and write log function, however, it could not catch the error message in the program.
The following error message in Event Viewer. Error Module: oleaut32.dll ,version 5.1.2600.5512, error code: 0x000048f9
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Jul 26, 2010
Basically i am trying to make a form which is in essence a switchboard. Just some buttons to launch some executables. Here is my
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
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Jul 2, 2009
I was observing my programs process in the task manager and noticed each action made to the program made the memory continue to rise. So I added a Garbage Collector and since it's my first time using it im not sure if I implemented it right. I haven't gotten any errors but I ran some tests I would like to go over with everyone. After adding the GC I was able to notice a change in the memory my program used- it was reduced.I added the GC to the main forms formClosed event of my application which is used in different scenarios. I also added it to the panels paint events before I tested the program. And noticed a quicker reduction in memory. The Form i mainly use called frmLine1t5. This form calls to the database based on which line to test. Then the form sets the controls that were added in design view to be enabled or disabled based upon the product for that line. This process was easy to implement.I Load each new frmLine1t5 to a collection of the form so people can run multiple tests using the same form. This helped so i didn't have multiple forms for the same type of process. I had to access the forms through a collection so I knew which controls to populate to the correct instance.
I noticed during my testing that I can not add more than 50 items to this collection. The problem is that I remove the key from the collection upon form closing, so I dont know why it has gotten to 50.The test I made Runs two timers. Timer 1 is set to tick every 4.5 seconds This timer loads a new form and tests a new line of product.Timer 2 ticks every 5 seconds and closes the previously opened form.I have it get the GC Total Memory upon loading the form of frmLine1t5 and upon closing the form of frmLine1t5.the results are shown in the picturesThe errors i have gotten occured when ChildForms Open: had reached 50Here are the errors:
Possible Causes:I think that upon Form Closing it is taking longer to finish closing before a new form is loaded... But isn't vb.net suppose to finish any unfinished threads? Even if the program is single threaded?And because the form closing isn't "happening" then the key is not removed from the collection.
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Apr 23, 2009
I have a macro running in Autodesk Inventor that opens and closes an Excel workbook.When the macro closes the workbook a message box prompts whether I want to save or not.I dont.How can I close the message box without save and continue my macro.Or better yet, how can i keep this message box from even coming up?I've tried this where "oExcldoc" is the workbook:
oExcldoc.close (savechanges =false)
it freezes up inventor.
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Sep 30, 2010
I am really confused! My program doesn't work if I don't have Visual Studio here in my PC. To test it I have uninstalled Visual Studio. But my program doesn't work though Flash Player is present there (I have used Flash animation in the first form).
To be more sure about it I have installed Flash. But it's not working! That means the Flash animation file (.swf) is not making a problem! It needs support from Visual Studio to start. Doesn't it mean that some files are not attached with a setup file as a result it needs Visual Studio to run? Let me tell you how I create a setup file of my program.
When I click on the icon of my program it shows the error message
Reporting details: This error report includes information regarding the condition of WindowsApplication1. When the problem occurred the operating system version and computer hardware is use; your Digital Product ID, which could be used to identify your license; and the Internet Protocol(IP) anddress of your computer.
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Jan 20, 2010
I�m having trouble with my VS. It gives me the error "insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program". This is a dangerous error because I cannot save the project either. So all work is for nothing. Actually VS destroyed my mainform at one time due to this error.
Now there shouldn�t be anything wrong with the computer or the project. The computer is new and with ok performance. The program runs ok on other computers (up to 5 yrs old) both published and in debug. On the old computer I use VS express, on the new I have Pro.
I think it has something to do with the graphics (I have added one or two pictures to the project since testing it on the older computer). VS graphics really doesn�t work like it should.
I have a mainform (the one that got destroyed) which I want to use as a MDI container. I want to have a picture as background. That doesn�t work (!) so I use a picturebox instead. When showing childforms the idea is that som part should be transparent, thus showing the MDI�s background.
In debug, as well as after publishing, the result is the MDI shows, and it actually has the picture as background. However the childforms don�t show at all. They show up in the window toolstrip though. Needless to say I cannot save the project because of the memory issue.
So, am I right in assuming that VS cannot handle a simple .bmp picture, or what should I do to be able to continue developing?
View 4 Replies
Mar 2, 2012
[code]...Basically, I'm trying to make it so when you type a number between 1 and 16, it runs it through the equation and displays a result in a label. This event happens after you press a "yes" button.The problem is when I test the program I put any number from 1 to 16 and I get my own error message, specifically the <1 error. It doesn't make since because I type in numbers that are greater than 1...
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Jul 3, 2010
I get the following error message whenever I press the delete button in my program.
Unable to complete the delete/cancel operation: Update requires a valid delete command when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows.[code]....
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Nov 8, 2011
I am making a Tetris program and I have a 2d array 10 by 20 for the grid.I want the Tetris blocks I have created to move down one block every second unless the user presses "a" or "d" (to move left or right) then the block should move left or right whilst moving down.The problem is that I have created a loop for it to delay a bit but then it waits for the user to press a key until it continues the program. So the block will stop moving down and just stay where it is until they press something.I have been told that you can do this in C with something like if keyboardhit or kybd() or something then it will read the key but otherwise it will just skip that bit and loop round. So how can I do this in VB?
View 2 Replies
Jun 8, 2011
i have the following code for getting the number of files on a drive:[code]I want to skip the files which i dont have access to. But my error is occuring before the try hence i am not able to continue the loop.Please advice on how should i continue the for loop disregarding the error.
View 7 Replies
Mar 5, 2009
I am using the MsgBox Function as a help on my program to notify users of unusable entries in my program. After the MsgBox pops up, and the user clicks on either 'OK' or 'Cancel', the program need to clear the box that the bad data was entered in, and continue with the program. What I am trying to do I guess is keep the program from returning unusable values by informing the user of entries that will return such values. But, where I am running into a problem is in when I click on OK or Cancel, the program continues as if nothing was called as a result of the MsgBox info being thrown.
Here is the code I have so far, mind you that I have used several of the other MsgBox codes to no avail.
I think what I need to do is have a line of code that calls my "textbox.clear" if certain criteria are met. but when I tried this, the program did not return to my GUI, it simply ran with a value of "0" in the "textbox.text" that the clear was called on.
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Oct 17, 2009
I've written a testing program where my students write a test and the results are compiled in a text file. The text file is then emailed to me using SMTPServer.send(MyMailMessage). The program works, except that it takes a number of seconds for the email to be sent. The user clicks the next button, which should bring him/her back to my login screen for the next student, but instead it hangs while sending the email. How do I get it to do the emailing in the background, allowing the person to continue using the program?
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Jan 19, 2009
My code
Dim pointer As Integer, index As Integer
For pointer = 1 To 6
For index = 0 To 5999
All i get is an error message saying NullReferenceException was unhandled the bold part is were it says the error is
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Feb 22, 2009
how to create an error message by message box to tell the user to enter a number only if they key in a character value?
Private Sub btnCalcFat_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalcFat.Click
Dim intFat As Integer
intFat = Integer.Parse(txtFat.Text)
lblResultDisplay.Text = txtFat.Text * 9
End Sub
My text box is call txtFat
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Oct 30, 2009
Error 1 Problem generating manifest. Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program. Facsimile_XP
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Aug 14, 2009
My Application (Vb.net, Access 2003/2007) is to scan Access Database files for activex controls and to generate report accordingly.Problem:
Getting an error like:"Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program."
The above error occurs while scanning for older version of Access files like prior to office 2000.
And the line of code where I get this is as follows:
Dim oForm As Access.Form Dim oAccess as Access.Application oForm = oAccess.Forms(objForms.Name)
But it opens the file and form as well.
Whether it is possible to read the file (Access Forms and Reports) or not?
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Jan 26, 2012
Why does my vb.net win-forms app continue to run after press the Windows Close button (red X).Here is the code from the form closing event[code]...
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Aug 11, 2011
I am getting the error Parser Error Message: The server tag is not well formed. on the code line below:
<asp:HyperLink ID="imgFileType" ImageUrl="images/Icon_Pdf.gif" NavigateUrl='<%#"javascript:ViewFile('erg_", Eval("DocumentName") %>' runat="server"></asp:HyperLink>
I need the url link to be parsed as:
What am I missing in the syntax?
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Sep 22, 2009
how to avoid this error?"Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program "i always got this error when i trying to execute or run my program.. it come to the point that time error will appear.
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Aug 13, 2009
I'm trying to program in a true object oriented manner and its causing me to re-learn a few things. Specifically, I'm having some trouble with error handling. I have all of my data access being performed by an adapter class in a seperate project. I can catch duplicate records without any problems, but I want to be able to send a message back to the user. Here's what I have so far:
View 11 Replies
Aug 15, 2011
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class Form1
Sub sendMail()
Dim AnEmailMessage As New MailMessage
I use this code to send an email through gmail account but the thing I want to do is, I want to check whether the given email and password exists or not and if it exists then pop out a text box with the body of the mail and type the text and then send it as a mail. But in the above code you have to log in and type body and when you send the mail , It verifies for the email and password while sending and if anything goes wrong says there is no such gmail account.but i want to check it whether the email and password exists or not, when the user enters the email and password at the beginning itself.So that he enters the right email to log on to compose a mail.Is there any way to check whether the given email and password is correct at the beginning only ?
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Aug 13, 2009
I get the error message: "Format of initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0" What does this mean and how can I get the database to open in vb express 2008?
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Nov 4, 2010
I am system.IO.IOException' occurred in mscorlib.dll".[code].....
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Jan 7, 2010
My pc is a Vista SP1 + VS2008 I try to import a csv file into an existing access database with the following code but I have the message that the database is only in read access and I can't update it with the csv file.I tested the code on an other pc with XP and VS2005 and it works.
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Oct 15, 2010
I'm working on a vb.net project, when I execute the project I get the following error message: "error message: index and length must refer to a location within the string"
Public Sub New(ByVal lineIn As String)
parent = Trim(lineIn.Substring(0, colStarts(1)))
enfant = Trim(lineIn.Substring(colStarts(1), colStarts(2) - colStarts(1)))
des_F = Trim(lineIn.Substring(colStarts(2), colStarts(3) - colStarts(2)))
I get the error msg in the line marked bold. When i checked the input file, the length of all the fields looks fine. I dont understand the cause of this error.
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Jun 20, 2012
SoftwareVersion: Visual Basic 2010 Forms and Applications...Application shows unhandled exception error message..How do you disable, or auto-click continue on all "Unhandled Exception" error messages?
View 8 Replies
Dec 15, 2009
I got an text file that record data, and I need to read the data and do some comparisons. All data read will be showed in a form. If the data is fail, I need to show an alert to the user and wait for user to respond. If user responded to the alert, the program will continue to read data and do comparisons. The issue that I'm facing is that I don't know how to continue read file from the last read point.
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Feb 12, 2009
In Form1 there are a lot of boxes like checkbox, label....I want to show a processing message for opening serial port after program running. So I created Form2 specifically showing "Opening Port...". So in Form1_Load() I used Form2.Show(). However this message showed behind of Form1. I think this was executed before all the other tool boxes loading. So where should I put Form2.Show()?
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Jul 28, 2010
I have a solution with two projects. The main project connects to the second project via a reference, and the reference path is local to my machine. It looks like it references the .exe file.So when I publish the main project (ClickOnce), i get the following error:
Application validation did not succeed. Unable to continue.In the log file, under Error Details, it says
System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException (RefDefValidation)
- Reference in the manifest does not match the identity of the download assembly Project2.exe
- Source: System.Deployment
How can I include this second project? Should I publish it, then reference the published files? What do i reference? The .application file?Is there a way to just include this second project, so when I do publish the main project, the second one just goes along with it?
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