VS 2008 - How To Use Findby Method To Locate Record In DataTable

Apr 19, 2010

I want to use FindBy method to return record in a datatable and show the fields in the corresponding textboxes and other controls. The DataTable in which i am looking is already bound to these controls, maybe when I use the following code (which is not working correctly, hence this thread) the fields will show up rightaway?
Dim MoviesRow As New_Movie_DatabaseDataSet.My_Movies_TableRow
MoviesRow = New_Movie_DatabaseDataSet.My_Movies_TableDataTable.FindByID(ComboBox1.Text)
This is the error:
reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.
I wanted to import Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2 but that does not work either.

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VS 2010 How To Search And Locate Record

Jun 2, 2010

I have a dataset, a bindingsource, a tableadapter, and a bindingnavigator on my form. how to find data and locate to the new position?

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FindControl Method Cannot Locate The Control On Page

Oct 27, 2009

Ive tried searching for hours now and cannot find out why my code (aka, me.) is failing

Basically... I have a listview control which I'm passing a datatable of products (ID, Name, Description and Price columns), and im trying to make it so that when the "checkout" button is pressed, it parses through all the controls on the page, finds all the controls with the correct ID's and adds the items values to the cart.

ive checked all my ID's in the source code and they match up to the ones being requested by the FindControl method.[code]...

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Findby Is Not Working, Returns A Row Of 'nothing' When The Key Exits

Jan 2, 2012

I have been using the 'findby' method for sometime, but now it suddenly is failing me on a new data source I have added to the project. I have the data source bound to a form and I am trying to find values based upon a primary key. This evades me, I am able to look up rows using 'findby' with other tables, but not this one.

Dim AnsiX12Row As ansisupplementDataSet.ANSIX12Row = Me.AnsisupplementDataSet.ANSIX12.FindBySegmentElement(CurColName)
If AnsiX12Row IsNot Nothing Then


I have checked and re-checked, the CurColName is for a value in the table, but cant seem to find it... I always have AnsiX12Row = nothingBradford W Brown

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VS 2008 : Cannot Locate Files After Publish

Jan 23, 2012

I have written a simple program in VB 2008 that in a part of it, it loads some images from a directory with a formula like this :

PictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(CurDir() & "photos�.jpg")

The photos are located in : inDebugphotos this works fine and loads images when I run the program.But after I publish, it can no more locate the files and I receive an Error:

Unhandled exception...

Now I need your kind help please in these 2 cases:

1- Can you tell me how I can correct the formula?

2- After publish, dose the setup file contains my photos folder as well?

View 9 Replies

VS 2008 Locate The Hard Disk In A Computer?

Oct 3, 2010

i would like to know how locate the hard disk in a computer. For exemple I have 2 hard disk : C: and E: I would like to locate them and list them in a textbox for exemple.

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DataTable Navigation - How To Get Each Record Sequentially

Mar 1, 2012

I have an application that downloads about 19,000 records from a SQL table and I need to step through all the records doing a calculation on each then create a new Excel workbook with the data.
m_rows does accurately report that the number of records in the datatable is the same as in the SQL table. I can add records to the XLS file with a for/next loop but they are all the first record of the datatable. So now that I have the data, how do I go through each record sequentially?

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UI Controls Show Much Less Record Than DataTable?

Feb 22, 2011

I have very strange problem, here it is: I have a quite large MS Access Database (2003) containing exactly 68020 records (rows). The problem is, when i read the entire database directly toa data representation control like DataGridView or Listbox,only 66710 records are returned. The weird thing is: If i load the entire database to a in-memory datatable object, rows.count gives "correct" amount of records as expected, that is 68020What is the reason of that? Why DataGridView or other controls cannot have records more than 66710 items? Is there an internal limitation? (That's dread if there is).

View 3 Replies

Want To Select Record By Date From Datatable

May 14, 2011

I have a dataset, which have a column create_date which have value(5/12/2011 12.54.00) , but i want to select the value from dataset with date only not by time (i.e. 5/12/2011),[code]

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Get A Value From Datatable After Select Method In .net?

Feb 24, 2012

I'm trying to get value from Datatable after Select Method.Select Method should return only one record.

Dim y As DataTable = CType(HttpContext.Current.Session("tb"), DataTable)
Dim products = y.[Select]("StnID" = "'" + stnID + "'")
Dim size = DirectCast(Products(0)("Shape"), String)

if I replace products with y--(DirectCast(y.Rows(0)("Shape"), String), it works.(which is before Select method, so it's useless) products is datarow object and I can't seem to get the value same way as datatable.How do I get value from datarows?

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VS 2008 - Unable To Locate The Chrystal Report Viewer In The ToolBox

Sep 27, 2009

I'm unable to locate the Chrystal Report Viewer in the ToolBox. Is this suppose to come with VB2008.

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Web Service Update Record Method?

Apr 2, 2009

Im trying to logically figure out how to update a record in a database through a web service to the database I have created this web method function but im stuck on completing this


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Link Over DataTable With .Skip() And .Take() Method?

Apr 21, 2009

I have this function that returns a DataTable :

Public Shared Function GetDataTable(ByVal PageSize As Integer, ByVal CurrentPagea As Integer) As DataTable
Dim dtData As New DataTable
dtData = da_Book_Content.GetDataContent()[code].....

On a page, I have DataList to display the data. It works but I want to implement the paging feature. How do I do that with so I be able to use Linq lazy loading feature ?

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Load Method Of A Datatable Sometimes So Slow

Jun 27, 2011

The project is a web app in ASP/VB.net. The issue is that some pages are mind-boggingly slow. After trying to track down the bottleneck, it was discovered to be the load method when filling a datatable with query results.

We are using an Oracle database and queries are executed in stored procedures. As an example, we have a relatively simple select statement within a procedure which returns 2 columns with 6 rows which was determined to take about 0.015 seconds to execute. However it takes on average 7 seconds to load the OracleDataReader into a datatable - a ridiculous amount of time for such a small record set. After messing around with the query, I found that a simple decode statement appeared to be causing the issue. The decode statement is used similar to as follows[code]...

The iBln variable is simply a number being passed in to act as a boolean variable for determining which column should be between two dates. If I comment this decode statement out and make it simply "column1 BETWEEN iDate1 and iDate2" then the load method takes no time at all as it should, signifying that it is indeed the decode statement causing issues.

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SQL IN Operator In DataTable Select Method?

Feb 19, 2012

Is there a function to write this in DataTable Select method in VB.net?SQL Query that I would like useSELECT id from mytable where id in ('a','b','c')

I have this code to create query but it would be nice if I can use IN clause
For Each typeitem In shapecb.Items
If Stntypeitem.Selected = True Then


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Using The DataTable.select Method With The Like Operator?

Mar 28, 2010

I want to filter a virtual table (DataTable) and return only matching items into another datatable which eventualy is the datasource of a datagrid. The datagrid displays the result. The purpose is to reduce the network traffic while still providing the function. So as type on the textbox provided, the virtual table which was earlier populated by a disconnected Ado ADO connection, is re-queried and filtered into the new datatable.

how to go about this. It is a windows application and i am using dot net 3.5, VB 2008.

Here is my code:

Dim filtDT
If MYQDT.Rows.Count <= 0 Then
MsgBox("The data is been cleared")


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Datatable Ascending Order Without Sort Method?

Jun 5, 2011

how to create ascending order datatable in asp.net without sorting method

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Datatable Select Method / Blank Column Only

Sep 9, 2011

How do i use Datatable.select method to select only those rows where a specific column value is blank?

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Return The Rows From Datatable Using Select Method?

Nov 22, 2011

I'm having the datatable with three columns, i need to return the rows in which the third column having the null values.

ie., I need to do like this below mentioned coding,

Dim rows As DataRow() = ds.Tables("Tablename").Select("col3 is null")

Is it possible? if no, anyone tell me the way to get the results.

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Entity Framework Insert Record Without 'addto' Method

Nov 12, 2010

I'm new to EF. I have some code that successfully inserts a record in a table. However, it uses the autogenerated "addto." method which I understand is depreciated. I've seen references to using the "add" method but am having trouble.[code]What is the "correct" way to insert this record (vb please)?

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Add A Null Column To A Row In A Typed Datatable's Addrow Method?

Jul 14, 2010

vb.net 2005

Here is one attempt:

Dim myRow As BurnerService.OEBSContractBatchesRow
Dim myDate As Nullable(Of DateTime)
myRow = Me.BurnerService.OEBSContractBatches.AddOEBSContractBatchesRow( _


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DataTable.Copy Method - Property 'Item' Is 'ReadOnly'?

Feb 3, 2011

ds.Tables.Add("OpenTickets") ds.Tables("OpenTickets") = ds.Tables("AllTickets").Copy()

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Method To Execute Stored Procedure And Return Datatable In C#?

Jan 21, 2012

I have some VB code like

Dim data As DataTable = DataAccess.ExecuteDataSet("AuthenticateWebServiceClient" _
, New SqlParameter("@ClientID", ClientId) _
, New SqlParameter("@Password", Password) _[code]....

Except PrepareSPCommand isn't recognized by VS. Does anyone know the correct way to convert this function to C#.

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Passing Date Parameter To DataTable.Select() Method

Apr 9, 2009

Jst recently i came across the select() method of data table and felli n love with it instantaneously.

Basically I want query the data table on a date field, unfortunately the format of the date string returned from y database in to data-table and the date string i'm passing as inputs are different.

How can i make sure that the data is compared irrespective of the formats ? Can I use something like SqlParameters whoes data type is date for comparison ??

this is what i'm tying :

dim dat as date = "#1/3/2009#"
dt.select("StzDate ='" & dat "'")
entry in datateable dt : StzDate : 3/1/2009 12:00:000
Am I do'in something wrong ??

Also, can anyone redirect me to some site where I can learn a bit more about passing parameters to the select statement,etc...

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Specify A Custom Select Query For A Datatable Fill Method?

Dec 17, 2009

VB.Net 2005 SQL server 2005

I have a project I have a dataset that contains tables In the dataset designer, each table has a defaiult FILL command set. I have draged and droped my table as a grid onto my form VB automatically sets up the table adapter, and binding source to make it all work.

in my code, is placed in the form load routine, a tableadapter.fill(dataset.datatable)

Here is my dilemma. The data in my table may have 100's of thousands or rows.

I have presented the user with a front end that allows for filterring and selecting based on several columns. reguardless of how many rows the result set contains, there will always be the same columns in the dataset.

Because there are so many combinations of select query, i do not want to make 20 or 30 custom fillby's in the dataset. I want to make an addhoc select query and have the binding source and table adapters work as expected. I have created a query called "FillByCustom" in the dataset designer attached to the DataTable Adapter section.

My question is this.

If i build a select query that returns the desired rows, how do i place it into the adapter in place of the FILLBYCUSTOM select command, such that it all works as expected?

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Catch DataTable RowChanging Event When Using TableAdapter.Insert Method

Apr 19, 2011

I setup a strongly typed dataset using the DatasetDesigner in VB2010. I am using the TableAdapter.Insert method to add data to an Access table. Before the data is inserted I need to validate the data using the DataTable RowChanging event.

How can I get the DataTable RowChanging event to fire when using the TableAdapter.Insert method?

Here is an excerpt of code I have so far:

When the Insert method runs, it does not fire the datatable RowChanging or NewRow events.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Data


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Input String Is Not In Correct Format / DataTable.Select Method

Feb 5, 2010

When I am trying to use DataTable.Select to get column values.. Actually it is working file in C# which I have converted using Converters.[code]...

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Random File Access - Using Binary Sort Method To Find Record

Dec 24, 2011

I have a flat file that is sorted by account number. I am migrating an application that was in vb6 to .Net. The application uses Random file access and uses a binary sort method to find a record.

Here is the code
Do While (low < high Or low = high) And (f = 0) 'Checking for an account match
middle = (low + high) / 2
FileGet(FileNum, Record, middle)
If Account < Trim(Mid(Record.Data, Byte1Start, Byte1Len)) Then
[Code] .....

From reading up on this in .Net it seems that using the Binary Reader seek method would be the alternative to using old vb6 random access code. The problem is the Binary Reader Seek method goes by Byte position instead of record number. How to convert my code to use a binary reader.

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Thread Safety, Application Design - Console App That Loops Through A Queue And Processes Each Record In A Datatable?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a Console app that loops through a queue and processes each record in a datatable. Each process is long and time-consuming (connecting to a remote website, downloading files, reading them and adding them to the database). I'm trying to implement threading for speed's sake but am having cross-threading issues. (The job takes 8 hours or so to run and the cross-threading doesn't start happening until a couple hours into the run.)I'm trying to figure out how to make my code thread safe. I don't update or rely on any non-local variables, and I don't need to return anything. I've tried locking which works but defeats the purpose of the multiple threads. What other things should I be looking for?


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VS 2008 - Save A New Record The Record Is Saved In Different Mode?

Jan 12, 2010

This code i had use for create a field in DB Access 2003:

SQL = "ALTER TABLE plano_contas ADD declperiodica06A char(40) WITH COMPRESSION NULL)"
Dim command1 As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQL, con1)

like you see the code create a Text field with 40 lenght...Well the problem is:When i save a new record the record it's save in this mode: "100......... .........................." - the points means spaces and should be:"100"After try a lot of things i'm without more solutions in find why this happen!

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