VS 2008 : Infinite Undo/redo: How To Implement It

Apr 4, 2011

basically add and remove text and selection information from a stack. Result: When using Undo/Redo the selection got messed up, the text moved, sometimes causing lag of epic proportions. I need a way of having complete and smooth undo/redo class for storing all information I would possible need.How to know whether or not to add an undo stack is easy, I just checked if the user clicked in the text or moved using the arrow keys. As soon a previous marking was given for "next text change needs to be backed up", it was backed up. At that point I stored the RTF and selection start/length. What do I have to store of a RichTextbox control to be able to restore it to a previous state, and how can I reset it back to a previous state? See it as having a "RichTextBoxState" class:

Public Class RichTextBoxState
Sub New(ByVal RTB As RichTextBox)
Me.text = RTB.RTF
Me.selectionstart = RTB.SelectionStart


After restoring it must display the EXACT same thing as when it was saved as a state.

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Implement Undo/redo In An Application?

Apr 5, 2009

how to implement undo/redo in an application? I've searched the web, and most I found don't work properly or just clear the textbox.

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Undo And Redo Operations Code For Undo Operation

May 5, 2008

i have written code for undo and redo operations code for undo operation


now when i rotate the picture then tries to undo the image then this erorr comes Stack is Empty and program closes.

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UnDo/ReDo Function For .net?

Jul 29, 2009

I understand that implementing an UnDo/ReDo function can be complex using Stack operation/XML serialization.

That is why I have started to search for commercial tools/components, but I could find such tools only for RealBasic, not for VB.net. Does anyone know where to get such tool/component, or has good example code to include various undoable operation into an Undo/Redo function, that means undo operation for datagrid and chart manipulation (similar to a spreadsheet application).

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How To Undo / Redo Multiple Times

Apr 20, 2009

i need this option for a textbox. the undo/redo in two separate buttons and it should be for multiple times not just once.[code]

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Redo And Undo Button In Richtextbox?

Mar 3, 2010

After a rtf. file is loaded in richtextbox....then the user highlights the text with different colors.How can I set both redo and undo button to backward and forward the steps(only the part of higtlighting)?

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Setup Undo / Redo For Changes To A Datagridview

Aug 18, 2009

I'm trying to setup undo/redo for changes to a datagridview, but am having a problem with capturing the cell value before it is changed. I am currently using the CellEnter event to capture the original value, which is fine if only one cell is affected. However, if the user selects multiple cells and goes to cut the data (Ctrl-X), CellEnter does not fire for each of the selected sells, only the ones moused over it seems. Is there a better way to capture each cell value before their CellValueChanged event fires?

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IDE :: RichEditText Box Syntax Highlighting With Undo / Redo

Sep 23, 2010

I am trying to build a simple syntax highlighter editor along with undo/redo feature. I have the code to syntax highlight the code on "TextChange" event but the undo/redo feature does not work.Any work arounds on implementing syntax highlighting with undo/redo?

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Implementing Undo / Redo - Cannot Draw On Image

May 14, 2009

I have a problem with my code. After I click undo I can't draw on the image and I don't know why

This is my code
Imports System.Drawing.Graphics
Imports System.Drawing.Bitmap
Imports System.Drawing
Public Class FrmChild
[Code] .....

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Increase RichTextBox Undo / Redo Limit

Apr 30, 2012

I was wondering if there is a way to modify the limit on the number of undo/redo actions a RichTextBox is capable of performing. It seems as though the limit is around 100, and I really need to increase this because of the demands of my application. I have text formatting (Bold, Underline, etc.) in my application, and since you can change the font of the text, I need to loop through the characters in the SelectedText one-by-one and apply the correct formatting to them in order to prevent any errors from appearing. Every time a single character is formatted, it counts as an action. As you can imagine, this quickly adds up and therefore makes my undo/redo features not as useful as I'd hope with the 100-action limit. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

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Mplement Undo/Redo Option In .net Windows?

Apr 28, 2009

i am developing one eform designer project..the main object of this project is there a form in this controls are drag and drop.moving and deleting and editing the properties ..it's like a our .net designer how we drag and drop the controls ..so in my project i need to implement undo/Redo functionality..please give me the basic idea of this..(Please think like a our .net Designer (UNDO/REDO))

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Add Undo / Redo Feature To A Finished Database Application?

Mar 30, 2012

Just finished a database for stock management system in local terms and language. All according to their request and agreement. Now they need me to add undo/redo functionality to the application and I just dont know where to start. I am looking first for a general tip on where to begin:

I have one form, for e.g., that manages their stores. Then another for catagories...now they need the undo for all this things and am not sure if it is even possible cos datas are related.

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Copy, Paste, Undo, And Redo Actions With Picturebox?

Jun 15, 2011

After getting the code below from here, I would like to learn how I can easily copy/paste and undo/redo actions. The code below allows a person to "draw" on the image.


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Add Undo/Redo Function To An Icon/Picture Editor Application

Mar 30, 2009

i want to implement undo/redo function in icon editor, im try to use arraylist or Stack to hold current icon or picturebox image when mouse up and left mouse is not press. i dont know exact place to put the Stack for push.

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Menu Strip - Make Ones Like 'Open' 'Exit' 'Undo' And Redo' Work When Start Debugging?

Aug 6, 2009

I have created a Form, added a MenuStrip to it and inserted the standard Items. My question is that I know some of the options won't work like 'Save' and 'Save As' but how do you make ones like 'Open' 'Exit' 'Undo' and Redo' work when start debugging?

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Implement Undo In Drawing Program?

May 13, 2009

I try to implement undo in drawing program I want to save the bitmap after every drawing and push it to stack then when the user click the button it will change the image to the last bitmap saved in the stack here is my code

Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseUp
Xend = e.X
Yend = e.Y


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VS 2008 - How To Run Infinite Loop In Background

Dec 30, 2010

I am making a program thats going to be an msn style popup for reminders. I made an infinite loop to activate the popup when the date = current date. However its stuck in the loop and I cant run other functions while the loop is running. How can I get the alert to go off while also running the program?

Public Class Form1
Structure List
Dim Name As String
Dim Day As Date
Dim Hour As String
Dim Min As String
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 AfterUpdate Without The Infinite Loop

Feb 11, 2011

While building out an interface for patient/client lookup, we have a pull from out FoxPro EMR creating the patient table and populating the lookup on the EU interface.


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VS 2008 How To Round Infinite Number

May 26, 2010

I am trying to round a number but I keep getting an Infinity number. How do I round this.

4000 / 7135 * 100 Here's the code I've tried.

Round(readVals(0) / Scaling1 * 100 + ActualValueLow1, 2)

FormatNumber(readVals(0) / Scaling1 * 100 + ActualValueLow1, 2)

View 12 Replies

VS 2008 Infinite Loop In Separate Thread?

Jun 25, 2010

Im working with and trying to run an infinite loop on a new thread which at some point takes action (e.g. make changes to Viewport3D). But no matter what I use:

- BeginInvoke

- Background Worker

- Timer

I run into problems. My porblems are:


I am doing all this in WPF.

How can I run the loop in the background and get it to affect the Viewport3D controls content without throwing an error or freezing up the application? A Viewpoirt3D is a control in WPF.

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VB 2008 - Console Beginner 2D Array (Infinite Loop)

Aug 2, 2011

I am trying to create a program that the user enters the number of enrollments for 5 different campuses during two semesters. I just got started and here is what I have so far but when I run the program it is stuck in an infinite loop and will not go to the next function. I am not sure how to end the loop. Here is what I have so far:

Module Module1
Dim SIZE As Integer = 5
Dim campus() As String = {"Decatur Day", "Decatur Evening", "Huntsville Day", "Huntsville Evening", "Distance Learning"}
Dim semester() As String = {"Fall 2010 semester", "Spring 2011 semester"}
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Internet Browser Shortcut With Infinite Loop

May 12, 2009

So I'm getting annoyed with this ffriend of min that keeps on asking for code off me for a VB assignemnt. Now I'd like to give him some code, but not the right code, (play a joke on him...he...he..). So thats the reason I'd like to write a infinite loop program for Internet Explorer. Would such Visual Basic program be possible?

I'm not going to write anything epic, but probably just the event handler to a button that keeps uploading internet explorer on a infinite loop after clicking. I know morally, this is wrong. I would rather be an ass than a lazy bastard.

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VS 2008 - Undo Option

Nov 23, 2009

so i have 5 buttons and 5 labels.

when i press button 1 a "1" appears on label1.

now if i press button 1 three times, button 2 one time, button 5 four times, but the last press was wrong so i need to undo. i create a new button named undo, what would the code be for taking away like i said, not just for button5, for every button i set out but the undo button?

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VS 2008 - Infinite Loop - Event Triggered Keeps Firing Off The Code

May 9, 2010

I'm not even sure what I need to know. None the less lets say I got a timer with an if event to check if said event is triggered then it fires off some code. The problem is if said event is triggered it keeps firing off the code and I only need to do it one time. Whilst letting the timer keep checking if event happened. I hope I worded that right and here is a rough translation in code. [Code] Is there a way to keep checking if an event happened and only fire off the code one time?

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Search Delete Undo Records In Sql Server 2008?

Mar 11, 2010

how can i search,delete,undo edit record in vb.net using sql server2008 as database

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VB 2008 Console - 2D Array - Infinite Loop - Program - User Enters The Number Of Enrollments For 5 Different Campuses During Two Semesters

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to create a program that the user enters the number of enrollments for 5 different campuses during two semesters. I just got started and here is what I have so far but when I run the program it is stuck in an infinite loop and will not go to the next function. I am not sure how to end the loop.

Here is what I have so far:
Module Module1
Dim SIZE As Integer = 5
Dim campus() As String = {"Decatur Day", "Decatur Evening", "Huntsville Day", "Huntsville


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Redo An Action In Vb During 'IF'?

Nov 19, 2011

If my if is not correct, and it goes in the 'then', how is it possible to redo my whole sub? I want to automate a whole sub.

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Redo Method Using Activator.CreateInstance?

Jun 7, 2012

how might I redo this method with Activator.CreateInstance

Public Overridable Function setCreditType() As CreditType
Select Case creditTypeId
Case Is = 0
Return New NewCredit(Me)
Case Is = 1


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How To Make Infinite Loop

Jul 12, 2009

1) Diff b/w nothing & string in terms of variable declaration.

2)Erase keyword.I have never heard of such keyword in mine whole 1 + yrs of exp.

3) Diff b/w functions & properties? I say,Functions return a value,But propertiesare used to set or get the values. He say properties also return a value.

4)How can we use a class as a datasource?

5)Partial Class? hey frnds above question is for C++ na.Or there is also such class in VB.Net.

6)When the error stack overflow comes?

7) How we can we make indefinite loop , without uusing any variable declaration.

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Infinite Loop - TCP Freezing With .NET?

Aug 12, 2009

I made a game in VB .Net that uses tcp and sends messages back and forth.What is happening is, every so often, the message cannot be sent quickly enough, so then the TCPObj.connect() method goes into a loop, until it reaches the timeout and then spits out an error. Most of the time though, it never gets to the error, my application just freezes, and then comes back after TCPObj.connect() succeeds. How can I make the connect() method do application.doevents while it's trying to connect? Basically, I dont want it to freeze up my whole application. Since tcp.connect() is a .NET method, I can't go in and add application.doevents.

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