VS 2008 - Multilingual Support - From VB6

Jul 16, 2010

I am currently working on converting an app from VB6 to VB.NET 2.0 - I am only using 2.0 to provide Win 2k compatibility, AFAIK, Win 2k can't run any framework newer then 2.0. Part of the conversion includes moving multilingual support over. In the VB6 version, we were storing the translated text in an Excel document - the xls could be passed to translators. A script in the xls file would dump the languages to individual text files and generate a LanguageRescource.rc file which was then compiled using RC.exe.

When the app started or the user selected a language, the resource file was read using:

Public Sub LoadLang(ByVal LangNum As Byte)
Dim bData() As Byte


It was then split using vbNewLine as a delimiter and the lines assigned to the labels and to a public array for use in other places in the program (message boxes, log files, etc). Doing the same thing in .NET doesn't seem possible, or is rather convoluted. I have read many articles on globalisation, localisation, etc and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I am wanting to have the language files built in to the executable, not as dependencies. From what I can tell after reading all of this information is there are at least 2, if not more to do it.

1) Use form localisation. This would require changing all the captions and things for each language, this would in turn generate frmMain.<lang>.resx files.

The correct file would be loaded automatically on form/program startup and is hard to change at runtime if the user wishes. it would also cost me a fair bit of time to add every one of the 23 languages. It also would not satisfy my other requirements of message boxes and output to log files.

2) Make a resource file and store the strings in there, in a similar fashion to what I was doing in VB6. The problem is, how do I separate each languages strings? Each resx file only seems to be capable of storing on string table.

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Multilingual - Good Examples Of Support Different Languages

Jun 18, 2010

Trying find some good examples of support different languages in VB.NET. I've read sites on System.Globalization and resource files but none explain fully how to implement them in my application.

What happens to the form title, msgbox strings etc. How do I make these multilingual?

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VS 2008 Multilingual Applications In .NET

Jun 22, 2010

I want to update my existing application(s) to support multiple languagescultures.

There are a lot of artilcles on Globalization and using cultureinfo class.

I haven't came accross any article which tells about the approach to carry out such conversions.

From what i can see is that I have to update all my interface text , consider culture specific number, date formats and string comparisons.

1. What is most recommendedused method for setting interface text to support multiple languages.

2. Are there any tools available which helps me carry out these changes

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Developing An Multilingual Application In .net 2008?

Feb 22, 2011

I am developing an multilingual application in vb.net 2008.I had given a combobox for language selection when user select any language like marathi or hindi then all labels are change in the selected language but i am facing problem with textbox if i select any language it takes input from user in english only.I want when user select any language and enter data in textbox then he is able to enter data in the selected language.

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2008 Multilingual String Display Adding Resources Err:MissingManifestResourcesException?

May 26, 2010

Developing a multilingual application in VB.Net 2008, Im able to add resources to forms and create a multilingual forms depending on uiculture. On reading Msdn on creating the multilingual string values for messagebox contents, have added the .resource file to the project files path as specified. There is no error on compilation but throws the MissingManifestResourceException error

Dim rm As ResourceManager
rm = ResourceManager.CreateFileBasedResourceManager("strFormResources", ".", Nothing)


There is strFormResources.resources and strFormResources.fr-FR.resources in Resources of the project. I have searched for this error details but could not find a solution. What am i doing wrong or is there any other method for displaying multilingual strings in the messagebox.

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If Compile A VB6 App On Win7 - ADODB.Connection Errors With "Class Does Not Support Automation Or Does Not Support Expected Interface"

Apr 28, 2011

I compiled some VB6 code on my Win7 x64 machine and the result .exe will not run correctly on any other machine. VB6 code is just a new template .exe file with one button, a reference to "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6 Library" and the following code in the button press event: Dim db Set db = New ADODB.Connection It runs correctly on my machine, but no others (even other Win7 x64 machines) (Update: I found TWO other users where it runs and one of them is Jeff Atwood!, but most machines have the same problem)


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How To Make Multilingual Apps

Sep 9, 2011

I'm trying to learn how to make multilingual apps. All defaults text for controls are saved in Form1.resx (Created automatically by VB.NET). I've set the Localizable property to True and Language to German(Austria). So far so good and VB.NET created the file Form1.de-AT.resx.Both resource file contain text for the different controls on the form. When I click on a particular button on the form, I want a custom message to be displayed according to the language setting/resource file in use.In both Form1.resx and Form1.de-AT.resx i've added another row for the custom message. How do I write the code so that when the button is clicked, it retrieves the custom message from the appropriate resource file? [code]Another thing, is Localization only for changing language or does it affect date and number formats also? Just asking because if a PC Regional Options settings is set to English(United Kingdom) and I do 5/2 the result is 2.5. If it's set to German(Austria) the result returned is 2,5But in VB.NET, if I use Thread. CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo("de-AT") (i.e German-Austria) the result returned for 5/2 is 2.5 and not 2,5

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How To Write Multilingual Application

Apr 1, 2003

I need to write multilingual application (two languages). That's means labels, buttons and other objects on forms display in language which user can select. This n-tier (3-tier) application with central database on remote machine.

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Multilingual Database Design In Sql?

Jan 11, 2012

Need a procedure in SQL for translate a datatable in English to Arabic .I am having English table which is having category ID ,Code etc upto 25 columns in the SQL Database.We want to translate this table to arabic when user opts for Arabic .So need a procedure to convert this English table to Arabic.Do i want to use google translator for this case . Then how will it is linked with database .

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Using Resource Files For Multilingual Apps?

Dec 8, 2010

implmentation of using resource files for my UI, based of user preference.

Note: Ive never worked with resources files before for creating a multi-lingual app.

also this might be placed on the wrong forum board.

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VS 2005 Design A Multilingual Form?

Oct 28, 2009

design a form with multilingual on interface depend on the user!

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VS 2010 - Multilingual Using XML File (Not Globalization)

Jan 9, 2012

How to load external xml files for multilingual purposes?

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VS 2008 Set 2 Url Support For Update?

Sep 21, 2010

httpclient = New WebClient


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VS 2005 Multilingual Menubar Shortcut Keys?

Jul 8, 2010

We have localized our application menubar(Ex: Spanish language).The menubar menuitems have few shortcut keys i.e CTRL + N along with the text. The shortcut key is diplaying in some dummy character.We want the menuitem (Ex: New File CTRL+ N) text in local language and CTRL+ N should display as English

cMenuBar.Font = New Font(Configfontname, Configfontsize)
strMenuText = rsManager.GetString("cbmNewFold")
cbmNewFold = New CommandBarButton(ilToolbar20.Images.Item(0), strMenuText, New


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VS 2008 Remote Support System?

Jul 4, 2010

I am wanting to make or have someone help me make a remote support system. I would like it to have a ticket system interegated into it, but if it would be easier to just have the remote support, then I'll just stick with that. I am wanting for my client's to download the client version and then connect to it. Then they give me their IP or some code that I type in and connect and control their computer. I give technical support.

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VS 2008 What Is The Listview Max Item Support

Jan 15, 2010

listview as a max number of items??if so how i can give it the possibility to read more item?

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VB 2008 (VB2010) Getting Support For Windows 7 Libraries?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm upgrading a VB6 project that uses the DriveListBox and DirListBox controls to select one or more folders. They're not available in VB 2008 except via the Compatibility DLL, so I'm thinking about using the Windows 7 Libraries concept instead. But I don't see support for libraries anywhere; does it exist in VB2008, or will it be in VB 2010?

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[2008] Make The Program Support Some Letters?

Jan 7, 2009

i have a Program that filters out Text from a site but when Characters like:� � � � are there it makes them to: ?How can i make them show right in the Program?

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IDE :: Does Express 2008 Support Edit->Advanced Menu

Sep 10, 2010

I have Visual Basic Express 2008 installed, and according the book I'm using, there should be an option under 'Edit->Advanced Submenu' that has options for toggling: White space, Word wrap and Comment selection.Is this feature available on the express versions of MS Visual Basic? I cannot find it.

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VS 2008 Method Not Allowed When Using Proxy Support For A Webrequest?

Mar 13, 2010

I am trying to post data to a form on my website. This works perfect.To expand off for personal use and education, I decided to try and add proxy support. I got a list of some proxies, and did it up. The proxies work, and all is good. But, when I try this with this specific example, I receive 1 of 2 errors depending on the proxy used.(405) Method Not Allowed or (500) Internal Server Error.I realize that both of these are being caused from the proxy side of things, but maybe theres an issue with my code?


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Asp.net - Multilingual Website, Change The Asp CommandArgument Directive To Html To Switch Languages?

Jan 29, 2012

I have a multilingual company website (Visual Studio / VB / ASP.NET 4.0), and when, on the homepage, you click a flag, the text changes to that language and stays with you the entire session, after I made a class, BasePage.vb. Everything works great, but the URL never changes .... clients.aspx remains clients.aspx although the text DOES switch to Dutch.

It's been recommended by @Aritstos to make it so it looks like clients.aspx?lang=nl as opposed to just clients.aspx in another language.

Currently, my asp homepage hyperlinks that work look like this:

<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton7" runat="server"
CommandArgument="nl" OnClick="RequestLanguageChange_Click"


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Globalization - Multilingual Resource Files - Work Fine In Dev - Missing In Publish?

Jan 18, 2011

My click-once app has english and spanish content. In development, it runs fine with the two resource files I have - named multilingual.en-US.resx & multilingual.es-MX.resx accordingly. When I publish it looses these resources for referencing.The files reside in the root directory for the app.

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VS 2008 WebRequest An HTTPs Page - Enable Support Of HTTPs Requests

Jul 7, 2009

So the exact site I'm trying to login to is GMail. I can send the POST data to login fine, but after that GMail performs an authentication (the redirect URL contains 'SetSID?'). Now with my HTTPWebRequest I don't see a way to enable support of HTTPs requests. Is there a way to get around this and successfully login?

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VS 2008 - Fetch List Of Directoies From 1 Special Ftp Server Wich Does Not Support LIST Command

Jan 27, 2011

I have a small problem i'm trying to fetch list of directoies from 1 special ftp server wich does not support LIST command i was try this code and it works for all ftp server i have try exept this special one :

'' Get the object used to communicate with the server.
'Dim request As FtpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create("ftp://" & txtFTPhost.Text), FtpWebRequest)


I'm getting error 502 which means command is not supported and app crashed. I would just simple said leave it but i have try normal ftp clients like FlashFXp and it works just fine (i can see error in the log but it just pass it and show direcoties)

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If / When .NET Support For SFTP

Jul 29, 2011

Does anyone know if/when .NET will support SFTP?

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Is Email Support Still Available

Jun 24, 2010

1. Is email support still available?

2. Is there any way to tell when it will be available if it still is a service that Microsoft provides?

3. Is there any way of telling what I might be doing wrong, if anything?

The message I receive at all hours anytime I try this (about 10x so far) is:"We are sorry, we are unable to process your order at this time."without any explanation as to why or when I could be able to process the order.

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Looking For Some Rundll32 Support?

Mar 17, 2009

Ok ive looked all over the web but all I can find is examples in other programming languages (cant convert). Can anyone shed some light on how to make a dll that works with rundll32 (just the basics) or tell me were i can find info.

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Set Up To Support One Proxy?

Oct 6, 2011

I am attempting to make a browser. I have it set up to where it can support one proxy. My question, is, How would I make it to where the program would read from a text file, and use those proxies? 1 proxy per line?

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Support Of Vb6 In VS 2010

Sep 7, 2010

I tried upgrading vb6 to vb.net using the convert tool in visual studio 2010. But I couldnt find the option Visual Basic 2010 Upgrade Wizard.

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VS 2005 Support Of Both 32 And 64 Bit OS

Dec 9, 2009

I am developing an application in VS 2005 (VB.NET) that should run on both 32 and 64 bit OS.The Framework is distributed with the application. Microsoft has two different FW redistributables dotnetfx.exe for 32bit OS and NetFx64.exe for 64bit OS.Is there any installation file that can detect the OS type and install correct redistributable?

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