- Multilingual Website, Change The Asp CommandArgument Directive To Html To Switch Languages?

Jan 29, 2012

I have a multilingual company website (Visual Studio / VB / ASP.NET 4.0), and when, on the homepage, you click a flag, the text changes to that language and stays with you the entire session, after I made a class, BasePage.vb. Everything works great, but the URL never changes .... clients.aspx remains clients.aspx although the text DOES switch to Dutch.

It's been recommended by @Aritstos to make it so it looks like clients.aspx?lang=nl as opposed to just clients.aspx in another language.

Currently, my asp homepage hyperlinks that work look like this:

<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton7" runat="server"
CommandArgument="nl" OnClick="RequestLanguageChange_Click"


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Multilingual - Good Examples Of Support Different Languages

Jun 18, 2010

Trying find some good examples of support different languages in VB.NET. I've read sites on System.Globalization and resource files but none explain fully how to implement them in my application.

What happens to the form title, msgbox strings etc. How do I make these multilingual?

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Forms :: Switch Languages In VB And Strings

Sep 1, 2010

I've seen quite a few posts regarding changing cultures, localize cultures, etc... but I couldn't care less about all that auto-stuff.I'm developing this GUI to connect with one of our production machines that will be used by the ppl who will be servicing the machines. Which might well be anywhere around Europe and soon enough Japan and US. Therefore, it was asked already to have language options, cause the guy servicing is likely to be a local.

As I said, auto-stuff doesn't bother me, all I want is the option to go to File -> Preferences and change a drop-down box to whatever language the person fancy and put a My.Settings.Save() I'm planning to create a few simple xml files called "en", "fr", "sp", etc which will be something like: <Frm_Main.Label1>Text of the label</Frm_Main.Label1> The actual problem is: I know the coded strings will have to be manually set, but: Is there a way to cycle through all the UI items (labels, toolstripmenu, buttons, group boxes) to set those .text ?? I'm trying stuff like


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Website In Multiple Languages?

Apr 5, 2012

I need to write a web application that should be available in several languages.

I can think of several way to do this, but I would like some advice on the best method.

1) put a table on the SQL server where each line as a unique ID and a column for the text for each language

2) Do the same as 1 but then use an XML file

3) Put for each language a table on the SQL server with only two columns (ID,text)

4) The same as 3 but in XML files

5) make a DLL with a collection class (read the choosen language from the database and place it in a collection, then use a FIND function)

6) make a DLL with a collection class for each language where the data comes from an XML file in the resource of the project.

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Making A Website Compare To Other Programming Languages?

Jul 30, 2009

i want to know if is best or better to be used in making a website compare to other programming languages?what are the advantages of using will start to study about for our thesis group thesis project is about making a website,an online hotel billing and reservation system.

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Website With Multiple Languages Can't Use Classes In C# Code?

Feb 23, 2012

I'm developing a new functionality for web site project with VB.NET default language in VS 2008. As my preferred language is C# I create subfolder for C# code in the App_Code folder and add appropriate codeSubDirectories element to web.config file. The problem is that I can't refer VB.NET classes in my C# code. All VB.NET classes and structures are placed in global namespace in the App_Code. But even if I place some VB.NET class in the same namespace I've use for my classes in C#, I still can't use them.

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Does VB Have A Function To Switch Between HTML Character Entities And Plain Text Natively

Apr 26, 2009

Does Visual Basic have a function to switch between HTML character entities and plain text natively?

EG. > < to > <

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C# - .NET Languages The Mainstream Languages For Windows (standalone) Applications?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm an inquisitive .NET student without any commercial working knowledge and I have been puzzled by what exactlty are .NET languages meant for? Q1.If you look on job websites, .NET seems mainly used for web applications, not much for Windows applications? (My dream job is to develop standalone small Windows applications.)


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Change Keyboard Layout To Dvorak - Other Languages | Dream.In.Code?

Nov 28, 2009

I'm using VBScript and I'm not sure if this should go here, or in the other VB forum, or in Other Languages, so move accordingly. I'm trying to change my keyboard layout to be Dvorak in Windows XP and so far, I've gotten it to work for the most part with Send Keys.

'*Written By:xTorvos*
'*Purpose: To change the keyboard layout from QWERTY to Dvorak on Windows XP*
'* *


However, as everyone knows, using Send Keys for everything can be a little unpredictable at times due to computer speeds and such. Is there a way to do this without Send Keys? Perhaps with WMI or something?

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Localization - Do SEs Consider It Duplicate Content If URL Doesn't Change When Switching Languages

Jan 27, 2012

I have my company's website (Visual Studio / vb / 4.0) localized in 9 different languages, and they all work great. When you're on, for instance, about.aspx, and you switch to Russian or Swedish, it stays on about.aspx and doesn't add a query-string to the end of the URL; it just changes the page's text to that language. Will the major SEs like Google, Yahoo, etc., consider this duplicate content for SEO purposes and if so, what should I do?

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Case-sensitive Languages Vs Insensitive Languages?

Nov 27, 2010

visual is case insensitive so it allows the coder to write without caring or remembering the casing of variables. it also relieves from the 'undeclared variable' errors if you use the variable in another case than the one used in declaration. The fact that its line termination is a line feed makes it even more readable unlike C# or c++ that need good care in the casing and contineous war with following up with the {}, matching them and figuring out which is for question is what are the advantages of c# over vb knowing that both get compiled to MSIL so there is almost no performance difference between the two languages?

View 1 Replies Vb Pass Querystring To Commandargument

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to pass a querystring value via the commandargument of a linkbutton. It doesn't seem to be getting the value and just passing the actual text in the commandargument.


<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1"


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How To Get Website Inner HTML Programmatically

Oct 23, 2009

How can you programmatically get a websites inner html? I found a way of getting the html of a site, but dont know how to get the inner html.

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Get The Commandargument In Rowdatabound Event In Gridview?

Mar 18, 2009

Following is code for buttonclick in gridview.

Protected Sub lnkChangeStatus_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim gvr As GridViewRow = TryCast(DirectCast(sender, LinkButton).Parent.Parent, GridViewRow)
Dim lngProfileId As Long = Convert.ToInt64(gvwBusinessProfiles.DataKeys(gvr.RowIndex).Value)
End Sub

I want to get commandargument of lnkChangeStatus in its click.

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VS 2010 - How To Retrieve HTML From Website

Dec 22, 2010

I need to create a app that automatically reads a html table. It should connect to a web address (eg "[URL]") and read it. I'll be happy if I could just get the full HTML. I was able to use this code to get the HTML of a regular website:

Dim strReply As String = "NULL"
Dim objHttpRequest As HttpWebRequest
Dim objHttpResponse As HttpWebResponse
objHttpRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create("[URL]")
objHttpResponse = objHttpRequest.GetResponse
Dim objStrmReader As New StreamReader(objHttpResponse.GetResponseStream)
strReply = objStrmReader.ReadToEnd()

This code sample will give me the HTML for the website [URL]. However it will not work with the website I want (eg "[URL]"), because when you access it via regular browser it will popup a browser dialog asking for credentials (user / pass). So when I run the code above for it, I'll get the exception:
The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.

How do I set this up to use the credentials, before retrieving the HTML? This is actually my first web-related app.

View 3 Replies - Repeater Button CommandArgument Is Empty String?

Apr 26, 2011

My button gets a commandargument of empty string even though the commandargument gets set. I have verified it gets set to the correct ID in debug mode, but then when I go to access this commandargument later in the repeaters ItemCommand event the commandarguments are empty string. And I have no idea why. I end up getting a sq foreign key exception because it is inserting an ID of 0 from the empty string values. There is no other code regarding the repeaters buttons that would be resetting it.


<asp:Repeater ID="repeaterAddresses" ViewStateMode="Enabled" DataSourceID="sqlFacilityAddresses" runat="server">
<Select:Address ID="AddressControl" runat="server" />


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Is There Any Reason To Use #if Directive

Sep 20, 2009

I have seen in Debugging .net 2.0 Applications the following code [code] Is there any reason to use the #if directive? I mean, from what I understand the method will only be called if the DEBUG is defined, so I don't see a point in having the #if in the method body.

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Accessing MySQL Or Reading HTML From A Website?

Dec 6, 2010

Eventually, I'm going to want/need the program I am creating to either:

A. Access the MySQL database from my website.


B. 'Load' a PHP page, and grab the contents off of it. [URL]Are these options avaiable in VB.NET ?

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Error Handling To Code (Get HTML-from Website)

Feb 20, 2011


Public Function ScreenScrapeHtml(ByVal url As String) As String
Dim objRequest As WebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(url)


If it cant reach a URL it will give me this error:

Webexception was unhandeled:
Dim sr As New StreamReader(objRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())

How I can add some error-handling to this code? Like if it cant reach a URL.

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Read HTML From A Website Using The WebBrowser Control?

Nov 25, 2010

I have a website that divided into 4 frames. I'm trying to create an application that will constantly run on my PC as a task looking for certain text in the HTML in a frame.When it finds the text it would alert the user by presenting a pop-up message. This is basically a monitoring website that checking network nodes. Instead of staring at the screen looking for critical messages I would like to be notified when there is an alert.

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Reading Text Or HTML From Website Opened In IE

Feb 8, 2010

how i can read text or HTML from a website opened in IE?
This is the code i'm trying to use:

For Each ie As InternetExplorer In New ShellWindowsClass()
HTML = ie. ???

I want to read the HTML code of the page into a string.

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View The HTML Page Source Of Website?

Dec 13, 2009

Like in firefox or Internet Explorer where you can right click and view the html page source how can you do this in an app?I have a web browser in the form and I'm trying to view the web page in the web browser and then view the source code of that page in a box below it.

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IDE :: Recordsets Not Recognized When Use #if Directive?

Jun 2, 2009

i suppose this is an IDE related question; (correct me to another forum if not)

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Make A Website Builder Which Has The Html Code Already Written?

Jun 6, 2009

i want to make a website builder which has the html code already written so all you have to do is check which boxes you want and click next or back to go through the process of making a website with specific code implemented in it.

P.s. im using VB 2008 express edition?

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RegEx - Extract Body From HTML Source Of Any Website

Jul 11, 2011

I am trying to extract everything between the body part as I am building a forum crawler
and since all the user posts are between the <body></body> I have chosen to experiment
with Regex. So far I have coded the following but sort of stuck on how to output the result say in a textbox? Also I am not sure if the body part of the regex is correct.

Dim URL As String = Textbox1.Text
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("URL")
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse
Dim streamReader As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
[Code] .....

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Uploaded HTML Modified Document To Website's Files

May 15, 2011

So, in this program I added 2 necessary login codes let's say, first a code that I will provide and then the username and password from my website. I implemented both ways, the first one worked perfectly, however, the second one is giving me some problems, my idea for that control was not using a database of users, that was going to be too complicated for a 14 year old guy, so I decided to take the source code for my website and I took a fragment, the boxes for the login, username, password, forgot your password, remember me and some other boxes, great, that worked perfectly, I uploaded the HTML modified document to my website's files and linked it to the URL of the webbrowser control in one new form, good, it's working, but I wanted a simple condition that works for this function "When the webbrowser loads the success website, hide me and show the past login form, when this one shows the failed login, popup a messagebox that says the error.". I have been looking for that simple condition for a long time. I am using Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition.

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Use A Website Url To Create An HtmlDocument Object That Contains All Html From That Webpage?

Dec 15, 2009

I was trying to use HtmlDocument and a given url to pull in the html contents of a website to use. However there is no constructor for HtmlDocument and it's Url property is readonly. Is there any way to create an object that contains the entire DOM for a given url?

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Preprocessor Directive Region Usage?

Jul 28, 2009

I work with a developer that loves to put #region #endregion is his methods, and I hate it.It makes the method so hard to read. I have looked for best practices on how to properly using the #regions but I have not found anything

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Changing Some Pages Of A Website From Excel Documents To HTML Form?

Jun 29, 2010

I wondered if someone could help me with my code. I am changing some pages of a website from Excel documents to HTML form.I have most of the code sorted but I also need to save a few documents to Word. I keep getting a few errors and cannot seem to solve them.

I have included my code and highlighted the errors by underlining them. Maybe someone can help??

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Class Form1
Dim path


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Design Mode Preprocessor Directive Workaround?

Jul 12, 2011

I know that there is no DESIGN, DESIGN_MODE, DESIGN_TIME, etc preprocessor directive value. However, I need something that can do the trick. I can't use a normal If statement, because in my case I need to change the inherited class so that the control renders properly at design time. If not, I'll receive an exception due to the fact that the inherited class is an abstract class.Here's what I'm looking to accomplish:

Partial Class MyCustomControl
#If DesignMode Then
Inherits UserControl
Inherits WidgetControl
#End If

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