VS 2008 Multiple Apps In One Application?

Oct 27, 2010

I need some advice here, i have several little applications that i want to be small modules (don't know if it's the right name), in one Main application.I know that i can do this in several ways (add the code, call the exe), but i was looking to guidance for the best way / pro way.

I was thinking in creating DLLs for each one, and after putting the DLLs in one folder inside my Main Application instalation, it recognizes all the DLLs in that folder and create the appropriated menu for the DLL with the options defined inside. Kind off add-in, this may help me in the future if i need/want to add other apps/DLLs.I already seen something like this in the web, but i don't remember where or what should i write in the google to get what i want...

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App.quit With Multiple Apps Open?

Mar 3, 2010

My program opens an excel file with excel.application's .visible=false. If the code is running and I manually open any excel file the excel file being used by code will then open up as well (making the .visible=false useless). Then at the end I use the excel.application's .quit to make sure that instance of excel quits, but it will quit every open instance of excel (even ones not opened by that code).Is there any way around this? to make sure it does not appear when other files are opened, and to make sure it only closes that one instance of the excel application.

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Multiple Apps With Central Database

May 8, 2009

I have an application which writes to and reads from a database. I'd like to be able to have the application installed on a number of computers with the database installed on a central server which all of the applications will connect to.

first of all, installation (installing the app is simple, but how can I get an install program to put the database on the server?), and next, concurrency errors?

I understand that having more than one person trying to update the database at the same time is likely to cause concurrency errors, but short of deploying my application and having everyone try to write to the database at once, I'm not sure how to approach this.

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Send Keycode Keys.apps (windows Context Menu Key) To An Application?

Aug 21, 2005

I need to be able to send keycode keys.apps (windows context menu key) to an application. Surely if I can detect the keypress, there's a way to send the keypress, right?

What I'm doing is having a 3rd party app save a screenshot and the only way to have it do so is through its right click context menu.

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VS 2008 Multiple Projects Into One 'application Mix'

Jun 21, 2009

I have written a few different applications in the past few years, all of which are related in that they help users creating maps/levels for a certain game. I would like to 'bundle' all these applications together, into one application (and will later add more functionality to that). In it's most basic form, it would simply be one single Form with buttons, where each button opens the corresponding application.


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VS 2008 Develop BB Apps With VB?

Mar 14, 2011

it is possible to develope apps for the blackberry using Visual basic 08(or any version out there). I downloaded the Blackberry IDE but you need to know Java, and I don't have the time right know to attempt to learn another language.

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VS 2008 VB Apps Talk To Each Other?

Aug 22, 2009

What I want to produce is a form with about 20 text box's on it that are linked to a timer. That is easy, what isn't easy for me is how to get the data in a loaded form from access to another VB app. (timer form will be limited to one instance)

I have an access database which copies a string to clipboard and then opens a vb app. I have a button on that app which captures the clipboard text and moves it to an empty field starting a timer (lots of fields, keeps searching till it finds an empty field).What I want to know is: can access talk to a vb form that is already loaded and start a function?ORIf access can't talk directly to a vb app, can vb apps talk to each other and swap data (not just keystroke macros eithre)?

I can get access to copy text to the clipboard, launch a VB program that grabs the text in the clipboard and starts a timer, but can I get that VB app to talk to a second application?EDIT: I should add that VB doesn't need to talk to any tables in access, just what is in the clipboard.

EDIT: Tried to make 2 instances of the same app talk to each other using my.settings but it didn't work.
Could I make them talk to each other through a file other than my.settings file OR make the my.settings file absolute regardless of how many instances?

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VS 2008 Determine What Apps Are Running?

Oct 22, 2010

I would like to determine what apps are running on the computer. Not sure where to start.

While we are at it, is there any event that triggers that indicates that a new application has been started? Basically I am trying to log what applications are running on the application while my VB application is running.

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VS 2008 Top Most Over Full Screen Apps?

Jul 12, 2009

if i have my form1 set to TopMost = Ture & i have another Program that's go's full screen why does my Form1 now still be on the Top ? and how can i make sure it is allays on top even if a program go;s in Full Screen Mode?

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Use VB Express 2008 And Develop Apps To Run On The .net Framework 1.0?

May 13, 2011

I'm trying to develop an app with Microsoft's Visual Basic Express 2008 to run on the .net framework 1.0. Is there something I can download to do this or do I have to require the latest framework to be downloaded?

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Using VB 2008 To Develop Apps Working With Access?

Nov 20, 2009

I am using VB 2008 to develop apps working with Access. With this IDE I can compile my apps as x86 . Then runs fine under 64 bits Windows 7 and Vista Systems.

First question:but if I run this app under XP 64 bits, will run fine too?

second question:the apps developed with VB 2003 (these work with access too ..."jet oledb"). How I can compile as x86? I have not seen this option like VB2008.

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VS 2008 Way To Send Data Between Apps On The Same Machiene?

Aug 9, 2009

Just wondering what is the simplest way to send data between ALL instances of my app on the SAME windows login on a single machine - I do not want to use anything that opens a port as i don't want there to be any chance of having it blocked by a firewall

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VS 2008 : Show Up A Form In Front Of All Other Opened Apps?

Aug 21, 2010

I would like to know if its possible to show up a form in front of all other opened apps . Exemple : myapp.exe (is under of all those application) internet explorer , photoshop , windows live messenger. On event (for exemple on new message recived) myapp.exe will show up all over other forms.

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VS 2008 Managing/theming Other Apps (developing A Shell)?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm developing a shell (think LiteStep or SharpE) for Windows using Visual Basic .NET, and I have reached the point where I will need to get into theming other windows that doesn't run inside the shell itself.Modifications I will need to do is to change their title bars - probably using some kind of API call - to match the design I've integrated into the shell itself, if that is even possible. Having Aero on windows running in a shell that doesn't even look like Aero at all isn't very pretty.) Is there a chance I might be able to do this, or will I have to use a 3rd party application and/or develop my own little programming language for shell-specific applications (which would be a pain)?

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Windows.Forms Based Apps Vs WPF Based Apps?

Jun 21, 2010

what WPF based apps are?Is it an application that runs under Silverlight? If so, how?I know; Windows Forms based apps,console apps,DLL _ Class Library Projectsand I've had an introduction to ASP.Net.What I mostly want to know is, if WPF apps are for Silverlight then do they also run in a server based fashion like anASP.NET website would when you create ASP.Net webpages?Is it a way of creating what looks like a FORMS BASED application but it runs in a browser instead or what?Please enlighten me a bit further as I have no idea what WPF is all about.

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Making An Application That Uses Multiple WebBrowser Controls And Multiple Proxies?

Dec 17, 2009

I am making an application that uses multiple WebBrowser controls, and multiple proxies.The code for changing the proxy settings are as such:

#Region "Proxy"
Public Structure Struct_INTERNET_PROXY_INFO
Public dwAccessType As Integer
Public proxy As IntPtr


Note: getRandomProxy gets a random proxy from a list.Problem is that whenever RefreshIESettings(getRandomProxy()) is applied, the proxy will be applied to all of the WebBrowsers, while i would need to have a unique proxy for each WebBrowser. Not having this would just error out the page in the other browsers and so on.

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.net - Store Application And User Settings Of An Application Running With Multiple Instances?

Jul 12, 2011

Which is the best way to store application and user settings of an application running with multiple instances?My problem is that using the vb's "Application Settings" one instance would overwrite the other one.I want to identify each instance with a number passed via command line argument. I could use this number to identify the appropriate settings of the running instance, but I see in a local INI o XML file a better way to handle that.

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VS 2008 Return Multiple Table Rows To Multiple Text Boxes

Feb 27, 2011

visual basic 2008 express
access 2007 db

I am attempting to fill a form with multiple rows from an access table based off of a parameterized query. My query works fine but I don't want to return one row at a time, I want to return all rows that match my query in multiple text boxes. I know that I can use a datagrid view to accomplish this, but I would prefer the look of a textboxes on a form. I have read through many books and searched the internet forums but think I may just not know what to search for as nothing has worked yet. Can anyone point me in the right direction. So far I have tried setting the text box value to the row().item(), creating a different dataset for each row, and even setting variables for the results of the query to then be passed to the text boxes. Since none of this work, I don't really have any starting code to post. If I could just get a starting point I could work from there, so don't feel the need to code anything for me, just set me in the right direction.

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How To Run Application On Multiple Machines

Jun 22, 2010

I have created a Office management software in vb.net & access, but i m not able to run it multiple machines.

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Multiple Forms In One Application?

Jul 28, 2009

Is it possible to make an app where, for example, I will make one form which will have buttons linking to a number of other forms which take the place of the first form?To use a bad example to illustrate what I mean, where it will be like reaching the load game screen in Pokemon on Gameboy; I have multiple options that will all lead me to a new form (in the same window).

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Avoid Multiple Instance Of An Application?

Oct 19, 2010

I developing a windows application. i dont want to allow multiple instance of the application how i will achive that?

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Building An Application Which Uses Multiple Screens?

Jan 12, 2012

In the very near future I'll have to develop an application that uses multiple screens.

So I'll give you a practical example:

I have 4 screens where different pricing infomation is being displayed. At any given time, I have to show a Promotion which is a single image that needs to be displayed across all of the screens with text scrolling across the screens.

Now I'm wondering what the best way would be to achieve this.

At first I was thinking of using one form and to stretch it across 4 screens, while I create 4 'areas' on the form that represent a screen. However when you extend a form this big I'm afraid the text is going to look horrible.

Then I was thinking of using 4 forms and split up the image into 4 different images which are displayed on the different screens. However to get a scrolling text right on 4 different forms, that's going to take some trial and error.

how I can achieve this form of digital signage?

I want to use VB.Net unless this would seem impossible and I have to use other software?

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C# - ASP.NET: Multiple Assembly Versions, Same Web Application?

May 28, 2009

ASP.NET pros out there can answer this question. I have a single web application that contains a website and a web service - both have several assembly references in common (data access layer, utilities, etc) - however, recent changes made to the web service will require different versions of the common assemblies, versions that the website won't work with (in case you're wondering, the website is some legacy 1.x .NET code that explodes when using the newer version assemblies.)

allow my web service to reference one version and have my website reference another? I can obviously have only one version with the same name within the bin folder.(P.S. - It just dawned on me that I could probably compile and reference the common assemblies with a different name, and place those in the web app's bin folder - but that sounds really fugly...)

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Cannot Get Application To Work On Multiple Computers?

Jul 7, 2009

I just completed building an application that reads and writes to a MS Access database located on a network drive. It works great on the computer that I created it on, but when I try to run it on another computer it fails to initialize. I'm not sure if there's a setting in the database I need to change,

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Checking For Multiple Instances Of Application?

Aug 30, 2010

How can I check for multiple instances of my visual basic application? When the user runs the application, I want to know how many instances are already open.

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Communicating Between Multiple Instances Of Application?

Mar 9, 2009

I have an application which the user can open multiple instances on the same machine. However, a section of the app would have sync problems if more than 1 instance has control over it. This is where I thought of transferring control, or sharing, between them. What should I be looking into?

They would have to be able to identify which one of them has control and to send text information over. I thought IPC or Named Pipes could do the trick, but I'm unfamiliar with them and examples seem to indicate only a single server will work. Here, I have multiple instances of the same app and every one of them needs to be able to listen for that request for control.

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Control Multiple Monitors From My Application?

Aug 11, 2009

I have build custome windows in my application with cust contorl box on the top right corner. Minimimize, maximaize and close button are made by me.

I want to make another button beside that one which will control displaing of windows in multiple monitors environment. So, cllick on that button will list monitors and I send that window to second monitor.

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Creating Application With Multiple Printers?

Aug 15, 2011

I have multiple forms and reports with different print area. Some are designed to print to a thermal label printer and others to department shared printers. Currently the user is able to change the printer in print dialog box and print to differernt printers. I want to be able to create a form where the user can assign different printers for different jobs and not have to worry about it.

The problem is, i have never worked with printing function and my collegues arent too smart so I was wondering if someone can throw me ideas on where to start so i can start googling for it.

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How To Execute Multiple Queries In An Application

Nov 17, 2010

I'm building an application that will be using several (7) SQL queries, I'm wondering whats the best way to approach this since I've never built an app with this many queries in it. These queries really won't change, just the start date and end date and I have query in my first form that finds out the next available date by checking a table. What I'm wondering is if it would be better to construct these queries in my application or if it would be better to use stored procedures on my sql server to do the same thing and not have the application carry the load of the queries.

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How To Send Multiple Words To Application

Aug 14, 2010

I'm trying to send some words to an application I'm running (no webpage). To do this I run my vb program and minimize it, so that the application I want to send the words to have focus.Now I've tried sendkeys, but it seems sendkeys only sends my first word and does nothing with the other words. The code below is called 4 times by the main form [code]but this throws in a overflowexception was unhandled error at the apiSendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, "Hello") line.I've tried several things but I can't figure it out how to send multiple words to the application without problems.

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