VS 2008 Mutli-Threading/Sockets Chat?

Sep 6, 2009

How do I make a chat room that multi clients will be connecting to at once. Im trying to add a ping/pong method which is just msgbox that tells the user if the message was received. I know that you need a background worker for this but how do i handle all the msgs that are going back and forth to all the clients that are connected to the server

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Online Chat Application With 2008 Using TCP Or UDP Sockets

Nov 15, 2010

I want to develop a chat application with a server/client model, opening TCP or UDP sockets in VISUAL BASIC 2008. Is there a working example I can download, or some code to help me with this project? [code]Now, instead of I should put some variable or something that keeps the IP address of the target machine?

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System.Net.Sockets Namespace - Use For A Chat Client?

May 31, 2009

How would I use this for a chat client? I'm not sure where to even start and the internet is helping me find much about it.

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.net Windows Forms Chat Server Program With Sockets?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm developing chat program. I have database on my webhosting where I store rooms and memebrship tables... I created the client, but I still cant do the server side of the program. It must be in win forms app.(I use .Net 3.5)Every tutorialSample of server side is for Console app. Client code is very close to this(if somebody need it): LINK

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VS 2008 Turn Winsock Chat System Into A Multi-client Chat System?

Mar 25, 2011

i have made a client and server chat system in VB 2008 with winsock,it's a one to one chat and works perfect fine, but do anyone know how to turn it into a multi-client chat system? Code in below: Here is the code for the server:


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Mutli-Select Code For Tranfering Data Between Listboxes?

Dec 5, 2007

I have a listbox with multi-select turned on. I want to transfer items from listbox 1 to listbox 2. The following code supporting the "Add" button works for an example where you are not using multi-select. How do I modify it to accomodate multi-select?

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If Me.ListBox1.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing Then


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Office Automation :: OutLook Not Adding Mutli Appointments?

Mar 19, 2009

I am using Office 2003 with VS2008. I am trying to add appointments to a brand new calendar in public folders. Adding the first appointment works fine. However each and every other appointment from that point, is deleted when I add another one. Here is the code, that I am using.


Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
objOutlook = New Outlook.Application()
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace = objOutlook.Session


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VS 2010 Receiving Chat From A Java Chat Server?

Aug 20, 2011

So, in another related post, i got the chat to send to a java server, cool.Now, it's a matter of sending it back to VB.on the server side of things, (in java), I am using the following

public static void sendback(String what2send) throws IOException {
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(mySocket.getOutputStream());


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VS 2008 Ftp Client Server Using Sockets.

Sep 22, 2009

i have lots of confused ideas like should you transfer files using tcp? Example: I was thinking, I connect to server from client, open file in binary, division by packet size(bytes), send first packet to server, get request if file was delivered succesfully, send next packet. If I do it this way i would need something to know/increase packet size.

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VS 2008 Client Server - Communicating Over Sockets

Aug 10, 2011

I am building a client-server type applications and they are communicating over sockets. This is the first time I am doing such a program and I have been learning off a web example and thought I understood it all but it would appear I am missing something as it starts to work then errors. Here is what I have:

Dim serverSocket As New TcpListener(ListeningPort)
Dim clientSocket As TcpClient
Dim netStream As NetworkStream
Dim BytesFrom(1024) As Byte
Dim DataFromClient As String
[Code] .....

All of the above works and if I open up a telnet command window I can connect to my machine running this code on my specified port and in the command prompt window 'IDENTIFY' appears as it should from the above code. But it then gets to this block an errors on the second line:

netStream = clientSocket.GetStream()
netStream.Read(BytesFrom, 0, CInt(clientSocket.ReceiveBufferSize))
DataFromClient = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(BytesFrom)

Now as far as I can tell it shouldn't be processing the first line
[ netStream = clientSocket.GetStream() ]
Until I send something back from the client because then going on to the second line its trying to process something that isn't there yet.

The actual error I get is:
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: size
On the line:
netStream.Read(BytesFrom, 0, CInt(clientSocket.ReceiveBufferSize))

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VS 2008 Sending Info Through Sockets / Ports

Jun 2, 2009

VS 2008: Send commands to a local UDP port. The port is 5975. Let me know if im being to vague or you need more info.

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Sockets + Windows Server 2008 = Memory Leak?

Jan 29, 2010

We have a small service shows continuous nonpaged pool bytes increase from the moment it is started. This is only on a 2008 server (all the others work fine).

The service basically connects a socket to a client to see if it's successful and then closes (most code omitted):


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VS 2008 Async Socket Connections - Clear Out No Longer Useful Sockets From The Server?

Dec 18, 2009

I have been developing an async socket connection server and client program. I have been testing it, and noticed that if I connect to the server from my client and then disconnect. Upon reconnecting I am on a different port(local IP still). This is fine, however when I go to send a message, and the server trys to update all the clients, it eventually hits clients that do not exist anymore. I get the SocketException 10054, and upon connecting/disconnecting enough, it no longer works at all. My question is how do I clear out these no longer useful sockets from the server? I am doing currentsocket.Shutdown(SocketShutDown.Both); and then a currentsocket.Close(); after that. When a user disconnects.


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Chat Over Internet VB 2008?

Mar 31, 2010

I built a chat program using Socket (winsock2005dll) but it did not work well on internet, I've heard that using system.net is more powerful

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VS 2008 Add A Chat Nudge

Apr 11, 2009

Im trying to add a chat nudge,I have a server that basiclys just broad cast it and sends it to who ever is connected

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Make A Program VS 2008 Chat

Jul 14, 2010

i wanne make a program (a client and a Server) oke you run the server and get a window you enter your ip and the name of your Chat server and type a password, than you click start server and the server windows goes down, you give the ip and the name from the server on a friend and he gots a client he types your ip in a window and the name of the server, he connects and we can chat

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Multi User Chat .net 2008?

Apr 9, 2009

[URL].. Unfortunately that is for i think it was 2003. Most likely it wont update and still work. along with that would it be possible to have users be able to private messege each other, create their own user rooms, and add admin features such as kick, ban, look up ip and such?[URL].. as my login system. its been modified so that the connection string wasnt hard coded.

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VS 2008 - Disconnecting From Chat Server

Mar 31, 2009

I've been attempting to create a Chat client/server for a while and I found some good tutorials for Visual Basic Express 2008. But I would like my client to be able to disconnect and have the server acknowledge the fact (and send the same message that it does when someone connects) that a client disconnected.

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VS 2008 Make A Chat Program Using Ftp?

Oct 30, 2009

i wanted to try make a chat program using ftp, im not sure how it will work, i imagined some txt documents in the ftp using winsock etc.

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[2008] Chat Clients Connected ?

Feb 28, 2009

Using this example here, do you think it would be possible to develop it to show who is connected to the server?

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[2008] Chat Program With Emoticons?

Jan 11, 2009

I have made a GUI for my chat program and I'm going to finish the server stuff later. I am using Emoticons ( ) in both ASCII form and picture form. The ASCII ones work perfectly. I have taken the picture ones and put their pictures on buttons so their click event copies and pastes the picture to the rich text box I'm using for text input, but when i hit the submit button, it doesn't copy the picture.I'm using this code to copy the image from the buttons:


ive tried making it so it copies the picture from the rich text box but that didnt work. i tried declaring a global variable (imgEmo as image) and the setting the variable = to what ever emoticon button is pushed at the time (click event) and using the following code in the submit button's click event:


This is the code for my submit button:

rtbChat.Text += ((txtIn.Text + (" --") + (TimeOfDay)))

As a side problem, how do i make it so that every time i hit the submit button it starts a new line and formats the comment like this:

James says: (what ever the message is) --(TimeOfDay)
Kristie says: (What ever her message is) --(TimeOfDay)

I understand that for her answer to be there i need a server and all sorts of other code but i am not interested in that yet. I just need that format.

(Name) says: (string) --(Time)
(Name) says: (string) --(Time)

The name is coming from a separate form, the login form, and it is displayed in the top of my main form as "-- Welcome (Name)". i used the text changes event of the main form to then close the login form. I tried using this line of

'This was a global
Dim strNom As String = Login.txtUrn.Text
'in the submit button's click event
rtbChat.Text += ((strUrn) + ("says: ") + (rtbIn.Text) + (" --") + (TimeOfDay))
strUrn = strNom

This did nothing, in the chat box it returned "says: (message) --(TimeOfDay)".

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VS 2008 - TCP Online Chat / Configuring Router

Dec 22, 2011

I've been working on a tcp online chat. I heard that you need to configure your router to allow other pc to connect or something?

Server :
Imports System.Net, System.Net.Sockets
Public Class frmServer
Dim serverSocket As Socket
Dim clientSocket As Socket
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Cannot Find A Working Chat Application

Apr 10, 2010

I cannot find a Working Chat Application. I am starting this thread to get Help. Not for people to say search the forum. I am a novice to Visual Basic and I really need help. I am creating a Multi user chat application that will look like this; provide a Code or a link to a WORKING Chat with a Server end and a Chat end that shows who's online?

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VS 2008 Chat Program Regarding Richtextbox/autoscroll?

Aug 27, 2009

i want to make the rich box to auto scroll down when the richtextbox is filed so that i dont need to manuel scroll down evry time a new message come in!

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VS 2008 Make My Own Chat Client But Cant Find Any TUT'S

Jul 10, 2009

i want to make my own Chat Client but i cant find any TUT'S i can only find them in vb6 so if anyone can point me to a tut.

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VS 2008 Make A Basic Multi-Chat?

Nov 14, 2009

Im trying to make my client send the account to the server and display it on a listview but im having some trouble. I tried to send some messages and it didnt work. The Client sends the account as "CLIENTINFO" + "|c + the users account. And on the server side the server reads it and splits sends it to the select but its not displaying the Clientinfo.[code].......

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Creating A Web Chat Facility In Visual Studio 2008 Using VB?

Apr 8, 2010

I am creating a web chat facility in visual studio 2008 using Visual Basic,I want to be able to highlight certain keywords that are sent and received to each user?

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Visual Studio 2008 - .NET Chat Server Error

Dec 13, 2009

I recently got into this article. It makes a chat server and people can connect to it like an AIM. The problem how would I disconnect from the server from the client. Because if I close the client application when its connected to the server it will crash the server as well. Please let me know if anyone has any solutions.

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VS 2008 - Chat - Client Doesn't Receive The Data

Sep 16, 2010

Im working on this one application/chatter. What it does, theres a server, and lots of clients. Client sends data to server, server process's it, and the client receives the data (unless its a command, like /process username). Heres my problem. My client has a login feature, like yahoo. Client sends username/password to server. Server goes through list of usernames. Then sends it to client, wether it matches. But my client doesn't receive the data. Can anybody fix this, with my client code provided? Let me know if you need server code, and the extra script files/vb files. [Code]

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VS 2008 : Making A Chat Client And Server With Winsock?

Feb 10, 2010

Make a Chat Server and Client using winsock:I want to have a Login forum and Be able to ban user and Give them ranks I would like it to Use INI files.

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