Mutli-Select Code For Tranfering Data Between Listboxes?

Dec 5, 2007

I have a listbox with multi-select turned on. I want to transfer items from listbox 1 to listbox 2. The following code supporting the "Add" button works for an example where you are not using multi-select. How do I modify it to accomodate multi-select?

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If Me.ListBox1.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing Then


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How To Select Item # On Listboxes

Jul 2, 2010

what I want to do is make it so when i select the first item in Listbox1 it will also select the first item in listbox2 and if i select the second one it selects the second one on listbox2 as well. Is there a way to do this? i honestly have no clue and i know my code is wrong cus i do not know how to select the item # on listboxes but this is what i have:[code]

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Way To Select From A List - Aren't The Two Listboxes Getting A Little Old?

Dec 22, 2009

How many times have we seen this type of selector:

I was just about to start creating this in a WinForms app, when I thought that others may have some ideas for doing this better. We need it to sort - so the right hand list will need up/down buttons. But this seems so old school. I love devexpress components, and was thinking of asking them if they would consider adding a component that handles this functionality with a slick UI.

I am thinking that a graphical representation of the objects, and a graphical representation of the listboxes - that would be a more intuitive way to move items around. Has anyone seen an open source project like this?

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Code For Listboxes - What Their Prefix Is (btn, Text)

Sep 28, 2009

I need to find out about listboxes. Everything about listboxes. I need to know what code is needed for listboxes, and what their prefix is (btn, txt, etc...). I believe that I am using VB 2008.

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Create ListBoxes And TextBoxes With Code?

Sep 9, 2011

Using VS 2005 for this one. Basically what I need to do is create x number of labels and textBoxes on a form.I know there is a way to do it, but like I said I've never had to so this is new and not really sure what the right name for it is (always learning right).

' look for a value if so then
'create and populate the lbls and txtBoxes


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VS 2008 Mutli-Threading/Sockets Chat?

Sep 6, 2009

How do I make a chat room that multi clients will be connecting to at once. Im trying to add a ping/pong method which is just msgbox that tells the user if the message was received. I know that you need a background worker for this but how do i handle all the msgs that are going back and forth to all the clients that are connected to the server

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Replacing Data Between Listboxes?

May 21, 2011

im trying to replace data from listbox1.selecteditem to listbox2.selecteditem i have a temp.txt text file that loads in to listbox1 (rlines) this is the methord i use to load each file in to a list box...

Dim file_name As String = tempdata()
Dim stream_reader As New IO.StreamReader(file_name)
Dim line As String


it dose what it says and replaces that line of text from the data loading in to listbox2 with the data i selected in listboz1(rlines) but what im looking for is to have the data load in to listbox2 and then have a button so i can select a line in listbox1 and in listbox 2 and it will replace the line from listbox1 in to listbox2 now i can add a line in to listbox2 from listbox1 with


but cant find a replace for it

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Transfer Data Between Listboxes?

May 22, 2010

i have a form with two list boxes and two buttons to transfer data between the list button is the add and the other the remove. some code for these two buttons?

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Two Listboxes Data To Correspond To Each Other?

Sep 8, 2009

Two listboxes data to correspond to each other

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Office Automation :: OutLook Not Adding Mutli Appointments?

Mar 19, 2009

I am using Office 2003 with VS2008. I am trying to add appointments to a brand new calendar in public folders. Adding the first appointment works fine. However each and every other appointment from that point, is deleted when I add another one. Here is the code, that I am using.


Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
objOutlook = New Outlook.Application()
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace = objOutlook.Session


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VS 2010 Same Data, Different Queries, Different Listboxes?

Sep 6, 2011

I'd like to display the same data in 6 different listboxes but with different queries.The data is formatted as so:

expt1Expt List
expt2Ready to Print


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VS 2010 - Sort Listbox - Adding Data To Two Listboxes

Mar 29, 2011

I am adding data to two listboxes: listbox1 and listbox2. Now i want so sort Listbox 1, witch i can do with listbox1.sorted = true. But then listbox 2 has to be sorted the same way. (The data has to be matched) How can i do this?

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Sort Items In A Listbox While Keeping The Other Listboxes' Data Aligned?

May 24, 2012

I have this XML file from which I'm grabbing all the data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Javascript - Code Giving The Msgbox If User Select Or Not Select The Checkbox?

Jan 27, 2011

IT STILL GIVES A MSGBOX IF I SELECT THE CHECKBOX BOX OR NOT ....My code below will redirect to Google in both conditions: If the user selects the checkbox, then it will redirect to, but if a user forgets to check the checkbox then it shows the msg box with an ok button. When I click on ok it should redirect to

I want When a user forgets to check any of the checkboxes to show a msgbox with an ok button and stay on the same page. Otherwise if user selects any of the checkboxes then redirect to google


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Using Treeview To Select One From The Other The Code Contains The Case Select?

Oct 31, 2010

ive got a form containing treeview on the left docked, and two panels one over the other (just as for practice), so i am using treeview to select one from the other the code contains the Case select,

Not e.Node


The problem is , both panels are not visible, when i select the first node the firstpanel is visible then i select the second node both panels are not visible, i return to the first node the first panel is visible.

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Use A SELECT Statement To Select All Data?

Apr 2, 2009

I need to use a SELECT statement to select all data under a column name (like all employee names) and then to add the values to a listbox.

I usderstand that the select statement must be:

"SELECT * FROM EmployeeTable WHERE EmployeeNames LIKE *" (at least I think)

but then what? combobox1.fill ("EmployeesTable") ?

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Combobox Displays System.Data.DataRowView When Trying To Select The Data From Sql Database

Jun 30, 2011

I got the System.Data.DataRowView when I tried to select the data from sql database. These are my code:

myCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT FirstName +' '+ LastName FROM tblVisitor", myConnection)
myAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCommand)


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VS 2008 Select From Excel Returning Null Data Instead Of Real Data?

Dec 22, 2010

I typed this question once already, hit preview, and somehow never got the preview and lost what I typed. It has been that kind of a day.So here is my quick overview then I am going shopping. I am using OLE DB to select from an excel spreadsheet. It has over 15000 rows and 33 columns. Sometimes even when a cell is not null, it is returning a null value. If I just do a "select * where [termination date] is not null", for example, it will return no rows even though I can see with my own eyes that sometimes termination date is not null.

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Binding Data Or Load Data To Combobox Using SELECT Query?

Jun 3, 2011

i hve create combobox & text box and add database source to my project...i know how to binding data or load data to combobox using SELECT query..but can i change SELECT to INSERT query cz i wont when i type data into textbox,data will be in database...second..can i binding without add database to project..i mean mydatabase in debug folder..i hve problem binding data if database is not in myproject..

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Select Data From Data Gridview And Retrieve To Another Form

Apr 11, 2011

i want 2 select data from data gridview and want retrive that data into another form in to the textbox it possible ? i 'm doing like this for that

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.[code...]

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Select A Listviewitem In Code?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a form that has a listview with a number of items on it. In certain circumstances, when I load the form, I want a particular item to be automatically selected. The user will select the item to be selected from another form, and I will pass this item to the form in question.

But how do I tell the listview 'hey, set this item as your selected item?" There isn't a writable 'SelectedItem' property.

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Set Select Command In Code

Nov 9, 2009

On button Click I want to Set the Select command of a Gridview. I do this and then databind the grid but it doesn't work. What am i doing wrong? [code]

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Select A Data Using Parameter Equal To Another Data?

Aug 15, 2011

I want to select a data using parameter equal to another data in the same row and assign this value to a variable. How can I do?

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Rewrite Code Below Using Select Case?

Jan 26, 2011

How to rewrite the code below using select case? [code]....

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Select Case Block W/code

Nov 24, 2011

'This program is to ask for input from a customer as to the type of lift ticket desired, whether it will be for a half 'day or full day and the total number of days desired. It will then calculate the total ticket price plus a slope 'charge of $10.00, a 10% sales tax will be added to the total of both the price and charge.'The checkboxes were designed to order one type of ticket at a time, when one box is clicked the 'other checkbox dissappears. Clicking the box again resets them both to visible.[code]

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Forms :: Select The 1st. Combo Box Item In Code?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm trying to use:

SelectedIndex = 0 to select the 1st. item of a combo box. Instead of displaying a customer name the combo box shows "System.Data.DataRow"

It works if the user actually selects something in the combo box but I would like to do this in code.

get the customer name to display in the combo box?

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Select AVG Of A Column With Decimal Datatype From The Code?

Mar 9, 2009

I have a column in DB called price with Decimal as its datatype. when I use:dim r as objectAccessConnection.Open()cmd = AccessConnection.CreateCommand()r = cmd.CommandText = "SELECT AVG (Price) FROM Sale;"I receive an error "Decimal byte array constructor requries an array of length four containing valid decimal bytes."It works fine with other datatype such as Integer and Double. What is my problem?

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VS 2005 Select Part Of DateTimePicker In Code?

Jun 16, 2009

I've got a DateTimePicker control on my form. The normal behavior is for it to allow the user to "move" between value fields with the arrow keys and remember the last date part that was highlighted when the control loses focus. Then, when the control gets focus again, that date part is highlighted. We all know this, I'm sure.What I want to know is how to access the control's selection properties/methods in order to have my DateTimePicker control always highlight the month portion when a user enters the control, regardless of what the last date part highlighted was.

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When Select The VB Code Tags It Wants To Highlight Some Text?

Apr 18, 2009

How do you post VB code so it's color coded? I use the Code tags and it's all black when I select the VB Code tags it wants me to highlight some text?

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Code If User Doesn't Select Messagebox Button

Feb 26, 2009

I have an application that has a timer. Every hour, the application will see what time it is. If it is after 5 P.M., then the application will shut the computer off. (For power saving purposes)I have a messagebox pop up warning the user. I want the user to be able to hit "Cancel" on a dialog box if he/she is still working on the computer and reset the timer to ask again in about an hour. If the user isn't there to select a button on the messagebox, I want the computer to turn itself off. But I can't get the code to skip the dialog box after so many seconds. [Code]

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