Create ListBoxes And TextBoxes With Code?

Sep 9, 2011

Using VS 2005 for this one. Basically what I need to do is create x number of labels and textBoxes on a form.I know there is a way to do it, but like I said I've never had to so this is new and not really sure what the right name for it is (always learning right).

' look for a value if so then
'create and populate the lbls and txtBoxes


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Clearing Textboxes, Listboxes, Checkboxes And Radiobuttons?

Jan 12, 2010

I have developed a simple form with some checkboxes, textboxes, radiobuttons, and textboxes inside a groupbox. Initially I had all of this inside 3 tabs. I created a button to clear all selections so user can restart the process of selection if so choses. It does not work (see below). I thought it is the tabs - so I went on and removed them (by coping the groupbox - deleting the tabs and then pasting the groubox into the main form). The code still does not work. Is there a setting that I must change or something else because a created a simple form with a couple of groupboxes that had all the above mentioned and it works just fine - all of them clear. Just in my form it does not work

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Create Array Of Textboxes In Code That Equate To Text Boxes On Form?

Dec 18, 2009

I have 81 text boxes on a form and would like to create a text array in code that will equate to these boxes on the form. Once I've assigned each text box from the form to the array entry, I'd just like to work with the array - then have the actual text boxes on the form reflect the changes made to the array.

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Create A Form With 2 ListBoxes

Apr 6, 2012

I have this exercise which says the following: Create a form with 2 listBoxes. Add a number of items to one listBox. Create a button that when clicked removes the selected item in the first list and adds it to the second list... Also How can i create a Messagebox that will display error when nothing is selected

I wrote this code:


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Code For Listboxes - What Their Prefix Is (btn, Text)

Sep 28, 2009

I need to find out about listboxes. Everything about listboxes. I need to know what code is needed for listboxes, and what their prefix is (btn, txt, etc...). I believe that I am using VB 2008.

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Mutli-Select Code For Tranfering Data Between Listboxes?

Dec 5, 2007

I have a listbox with multi-select turned on. I want to transfer items from listbox 1 to listbox 2. The following code supporting the "Add" button works for an example where you are not using multi-select. How do I modify it to accomodate multi-select?

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If Me.ListBox1.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing Then


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Create XML From TextBoxes?

Jan 3, 2009

I am trying to build an XML file using textboxes that users can enter and then hit a button which will generate the XML file.[cod]e...

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Create 2 Textboxes With A Listbox

Jan 11, 2012

iam stuck at the following: Have to create 2 textboxes with a listbox: Textbox1 you can put in a amount of money..Textbox2 enter a percentage..Now comes the hard part (for me):The listbox must show the amount you have gained by the percentage so like this: You put in 500 euro's, enter percentage 10. [code] ye there's another part, if the first amount is shown, the percentage calculated for the next amount must be calculated with the first amount.

View 8 Replies

Create The Buttons And Textboxes For 1 Tab?

Feb 16, 2010

Dim tab As Integer = -1
Dim y As Integer = 54
Dim r As Integer = 1


Im creating a program that has a dynamic amount of tab pages, however i can only figure out how to create the buttons and textboxes for 1 tab.


How do i turn that control code into dynamic code that will add the same interface to every single button and textbox?

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How To Create An Array Of Textboxes

Dec 3, 2010

I want to create an array of textboxes to populate a form. I have the following code, but it is not working.Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim count As Integer


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Create/rename A Group Of Textboxes?

Oct 14, 2009

I would like to create or rename a group of sequential textboxes on my VB.NET windows form in the design environment. I currently have 70 textboxes. Right now they are named as TextBox1...TextBox70. I would like to rename all of them to something else like Conveyor1...Conveyor70. I am going to have other groups of textboxes on the screen as well, so I need a quick method to either create them with another sequential name or rename the entire group.

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VS 02/03 Create A Dynamic Amount Of Textboxes?

Feb 24, 2010

I have 10 textboxes. I want to make a certain number of these textboxes visible. The user enters a number from 1 to 10 to determine how many textboxes are visible.The textboxes are named textbox1, textbox2, .... , textbox10How do I set up a simple for loop to accomplish this?

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Code To Clear All Textboxes In A Form?

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to find a code to clear all text boxes in a form. I am using VB8 Here is the code I found but I get an error telling me I need a comma between two arguments

Private Sub btnclearall_Click
Dim ctl As New Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls


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Looping Through Different Textboxes With One Loop Code

Jun 1, 2010

i know there are no "control arrays" in i do come from vb6, and im trying my way now within, so please be gentel...

if someone could please post a simple code to do the following, it would be great:

i have 3 textboxes called txtBet1, txtBet2 and txtBet3.

i have another 3 texboxes called txtResult1, txtResult2, txtResult3.

so i want to have one loop code, to get the value in txtBet1, calculate somethings, and put it into txtResult1.text.

i know it's basic, but i tried using this sample here as a reference, but its not really understandable for me, because its not really choosing the exact control i want to address...

this is from Microsoft website - a comparison between vb6 and

"' Visual Basic 6.0
Private Sub ClearText()
For i = 0 To Text1().UBound


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Set Fonts Of Textboxes Lables In Code

Sep 5, 2009

I am some what confused about fonts. How to set fonts of textboxes, lables code.

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VS 2008 Get Value From Textboxes Created In Code

May 10, 2009

I'm making a program where at the click of a button, a textbox is added to the form.

Basically, right now my code looks like this:
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim s As String = ""


Now when the user clicks a different button, I want it to get the value of the textboxes that were created in the code.

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Create A Ghost Text Using Labels Over The Textboxes?

Sep 21, 2011

I tried to create a ghost text using Labels over the Textboxes. I am using VB.Net2005. I accomplished this with this code:

Public Class frmDataEntry
Private Sub PhantomTextLastName()
If txtLastName.Text = "" Then


Is there any way to reduce this code, so that when I try to add another Textboxes I'll never have to retype a bunch of codes. I have basic knowledge n using Module and Class

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Create Form With 5 Column System Of Textboxes?

Jul 28, 2011

create form with 5 column system of textboxes?

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How To Create Form That Adds Values Of Two Textboxes

Aug 7, 2009

I am trying to create a form that adds two text boxes together, I have achieved this however when running the program if you forget to enter numbers in both boxes the program crashes! I don't want to display an error message I just want the program to ignore empty boxes.

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Input Data (in All Textboxes) Using Create Button?

Nov 16, 2011

I am trying to save new data every time and then I have to edit it or load it. here is a screenshot you might get some idea by looking at this:

First I will input data (in all textboxes) using create button which will be stored then If I want to edit any thing I will input only the part number and press search. the stored data will come up. I will edit it and update it (Load button is update). Now I can save it in txt file and load it using regex but the problem is edit. I can not edit. If i create a database I cannot save 100 parts (or may be more) in one database so it might create too many db files. So is there any other option I can save parts detail then load it and edit it without create so many dbs?

View 16 Replies

Clear 5 TextBoxes With 1 Line Code Not For Every TextBox?

May 28, 2010

how to clear 5 TextBoxes with 1 line code not for every TextBox (TextBox.Text = ""). I tryed many methods, but not successfully.

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Forms :: Copy Certain Buttons, Textboxes And Associated Code

Jun 8, 2011

I have a grid which users enter their contact information - fname,lname then phone number.

I want to know how i can when the usr clicks a button create an extra row of input boxes

And if possible be told how to make the form scrollable, so i can have many, many input boxes present when required

View 5 Replies

Get Code To Work To Populate Textboxes And Datagrids?

Feb 15, 2012

I am creating a form application that should display information from one dataset into individual textboxes (ie. system name, system id, location name, location id). The textboxes populate upon the selection of a pair of cascading combo boxes. So, the user first selects a system name from the first combobox, then that selection will populate the second combo box for the locations of that system. (This means that each system may have more than one location.) Once the location is selected, each of the 4 textbox should populate with the corresponding data but I'm not quite sure how to write the code..


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Reduce Code For Displaying Data In Textboxes?

Mar 10, 2011

On the page I have created I have a search facility that if a doctors number is searched it will bring up the doctors details, once search button is clicked the results are displayed in textboxes (I cannot use gridviews because this is not wanted)sample of code placed on the search buttonQuery statement = "SELECT DocNumber FROM tblDoctor WHERE DNum LIKE '%"execute the query and get the resultThe result is converted to string and Execute Scalar is usedDocNum.Text = Result1

Query statement = "SELECT DocName FROM tblDoctor WHERE DNum LIKE '%"
execute the query and get the result
The result is converted to string and Execute Scalar is used


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Set The Three Textboxes Text To Different Variables Using Only One Line Of Code?

Dec 18, 2010

1) Lets say I have three textboxes: TextBox1 TextBox2 and TextBox3.

Public Sub loopthing (ByVal input1, ByVal input2, ByVal input3)
For i = 1 To 3
TextBox(i).Text = input(i)[code]....

I know that the (i)-thing will not work, but my question is if it's possible somehow to set the three textboxes text to different variables using only one line of code (Like my attempt above).

2)How can I do so that when I click a tabpage on runtime, a certain textbox is highlighted and ready to write without a mouse-click?
I've tried the tabpage's GotFocus- and Enter-events, and writing


there, but it only works the first time I enter that spesific tabpage.

3) - Moved To Its Own Thread In Application Deployment

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VB - Modify Textboxes And Objects Generated In Code?

Feb 23, 2012

I've written a for loop to generate several new text boxes and numericUpDowns when the application is run.

The text boxes / numericUpDowns are generated with a 2-dimensional array. My question is: How do I handle when the text boxes / numericUpDowns are modified?

If you would like the code, just request it and I'll add it here.

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VS 2005 Implement The Following Code To Validate Several Textboxes?

Dec 31, 2010

I am trying to implement the following code to validate several textboxes The problem i cant figure out is once i get in an offending textbox and input the data i cant get out of it? I know i am probaly missing something simple but I can't seem to find it


Private Sub tb_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles subj_ba_txt.Validating, subj_bed_txt.Validating, subj_dom_txt.Validating, subj_gla_txt.Validating
Dim errorMsg As String = "Missing Data"


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VS 2008 Copy Certain Buttons Textboxes And Associated Code?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a grid which users enter their contact information - fname,lname then phone number.I want to know how i can when the usr clicks a button create an extra row of input boxes..And if possible be told how to make the form scrollable, so i can have many, many input boxes present when required.

View 8 Replies - 4.0 Framework Request Validation Will Not Allow Code-behind To Htmlencode Textboxes?

Jan 8, 2011

I have a form that I have been getting submissions that have punctuation and special characters that trigger the potentially dangerous Request.Form value error. I have been trying use the httpUtility.htmlencode and Server.htmlencode method to sanitize textboxes and textareas.All my tests do not fire because the built-in request validation of the 4.0 framework prevents the code-behind from executing to perform the sanitization. I have included the ValidateRequest in the page header but no matter what I set it too it still does the same thing.

This is the code I have so far.

Session("RequestID") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtRequestID.Value)
Session("FirstName") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtInstFirstName.Text)
Session("LastName") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtInstLastName.Text)


What can I do to make this work? According to all the websites I have visited it should work.

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Add A Code To Handle The TextChanged Event Of My Textboxes To Clear The Result Box?

Mar 17, 2009

add a code to handle the TextChanged event of my Textboxes to clear the Result box.

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
txtResult.Text = txtRate.Text / 100 * txtAmount.Text * txtYears.Text
End Sub


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