- 4.0 Framework Request Validation Will Not Allow Code-behind To Htmlencode Textboxes?

Jan 8, 2011

I have a form that I have been getting submissions that have punctuation and special characters that trigger the potentially dangerous Request.Form value error. I have been trying use the httpUtility.htmlencode and Server.htmlencode method to sanitize textboxes and textareas.All my tests do not fire because the built-in request validation of the 4.0 framework prevents the code-behind from executing to perform the sanitization. I have included the ValidateRequest in the page header but no matter what I set it too it still does the same thing.

This is the code I have so far.

Session("RequestID") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtRequestID.Value)
Session("FirstName") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtInstFirstName.Text)
Session("LastName") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtInstLastName.Text)


What can I do to make this work? According to all the websites I have visited it should work.

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How To Disable Application Request Validation

Jun 7, 2011

I want to be able to save things like:

<script src="


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Convert Html In A .net Textbox Without Turning Off The Request Validation Setting?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a textbox which I need to enter html code into (like < strong> or < em> for example). The trouble is this is causing an error writing this back to the database. A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (tbVOther="< strong>test.Is there a way around this without turning off the request validation setting?

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Entity Framework Validation With Partial Methods

Sep 2, 2011

I'm validating entities in EF4.1 with the On[Property]Changing partial methods in a VS2010 Winforms project. Example: OnJobNumberChanging(value As String) I throw an ArgumentException in them if 'value' violates a rule. When editing in a DataGridView which is bound to the results of an ObjectQuery, user clears the text in a cell bound to a property which is not nullable and tabs out. Code enters the partial method, exception is thrown.


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Entity Framework Validation With Partial Methods?

Sep 2, 2011

I'm validating entities in EF4.1 with the On[Property]Changing partial methods in a VS2010 Winforms project.Example: OnJobNumberChanging(value As String)I throw an ArgumentException in them if 'value' violates a rule.When editing in a DataGridView which is bound to the results of an ObjectQuery, user clears the text in a cell bound to a property which is not nullable and tabs out. Code enters the partial method, exception is thrown.

Where then do I catch this exception? I am unable to find the correct event. Exception message is, "ArgumentException was unhandled by user code".

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Forms :: Data Validation In Textboxes?

Dec 7, 2009

I Have four textboxes, I want textbox1 to accept only char data.I want textbox2 to accept only numeric data.I want textbox3 to accept

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Winforms - .NET Multiple Textboxes Validation?

Dec 1, 2010

validating a form with multiple text boxes? User would be informed what was the problematic field.The source of the form:

Private Sub btnNewUser_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNewUser.Click
'If txtEmail.Text.Contains(" "c) Or Not(InStr(txtEmail.Text, "@")) Then
'ElseIf txtPassword.Text.Contains(" "c) Then


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Multiple Textboxes With Different Type Of Data Validation

Jun 22, 2010

I have four textboxes,
I want textbox1 to accept only char data.
I want textbox2 to accept only numeric data.
I want textbox3 to accept only alphanumeric data.
I want textbox4 to accept only bolean data.

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HtmlEncode Isn't Encoding Properly?

Dec 2, 2011

It doesn't appear that the strings are being encoded.

Issue: Dim encodedStr As String = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("<p>This is a test</p>")

The output produces:<p>This is a test</p>

Expected result:&lt;p&gt;This is a test&lt;/p&gt;

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HTTPUtility.HtmlEncode Function?

Jul 24, 2011

Im generating some html on the fly inside my application and saving it to an xml file.. All of this is working just fine, everything but the HTML Encoding.I have a stringbuilder which I am using for generating a small amount of html.. When I html encode the string I am getting & EVERYWHERE? and there are no & symbols!


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MSI Returned Error Code 1638 When Re-Installing Visual Studio 2008 - .NET Framework | Dream.In.Code

Jan 9, 2012

I realize this post is rather long, but I wanted to give all the information up front instead of people having to ask me for more information.At the end of the re-installation of Visual Studio 2008, there is this message:

"Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard. MSI returned error code 1638" in the log file dd_error_vs_procore_90.txt.

I have searched on Google for this whole message and found some references to this error, but I have done what they said worked for them and it did not fix the problem for me.When I searched for just "MSI returned error code 1638", I got that it cannot install something because it is already installed:"Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel".In Add/Remove Programs I see these two programs:

Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.3
Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.4

Are these programs/versions what the error is refering to? Am I safe to remove them and depend on the similarly-named item which would be newly installed with Visual Studio 2008 - "Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard"? I still use SQL Server 2000 and 2005 on my computer, as well as 2008. I had installed VS 2008 on my computer before without this problem and also have VS 2005 and 2010.

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Url - Using Request.UrlReferrer In Code?

Jan 19, 2010

i saw this article on msdn forum about Request.UrlReferrer but didnt really understand it well. I need to use this property in one of my pages to see where the user is coming from. My case is if the user comes from certain page, i need to have an if condition and should open up a popup as well as redirect page to next page. if the Request.UrlReferrer is null then i dont need the popup, just goto next page. can somebody put a sample code snippet here?this is what i have so far -

Public ReadOnly Property URLReferrer() As uri
End Get
End Property

i am not sure what to put with the Get and End Get.

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Use The HtmlEncode (or HtmlDecode) Function In Visual Studio?

Dec 21, 2011

I'm making an application that involves logging into a server, however, the post data needs some encoding.

Dim strEncUsername As String = Server.HtmlEncode(Me.txtUsername.Text)

However, since this isn't an application, this doesn't work. How the hay am I supposed to do this? I tried looking for an Imports thing, but no real luck.

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Validation In .Net Migrated Code?

Apr 15, 2010

If Not IsNumeric(Text1.Text) ThenMsgBox("not numeric")Text1.Focus()Me.Focus()End IfWe've migrated our application from VB6.0 to VB.Net.Consider 2 forms say form1 and form2.Form1 is having a Masked Textbox and Form2 is having a listbox.The code which is pasted above is the leave event of MaskedTextbox.The issue here is that the validation message is displayed twice.We've tried the same in the testbox's validating event as well.But still the same result.Please advice on a resolution.Do we have to consider anything which migrating from VB 6.0 for this scenario ? P.S It's migrated application

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Feature Request: New Code Block Statement?

Dec 22, 2009

It's just before while I found that expression (see my signature) is possible, so this request is not about what 'I am missing', but what I can think of. It would be nice to have named sections of code in visualbasic, which would replaced almost everything you can miss about GoTo. Imagine this:

Section Compression
For Each item ...
If Not item IsV...


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Net - Casting A Request.Form Control From Code Behind?

Oct 15, 2010

This seems really simple, but for some reason Im stumped.Im dynamically generating an HTML Select Box, lets call it myselect. Im creating this select box based on some database values Im generating an HTML Select Box.. almost like a string that Im just spitting out to the page. So it's never a control in the codebehind, just part of a string thats rendered as HTML by the browser. If I submit my form, and in my codebehind I perform:

Dim myVal as String = Request.Form("myselect")

That code will give me the VALUE of the myselect select box. How can I refer to this control to cast it as a System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect control? Request.Form seems to give me the value, but I want to reference the object itself..

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Html - Difference Between System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode And HttpServerUtility.UrlEncode?

Mar 1, 2012

They both encode html

Why microsoft use several different function?

Which one is better? are there any strings that are encoded differently between 2 functions?I notice that System.Web.HttpUtility. HtmlEncode doesn't work in client framework. Why?

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.net - Greek VAT Validation Number Code?

Dec 7, 2010

Is there anybody which can assist me with a code in VB.NET visual studio 2010 for validating Greek TAX Registration number (VAT).

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Reduce My Form Validation Code?

Nov 24, 2010

I have almost 15 forms in 2005, and i have to validate all them, i am using this [code]...

and is working properly but on each form there are 10 to 15 textboxes, maskedtextbox etc so if i place this code on every textbox so it will be a thounds lines of code? so please assist me that how do i write this code shortly for all forms's textboxes.

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Keypress Character Validation...Code Cleanup?

Feb 17, 2009

I know that this is not the best way of doing this, so I am looking for suggestions for cleaning this up. Currently, it only allows the user to enter Alpha characters, spaces, and press the enter and backspace key in a textbox.

'allow alpha characters, spacebar and backspace key only
If (e.KeyChar < "A" OrElse e.KeyChar > "z") _
AndAlso e.KeyChar <> ControlChars.Back AndAlso Asc(e.KeyChar) <> Keys.Enter AndAlso


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Make A Validation Code For ASP.NET Form With VB Coding?

Feb 16, 2012

im trying to build a form+attachment that needs to be send to email.Im using a VB background code (attachementemail.aspx.vb)and my front (b-16.aspx) I want the page to check that the user entered a email, name, phonenumber and attachment. what command do I put in the axp.vb and what on the .aspx tried just about anything.

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Zip Code Masked Textbox Validation Is Not Working

Mar 21, 2010

I have a function i'm using to validate some textboxes. However, the zip code masked textbox validation is not working. Zip code cannot be missing any of the first five digits (the last four digits are always optional). Here is the code that is not working. [code] Also, I have a menu item which when clicked will pop up a font dialog box. When i select a font, it is supposed to changed the font of every control on the form. However, it is not working. [code]

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All-In-One Code Framework?

Mar 25, 2011

I know you from microsoft but can you stopto all those old threads that related to flash and browser because you are pushing new threads to the back. If you want to post something that can benefit the forum members, just post in

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C# - CodeAccessPermission In Framework Code?

Apr 21, 2010

If you use reflector to, for example, look at the implementation of the OnMouseEnter method of ButtonBase, it calls IntSecurity.AllWindows.Assert before showing a ToolTip control.

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Filter Up Validation Code Through A Datagridview And Stop The Program Saving The Data?

May 7, 2010

I have a dataset along with code for validation. When I use a datagridview and setting the EditMode to OnEnter I get the red exclamations telling me that I have an error when this is needed. This works all good. when I click the save button on the BindingNavigator, the application saves the record even when this validation is showing. How do I filter up this validation code through a datagridview and stop the program saving the data? If you need the code for more information, I will add this to the forum.

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Call A WCF Service From Code In The .net Framework 3?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm working in VB.Net and I'm trying to make a piece of code more generic.In fact, there's a big Select Case statement that build a ProxyServer based on a value passed in parameter (a string).

Select Case _strNteraHL7
Case Constantes.NomPRPMIN306010
strUrl = ObtenirUrl("ProviderDetailsQuery", _strVersion, _strEnvir, True, _blnSimulCAIS, _blnSimulPDS, _blnSimulPDSSIIR, _blnSimulPDSInteg)


or something similar, so I can remove all those big switch cases, that repeat the same thing 30 times.objWsHL7 being an object or type "object" at compiling.Again, in another switch case statement,

objMsgHL7Out = _objWsHL7.ProviderDetailsQuery(_objMsgIn)
objMsgHL7Out is a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message
_objMsgIn is a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message
_objWsHL7 is an Object

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Converting C#/XNA Code And Access To The XNA Framework?

Nov 21, 2010

I am trying to convert a C#/XNA project to a VB.Net project with access to the XNA framework. I have added all of the XNA framework as references in the VB project and imported them as well.Most of the code translation is going well but I am getting mixed up with some graphics issues and some event handling issues (neither of which do I understand in any languague). I have tried to puzzle it out but am digging myself a deeper hole with each attempt.I am ok with converting the variable declarations and the first three lines of the Game1 Sub. It is when we get to "graphics. preparedevicesettings . . . " that the trouble starts.

public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
private GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;[code]....

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Entity Framework Insert In Code?

Mar 30, 2009

I have a simple Entity Framework. For simplicity's sake I will transform the entity names to Northwind Like.I have a IEnumerable Of Customer and Item Objects

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Web Based Chat Room With VB.NET Behind Code In ASP.NET Framework?

Sep 11, 2002

Is there any way to build a web based chat room application by using VB.NET as behind code and put it with ASP.NET on the web so users can login the account and start to chat without keep refreshing the browser or frame and have a real time transaction, I know that I have to use .NET.Socket namespaces, but don't know exactly how. I have seen many examples of windows based applications, but I need to know how to put it on the web.

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Windows API Code Pack For Microsoft .NET Framework?

Apr 14, 2010

is this even necessary in VS2010 & .NET 4.0? I've been trying to take advantage of the new Windows 7 taskbar interfaces like the Jump List. The MSDN documentation/tutorial instructs me to include a System.Windows.Shell, but apparently Shell isn't a member of System.Windows. I downloaded the API code pack, but I am unsure of what to do with it. The instructions say to open the main solution file and build it:QuoteTo build the library (except the DirectX related features) in Visual Studio 2008, please extract the contents of the �� file in a new folder and build the included �WindowsAPICodePack.sln� file.And so I did that, but that is the extent of the instructions. I thought maybe it was a Visual Studio extension, so I tried accessing Shell again to no avail. Do I need to add each of the respective namespaces' projects to the target solution to use the API Code pack?

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