VS 2008 Printing A MSchart From A Form?

Apr 5, 2009

I have created a chart with MS chart control on a form. On the form there is a menubar. Now i want to only print the chart and not the menubar and form layout. When i use one of the next two lines the whole form is printed.

PrintForm1.Print(Me, PowerPacks.Printing.PrintForm.PrintOption.Scrollable)

I also want the printed chart to be a fixed size. The size of the chart depends on the size of the form. The size of the form depends on the resolution of my screen. So the printed chart isn't always the correct size.

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Printing MSChart In Vb 2008

Apr 8, 2010

How do I print a MSChart in vb2008?

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VS 2008 MsChart - Print A Distribution Chart Using Mschart

Dec 28, 2009

I have a database with testmarks of - lets say 30 students. I would like to print a distribution chart using Mschart. The values will be loaded into an array ChartData(30) The distribution chart X-axsis should range from 0 - 100 and the Y-axsis 0 to the average amount.... hopes it makes sence....


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VS 2008 Printing Invoice - Print Out The Whole Form

Apr 17, 2009

im having problem creating an invoice. on my form ive layed out text boxs,listboxs etc in the correct order. i do not want to print out the whole form, but just how the layout is and containing the information in the labels etc.

my program is working perfectly fine the only problem is i just cant print it!! i managed to print the subheadings, eg price,name,quantity etc . i want to be able to print the contents of the listboxs under the correct heading. does anyone know a way to go about this?

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VS 2008 Use MSChart In A .NET 2.0 Environment?

Oct 26, 2010

I've googled a bit and saw someone said they had success in simply dragging the .dll files over to their application's path. I have tried this as well, and unfortunately it doesn't work. It stops the errors, but my chart is entirely blank. Some of the features of the chart work. ie: the legend shows up. But I have hidden some items from the legend and they still appear in the legend while running on a 2.0 system. For example, on my development machine, it shows 4 items in the legend, but on the 2.0 machine, there are all 7 - including the 3 that I have hidden.


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Using MSChart On Visual Basic 2008

Jan 26, 2011

I would like to use MSChart to display a line chart (X-Y plot with 2 array) on visual basic 2008. I am wondering if someone here can share working examples of using MSChart on VB 2008. In my program, I would like to read in 2 pressure array, each as function of time. Then, plot the pressures using MSChart.

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VS 2008 How Mschart Control Works

Dec 28, 2009

I have browse the net and can not find any examples of code that i can use to see how the Mschart control works. Can someone please help me with some examples.

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VS 2008 MSChart - Plotting Non-numeric Value?

Feb 3, 2012

I need to be able to plot (for example) the following values on a chart:


The value <1.0 is there as we cannot give the exact value if it is less than 1 but we need to display it.

Is there a way of just displaying the datapoint label with '<1.0' as text, or something similar?

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VS 2008 MSChart Clearing At Runtime

Dec 7, 2010

I am using combobox on a form to select a graph to display on MSChart. The points are then drawn on the chart which is fine for the first chart selected.If I then select a second chart to display it adds the data to the current graph.I have tried Me.Chart1.Series(0).Points.Clear()which clears the points but the axis information remains ie The first chart has 10 sets of points so the y axis goes to 10. When selecting the next chart which has 15 points the y axis goes to 25 even with the points removed.I have also tried manually setting the x and y max values after the new points are added but it doesnt alter the values.Any idea how to set the chart back to default so that I can plot the next.

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VS 2008 MSChart From DataGrid Or Access?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a datagrid on my form which displays a data table from a DataSet (extracted from an Access DB) when the user selects an option from a combo box on the form. I would like this same data to be displayed in an MSChart on the same page but I dont know how to link the chart to the DataSet

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VS 2008 MSChart - Chart Area Axis's Aren't Drawn When No Data Plotted

Apr 2, 2009

MS released the new MSChart for .net 3.5 sp1. I'm trying to get the hang of it in VS2008. One big issue I have is that if I have no data plotted the chart area axis's aren't drawn. Does anyone know a way around that? That seems like a pretty basic/common issue.

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VS 2008 Printing A Form Larger Than "Letter" Size Paper?

Nov 21, 2009

I have a requirement to do a quick print of a form. This form has all kinds of controls and data. The problem is that the form is too wide and the left side of the form gets cut off when printing... when I use the PrintForm power pack control.I tried using bitBlt and it did the same thing. I could not see how to shrink the image to fit.

Also when getting to the Printer Dialog, the printer option to "Shrink to Fit" did not work either.How can I shrink the image? I do not know much about printing and thus printing each control is foreign to me.

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Print Form With PrintForm Object Its Printing Only The Showing Part Not All The Form?

Oct 18, 2011

i am working on Scrollable form, when i am trying to print this form with PrintForm object its printing only the showing part not all the form this the code which am using. Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Me.PrintForm1.Print(Me, PowerPacks.Printing.PrintForm.PrintOption.Scrollable) End Sub

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Printing A VB Form?

Jan 30, 2009

I am trying to use the printdocument object to print off a windows form, but at the moment, the printer just prints a blank sheet.. the code is executed when the print button is clicked:

Private Sub btnPrint_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrint.Click
Dim printDialog1 As PrintDialog = New PrintDialog
printDialog1.Document = PrintRewardsReceipt


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Easiest Way For Printing Form

Jun 6, 2011

I need the best and easist way for printing the form ,nested of PrintForm tool. com it is very bad :angry:,it prints the form like screen shot :angry: ,what I want print entire form on A4 .

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Form Feed In C# Printing

May 15, 2012

I am trying to do a form feed & skip 1 page while printing, however with the below lines of code, i am not able to make a form feed.[code]I use PrintDialog to print the page contents. I am using "f" C#'s form feed character.Any thoughts on how to implement/make this form feed to work? [code]internally c# converts that to "f", but didn't do form feed, anyone who has implemented "f", please share your thoughts.

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Printing A Form Containing DataGridView?

Apr 17, 2012

I develop a project in VB 2010 Express and my project includes two related DataGridViews . One of the DGV has a unique ID for every row. The DGV shows that ID as a Barcode. To see how to format a DGV column to show a Barcode follow the link below:

Format DataGridView to show Barcode - Code39

how to print the form, so the barcodes can be read by a barcode scanner?

I tried to print the form with Visual Basic PowerPacks - PrintForm (See link below). Everything was smooth until I saw the printed paper. Printing quality is very low, and the barcode can't be read with the barcode scanner.

Print a Form using PrintForm component

I tried diffrent ways to print that form with no succes. What do you suggest I should try?

(As i said, I have 2 datagridviews and 4 buttons (one for filtering called "TestOrder", one for Printing called "btnPrint", one for print preview called "btnPrintPreview", and one for page setup called "btnPageSetup").


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Printing A Form On Windows XP?

Jun 24, 2010

I developed an application for a local company that required printing a chart and some data. I made the program on a Windows 7 machine using the PrintForm control. It printed just fine and I sent it to the company, but they are running it on WindowsXP and the program is crashing. I assumed that PrintForm would work on all Win operating systems but apparently that is not the case?

If there is something special that needs to be done to get PrintForm to work on XP that would be fine (downloading a lib file or something), but otherwise what is the best way to print out a VB.NET form on Windows XP?

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Printing A Form To A Printer?

Feb 15, 2012

printing a displayed form to a printer. This is my current code. (I am using the PrintForm visual basic PowerPack.)

Private Sub btnPrint_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrint.Click
cPrintForm.PrintAction = Printing.PrintAction.PrintToPreview
End Sub

This prints the form fine, but the problem is that the page printed is portrait, and my whole form doesn't fit on it, so I was wondering how to set it to landscape?

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Printing A Form Without Powerpack?

Mar 10, 2010

I'd like to know how to print a form to printer without using the vb powerpack. Also, I'd like for the users of my program to be able to save a copy of the form to a jpeg file. I'm using Visual Basic Express Edition 2008.

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Printing A Whole Form / Several Datagridviews?

Mar 3, 2011

im searching the best way for Printing a whole form / Several Datagridviews and some Specific controll contents in my WindowsForm application.

I know the internet is full with bad and good examples. Its hard to separate the Good examples from the Bad examples.

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Printing Data On A Form?

Aug 21, 2009

Is there any simple way print a form with the data on it in visual basic (essentially doing a "print screen" that will automatically be sent to the default printer)? The user would jsut click a button on the screen to print the current form/data.

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Printing From A Form Button?

Dec 4, 2010

I have tried using the printform component to do my printing but found I couldn't fit all the information in labels in the form designer as it wouldn't increas the length of the form longer than about 812, so decided it might be better to use the standard printing tools.

My program was orignally done in vb 1.0 and I am redoing the program in visual basic express 2010.

I have looked at the msdn help and several ebooks i downloaded but most seem to assume you are either printing a text file ie something saved from a text box or an actual file.

I see they have changed completely how you do printing no longer using printer.print and treat it all like a graphic using drawing etc and screen co ordinates and I am finding it very confusing. Nothing I have read seems to cover printing information like
this where there is lines of text being generated to give the values of variables, more things like how to print a picture graphic and have a coloured background.

Basically what I want to print is a quote and cutting list for timber. All the variables are assigned values by entering info in text boxes etc.

Calculations are then done to give a final set of values that are then printed like a report or quote for the end user.

This is what was used in vb 1.0 to achieve this

Sub quoteprint()
printer.fontsize = 12
printer.Print Spc(10);


increase the form length in the designer so i can fit everything in in labels to use the print form component, it would be greatly appreciated.

I may be missing an obvious step but I am still new to visual basic express 2010, and the original program I did using vb 1.0 is the only visual basic programming I have done so i am still a learner.

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Printing Part Of A Form?

Aug 3, 2010

I need to print part of a form as a report, I can print a full screen capture no problem, but does anyone know if I can print a particular section of a form such as a group box ?

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Printing Specified Items From A Web Form?

Mar 14, 2011

I have an asp.net web page created with web forms. It has a number of gridviews on it which are populated from a database on a button click.I am looking to print a version of this page on a different button click. I'm looking to customize the printed page, with some text that is specified, then the gridview contents (user friendly version), then some more text etc

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Printing A Form Without Showing That Form?

May 15, 2011

I am making a Sport Carnival timer for a local school. Currently, I have the results go into another form that I want to get printed. I tried using the PrintForm method, but it did not work as I have to show, and have that window open to print it. This form also has graphics that I want to print too.

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Entering Data Into A Form And Printing?

Mar 28, 2009

I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.I want to be able to have the user type information into specific fields on the form and when they select print, it auto generates a pre made form and just fills in the areas that they type in.

If I have a form that has these fields:


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Menu Still Shows When Printing Form

Jun 22, 2010

I'm printing a VB.NET form using BitBlt API my code as follows[code]...

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Page Orientation For Printing Form?

Oct 4, 2011

we want to print the datagridview in the form with the data of different employees (see our attached image).. but it's too long and it can not be printed in a short bond paper.. so we need a code to print that form in a long bond paper and in a LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION..

here's our tried code:

PrintForm1.PrintAction = Printing.PrintAction.PrintToPreview
Attached image(s)

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Printing A Form Using Info From List Box?

Mar 19, 2012

I've searched and searched for an answer to my question, but as of yet, have yet to find a solution to what I'm looking for. My background - 6 months out of College (Computer Studies)

Right now I'm working on a program that is going to be used to handle database information (Access 2007). On the main form the user can select 3 pieces of required info from drop down list boxes. Those are required. Then after that they are able to enter a first name and a second name. They then add that name to a list box below. They can add as many names as they want to a list box. Then from there they have the option to either just save the info, or if required (which will more then likely be the main option) print each person in the list their own certificate. I have designed a separate form laid out the way required for the certificate.

The trouble that I'm having at this time is that I am unable to make the printing process show all of the certs that are going to print in a print preview. I have been able to get it to only show one. The form is set to load where hidden = true.

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