VS 2008 Reading/Writing Bytes

Sep 7, 2009

I'm trying to read 5 bytes from a file and then do something according to what has been read. This is my code (I'll explain in a bit what's wrong):[code...]

It reads the 5 bytes I added to the encrypted file, but I want the CryptoStream to start from the sixth value and then copy the original bytes into the decrypted file, but it gives me an error:

Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.That's why I'm trying to make it read from the sixth value and then continue copying normally, but I'm stuck.

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VS 2008 Writing To A .ini Then Reading It?

Mar 22, 2010

Ive searched for the pass hour on how to do this. Everything ive found is for vb6 and it wont work with 08 for some reason. Here is what i am doing, and the way i want to do it.I have a login form that has a checkbox remember me. Inside the if statement (If chkRemember.Checked = true) I want the code to write the username and password in a config.ini file in this format;


Can someone provide me with a code i can use for this? I also want to be able to read that data to.

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VS 2008 Reading And Writing To XML File

Jun 30, 2010

Ok so there is an XML file for a program that already exists that stores a list of files along with other information.I need to open this file and read the file names and then potentially add files to it if they DO NOT already exist in the file.It is very important that I not wipe the XML file and have to write it from scratch every time.

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VS 2008 Reading/Writing Database?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm currently doing a project, I have 5 text boxes, and the information I put inside them get's added to a record in my database..In this record, an auto-number is allocated, and I need to display what the auto-number allocated is..

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Visual Web Developer 2008 And Reading And Writing In XML?

Sep 10, 2008

I am trying for the first time, to create a web application which uses xml files to store data and I cannot get it to function right.On a web page I have a Label (label1) which I need to reflect the cityname of a zipcode typed in a textbox (textbox1).From another webpage I have tried this example (But I cant get it to work how to read and write data from an xml file in Visual Web Developer 2008 ???:xml File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<name Language="French">


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VS 2008 - Reading And Writing Strings To / From ControlLogix?

Sep 2, 2010

Any example code for reading and writing strings to and from a ControlLogix Processor?

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VS 2008 Writing And Reading Text From File?

Nov 11, 2011

This is what i wanna do and dont really know how:

When i click button "StoreX":
if X.ini does not exist it will be created at the same folder as application
NumericUpDown1 value stored at X.ini line 1


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VS 2008 Reading And Writing Data To A Serial Port

May 25, 2009

reading and writing data to a serial port. the settings for the port are correct (from manual of device):


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VS 2008 Reading Ascii Txt File Into Array And Writing It?

Jan 3, 2010

I'm reading a txt file into an array and then writing a new file one line at a time. The reason i'm using array is that i'm searching for a few lines that i want to find and replace.

However in my file I have some ascii characters but they aren't read well. I read something about System.Text.Encoding.Default but I don't know how to implement it in my code.


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Writing Single Bytes To A BIN File?

Aug 20, 2011

I have a BIN file which I need to write a single byte to at the end and maintain the previous data. Here is an example.Viewed with a hex editor the file may have F0 FD 48 D3 C0 as the data. I want to be able to add to the end of it FF so that when I view it with the hex editor it is displayed as F0 FD 48 D3 C0 FF. I know how to open files for putting data but how can I take those characters and write them to the end of a file. I tried using the put function ( Put #FileNo, , MyStr) where MyStr = the characters in the textbox but it doesn't seem to work. Here is some code.


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VS 2008 What Does This Line Exactly Do - I = Stream.Read(bytes, 0, Bytes.Length)

Dec 28, 2010

What exactly does this line do?

i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)

Does it read the entire message string sent by the client? I have a line to write to the stream later in the code and that does not seem to be sending anything back to the client, although the code around is excuting.

i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
While (i <> 0)
' Translate data bytes to a ASCII string.


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VS 2008 Reading Bytes (Little Endian/Big Endian)?

Apr 14, 2010

I need to be able to read bytes in Little Endian and in Big Endian as well. Is this possible to do in VB? I know that VB reads in Little Endian by default, but I also need to read in Big Endian.

I have tried this:

Dim i1 as Long
Dim fs As New IO.FileStream(filename, IO.FileMode.Open)
Dim br As New IO.BinaryReader(fs, System.Text.Encoding.BigEndianUnicode)


This return the value "1616183296" when it is supposed to return "21856". I've opened the file up in Hex Workshop, and looking at it in Little Endian, I do get the value of "1616183296" and in Big Endian, I get the value of "21856".

View 17 Replies

Reading The First Bytes Of A File?

Mar 17, 2010

I've got a web app where I'm trying to validate that an uploaded file is .PDF. I can't use ContentType because if the user renames the file to have a ".PDF" extension, the browser reports the MIME type to be ".PDF" even if it isn't.

I understand that one way to "validate" that a file is a PDF file is to look at the first four bytes, which should always be "%PDF". How do I open and read the first four bytes of a file in VB.NET to see whether or not they are equal to "%PDF"?

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Variables - Reading Bytes In A File?

Jan 2, 2010

After getting the file name I create a new filestream and load all the bytes from the FileStream into a byte array, now I need to get certain bytes and store them in fields like the second 4 bytes are the time the file was created. When storing these in the variables should I store them as bytes or as string/integers/etc.

Or have I done it completely wrong?

EDIT:Should I be doing this way instead of a filestream?

Dim data() as Byte = File.ReadAllBytes(path1)

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VS 2010 Reading Bytes From File Endian?

Dec 14, 2011

So i have one file, that has one header that tells me if the bytes are in little or big endian format.The content of the file after the file is something like this, one byte that indicates a new "section", then several bytes until the other "section". This bytes each one represent the number of the bytes that i need to read in the second section.


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Reading The Serial Port - Read And Display The Whole 16 Bytes In One Go?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm working on a project involving reading RFID tags, I've written the code and it reads the tags ok by using the recieved data handler and displaying the result in a listbox, the only problem is that the data displayed has a couple of unreadable characters at the start (I'm using ReadLine() command.)If I read the buffer byte by byte the data is all readable.How can I read and display the whole 16 Bytes in one go??

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[2008] Reading And Writing Files : Open "infile90.txt" For Input As #1

Jul 20, 2009

im not able to find lots of command that i used to use in vb 6 i want to know the syntax for READING THE TEXT FILE and WRITING THE RESULT IN TEXT FILE in vb6 i used the following syntax:: Open "infile90.txt" For Input As #1 this is giving me error...

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Reading And Writing INI Files

Mar 12, 2011

I'm creating a simple forms application where users can enter their details and save the information to a .ini file because I needed this for a simple game profile. I've tried to make it write "Name =" + txtname.Text but it won't work anymore. And as well as that, I don't think It will load the text back from the ini file.

Here's the code I used;
Public Class Form1
Dim hFile As Long
Dim sFilename As String
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

Form designer: [URL]
Form1.resk: [URL]
Form1.vb: [URL]

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Reading And Writing To 64 Bit Registry?

Sep 20, 2010

I need to read a value (and possibly adjust the value) in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall key on both 32 and 64 bit systems.I've tried accessing 'stuff' by compiling my widget as both a 32 and 64 bit app, but nothing is working. Then I came across some information indicating that this could be done from a 32 bit applicaiton using KEY_WOW64_64KEY [URL] somehow, but I can't figure it out.

1) Check the existing value of HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall{ProductGUID}DisplayVersion handling both architectures.

2) If the value <> "" And <> Our Current Version Then

3) Write the Current Version to the value mentioned in step 1.

I wouldn't think this is that difficult as I've worked with registry before, but the 64 bit stuff is throwing me for a loop.It would be nice if I could compile my app to target AnyCPU then detect where its running on 32 or 64 bit. The app could then look and update in the appropriate location.I currently am set to use .NET 2.0, but could go to 4.0 if there is something in there that makes the above tasks easier.

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Reading And Writing To A Txt File

Jun 27, 2011

I have a tab spaced txt file that looks somthing like this;


I'd like to be able to read in the file and have a pop up message ask somthing like this; "Is cash1 for comp1 correct?" If yes ask about the 2nd line and if not ask what the real cash total is and then over write that to the file, then ask about the 2nd line.

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Reading And Writing To Csv File?

Dec 31, 2010

i am working on a Yahtzee projeect for college and am struggling with reading and writing to a csv file the code i have to read the file works but only gets the first column and displays it on a line not as a list.

Private Sub HighScoreFrm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


the other criteria i have to work towards and wondering if anyone can help is to limit the amount of records to 10 so need to check what the lowest score is and if the current score is higher over write it,

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Reading And Writing To Settings.cfg?

Jan 15, 2009

i want my form to read a textfile and make it like line 1 will put in textbox1.text and line 2 will put it in like textbox2.text and like when the app closes it writes textbox1.text to line 1 and textbox2.text to line 2 in the .cfg file

i found acouple codes, but i havent found one that worked for what i wanted to do

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Reading And Writing To/from A Database?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a table in a database with 3 columns: OfferName, ExperienceAward, and GoldAward

I populate a combobox with the various offer names with the code below:

Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection( _
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:UsersDouglasDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsGameBoxRPGGameBoxRPGContacts.accdb;Persist Security Info=False")
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New _


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Reading/Writing To Config.app?

Apr 13, 2011

The code below has a green line below the text after Return. VB10 states that the context is obsolete but I cannot find a new method to get rid of it

Imports System.Configuration
Public Class Form1
Public Shared Function ReadSetting(key As String) As String


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Resources Reading And Writing?

Jul 23, 2009

how to write and read from and to resource file, pressuming they are text files. I tried using the standard file streams but that does not work.

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Writing And Reading File

Aug 7, 2009

I have created a small game for my son and after each game it tells him his score.all I want is to write the highscore to a file and have it open each time he begins a game..so he can see what his last score was. I dabbled with all this Io.file stuff and I just can not seem to get it to write to the file..also how do I work with app path in this case? I mean when the game is done and installed the current path of the save text would change.

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Writing To And Reading From A Database

Aug 24, 2009

Im trying to get my program to fill out textboxes with information it reads from a database, and then save the changes to the database. Does anybody know any good tutorials of this which i could look into?

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Writing/Reading .dat Files?

Dec 28, 2009

seeing as '.dat' files contain only what you want them to and there is no preset encryption for them etc could I write data to one by using this simple process:

1) Change file extension to '.txt'
2) Decrypt
3) Write
4) Encrypt
5) Change file extension to '.dat'

and pretty much the same for reading it. or am I thinking to simply?

I thought of the above way as i know how to write to text files already, but is this the best way to do it? or is there a better way?

EDIT: Nevermind you just write to it like a text file and encrypt/decrypt it. request lock/delete from mod.

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Better Ways For Reading And Writing To .txt Files?

Jun 29, 2006

I am trying to create a bunch of records, there will be a limited number of "Codes", about 50. Each "Code" is associated with a name from a textbox, I was trying to have it save each one when you click a button, to a .txt file.So, from the start the record will be blank, the person will go through the form, choose a number from a numerical up and down box, pick a name associated with it (both of these are mandatory and not implied). When they click the button, it will save the contents I talked about into a .txt file, say the number is #2, and the name is "Bob", the next time they try to change that value for #2, it will overwrite "Bob".

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Characters Not Reading/writing Properly?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a code to rewrite an ini file, but characters such as 'ñ' will get changed to '?'. This way my whole ini file will get ****ed up, I have no idea to fix this and this is a serious issue for my application.You can find my whole source file here:

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