VS 2008 Rename Other Window Name?

Feb 10, 2010

I am looking for a way/code to change other programs Window Name.

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2008 - Rename My Project?

Dec 24, 2011

I'm using vb.net 2008. can I rename my project?

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Rename A VB 2008 Project?

May 31, 2010

I have a VB 2008 project XYZ. It is in an XYZ folder. I want to keep it, but I also want a copy of it which I will call ABC which will be in the ABC folder. How do I do this? Just moving files to a new folder does not work. I have found a few places to make changes like the assembly name, but there seem to be many places and I haven't found them all. I found some old posts for earlier versions of VB but they are not applicable.

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Rename A Project In Program 2008?

Feb 2, 2010

I would like to rename my project in VB2008 so I can resume and improve it.

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VS 2008 - Rename Files While Working With Them

Sep 27, 2009

I am trying to change the file names of all the files in a directory based on content of the file. So I am opening the file, reading the content, storing the new file name in a variable and then trying to change the name of the file. This is not working because when I start this loop I am opening the file and viewing it so it won't allow me to change while the file is in use. Should I store the old and new file names in an array and do the renames after the For Next Loop is complete?


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VS 2008 Rename Function Error

Aug 25, 2009

I have no idea what its doing to me I didn't put any debug points in but it stops and goes to a highlighted line on my rename function.

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VS 2008 - Rename All Files Inside Directory

Jul 12, 2009

I am looking for a way to rename all JPG's inside a directory. So I'll pass it a directory (for example C:/PictureTest). It will then rename all JPG's inside that folder to something of my choosing.

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VS 2008 File Compare And Copy Or Rename?

Nov 3, 2009

I am helping a friend convert files from floppy to CD. The files are in WordPerfect for DOS (8.3)format. she named the files as follows: name.month eg; Baker.jan. if there were more than 1 "Baker" files in the same month she named them baker1.jan,Baker2.jan etc... She then copied them to floppies and when one got full she started another. The problem is I have multiple instances of the same filename on different disks so when I copy to my HD windows asks if I want to overwrite the files. I have been writing the names down and renaming them manually. Is there any way to automate this process? I would need to perform the following:

1. Check if floppy filename exists on HD already
2. if it doesn't, copy to HD
3. if it does, is it the same file or different file with the same name (file size has been a good indicator so far)
4.If it's the same =>ignore and go to next file on disk
5. if different, rename then copy to HD then go to next file
6. repeat until all files have been copied

I have 300+ disks to do this with and it is very time consuming.

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VS 2008 How To Rename Multiple Files In A Directory

Feb 2, 2010

I've been having for the past few hours? What I'm wanting to do is create a program which essentially removes a certain string from the filename in all files. So for example I have:



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VS 2008 Rename An Entire Project / Save As?

Feb 6, 2012

I want to rework and rename an existing application and utilize everything I've already done -- but it looks like it isn't going to be that simple?One post suggested renaming the folder, plus the project and another subfolder but when I opened that folder there were another 7 or 8 files that also needed changing.I DON'T want to do anything that will create a conflict and if I'm going to change to newname from oldname, I don't want to see "oldname" popping up anywhere..Is there a safe way to rename and reuse an exisitng project? Without anything being left out ?

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VS 2008 Rename Files Inside A Folder?

Dec 21, 2009

I have a folder that contains overs 1000 files,some files are sql script and others are text doument.I want to rename all the sql files and for the text documents,I want to replace a particular text by another text but opening each document and doing replaceAll requires lot of time

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VS 2008 - Possible To Rename / Overwrite Temp Image File?

Nov 10, 2010

Right now I upload a temp image file, delete the original, and then rename the temp to the original. Is there any way to rename without deleting first? I am doing this in a loop for a webcam program and when I delete the image, it shows a broken image if it is being veiwed right then. I wish I could allow it to overwrite when calling the rename. FYI, I have to upload a temp image first because if I upload the original, it will show as a broken image or partial at timed when being viewed.

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VS 2008 When Logon Window Is Run The Splashscreen Still Open Like Maximized Window

Mar 29, 2011

When I run project splashscreen is popup and then Logon window is run. But unfortunately when Logon window is run the splashscreen still open like maximized window and I cannot see Logon window. How to fix that problem?

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VS 2008 Rename,Copy And Paste Directory Denied In Windows 7?

Jul 26, 2011

So i have this code that will rename one of the folder:

FileIO.FileSystem.RenameDirectory("C:Program FilesYahoo!", "Yahoo!1")

but when I run the code..it say's: IOException was Unhandled

Access to the path 'C:Program FilesYahoo!' is denied.

I think the OS is the cause of the problem. because in Windows 7 it asks for permission to change the name.

How could i make the program to continue renaming when the log in user is administrator.

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.net - VS 2008 Addin Copies And Renames Form Files, Gets Duplicate Members Errors Despite Rename

Jul 14, 2011

I have a VB.NET project in Visual Studio 2008 that I created a specialized addin for. The addin prompts the user to select a database table, takes a template form class's files, copies them to another directory within the project, and renames the form class within the copied files. It then opens the new form and adds controls to it based on the fields in the database table.

The copying of the template form causes the background compiler to give 'duplicate member' errors, such as "Private Sub InitializeComponents(...) has multiple definitions with identical signatures," even though I renamed the files of the new form and the class name within them. Sometimes these errors go away before the new form is opened, but when they stick around the new form doesn't open correctly, and it throws an error instead. I implemented some code to wait until there are zero errors in the error list before trying to open the new form. This has helped sometimes, but for some reason sometimes the errors don't go away at all until the addin is closed.

How to copy the template form and rename the copy without the background compiler ever noticing duplicate members. If that's not possible, then perhaps someone has an alternative?

Here is my code that copies and renames the template form:

Private Sub CreateDataForm(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal displayName As String) ', ByVal subDataForms As IList(Of Object))
Dim dataFormClassName As String = "frm" & MakeValidName(displayName)
Dim dataFormFileName As String = dataFormClassName & cVBSuffix


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VS 2008 Obtain CRC32 Checksum Of Files Within A Folder Then Rename Files And Folder

Mar 4, 2010

in the current project im making i've decided to add in some tools, 1 of which is a renamer based of a renamer app that already exists (called scdtoolz), i want to build my own version of it so i can learn some new things, and build a nice GUI version of it.[code]So what i have managed to determine is that the current app scans the folders contents for the CRC32 Checksum, and renames based of that, since the 456.bin's CRC32 Checksum was 2274F80B, and in the text file 2274F80B is found here 'WWF - Rage in the Cage (T-81015)(U)#2274F80B#'So now i have determined game identification is based of the CRC32 checksums, how would i go about coding a similar ap in vb.net?first i need to make the app scan a folder, but how to return crcchecksum? and then rename if check = XXXX? If MD4 sums are easier/simpler i can use those instead, im lookin at a few hash app sources now, so i think i can see how to get the md5 but not the crc32 yet, or how to rename the 2 files and folder based of the text file.

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Any Way To Rename Dictionary Key?

Sep 27, 2011

Is it possible to change the key of a dictionary?

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Rename File From .prn To .txt?

Mar 15, 2012

im having trouble with renaming a file.. the last 2 digit of DT102T01 up to DT102T15 will count according to the number of files inside the Data_PRN folder.

'===== make directory & rename file . prn to .txt =======
Dim PRNname As String
Dim TXTname As String


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Rename Node In Xml?

Oct 19, 2011

I have xml file that contains a node named <type> I want to rename it to <oldType> I know I cant rename an xml node so I wrote this :

Dim oldNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("type")
Dim CNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = doc.CreateElement("oldType")
CNode.InnerXml = oldNode.InnerXml


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VS 2008 - Getting Window Name

May 1, 2009

Im wounder how would I find the name for a window and place the name in a textbox, EX: The form will look for all the window name running an paste all the names in the textbox1, I looked on google theres only VB6 O.o, How would I do this?

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VS 2008 - How To Put Different Window On Top Of Everything

Dec 21, 2009

I've been looking for the API to put a different window on top of everything and focus but I only found a vb6 version [URL].

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VS 2008 Get Top Window?

Nov 9, 2009

Im using sendmessege to send key "h" to notepad, it works fine SendMessage(notepad, WM_CHAR, 104, 1)Im wanting to know how to get the hwnd of the top running program and send h to it.

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VS 2008 - Child Window - Yet Not Child Window

Aug 23, 2009

I have a 3rd party program that puts up a pop up box and asks the user for input. In Spy++ the original program (I'll refer to this as Window A from now on) is a top level window, and the popup (Window B) is also a parent window. However, when I use FindWindow(Nothing, "Captcha Challenge") it returns 0. I've also used a code snippet from the forums


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Asp.net - How To Rename Uploaded File

Feb 26, 2012

I made a form in ASP.NET with VB background code.my problem is I want to make that the file which is been uploaded to by the form to change to "Resemey.doc" instead for example "012 MaraCSD.doc"did a bit of research and found out I need to add some code to my vb code.but couldn't find what, and where to put it.

this is my code:

'Add the namespace for the email-related classes
Imports System.Net.Mail
Partial Class SendAttachment


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How To Rename A Table Using Sql Query

Oct 26, 2009

i am trying to rename a table which is in ms Access file and i am sending a sql query through the oledb.command and the syntax i used is Rename 'table_original_name' as 'table_new_name' it show an error that invalid sql server what is the way or synax to rename the table which is in the MS Access File

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How To Rename Existing Files

Sep 23, 2010

This is what I've wrote.. and it fails to rename existing files
For Each file As String In listbox1.Items
IO.File.Copy(file, IO.Path.Combine(fbCopyto.SelectedPath, IO.Path.GetFileName(file)))
While IO.File.Exists(fbCopyto.SelectedPath & file)
file= file & x & ".wav"
x += 1
End While

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IDE :: Rename A Form Of VB Program?

Nov 13, 2009

i just wanna get to know the basic steps in order to create a VB Program?

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Possible To Rename Few Resources Images?

Jul 21, 2009

I am currently working on a project that contains a few images, that are placed in a lot of different controls. I was wondering, is it possible to rename those few resources images , ex. image1 name is bg, and when i click a button to rename that image to bg2 and rename bg2 to bg.. something similar to an image swap, just done by renaming resources. I will wait for a few suggestion, but if all lead to the same possibility, which I hope is not "no, you can not", than my time is narrowed down for better use, other than changing each control's image manually..

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Rename A Collection At Runtime?

Jan 10, 2012

Building a MP3 player fairly large but will upload the zip file if needed. It almost compelted. I am stuck on one thing I want to be able to create a playlist collection based on the name the user enters into a textbox and name the collection with that name if the user enters mysongs as the name the collection would be named mysongs. I know how do declare a new collection but there is no way to change the name to mysongs I am not limited to collections it could be an array or a list of strings my thought here is to save the list of mysongs to a collection to find the list if it already exists and open the list if found to a listbox I know how to go through the list and put results in a listbox. Maybe a collection of collections is not the right way to handle this?

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Rename A File To Exe In Program?

Jan 22, 2011

I am writing a program. it is called the file renamer, all it does is rename .pptx to .exe (i have a website on wix so I have to rename .exe files to .pptx so I can upload them). I dont want to other users who have no Idea how to rename file extensions any trouble. [code]...

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