VS 2008 Saving Picturebox.image?
Nov 4, 2010i have a form with a picturebox and a button that when pressed selects the clipboard contents, if a picture, and shows it in the picture box
i have a form with a picturebox and a button that when pressed selects the clipboard contents, if a picture, and shows it in the picture box
How come this doesn't work when I try to press a button to save a picturebox to a file?
Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
PictureBox1.Image.Save("C:Test.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
I have a form containing a listbox showing a list of image names. It's bound to the database table. When an image name is clicked it shows the image and imagename in a picturebox and textbox respectively. When no image is selected in the listbox, a new record can be inserted by browsing a new image in the picturebox by an openfiledialog, writing the imagename in the textbox and pressing the OK button. When an image is already selected, the record can be updated by pressing the same OK button. The data is saved into MSSQL Server 2005. Corresponding table fields are Keycode int autono, logoname nvarchar(50), logo image.Now the problem, when I insert a new data with an image everything goes fine but whenever I try to update an existing data with an image it throws an exception- 'A generic error occurred in GDI+.' at the following line- 'pic.Image.Save(ms, pic.Image.RawFormat)'. Surprisingly when I update an existing data without any image in the picturebox no exception is generated. I have crossed checked it and seems that the problem is just at one point- 'Updating the image from the picturebox'. My code to insert/update the data by OK button and to populate it by listbox doubleclick follows:
Private ms As MemoryStream
Private arrImage() As Byte
Private conn As SqlConnection
I have a form containing a listbox showing a list of image names. It's bound to the database table. When an image name is clicked it shows the image and imagename in a picturebox and textbox respectively. When no image is selected in the listbox, a new record can be inserted by browsing a new image in the picturebox by an openfiledialog, writing the imagename in the textbox and pressing the OK button. When an image is already selected, the record can be updated by pressing the same OK button. The data is saved into MSSQL Server 2005. Corresponding table fields are Keycode int autono, logoname nvarchar(50), logo image.Now the problem, when I insert a new data with an image everything goes fine but whenever I try to update an existing data with an image it throws an exception- 'A generic error occurred in GDI+.' at the following line- 'pic.Image.Save(ms, pic.Image.RawFormat)'. Surprisingly when I update an existing data without any image in the picturebox no exception is generated. I have crossed checked it and seems that the problem is just at one point-
I have a form containing a listbox showing a list of image names. It's bound to the database table. When an image name is clicked it shows the image and imagename in a picturebox and textbox respectively. When no image is selected in the listbox, a new record can be inserted by browsing a new image in the picturebox by an openfiledialog, writing the imagename in the textbox and pressing the OK button. When an image is already selected, the record can be updated by pressing the same OK button. The data is saved into MSSQL Server 2005. Corresponding table fields are Keycode int autono, logoname nvarchar(50), logo image.Now the problem, when I insert a new data with an image everything goes fine but whenever I try to update an existing data with an image it throws an exception- 'A generic error occurred in GDI+.' at the following line- 'pic.Image.Save(ms, pic.Image.RawFormat)'. Surprisingly when I update an existing data without any image in the picturebox no exception is generated. I have crossed checked it and seems that the problem is just at one point- 'Updating the image from the picturebox'.My code to insert/update the data by OK button and to populate it by listbox doubleclick follows:
I am having a bit of difficulty saving an image from a picture box through vb.net.Basically when user clicks the save button, it saves the picture in the picturebox to the C drive, Here is my code so far:
Private Sub SaveImageButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveImageButton.Click
Im trying to save the image from my picturebox to a file. Ultimately im looking to use a save file dialog but im just testing at this point. Im working with the following line of code.
I'm getting GDI+ error when saving picturebox image to the database. My database is sql server with image datatype. Ideally when I browse image file to the picturebox then save using following code
I have some problem about image sizing, citing the process: I've create 2 button and picture box. The button1 load opendialog to load image then the image will be viewed at picturebox and the button2 will save to sql table. My problem is how could I resize the image before saving to sql table.
My code:
--before saving
dim myImage as Image=Picturebox.image
How could I resize the actual dimension of image?
Im wanting to load a picture into a picturebox before i start with saving the image. but im stuck i cant figure out how to make the code wait.
cover.ImageLocation = file
cover.Image.Save(path.Text & "mymovies-front.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
When i use the code above and chack the picture after save it shows me the "x" picture just before the picture is loaded i have had a look at picture.waitonload
i'm doing a simple form tat could add picturebox during runtime and i could add several picture into it.
View 5 RepliesI'm drawing a chart in a pictruebox with a sub called Techart. After that I'm trying to turn the drawing into a bitmap, so that it will be persistant and also so that I'll be able to save it. This is what I've got from searching the forum:
Ive got multiple background images on my program , heres the first 2 Private Sub Win7ToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Win7ToolStripMenuItem.Click
How do i save and reload my selected image when i open my program again ? Using My.settings
I found this code on another site for saving the webpage in the webbrowser to an image. I browse to a website and call this and works great. Then when I do it again, I get an empty image but the size of the webpage. It always works the first time but no more after that.
Here is the
Private Sub GetImage()
If WebBrowser1.Document Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim W1 As Integer
[Code] .....
I have application, where is a big image, displayed in picture box, but only a part of image is on the screen (I set display mode "zoom", so it's center). But now, I need to fluently scroll this image using mouse, so when I click on picture box, and move mouse, the visible part of image should be changing.
View 2 RepliesI'm adding the icon image of a process and adding it to a PictureBox. I want the image to be centered, but it's stuck in the Top Corner of the box.
Dim ico As Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(p.MainModule.FileName)
Properties.picProcess.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center
Properties.picProcess.Image = ico.ToBitmap
I'm setting the Layout first and then adding the icon. I've tried the reverse and I still get nothing.
I've just started VB.net and I don't understand the graphics system at all. (accustomed to vb6)
I'm trying to draw a bookcase in my form (or picturebox. I don't really care. Whatever works!). I have images called
I'd like to create the bookshelf from those images like so
(top) - 40px high
(bookspace) - 200px high
(shelf) - 40px high
(bookspace) - 200px high
(bottom) - 40px high
All 880px across.
How to get only the visible image on Picturebox
the picture size is 320 x 240 captured from webcam and the picturebox is 240 x 240 the sizemode of picturebox is centered so the image is centered
when saving the image i got 320 x 240 image not 240 x 240
i want to save the image in 240 x 240 pixels how?
I have made a program that has an image moving across the screen. The image changes its movement direction when the arrows are pressed. Now, I am trying to rotate the image (an arrow) to match the direction. Here is the subroutine to rotate the image. It uses the hidden PictureBox2's image (the original right arrow) as the source, because I couldn't think of any other way.
were currently developing a software for our thesis. And were having a problem with the SAVE button. this SAVE button will save the two individual picturebox into one .BMP image when saved.
View 7 RepliesI have done a lot of googling and tested a few snippets of code i can't seem to get this, all i want to do is show an image in my picturebox1 that is from the web instead of on my harddrive, i thought:
Just want to know the best method to load a picture in a picture box dynamically. As part of my development, I was supposed to load 4 pictures from network to 4 picturebox controls.
For which, I found, 2 methods.
1. Picturebox1.Image=new bitmap("C:\test.jpg")
2. Piturebox1.ImageLocation="C:\test.jpg"
Which one is more suitable interms of performance.
What line of code would I have to use in order to insert image into a PictureBox control?
View 2 RepliesI have put folders in my resources folder and I am trying to load the pictures when the user presses the right arrow key. The code I am using is:
picCharacter.Image = Image.FromFile("ResourcesRight MovementRight-01.png")
What do I put in front of the "Resources.." that would make it load it from the projects folder?
I need to know how to draw a bitmap image into a certain area in a picturebox, I also need it to be a specific size. I remember seeing it on the internet somewhere, I just can't find it again.
View 19 RepliesI'm making a registration form for a website. However, there is a capatcha. I need to get this image and put it into a picturebox. I had a method to do it but since its a capatcha it's dynamic and I can't save the image. How would I do this? i tried this:
pic = Form1.WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("ctl00_MainContent_CreateLiveId_ctl00_HIPControl_Image")
PictureBox1.Image = pic
But I can't convert "System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement" to "System.Drawing.Image".
How would I go about doing this?
I have an image box full of images , im using a code to select a random image from the imagelist and display it in a picturebox.
My problem now is how can i check what image is in the picturebox and then have it do something else.
I have a contextmenustrip with 10 options on it. Each option calls an image from my resources and changes the background image of my form. When i select an option how do i save it and make sure thats the image that loads next time i run my application ?
View 30 RepliesI have a picturebox and I am trying to create a masking system to use in different graphics projects.Is there a simple way to select an object with pixel precision. For example if I have a picture of an animal, how can I select it by moving the mouse over it with precision instead of selecting an entire rectangle area where the object might be transparent?
Is there a way to do this with the builtin capabilities of gdi+ or is this something that requires code? If it does require code, does anyone have an example of this?
How do i select a picture that is in my resources for my picturebox in vb code? Depending on a selection i have made on the form a different picture has to be placed in the picturebox.
View 1 Replies