VS 2008 Selecting An Image "Once Only" From An Imagelist ?

Jan 23, 2010

How can i stop the same image from been selected twice from my image list


Im using this so randomly select an image and place it into a picturebox (box_1)I have 22 boxes and 22 images , how do i stop an images appearing twice ?

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VS 2008 Image From Class Into ImageList - No Duplicates

Jun 26, 2009

I have a Class that has an Image as property. A (possibly very high) number of instances of this class are added to a List(Of thisClass).

In a For Each loop, a new ListViewItem is created for every instance of the class in that List. The Image property of the class should now be the Image of that ListViewItem.

Now, a ListViewItem does not take an Image directly. Instead, I need to assign an ImageList to the SmallImageList property of the ListView, with a specified Key, and assign an ImageKey property to the ListViewItem.

Of course, I could simply add the Image in the Image property of the class to the ImageList, generate a random Key string, and assign that string to the ImageKey property of the created ListViewItem.

That does work, and gives me the correct image for every ListViewItem. However, it is not a very good solution I think, because, in total, there might not be more than like 5 different images! But there may be a LOT of ListViewItems, so there are a lot of duplicate images.

To prevent storing the same image 9183 times in the ImageList, I thought I could generate a Key to use based on the image. If the same image is then encountered later in the loop, I can see that this Key is already in the ImageList, and I don't need to add it a second time. Because they Key is then equal to the 'old' image, already in the imagelist, it will automatically be used for this Listviewitem.

I thought I could use the GetHashCode property of the Image, but apparently not...

Here is my


I thought this would work, but apparently the GetHashCode function returns a different number, even for identical images. I know the images are identical because I tried this by specifying the SAME image object as the Image property of the class, a few times. The GetHashCode is different everytime.

So is there any other property I can use, that is unique for identical images, but different for different images? Or am I going about this completely the wrong way? Or shouldn't I worry that there can be up to 10.000 duplicate images in the Imagelist?

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VS 2008 Imagelist - Check What Image Is In The Picturebox?

Jan 16, 2010

I have an image box full of images , im using a code to select a random image from the imagelist and display it in a picturebox.

My problem now is how can i check what image is in the picturebox and then have it do something else.


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VS 2008 Getting Image's Name From An Image In Imagelist

Aug 1, 2009

I'm trying to get the image's name from a imagelist..[code]ofcourse that "name" doesn't exists, and I'm trying to find out what another correct way to get the name of that image.

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VS 2008 ImageList - Stop Image From Being Selected Again While The Program Is Open?

Jan 16, 2010

When i select an image randomly from an imagelist on my form and insert it into a picturebox, how can i stop that image from being selected again while the program is open ?

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Runtime Picturebox.image Update From A Control Owned Imagelist.image

Feb 1, 2012

I'm trying to update pictures boxes with images of controls stored in an imagelist owned by a control. The images stored in the control.imagelist do not showup in the picturebox. I'm working on simplifying the code to post, but for now could use help.If I store the image in a member variable owned bythe control it woks fine.Something to do with persistance of images in control owned imagelist? [code]

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Resize An Imagelist/listview Image Without Repopulating The Image List?

May 17, 2009

Does anyone know if it is possible to resize an imagelist/listview image without repopulating the image list? I am using scroll bar to change the image size from 25 point to 256 point. When I leave the scroll bar the imagelist repopulates from the files list. This can be very slow when working with high resolution pictures. I don't want to limit the image size to 2 sizes by using large and small imagelist.

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Get Name Of Image From Imagelist?

Feb 29, 2012

how to get name of image from imagelist. I can't find any 'name' property in imagelist1.images.

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Imagelist : Get Name Of Image?

Apr 1, 2012

I have got an imagelist with many images, many of which have a critical name which can be changed in the desinger, however, since Im NOT using this imagelist in another control (e.g. tabcontrol) I am not able to use imagekey. Therefore, how am I able to get the name of an image in my imagelist?

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Add Image To Imagelist Via Code?

Feb 19, 2009


I tried using the above code to add an image to an IMAGELIST but it is to no success.

I want to know if there is a way to add an image to an image list via code as opposed to using the collection.

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Imagelist, Unable To Add Image?

Mar 27, 2011

im trying to add new images to an image list everytime a function is called. Im unable to clear the image list so im trying to create a new one each time the function executes.

Sub getActors(ByVal directory)
'Get actors and there names
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(directory)
Dim aryFi As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.jpg")


how to clear an imagelist or how to implement a new imagelist

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Image Size Adjustments In ImageList

Nov 8, 2009

I can not seem to figure out how to change the size of a photo being put into a picture box.I need the photos that are placed in the picture box to come in their original size....I have 4 different pictures in an ImageList and depending on what a Text box from a different form says, one of the photos will be displayed in a picturebox when the form is loaded. Right now all the images show up very blurry and in the predetermined size in the imagelist. Here is my code:[code...]

As you can see I figured out how to autosize the PictureBox (candypic) to the size of the image coming in....just cant get the image to come in as the right size.....

When I created the imagelist all the photos have a default size of 16, 16 when entered into the list.....I see in the imagelist properties how to adjust the image size but it groups them together as one.

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Imagelist - Function To Grab A Image From Url?

Apr 10, 2011

I was searching MSDN for a function to grab an image from a website and add to my imagelist control. I could not find any thing on MSDN but did come across this.

image = ImageList.LoadImage(Filepath or URL of image)

but there is no property in the imagelist control that does that.

am i missing something? if not what would you suggest best way to grab a url to use in my listview as an icon.

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Put Imagelist Image Into A Byte Array

Nov 23, 2010

does anybody know how to put an image into a Byte array without specifying a format? I have a Listview with images downloaded from the internet and I want to save them all together to the hard drive as a single file, by using a structure. In order to do this I need to put the Imagelist images into a byte array. When the application starts I reload the images into the Imagelist again.


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VS 2010 Get ImageList Image As Integer?

Apr 5, 2011

I need to get the integer of an image which is located in an imagelist. Dim _blue As Integer = CInt(frm_main.Imagelist1.Images.Item(1)), but image can't be converted to integer.

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Rnd - Imagelist And Picturebox - Same Image Doesnt Get Repeated More Then Once?

Jul 23, 2010

how can i do it so the same image doesnt get repeated more then once. so when two of the same images are already picked, it goes on to select a different image until there are pairs of everything. This is my code

Dim intPic As Integer
Dim rand As New Random
intPic = rand.Next(0, ImageList1.Images.Count)[code].....

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Get Image Name Of An Image From ImageList?

Jan 24, 2011

How can I get image name of an image from ImageList?

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Restrict Image By Selecting It's URL?

Jul 21, 2011

I am trying to add Images from websites and I am facing poblem with an issue which is that when I am trying to go to google images and trying to add some Images and when I right click for some images I find "Copy Image URL" and for some I don't find it and I find "Copy link address".Now I want my users to restrict from adding the Images which contain "Copy Image URL"And I am attaching Images so that you'll understand me in a better way.

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VS 2008 - ImageList Looks Like %&#$

Aug 25, 2009

Why these two different ways of assigning a background image work differently?

When I load the image into an ImageList, and then reference the ImagaList.Images collection to set the background Image for a control, it looks llike crap. The smooth blend I had set up is stratified.

When I load the image directly from the Resource, it looks great.

I assume this has something to do with the bit depth of the image once it is stored in the Image list collection? Or some other conversion issue. However, I can't find a way to adjust these properties on the image list (They are read only).

Here is the way that looks like crap:


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Selecting Image - Path Is Not Of Legal Form

Apr 28, 2012

I am getting a disturbing message error when I dont select image from file then when I select its just ok...it just says:
The path is not of a legal form.
So my question is how can I have a choice whether I can insert image or not...if the fileopendailog opens there is query which says you must select...so may be I don't want to select. So when I click cancel in openfiledailog, that error message prompts. I want make the query in the code to have a choice.

This is the code of putting image into sql server db:
Dim pictureLocation2
As String
Dim aa As
New OpenFileDialog
aa.Filter = ("Image files| *.jpg")
[Code] .....

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Slow IDE Performance - Esp. Selecting Image For Button?

Aug 6, 2010

while using VS 2008 SP1 for VB WinForm apps (on Win 7 Ultimate machine),I find that while the performance of VS 2008 is on the slow side, it is generally tolerable except for one thing: when selecting an image for a button, the "Select Resource" dialog will come up, and I choose "local resource", then Import. After navigating to the appropriate folder and selecting the desired image,I will almost always get the "hourglass" (now the blue whirly thing),and only after several seconds will the operation complete(i.e. the "Select Resource" dialog will show the image I selected,and then I can close it and be on my merry way). Typically while the whirly thing is going, the dialog box title will say "Select Resource (Not Responding)". Also on some occasions during the wait period, the Select Resource dialog will hide, and I will have to click the VS icon in the taskbar to make it reappear so the operation can complete.

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Changing Button Image By Selecting Combobox Item?

Aug 1, 2011

I got a Combobox with some items (item1-item7) to select and 54ish Buttons(sButton1-sButton54). Also an array(53) called Buttons. The array is filled with the items to select, like: Buttons(0) = "item 1, item 2" Everytime another item in the Combobox is selected, I'd like only some of the Buttons to change their Image. Therefore I got the array. If Item 1 is selected and Buttons(0) contains the item1 I'd like to change the Button1's image.edit: It works with changing the image of every Button:

sButton1.Image = My.Resources.image1

But I'd prefer to change all in one go (Loop) instead.

sButton(0) = "item1, item2, item3"
sButton(1) = "item2, item3"
sButton(2) = "item1, item3"


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VS 2008 : ImageList/Memory Errors Suddenly Occur In App?

Apr 16, 2012

The user has been running the app in question for over a year with no issues like this (this is a VB2008 business/database application with an executable 4.6 MB in size). Starting last week, "all of a sudden", the user started getting INTERMITTENT error messages like the following:

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Creation of the ImageList handle did not succeed.
Out of memory.
Parameter is not valid.

The last two have been accompanied by the big "red cross" on the form (in the screen shots the user sent me).The fact that the one message mentions "ImageList" and poking around on the Internet for answer on "Parameter not valid" points in the direction of a graphic problem, but nothing has changed in this area for a long time, and the app only uses graphics in a very straightforward way, using images on buttons and menu items, but not doing any in-line graphics methods.

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VS 2008 Finding If An Image Control Has An Image Loaded (flashing An Image With A Timer)?

Aug 14, 2011

I'd like to verify if an image control has an image loaded . If it does , I want to unload that image (and load no image) , but if the image control has no image loaded , I want to load an image . Is it possible ?

If ImageMY.Image.Equals(Nothing) Then
ImageMY.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("C:ImageBlaBlaBla.jpg")


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VS 2008 Selecting Value From .xml

Aug 26, 2009

i can write the xml i need which looks like:[code]This shows me the value fine! when i change the attribute name to another field like: MessageBox. Show((XMLItem.Attributes("postingHiddenFieldsCount").InnerText))i get a null reference error,

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VS 2008 - Selecting A Tab In A Thread

Apr 25, 2012

I'm getting this error when try do a simple task of selecting a tab in a thread. What does it mean and how do you solve it? [Code]

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VS 2008 Selecting A Label?

Jan 13, 2010

This is another question on my who wants to be a millionaire game.I have 15 questions per game, when i select question 1 , it displays the question in the textbox, how do i tell vb that if "A" (label1) is selected then msgbox "Final answer ?"

i know i can do it on label1 click event , but i want the results for this question only.

Heres what i tried: Private Sub question1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles question1.Click


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2008 - Underline Text On Selecting

Mar 15, 2009

i have a button and what i select i want to be underlined. is it possible to do it?

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VS 2008 - Selecting All ComboBoxes In Form

Nov 1, 2009

I need to select all the comboboxes on a form with a for each loop. I have about 19 comboboxes and I need to select each one. I tried to do
for each box as combobox in me.controls
But that gave me an error and i now tried this:
for each box as control in me.controls
if box.name.contains("ComboBox") then
end if
That selected only the comboboxes but the problem is i need to access some data that is specific to comboboxes (aka the selected item(s), if its blank) but those properties are not present since "box" is a control, not a combo box.

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VS 2008 Selecting A Number Between 2 Numbers

Dec 8, 2009

i have 2 labels that are 1 for minimum damage and the 2nd for maximum damage,how do i make it so if when a person clicks a button it deals damage between the 2 [code]so if i press the button it were to deal (subtract) damage in between the 2 numbers. from a label box (opponent health)

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