Changing Button Image By Selecting Combobox Item?

Aug 1, 2011

I got a Combobox with some items (item1-item7) to select and 54ish Buttons(sButton1-sButton54). Also an array(53) called Buttons. The array is filled with the items to select, like: Buttons(0) = "item 1, item 2" Everytime another item in the Combobox is selected, I'd like only some of the Buttons to change their Image. Therefore I got the array. If Item 1 is selected and Buttons(0) contains the item1 I'd like to change the Button1's image.edit: It works with changing the image of every Button:

sButton1.Image = My.Resources.image1

But I'd prefer to change all in one go (Loop) instead.

sButton(0) = "item1, item2, item3"
sButton(1) = "item2, item3"
sButton(2) = "item1, item3"


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Error When Selecting Combobox Item?

Mar 3, 2012

When i select an item in my combobox it raises the following errorColumn 'field1, field2' is constrained to be unique. Value 'test1, 1' is already present.The combobox is bound to the table to populate it with values from field1 witch is the first part of primary key of the table. (field2 is secont part of primary key).

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Selecting A Specific Item In A Combobox

May 20, 2010

Here's how I'm trying to manually select a specific item in my combobox. cbEditCategory.SelectedIndex = cdEditCategory.Items.IndexOf(editItemCategory) I setup a msgbox to show "cdEditCategory.Items.IndexOf(editItemCategory)" and it's reporting -1. Why is it not giving me the right index?

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Enableling A Button When Selecting An Item?

Mar 29, 2009

I am new in programing and I need some help setting the Enabled = True on a botton when selecting an item from a listbox.I have a project when I have and add a new record form and an edit record form, in the form I have added a listbox where displaying the name of the file that I am attaching, but I have also added a delete button on the form, When I load the form I have the delete button disabled:

HTML Me.BtnDelete.Enabled = False But I would like to do is that when I select an item from the listbox for the delete button to enable.

This is what I have but doesn't seem to work:

If ListBox1.SelectedItem = True Then
Me.BtnDelete.Enabled = True
End If

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Remove An Array Item By Selecting An Item From Listobx And Press Remove/delete Button?

Jul 18, 2012

How can i remove an array item by selecting an item from listobx and press remove/delete button?for an example, if i want remove index 2 from listbox, so the array should remove index 2 item and move the item of index 3 to index 2 and so on.

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Button Click Counting While Selecting An Item From A ListBox?

Feb 7, 2012

The List Box has three candidates and a record Button. Every time the record button is hit I need it to add those button clicks for each candidate that is selected in the List Box. My code keeps counting all the clicks no matter which candidate I am selecting in the List Box. How can I differentiate between each selected item in the List Box.

Private Sub exitButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles exitButton.Click
End Sub


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VS 2008 - Changing A ComboBox Selected Item?

Dec 27, 2009

I wantt o change the selected item in a combo box if a user enters a name which is already in my dataset. The Combo Box is linked to my database set and all the other text boxes are linked using my databindingsource.How can I do this, I have this code but it does not change it.
Dim name As String = ""
Dim inputname As Object = TextBox1.Text


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Selecting A Radio Button Change The Combobox Values

Feb 5, 2010

i am still beginner in coding, i am using 2005 and access. in my form i am having a radio buttons called DEPARTMENT: english


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Slow IDE Performance - Esp. Selecting Image For Button?

Aug 6, 2010

while using VS 2008 SP1 for VB WinForm apps (on Win 7 Ultimate machine),I find that while the performance of VS 2008 is on the slow side, it is generally tolerable except for one thing: when selecting an image for a button, the "Select Resource" dialog will come up, and I choose "local resource", then Import. After navigating to the appropriate folder and selecting the desired image,I will almost always get the "hourglass" (now the blue whirly thing),and only after several seconds will the operation complete(i.e. the "Select Resource" dialog will show the image I selected,and then I can close it and be on my merry way). Typically while the whirly thing is going, the dialog box title will say "Select Resource (Not Responding)". Also on some occasions during the wait period, the Select Resource dialog will hide, and I will have to click the VS icon in the taskbar to make it reappear so the operation can complete.

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Fter Selecting An Item From A Drop Down List Focus Can Move To A Button Control

Feb 20, 2009

after selecting an item from a drop down list the focus can move to a button control with example code in .Net

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Changing A Button Image?

Feb 25, 2009

i've got buttons i'd like to highlight on mouseover. how does one change the image associated with a button?

i'd like to use the mouse enter and mouse leave events in order to change appearance of the button when the mouse is over it.

my environment: windows xp pro (sp3), visual studio 2008 pro, (sp1, sdk 1.1)

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VS 2010 Combobox Changing Selection Disables Button Again?

Nov 19, 2009

Ok so i'm trying to set up my program so that when I choose WinRar it opens a new window asking which architecture to use. I have a combobox set up with both architectures in it. I have the accept button disabled so that you have to choose an architecture and I figured out how to make it so that when you select one architecture it will enable the accept button but if you choose the other architecture it disables the button.

Private Sub cmbx_rar_wdw_arch_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbx_rar_wdw_arch.SelectedIndexChanged
If cmbx_rar_wdw_arch.SelectedItem = ("32-Bit (x86)") Then


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Changing Background Image Of A Button

May 29, 2011

Although my code compiles, it does not result in a change of the background picture of button1 here is my current code. Is it possible that my condition contains some error? or is the command itself wrong? [code]

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VB 2010 Change The Image In A Picture Box Using A Combobox With Item Collections 0-8?

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to change the image in a picture box using a combobox with item collections 0-8.When I run the program no matter what I choose in the combobox it selects case 0 and willnot change. code below for selected index changed.

Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


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VS 2008 - Storing Selected Item In ComboBox To Variable On Button Click

May 10, 2010

I have 13 variables, all called Items1, Items2, Items3 and so on. I have a combo box with items in, each time I click a button I want it so whatever is selected is stored in a variable and if the button is selected again then it stores whatever is selected in the next variable. I know all the code for selecting items in a combo box and transferring it to a variable but the problem I cannot do is the part where each time a button is clicked it stores whatever is selected in the combo box to the next variable.

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Selecting The Next Item In A Row?

Aug 7, 2009

My problem is i have two comboboxes, cmbFamily and cmbModel, I have values in cmbFamily: A320, A330 etc And i have a database that has all the available models for these aircraft types, i have got some help on a query so i can fill up cmbModel with all the models of aircraft available, but i only want to display the models related to the family that is selected in the cmbFamily combobox.

The query i have so far is

Query = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select Model From Availability", AccessConn)

'AccessConn is my database connection string I would like to have something that views the text in cmbFamily and then looks for all related model entries in the dataset.

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How To Do Something When Selecting Item In Listbox

Jul 22, 2011

I want to have a listbox on the left and on the right a textbox and when i select an item in the listbox i want to read a text file or database and display the value related to it and then have the ability to amend the content.

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Selecting An Item In An List Box?

Oct 20, 2009

Say I have a listbox lb, which I initialize using:

lb.DataSource = wordList \wordList is a list of strings

The listbox is initialized perfectly, and everything that should appear there does.

However, now I select one of items in the listbox with my mouse (coloring it dark blue, in case anyone wondered what I meant in "select"), and perform the following test:


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Automatically Selecting First Item In Combo Box?

Sep 1, 2009

When my application starts, it scans the computers registry for COM ports and adds them in the combo box. The combo box first index is just a blank, and the second is COM1, COM2,...COMn. What I want to do is by default, I want my program to select the first COM port in the combo box, so in this case, COM1.

I know I have to use the PORTNAME property of the serial object, but not sure how I would set that equal to the 2nd index of the combo box.

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Forms :: Selecting First Item In Combo Box?

May 23, 2011

how to program by stating if the first item in the combo box is selected then

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Selecting An Item From Database To Add To A ListBox

Dec 15, 2011

Our project is to make some simplified POS software, in our case, for a restaurant. The form I am currently working on is where you pick food items and add them to a listbox which will essentially be the order form. I made a database in Access that has food-item info and linked it to the VB project.url...My combobox narrows down the food items according to what category is selected, i.e. "Lunch".Now.. is there any way I can select an item from my database records (right box) and add them to an empty listbox that I'll save to a txt file. The database box is called "FoodItemsDataGridView" but maybe I don't even refer to that, I have no idea..

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Selecting Part Of An Item From A Listbox?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a listbox with all items related to a person written in one line, e.g. Name, Gender, Phone #, Address, Email (all separated by a ControlChars.Tab).. How do I choose each individual item alone, e.g. Name, from a line to put it in a separate line in a file.This isn't working.. Can you tell me what code to use?

Dim outputFile As New System.IO.StreamWriter("Info.txt")For i = 0 To lstAllInfo.Items.Count - 1outputFile. WriteLine(lstAllInfo.Text.Substring(0, lstAllInfo.Text.Substring (" ")))Next outputFile. Close()

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TreeView Vs. ListBox When Selecting An Item?

Dec 3, 2009

I'd like to select a node (item) in the TreeView control to get its path information as a string. I'm finding it's not like selecting an item in a listbox.

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Automatically Selecting An Item From A Drop Down Menu?

Aug 6, 2009

I'm trying to automate a form process from a previous employee. One of the things that I have to do to achieve this is select a COM port from a dynamically populated list. I've looked around and the closest thing I could come up with is something like:

.cbbCOMPorts.SelectedItem(1) =

While this compiles, the computer does not like this at run-time. It throws an exception out:

"Object variable or With block variable not set."

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Writing To File And Selecting An Item Using A Dropdown Box?

Mar 27, 2011

My program that I'm creating is a quiz creation tool, based for teachers to create quizzes and then use them to aid with quizzing their students.I've got the whole program working in that you can create quiz, play the quiz and then see how many questions were answers correctly and how many questions their were The problem I'm having is that I don't know how I can save multiple quizzes, for example you can create one quiz, that then saves as a .txt in debug however, when you then create another quiz and click the save file the old quiz details are sitting in the .txt

Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
Dim filename As String 'full file/path name for QuizRecords.txt
Dim index As Short 'loop control variable


So what I'd like it to do is, when saved create another text file? Or another set of data questions, I have been looking through my Computing projects in Visual Basic . NET book as well as through online but I can't find anything that I understand as such.

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Forms :: Command To Auto Remove Item From Combobox If Item Is Blank?

Apr 3, 2011

I have used the command:

For Each Proc as process in process.getprocesses

to populate a combo box with the list of current process windows, however for every process that doesnt have a main window title there is a blank space, is there a way that I could tell it to not insert the item if it's mainwindowtitle field is blank?

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Check Combobox Item Then Change Labels To Item Selected

Oct 31, 2009

Just started on

I have a combo box with "yes" and "no" with i select Yes i want the label2 to change the text to "yes" likewise with "no"

I've tried to code it in a logical way as possible but it just doesn't works except for the "wtf" so i think that overall my code is correct but the way i want to retrieve the selected item from combo box is wrong.

Public Class Form1
Dim aa As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Match Combobox Item With Text In Textbox And Set Selected Item

Dec 29, 2011

i have a combobox containing countries name and their codes like INDIA:CNT001 then i have a textbox that store the code of country i.e CNT001(fetching from database) Now i want to match that code with the combobox code so that the combobox is set to that item when i click a button. i m using and sql server as database.

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Filling Windows Form By Selecting Dropdownlist Item?

Nov 2, 2011

I am new to programming and i am working on a windows fom app. In this moment i have my windows form set with several controls that insert data into sql db. Now, what i need is this:

When the user select a employee name from my dropdownlist, i want the form automatically fill with the data inserted in the past to the tables db. Is like choosing the different profiles by selecting the name in the dropdownlist. I have many controls to fill, name, secondname, lastname, telmobil, address, etc.

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Selecting Options On Control Panel Item Programmatically

Oct 16, 2009

I know I can open the control panel item by using the following command
However what I do not know is there a way to programmatically select the options on that control panel item? For example in a vb program I can launch that panel quietly have the program select "adjust for best performance" or select "let windows decide" Apply it and then close ?

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