VS 2008 - Changing A ComboBox Selected Item?

Dec 27, 2009

I wantt o change the selected item in a combo box if a user enters a name which is already in my dataset. The Combo Box is linked to my database set and all the other text boxes are linked using my databindingsource.How can I do this, I have this code but it does not change it.

Dim name As String = ""
Dim inputname As Object = TextBox1.Text


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Show Another Combobox By Combox Selected Item VB 2008

Feb 1, 2012

I have a little problem that i want to show a "sub Combobox" with the help of super combobox. i don't know it is possible or not becux i'm beginner in VB.


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VS 2008 - Storing Selected Item In ComboBox To Variable On Button Click

May 10, 2010

I have 13 variables, all called Items1, Items2, Items3 and so on. I have a combo box with items in, each time I click a button I want it so whatever is selected is stored in a variable and if the button is selected again then it stores whatever is selected in the next variable. I know all the code for selecting items in a combo box and transferring it to a variable but the problem I cannot do is the part where each time a button is clicked it stores whatever is selected in the combo box to the next variable.

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Check Combobox Item Then Change Labels To Item Selected

Oct 31, 2009

Just started on vb.net

I have a combo box with "yes" and "no" with i select Yes i want the label2 to change the text to "yes" likewise with "no"

I've tried to code it in a logical way as possible but it just doesn't works except for the "wtf" so i think that overall my code is correct but the way i want to retrieve the selected item from combo box is wrong.

Public Class Form1
Dim aa As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Match Combobox Item With Text In Textbox And Set Selected Item

Dec 29, 2011

i have a combobox containing countries name and their codes like INDIA:CNT001 then i have a textbox that store the code of country i.e CNT001(fetching from database) Now i want to match that code with the combobox code so that the combobox is set to that item when i click a button. i m using vb.net and sql server as database.

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.net - Windows.Forms.Listbox Selected Item Font Size Is Changing?

Jan 4, 2011

I have inherited from a Windows.Forms.Listbox so I could override the OnPaint and OnDrawItem methods in an effort to highlight specific items and alternate backcolors. I am also skipping some DrawItem events to prevent flickering.Everything is working fine, however when I select items in the listbox, it looks like the font is shrinking or becoming more compressed.Then when I mouse leave, the font goes back to its normal size and appearance but the same items are still selected (which is correct). During debugging the font never changes nor do any of its properties, but it does end up looking different when the item is selected and the mousedown event just happened.

Public Sub New(ByVal relativityHighlightColor As System.Drawing.Color)
_relativityHighlightColor = relativityHighlightColor
Me.SetStyle( _
System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer Or System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or


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Changing Button Image By Selecting Combobox Item?

Aug 1, 2011

I got a Combobox with some items (item1-item7) to select and 54ish Buttons(sButton1-sButton54). Also an array(53) called Buttons. The array is filled with the items to select, like: Buttons(0) = "item 1, item 2" Everytime another item in the Combobox is selected, I'd like only some of the Buttons to change their Image. Therefore I got the array. If Item 1 is selected and Buttons(0) contains the item1 I'd like to change the Button1's image.edit: It works with changing the image of every Button:

sButton1.Image = My.Resources.image1

But I'd prefer to change all in one go (Loop) instead.

sButton(0) = "item1, item2, item3"
sButton(1) = "item2, item3"
sButton(2) = "item1, item3"


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Using Value From Selected Item In ComboBox?

Mar 31, 2011

I am having a problem with using a value from a selected item in combo box. While debugging using breakpoints I can see that the combo box is working fine. The problem is I need use the selected value of the text box in HeatTransmissionCoefficientforAsinglePipeCalculation function and while debugging I saw that ThermalResistanceofTheInsulation, ThermalResistanceOfTheCarrierPipe, ThermalResistanceofTheJacketPipe all have a value of 0 when this is not the case...

This is what happens when use clicks ok:
Public Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOk.Click
' 1. Check if Metric or Imperial Units are selected.
' 2. Convert Entered Variables to opposite unit.
' 3. Determine what type of pipe is selected.
' 4. Determine what type of casing is selected.
[Code] .....

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Checks If The Item Is Already Selected Once In Combobox?

Jun 4, 2011

I have a combobox named Requirements and The values of it come from sql

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ComboBox, Don't Want Selected Item Highlighted

Apr 4, 2009

I have a combo box that's populated with 4 or 5 items, when you select the item, it shows in the combobox and is highlighted. How do I get it to show without being highlighted?

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
CBgrocerys.Text = "Select an item...."
Dim item() As String = {"apples", "oranges>", _
"pears", "plums"}


View 14 Replies

How To Know Combobox Selected Item In Webbrowser

Nov 21, 2008

I use a webbrowser in my application named Webbrowser1.In one part of my project i need to know what is the value of a selected item of the combobox in the wbbrowser.For example i have a HTML Like this


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Recognizing Item Selected In Combobox?

Jan 29, 2012

ok well i have to make a unit converter that when say kilometers is chosen it converts it to miles. However when i chose kilometers it seems my if statment isnt made properly so the program does not do what i want it to do.to make the if statment say that when i chose kilometer from the combobox make txtTo.text = "A". here is my code: i hope i make sense....

<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class Lab3
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


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Returning Selected Item From ComboBox

Jul 1, 2010

I am writing a program that is connection to an oracle database using the tableadapter method. I am populating a drop down list with a distinct set of values. I am then wanting to display the item that user selects in a text box. However, instead of the desired result being displayed the text box is returning system.data.datarowview.

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Silverlight 4 - How To Set Selected Item In Combobox

Feb 28, 2011

In Silverlight 4, I have a combobox which is binded with a list of State objects( which has StateId, StateCode,StateName properties) and i am showing StateName as the options of combobox. Now i want to select the option "Michigan" which is stored in a string variable called "strSelectedState". How do i do this ? I tried setting SelectedValuePath property as strSelectedState. But doesn't work.

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ComboBox Selected Item To Textbox1.text?

Jul 15, 2009

i'm trying to make simple process killer... but i do not know how to make a selected item apper in textbox1

something like??

combobox1.item selected = textbox1.text

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ComboBox.selecteditem - Only The Selected Item Will Get Read

Apr 14, 2009

I have a combox box on my login form which contains 1 and 2, I use it as so called accesslevel. Now, my problem is that only the selected item will get read. If I type 1 or 2, it won't get read. How do I make it possible for both selected and written ones to be read?


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Could Not Get Selected Item Text In Combobox Selectedindex

Dec 6, 2011

could not get selected item text in combobox selectedindex changed event return value is "System.Data.DataRowView"..[code]want to get the value from the combobox but i always getting ""System.Data.DataRowView".

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Datagridview Combobox Column Selected Item

Jun 25, 2011

i have 2 datagridcomboboxcolumn (datagridcomboboxcolumn1 and datagridcomboboxcolumn2).

With datagridcomboboxcolumn1

.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
.ValueMember = "column1"
.DisplayMember = "column2"


how i can set selected item in datagridcomboboxcolumn2 become to "a" when selected item in datagridcomboboxcolumn1 is "1"or otherwise set selected item in datagridcomboboxcolumn1 become to "1" when selected item in datagridcomboboxcolumn2 is "a"??

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Display Corresponding Values From Selected ComboBox Item?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a form with a ComboBox, two labels named "Price" and 'Dealer Cost" respectively a NumericUpDown control and two buttons named "calculate Commission" and "Enter Another product" respectively.I want to be able to retrieve the corresponding Price and Dealer Cost from the local database and display them next to the labels when a product is selected from the ComboBox.[code]...

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Display XPS Document Using A Selected Combobox Item?

Dec 26, 2011

I am very new to programming, I have developed my first application - an xps viewer. What I want to achieve is to be able to allow the user to select which document to open from a range of options that I have predefined in a combo box. I've searched all over the net and can't find an article that shows me how to do this. MSDN is bit too cryptic for me at this moment, so I get confused. PS> I think I'm using the FixedDocumentViewer (hope I wrote it right).

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Forms :: Setting Selected Item Of Combobox?

Aug 16, 2011

I have a combobox which is populated from a datatable.

I hae a list of values also and when one is selected i would like it to highlight the correct value in the combo box and have been trying to no avail.

my code is

Dim searchrow() As DataRow
Dim searchrow2() As DataRow
Dim cellvalue As String = dgvStockComps.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(1).Value


eveytime i sellect a value in my list nothing happejns to my combo box (i.e. it goes blank and it doesnt show the sleected item like i would like!)

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Get A Value For A Textbox From A Database According To The Selected Item In Combobox?

Nov 12, 2010

I am trying to get a value for a textbox from a database according to the selected item in combobox. but i had this ex.message " there is no row at position (0) "i have filled the combobox droplist from the same database table as below!

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim connstrg As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=C:Documents and SettingshedrisMy DocumentsREGISTER.mdb;"
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(connstrg)


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Getting The Index Number Of Selected ComboBox Item?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a combo box setup with 4 items, with indexes ranging from 0 to 3.

Later in my code, I need to do a certain event depending on what is selected. To do this I thought about comparing what the index of the selected combo box item is, because integer comparison is faster than strings, right?

how I can grab the index of the selected value?

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How To Get Selected Item Of ComboBox To Be Label In Form

Mar 14, 2011

I have a combo box on form1 which is linked to a table from my data base. I am trying to get the item selected from the combo box to be a label in form 2.

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Increasing Number After Next Combobox Item Selected?

Feb 13, 2012

What I want to do here is to increase the number on a label for next combobox item selected


Items Label
Tom 1
Jane 2
Mary 3
John 4
etc.. etc..
etc.. etc..
etc.. etc..

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Populating ComboBox Based On Selected Item In First One

Jan 10, 2012

I want to populate the combobox based on the selected item in the first combobox. The following code is written in vb.net 2008

Public Class Form1 Sub fillcombo()
strsql = "select * from device"
Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
cmd.CommandText = strsql
cmd.Connection = con
[Code] .....

For this code I am able to populate the first combobox and when I select the specific item in combobox then the second combobox shows only the first element of that item.

In MS access 2007 I have created 2 tables:
1) Contains the device ex:computer
2) Contains the device and its parts ex: cpu, monitor so here the device has duplicate values
Table names are device and parts.

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Setting Selected Item Of ComboBox On Form?

Mar 31, 2009

I have a combobox on a form which has data bound items, the datasource is a dataset called ShiftType that was created using the new data source wizard. The data consists of three columns ID, Name ,Description. Name is the display Member and ID is the value member. This form is called from a different form, a variable containing the shifttypeid is passed as a parameter. I am able to get this parameter across fine.

What I would like to be able to do is, match this parameter with the data in the dataset and find the row index and set that item as the selected item of the combo box. I am confused as to how to proceed with it. Also, I would like to add an extra item to the dataset apart from the items obtained from the database. This represents "NONE", i.e. so if the user doesn't want to choose a shift type they can use the None item. How do i add this without having to add a dummy value in the database.

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Adding Initial Selected Item To Bound ComboBox

Nov 30, 2009

In the form below you see how the initial selected item is the first record of the table.. these controls are bound.. I want to initially show "Select one" in the combo box or nothing at all and the other controls not to be bound until an actual item is selected in the combobox..

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Edit The Selected Item Of The ComboBox's DropDown List?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a comboBox that is populated with a dataset. The values are:

KG - Kilograms
LB - Pounds
and so on.
So when the user clicks the comboBox in the DropDown the user will see:
KG - Kilograms
LB - Pounds
and so on.


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Have The Index Value Of A Selected Item In A Combobox Returned To A Variable?

Jan 20, 2010

I am trying to have the index value of a selected item in a combobox returned to a variable. Then, if the variable = 1 (which would be the index of th second item in the combobox), I want a groupbox to be hidden (be invisible) on the form. Here is my code...Getting an error that says:

'ListIndex' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox'

Private Sub cbxAccounts_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim selection As Integer = CInt(cbxAccounts.ListIndex)
If selection = 1 Then gbxCheck.Hide()
End Sub

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