VS 2008 Simple Compare Statement?

May 27, 2010

I'm pretty new to VB.NET and I'm looking for a comparison to do this:

For Each c As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf (c) Is ComboBox Then
If c in (combo1, combo2, combo3, combo4) then
' do some crazy stuff
'do other things


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Compare A Value With The Whole Array In One Statement?

Jun 23, 2009

I have the following problem:

Dim MyArray (2) , MyValue as integer

Dim R as New Random
For i = 0 to 9
MyArray (i) = r.next(20)
Next i


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How To Compare A Control Using If Statement

Feb 8, 2009

please help me to correct the error "TextBox is a type and cannot be used as an expression" for the following statements..[code]

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Sql - Simple Select Statement When Member Is Involved?

Dec 5, 2011

Using an OLEDB connection I want to do a select statement but for the table I am selecting from, a table member also has to be there too which seems to be messing up my results. Normally I would write to get the column "col1":

SELECT lib1.table.col1 FROM lib1.table

For the table I need the information from, the table has a "submember". From what I have gathered the syntax is something like this:

SELECT lib1.table(submember).col1 FROM lib1.table(submember)

The problem is that the results are giving me every column within the table, not just my "col1" data.

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Asp.net - LINQ To Entities Does Not Recognize The Method - Simple Delete Statement

Apr 5, 2011

I have a GridView and on a row being deleted I trigger the GridView1_RowDeleting sub, but I receive an error "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell get_Item(Int32)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression." Code is:

Private Sub GridView1_RowDeleting(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewDeleteEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowDeleting
' The deletion of the individual row is automatically handled by the GridView.
Dim dbDelete As New pbu_housingEntities
' Remove individual from the bed.


The specific line erroring out is:

remove_bed.First.occupant = ""

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Database - Compare Two Fields In An SQL SELECT Statement To Then Select Other Fields Based On This Result?

Apr 8, 2012

I have a table which contains a list of products for a company. They input data about how much stock they have and also the level at which they want to be reminded that they need to order new stock.


I want to list all the true results in a form which the user is then able to navigate through. What would be the best way to go about doing this?

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Compare Date - Compare Textbox1 And Textbox2 Text

Mar 3, 2010

I have two textbox in my application.


Textbox2.Text="Jan 2010"

May I know how can I compare that Textbox1 and Textbox2 text is within same month and same year?

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Post A Simple Code Using VB That Start Building Simple Games?

Jun 10, 2011

Is there anyone can post a simple code using vb,that start building a simple games ?

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VS 2008 - Compare 6 Numbers

Oct 27, 2010

Here is the problem: I have 6 numbers in an array(dim ascore(5)) and I want to find who is the bigger one(I would like the number of the variable in the array to be returned, like ascore(2) or ascore(5)...). My mind is stuck!

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VS 2008 US And UK Date Compare?

Jun 17, 2011

My collegeue and I have been searching on the net a hell of a lot for a problem he is facing and we so far have been unable to find a resolution.He has an Access Database where one of the columns is of Date format. This date is in UK style (as defined by the Operatins System)

In his application there is a datetime picker which the user picks from he then wants to select * from the access database where the dates match but because the DateTime Picker is giving a US Format date (i.e MM/dd/yyyy) and in the database its UK (i.e: dd/MM/yyyy) its not finding a match and returning no records.

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VS 2008 - How To Compare ByteArray With Default One

Mar 13, 2010

I got a form and a checkbox with default names. In the form1 load event, I need to check the binary data of a registry key.
If data is 00 00 00 00 the checkbox will display a check mark
If data is 1b 00 00 00 the checkbox will shows nothing

Here is my code
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim b() As Byte = {0, 0, 0, 0}
Dim a() As Byte = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware", "Test",String.Empty)
If a Is b Then
CheckBox1.Checked = True
End If

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 : Compare Strings From Listview?

Sep 27, 2009

When i save data in my xml file i save a bunch of cities that the user has selected, i then proceed to load the data back into the program and populate the check fields besides the city

'// Loop through each one and re-check them
For Each cityToCheck As Xml.XmlNode In nodeList


This string stringSplit(0).tostring returns the city name say "Glasgow" i was trying to loop the listview that stores the cities, if they match then put a check mark, this is where the cities are located: (formAddCities.listViewCities.(FIRST ITEM IN COLUMN WHICH IS CITY NAME) the very first column in the listview, but i can't seem to get the right syntax?

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VS 2008 Compare DataType Conversions

Feb 23, 2012

Have been obsessed with DataTypes recently and would like some thoughts, etc. on the following: What's going on is when the BindingSource.PositionChanged Event fires, I capture an Integer relating to another tables Primary Key and then filter that DataTable to select the matching record.

So the focus of the question lies in the first 3 lines in the event. First example creates 2 objects, 2 lines of code. Second example does it all with one line... not sure if it creates only one object or not, seemingly not.. can't tell for sure. Which is "better"? Am I really approaching this from the right angle? Beside y'all here on this forum and Google, I'm self-taught and looking for some validation.


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VS 2008 Compare Lines Within A .csv File

Nov 1, 2009

I am looking to compare lines within a .csv file. I want to start at the bottom line and compare values within it to those in the line above and then repeat the process, ie. the second bottom line to the third bottom line and so on.The code used to compare straight out variables I can handle, the difficultly for me lies in identifying particular lines and fields within a text file.If someone would be kind enough to provide the code for this, I have googled it but it's clearly beyond my ability.

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VS 2008 Compare Text Docs

Jan 27, 2010

I'm reading a text doc from my hard drive. I'm reading it via a stream reader.

On a button click i'm reading it again, because the contence of the text doc may have been updated, what I want to do is show in one textbox the actual file and in another one just what is new. How can I compare them?

View 16 Replies

Make A Simple Browser With Some Simple Addon's?

Dec 9, 2011

Trying to make a simple browser with some simple addon's. What Ive done is setup a menu(forum) for the user to enter their email providers web address and it will save it in a xml file. When they click on the email link, it should load the email xml iformation and place that info in the tb_html.text and navigate. I keep getting a null exception and im not sure what going on here. Here is the code:

Private Sub btn_Email_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_Email.Click
'Load Action
Dim SavedEmailObj As Storage


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VS 2008 - Assign Value To Date Variable And Compare It With Another

Jul 30, 2009

Is this the correct way to get a datetime value using a sql datareader:
existingETA = existproformaReader.GetDateTime(0)
I want to assign the value to a date variable and compare it to another date variable.

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VS 2008 : Download File And Compare Strings?

Oct 25, 2010

I have this Class:

Imports System.IOImports System.NetImports System.Text Public Class TEST Public Shared DOWNLOAD_LINK As String Public Shared Downuri As String Public Shared Sub Main() Dim URI As String URI = "http://MYWEBSITE.COM/test.html" Dim wr As


As you can see this class get the .html text and copy to one .txt file. Then it reads the .txt file. Now I just need to compare the string it read with one string from another form... How do I do it? Do I need to change the code?

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VS 2008 Compare And Retrieve Documents From A Server?

Oct 4, 2009

I want to write a program using vb.net tht compares the name of a document on my desktop to the name of the document on the server. If they're the same then I'd like to retrieve it and have it replace the file I already have.

How can i do this? Does this mean that i have to write a web application cuz i hope not. I dont no anything about those. I am using that server for storage purposes only so i assumed that i didnt need a database for the name of the document.

So, how can i do this? Is there an existing class/package in vb.net that does something like this?

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VS 2008 Compare Lines Within A Text File?

Jan 20, 2012

I would like to read a txt file and then check if the same name exist within its sublevel.If found within the sublevel, delte those line.sample txt file:

3786687.ASM M1 -- BLOC CLIM AUTO


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VS 2008 Compare The Month Of A Date With Datetime?

Feb 17, 2012

I would like to compare the month of a date with datetime.now, when the datetime.now reaches a month beyond the given date to play a sound. I am novice to this.

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VS 2008 File Compare And Copy Or Rename?

Nov 3, 2009

I am helping a friend convert files from floppy to CD. The files are in WordPerfect for DOS (8.3)format. she named the files as follows: name.month eg; Baker.jan. if there were more than 1 "Baker" files in the same month she named them baker1.jan,Baker2.jan etc... She then copied them to floppies and when one got full she started another. The problem is I have multiple instances of the same filename on different disks so when I copy to my HD windows asks if I want to overwrite the files. I have been writing the names down and renaming them manually. Is there any way to automate this process? I would need to perform the following:

1. Check if floppy filename exists on HD already
2. if it doesn't, copy to HD
3. if it does, is it the same file or different file with the same name (file size has been a good indicator so far)
4.If it's the same =>ignore and go to next file on disk
5. if different, rename then copy to HD then go to next file
6. repeat until all files have been copied

I have 300+ disks to do this with and it is very time consuming.

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VS 2008 Loop -> Compare -> Edit The Records?

Jul 18, 2011

with vb.net + access 2007 i am having a database with 2 tables & 4.85 lak records

the task:i want to Loop through all the records & compare the Current record with the previous record & edit the database with some changes as per logic i have written a procedure but the process is very slow approximately it is taking 1 to 1.5 second to check & edit a record

here is my code

Private Function ISCasuaLty(ByVal CAStype As String) As Boolean 'this procedure checks whether the duty type is of Casualty'& returns true if the casualty is "Y" else "N" FALSE If CAStype = "" OrElse CAStype Is Nothing OrElse CAStype = " " Then Return True ' there


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VS 2008 Performance File Read/Compare?

Sep 15, 2009

this time im looking for a faster-than-fast way to read binary files into a string/buffer/whatever, like Delphi's BlockRead does.i need this for an application that checks a list of folders/files and looks for multiple files, and handles them according to specific criteria.

I know there are standard solutions for this, like DuplicateFileRemover (gotta love that sheep! ), but i need something custommade, coz i want to handle the duplicates automatically too, and im talking about GigaBytes of data i have to periodically clean out this way..So far, the algorithm i use to determine if 2 files are equal is this:


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VS 2008 Read/compare Particular Line From Textfile?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a 2 textfiles with a few lines of text.

e.g. textfile1



I need to open both files and compare the lines without knowing which line is different. (mgsbox (pos2.value)<< something like this)

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VS 2008 Compare And Display Results Of Two Text Files

Dec 10, 2009

I started with not knowing anything and I have built 2 programs over the last month and a half and have learned valuable information from the help of this board. I have 1 last hurdle before I am done and I am hoping to get another tip for this. First of all let me start by explaining what I have done.


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VS 2008 Compare Multiple Database Table Values?

Jun 18, 2009

I have to compare an item value in two tables. these two tables are on different database(same server).

I have succesfully generated sql query to return both table values.

the query runs in sql server without any problem and gives the results.

The same query i used in vb.net doesnt gives any result ...

It is resulting with no rows.

Does the connection to multiple databases wont work from vb.net.

The following classes are used to get the result ...


SqlDataAdapter is showing with no records returned. The same query returns the results in sql server query window...

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VS 2008 For Each - Loop /compare Through Each Record And Get The Distances And Retrieve The Max Value

May 26, 2011

I am attempting to loop through each record in dtlist and compare it to each record in dtsold get the distances and retrive the max value I get an error on the line:


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VS 2008 String Compare - Why The Fallowing Function Returns 0

Jun 1, 2012

is string.empty = "" why the fallowing function returns 0

Dim String1 As String = String.Empty
Dim StringEmpty As String = ""
MessageBox.Show(String.Compare(String1, StringEmpty, False))

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VS 2008 Simple (using Multivariables)

Dec 6, 2009

One day i decided to make Checkers (the game). Black and white circles are moving cross the field made of buttons. And i had to program each button (32 buttons) several times for each condition (moving black, moving white, black eating white, white eating black, black won, white won, whose turn it is...) Count that and multiply it by 32. It is really big code for something that simple.

if i can use one function for making all that conditions.
Let's use more simple example: tic tac toe game[code...]

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