VS 2008 String Manipulation Or Regex

Oct 27, 2010

[code] How to substring only the line(s) below the explanation e.g. No match for "VBFORUMSBLAHBLAH.COM". Everything else should be ignored.

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Manipulation On A File - Plus Some Regex?

Jan 27, 2012

The below is the content of my file(which is already sorted). Whichever is there between square brackets, relate to one transaction. The transactions can be groupa, groupb,groupc etc.

Jan 2012 02:10:12 [5678](groupa):Part 1:data1
Jan 2012 02:10:12 [5678](groupa):Part 2:data2
Jan 2012 02:10:12 [5678](groupa):Part 3:data3[code]...

I want to output the below data to another file using vb.net. It should contain the transaction group, followed by the time(the time should be taken from the first row of the contents grouped by transaction, then grouped by the number inside the square bracket, in the contents). Next line should concatenate the data(after Part [1-9]:), corresponding to the particular transaction grouped by the number inside the square bracket. For the above contents,

groupa at Jan 2012 02:10:12
groupa at Jan 2012 02:13:14
groupb at Jan 2012 02:13:24

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VS 2008 - String Manipulation ?

Sep 5, 2009

My.Settings.regLibCardNo = "10-0000"

I want it to increment


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VB 2008 HTML String Manipulation?

Jun 25, 2010

I need some help writing a program that navigates to a certain URL, and then when I click a button, it gets the string after the word(in the HTML source code)MD5:and then there is a 32 bit string. How could I list the 32 bit string in a textbox?It can contain MD5: aswell too.. I don't mind

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VS 2008 Multiple Connection String Manipulation?

Oct 27, 2011

I am creating an VB 2008 application which uses 2 connections strings in according in which computer is running (my test machine, and the production server). How should i manage the connection string in order not to change manually the connections string which are many inside the code??

I have read that you can read them from an external line, or if you put both connection strings in an external file, according in which machine the program is running can actually the correct string?

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VS 2008 Webclient & Regex (Catch String) (One String - No More)

Aug 7, 2009

I'm here again asking stupid questions. I don't have really get this but i ask again but i try explain all better. Here is a website link and i want catch string from here. Look page's source code and find first what starts <td> someword </td> I use this code for catch word from page. Visual Basic Express 2008


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VS 2008 : Regex Find By String With Html?

Mar 12, 2010

#@$#^@ regex have i don't know to use it yet so something like

<img src="find this" alt="Click if
<img src="/validator/11917876/1268416778.gif" alt="Click if

I'm trying to get this src and have PictureBox1.Load[URL] & "regex code" for the captcha to see if over picturebox1

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VS 2008 String IndexOf And Remove VS Regex?

Oct 11, 2009

I have a string with 60000+ characters. I look for informations inside the string in a sequentially order. Every time I found a information I delete whatever is behind that information. In other words I reduce the size of the string every time I find something, and I do this using IndexOf and Remove, much like this:

vb.net Str = Str.Remove(0, Str.IndexOf("MyInfo"))

This can be quite heavy on the processor. So my question is it faster to look the informations using Regex or it would be about the same?

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VS 2008 - Using RegEx String To Validate Email Address?

Feb 11, 2010

I am using this regex string in one of my programs to validate email adresses: "^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+.[a-z]{2,4}$". This works well for the most part, but I just found out that it doesn't catch an address like this ... "john.doe.@yahoo.com" ... where there's a "." right before the "@", which is invalid, so my program tries to send it & throws an exception. How to modify my regex string to catch this situation?

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More String Manipulation

Jun 6, 2010

im working on a small application that lets you input a phone number with "-" hyphens, and then copy that number to a label control minus the hyphens. So for instance 111-234-567 would become 111234567, i have accomplished this using the string.

replace command, however i was wandering if it would be possible to iterate through the string with a for next loop looking for the hyphens and then removing them with the string.

remove command, ive spent nearly 5 hrs trying to get the code to work, but to no avail, no errors are being thrown up, but the hyphens still display along with the number, i am currently teaching myself, and its a sloooooooow process. here is my unsucessful code


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Email - String Manipulation In .NET?

Aug 7, 2009

This is probably quite a simple question, but I can't remember how to do it off hand.I have an e-mail address of "foo@bar.com".I want to grab the @ and everything after it and then I'll be adding a prefix to the front of the address as I go.

I'm just wonderng how I get hold of the @bar.com from the string?

I know I should know how to do this as this is a really simple operation.

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.net - String Manipulation, Removing Last Few Characters?

Feb 11, 2011

When I try to remove the last few characters of a string, I get an index out of range error. I am using the following to remove the characters from the end of the string:

objJSONStringBuilder.Remove(objJSONStringBuilder.Length - 1, 6)

The string has <hr /> at the end which I want to remove.

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Output Name Using String Manipulation / Concatenated

Aug 15, 2011

I'm suppose to end up with a label box with my name spelled out in it using string manipulation. This is suppose to happen using the concatenated string to output the name into the label box. I don't have any error codes but I also don't have my name in the label either. [code] "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. [code]

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String Manipulation - Caps To Only One Letter

Oct 6, 2010

So I have a string "New". What is the simplest way to convert that string to "New". Basically right now I'm doing this:

Case "NEW"
makes = connector.GetMakesByYear(_AuthorizationKey, "NewCar", CDate(Now), Year)
Case "USED"
makes = connector.GetMakesByYear(_AuthorizationKey, "UsedCar", CDate(Now), Year)

And I would prefer not to use a case statement because it's only one parameter that needs to change, and both are appended with "Car".

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String Manipulation By Hiding And Showing

Dec 26, 2011

The idea is simple, if I have a string value "ABCD" then with a ButtonClick event it should randomly reveal a char while others are hidden. i.e, "B*" another click would "AB**" and so on. So far, my I have been stuck in a for loop.


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String Manipulation Using Right / Mid / Left Function

Dec 19, 2008

I am trying to do string manipulation of an OpenID in my codebehind. For example, if the user enters " url...I want to do the following:

1. Remove the http:// or https:// if it exists

2. Remove the "/" at the end of the OpenID if it exists

So that all would be returned is url...I have used the Right, Mid and Left functions before with a string that contained spaces but I'm not sure how to accomplish what I'm trying to do here.

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Syntax Error In String Manipulation

Apr 15, 2009

I am trying an encrypting exercise which takes the txtmessage and encrypts it in characterarray.IStartAt is the starting point and by taking one character at a time from txtmessage I need to insert it in characterarry allowing a gap in between which is IUseGap. KeyGap and Keyfirst will be the next two characters after txtmessage and when insert have no gap in between.I think the logic I done is good however, I get syntax errors on the red lines.[code]

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VS 2005 OleDBCommand String Manipulation?

Jan 26, 2011

I am getting a syntax error missing operator, I have tried this so many times by eyes are crossed can someone spot my mistake?

"SELECT * , Left([DateSold], Len([DateSold])-(InStr([DateSold], 'AM')-InStr([DateSold],'1')+1) AS DateSold , FROM " & Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName & " Where


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.NET One Dimensional String Array Manipulation Difficulty?

May 14, 2010

I am having some problems with manipulating a one dimensional string array in VB.NET and would like My objective is to get 4 variables (if possible) from a file path. These variables are: myCountry, myCity, myStreet, Filename. All declared as string. The file location is also declared as string. so I have:

Dim filePath As String to illustrate my problem, and what I am trying to do, I have the following examples:

1- C:mylocationisUKBirminghamSummer Road his house.txt.


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Conceptual / Rule Implementation / String Manipulation

Dec 29, 2011

So I'm working on a software in VB.Net where I need to scrape information and process it according to rules. For example, simple string replace rules like making "Det" into "Detached" for a specific field, or a split/join rule, basic string operations. All my scraping rules are RegEx and I store them in a database in rows of rule sets for different situations.What is the best way behind creating/storing rules to manipulate text? I do not want to hardcode the rules into the software, but rather be able to add more as there will be a need for them. I want to store them in a database, but then how do I interpret them?

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Do A String Manipulation On The Value And Make The Corresponding Count To Half?

Jul 15, 2011

I have an IEnumerable as a result of LINQ, which contains Value and Count. After I get the result, I want to do a string manipulation on the Value and make the corresponding Count to half. Is that possible with LINQ?

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File I/O And Registry :: String Line Manipulation

Jul 17, 2009

I thought you could use a structure as a container. I have line_1 with a line of data read in from a file. I only want to Look in position 1 of the line and position 8 for 9 and position 31 for 11. If I create a line_2 with the parts broken out for pieces that I want to look at then I could use a with statement right?


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Fractional Part Of Doubles Without Using String Manipulation?

Jun 24, 2011

Is there a way to get the fraction parts of a Double without using string manipulations? Specifically in vb.net?

There are numerous examples for a decimal in various languages. One for vb.net is this one

Basically they all seem to use either a mod or Truncate method or they take advantage of casting to integer behavior. But none of those approaches will work for a double/float type due to the inherent inaccuracy of the double/float type. There is also the problem that doubles don't cast to decimals reliably. Below is a test case to show what I mean and expect.

<TestClass> _
Public Class BasicNumberTests
Function DecimalFractionalPart(ByVal number As Decimal) As Decimal


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IDE :: String Manipulation - Return Number Infront Of X

May 2, 2009

I have a very simple question: I have a string that may say "3x itemname", or "32x itemname". How do I get it to return the number infront of the x?

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String / Array Manipulation - How To See If Field Contains Comma

Nov 7, 2011

VB.NET 2010/ASP.NET 4. I am using a web service which returns a string like this:

If I split by comma it's usually fine except in the above string I have the following:
Which contains a comma and splits into two. This I don't want.

How to see if this field (array(15)) contains a comma & if it does to leave it intact into one array field? It's always constant in the same place in the array

(16) = "INC"
(17) = CABLE/DSL

But I wish to keep it so it's:
(16) = CABLE/DSL

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String Manipulation - Return The First Letter Of Each Word

Sep 4, 2009

i have a string "The quick brown fox" i want to return the first letter of each word.. "The Quick Brown Fox" will be "TQBF"

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String Manipulation - Split Lines To 3 New RichTextboxes

Apr 23, 2012

I have a Richtextbox with many lines. The data is as follow:
[Z=100, A=10, B=20, C=100]
[Z=100, A=33, B=50, C=255]
I want to split the lines to 3 new Richtextboxes, with the A, B and C values + the line number. Should maybe not be so hard, but I got stuck.

This code extracts the A, but obvious only the first line.
Dim values As String
values = RtbAll.Text
Dim Rawdata As String() = Nothing
Rawdata = values.Split(","c)
Dim s As Integer
For s = 0 To Rawdata.GetUpperBound(0)
RtbRed.Text = (Rawdata(1) & Environment.NewLine)
Next s

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String Manipulation And Preventing Variable Destruction?

Oct 17, 2009

I've made a class that's supposed to manipulate strings in a textbox to turn them into integers and let the cursor return to the place it was before a character was removed. It seems to work fine as far I've been able to figure out, but when I use it from the TextChanged event things go wrong. The problem is that when the class is finished and the corrected string is written back into the textbox, the TextChanged event is fired again. That on itself is not the worst problem as it runs too quick to notice, but the disadvantage is that a variable needed is destroyed with the class after it's finished the first time, resulting in the cursor ending up in the wrong place at the left of the textbox after it's run for the second time.I've been thinking of 3 solutions, but none of them I've been able to find out how to put it in code or even if they are possible:


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Unformat A Phone Number Using String Manipulation?

Apr 27, 2011

I need to take a fully formated number:

Ex: (111)-111-1111

And take out all the none integer characters, such as parens, hyphens, and spaces.So far I have:

sNumber = txtNumber.Text
If sNumber.Contains("-") Then
sFixed = Replace(sNumber, "-", "")
lblNumberOut.Text = sFixed


sNumber and sFixed are both declared class/global level. The thing is, I've made two separate if's, i've made the second one an elseif, It just only enacts one if statement, such as only taking out the hyphens and not taking out the parens, or vice versa. I'm thinking i need to declare multiple sFixed (sFixed1,2,3, etc) but that seems terribly inefficient.

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Use Of Variables Across Several Forms In Application - String Manipulation?

May 5, 2010

I am a beginner trying to write code. I am creating an application that is a questionaire with 3 forms that have questions for the user with text boxes, list boxes, and check boxes for response. Some of the text boxes with the user response are on different forms. Will that cause me problems? I would like to write code that will combine a literal string with responses from text boxes and string snippets which are inserted based on check box condition. I think I would like to create the string to be printed to a RichTextBox and then output to peripheral printer. How do I make inserting or not inserting a string based on check box condition? How can I trim the response string to allow a output string without annoying extra spaces and such?

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