VS 2008 Unfiltering Data Once Filtered?

May 7, 2009


I don't know how to get it back to -1. The drop down list is populated with three doctors, and I added the string SHOW ALL, so as far as I know the index starts at 0 and would start with SHOW ALL. I tried an ElseIf me.combobox1.selectedindex = 0 then me.combobox1.selectedindex = -1 too and that doesn't work either, so I'm obviously doing something wrong there.

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Unfiltering Data Once Filtered On Select All

May 7, 2009

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
If Me.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex >= 0 Then
' get new owner owner = Me.ComboBox1.SelectedItem
' apply filter to C1Schedule's data source (show only current owner's appointments)
[Code] ....

I have it filtering results based on which doctor I select. I also have a "SHOW ALL" item, how would I get it to actually show all the appointments regardless of doctor? Put it all in an if/then statement and check to see if the selected index of the drop down list is the SHOW ALL option? I'm not sure how to programmatically get it to show all though. It actually shows all the appointments (without filtering) as soon as it's opened, it only filters when I want I just need it to go back to unfiltered when I pick SELECT ALL.

I tried every combo I could think of to get it not to filter the results when I select SHOW ALL, but none have worked.
If Me.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex >= 0 Thenfilterelseme.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = -1
If Me.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex >= 1 Thenfilterelseme.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = -1

I don't know how to get it back to -1. The drop down list is populated with three doctors, and I added the string SHOW ALL, so as far as I know the index starts at 0 and would start with SHOW ALL. I tried an ElseIf me.combobox1.selectedindex = 0 then me.combobox1.selectedindex = -1 too and that doesn't work either.

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Filtering/unfiltering Data?

May 7, 2009

sender As


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VS 2008 Getting Filtered Data Using With A BindingSource?

Oct 17, 2009

I'm using a bindingsource to bind a dataset to a datagridview. Normally I would use a dataview to sort and filter the data, but since a bindingsource can also do this, I figured I would not need a dataview anymore. But I'm not sure how to get certain data from the filtered source. I know I can get it from the datagridview, but I'm not loading the entire dataset into the datagridview. I guess I could and then just make the columns I don't need be invisible. Or I could go ahead and use a dataview also, but that seems redundant. I was wondering if there is an equivalent to this code to get a specific item from a dataview, but pulling it from the bindingsource:

tbCode.Text = dv.Item(m_recno).Item("CodeNo")

As long as I'm not filtering the data, I can get it from the dataset, but when it's filtered, the indexes won't match.

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VS 2008 Sum Of Filtered Rows Of Datagridview

Apr 27, 2011

I have a datagridview in my application with numeric columns and date column. This datagridview is filtered by date. I want a label to show the sum of the filtered rows.

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VS 2008 Sum Of Filtered Amount In .rdlc Report?

Mar 21, 2012

i filter report by bank code filter success bus sum of amounts is not accorting to filter values its total sum of all amounts in data base.i am using this formula in field.=Sum(Fields!tamount.Value, "ibnDataSet_info"i shows sum of amounts for whole data base i want to get sum of filtered amounts only

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Exporting Filtered Dgv To Excel?

Jun 17, 2012

i have a dgv populated from a csv file and i am filtering the dgv further and exporting it to the excel. But my problem is it is exporting all the values from the original dgv not from the filtered dgv. I am using one dgv and 2 buttons in my form. When I click the button 1 my dgv gets filtered . when i click the button 2 it must export the filterd dgv to excel but it is not in a way as it is supposed to be instead it exports the unfilterd dgv (all the values from the dgv)


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How To Find Out If Row Is Filtered Or Not Using Datagridview

Jun 11, 2009

here is what i'm stuck with i have datagridview and datasource is dataset. Everything is fine no problem.

It has 3 coloumns, ID, Name, City. ID is PK Now I have rowfilter on dataset like this

dataset.tables(0).defaultview.rowfilter = "Name Like '" + txtName.text + "%'" everything is fine till here. it show selected records. now, i have another text box on form which ask for id and search id in datagrid like this dim dr as datarow = dataset.tables(0).findbyid(cint(txtId.text)

in above case if id found then it will dr with row. which is fine. the question is how i can find if current row is in list or not because of filter on dataset.table

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How To Get Auto Filtered Row From AXSpreadsheet

Mar 1, 2010

I am using axspreadsheet to view and edit excel files. In that I need to get the auto filtered (only visible) rows from axspreadsheet.

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Add Filtered Values To Listbox From Database?

Jul 26, 2010

i have one fill box and 2 radiobuttons in my form. I also have a database in which I have a table with names of workers, their smoking and marital status. My aim is to choose from radio button 1 if worker is smoking (yes or no) and radio button 2 if the worker is married (again yes or no). According to the selection, the list of workers matching with the selected criterias should be shown in the listbox1. Here is the code I wrote and I do not know how to complete or correct:


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Copy Filtered DataView To DataTable?

Jun 1, 2009

I start by looping through a string array, parsing out the strings I want and saving them to a temp table (I believe this part is working).Then, I take a DataView of the tale to get only the unique values from the rows.Then, things get messy, I need to get these unique values into my dataset. I been trying to do so using the DataView and also by passing the View to a new temp table then looping the values into the DataSet

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Accessing Individual Values Of A Filtered BindingSource?

Mar 19, 2012

A brief about the foundation of the program: I have created a VB2010 Windows Form application that connects to a Microsoft Access database. A datagridview is used to show all the data of the database. Then, a filter is used to filter the dataview (the BindingSource actually) and show the filtered db's data.

Let's say this is how I filter my BindingSource:

MyBindingSource.Filter = " price > '110' "

This would cause the dataGridView to filter the data (correctly), and let's say 10 rows are now displayed. What I am trying to do now is to get the sum of the values of one column of these new data. For example each of the 10 rows have a 'price' column which contains a double value. I would need the sum of these *filtered* values.

I found on the Internet that I may be able to transform the BindingSource into a DataTable and I could, but now I don't know how to access the values inside this!

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Copy The Filtered Frame From VidProce To A New Picturebox

Feb 4, 2009

[Code] It captures a frame of LiveVideo every some miliseconds and shows them simulating the filtered video, this is working fine but I don't know how to copy the filtered frame from VidProce to a new picturebox, I tried this but doesn't works X.Image = VidProce.Image. any idea or another way to filter the pictures?

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DB/Reporting :: Oracle Database Filtered Search?

May 14, 2009

Im writing a simple VB program that connects to an oracle DB which retreives and inserts data to a table I created.[code].....

I want to be able to search through a table I have created to store all the information.Rather than just searching for one variable which would be easy to do, I want to give the user the option to filter out the search from the form.So say the user hits "Find", they would be given access to 10 comboboxes, they would select the information they want to search for (They do not have to select every box) and then click "Do Find".Then the form would display all the results of the query in the form.

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EndCurrentEdit Does Not Stay In New Record If Dataview Is Filtered

Apr 28, 2010

I have an application with a "filtered" DataView. The Dataview is bound to a form through a CurrencyManager. The problem is that when I add a new record using CurrMgr.AddNew(), and then use the CurrMgr.EndCurrentEdit() before saving the new record, the currency manager will point inmediatelly to the last record. How can I ensure the currency manager stays in the new record?.[code]

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Extra Row In Datagrid When Using Filtered Dataview As Datasource?

Jun 9, 2009

I am filtering a dataview which is used for a datagrids datasource.At runtime when I apply the filters (using Checkboxes to determine the RowFilter text) I get an additional blank row at the top of my grid. This is then treated like a row & is filtered out with other rows that don't fit the filter criteria but comes back when I remove the filter. Basically, its part of the underlying DAtaview it seems. It's not persisited to database but I can't seem to get rid of it when I'm filtering.

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Filtered Tableadapter Not Returning Correct Rows

Oct 31, 2010

I have a filtered bindingsource bound to a datagrid. The datagrid fills and displays the data correctly based on the filter criteria.

The problem comes when I try to access the data directly from the program. It returns data, but only as if the filter wasn't there at all. [code]...

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How To Create Spreadsheet Based On Filtered DataSet

Jul 6, 2010

I am trying to create a spreadsheet based on a filtered Dataset. The problem is I cannot connect to XL. I get the following error:
Warning1Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'Microsoft.office.interop' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases.

From these lines of
Imports Microsoft.office.interop
Imports Excel = Microsoft.office.interop.excel

Another issue is I only have XL 2000, and I won't be able to get 2003 anytime soon. 2003 is what the target computer is using. I would like to develop the app with 2000 and make the appropriate changes to 2003 when I get upgraded. I couldn't get any information on the 2000 PIA here: [URL]. After reading this: [URL] it almost seems like I don't need the 2000 PIA. Many of the techniques described in this document involve the use of IAs for the Office applications.

For Office 97 and Office 2000, you can autogenerate these IAs using TlbImp. Office XP includes pregenerated (and optimized) IAs that you should use instead of autogenerating IAs. An IA distributed by the owner of the original COM server is called a primary interop assembly (PIA). You should always use the specific version of the IA that matches the version of Office you're targeting. I just want to develop the app. Then I can download the 2003 PIA, right? I would use this: [URL].

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Query Table Retrieve Filtered Values?

May 24, 2011

I am trying to Query a table with data from another table and return a filtered result

Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each lrow In dtlist.Rows()
Dim lat As Double = dtlist.Rows(i)("Latitude") 'CDbl(Me.SubjLat_txt.Text)
Dim lon As Double = dtlist.Rows(i)("Longitude") 'CDbl(Me.SubjLon_txt.Text)


Obviously doesnt work but the idea is thats the Value i need to put in the Value Column of dtlist In short the project, loops through one table(dtlist) of address's and gets the distances of it from the address's in the second table(dtsold) then gets the higest value from dtsold within a certain distance?

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Use A DataGridView To Display Filtered Lists From A SQL Database?

Jun 26, 2011

I use a DataGridView to display filtered lists from a SQL data base.I've used this method on almost 100 Different objects.Today i'm getting a strange error from the DGV on only one of them, If you try to select an item in the list


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User Login Session Variable Filtered

Jul 21, 2009

I am trying to compare a session variable to another string so that i can enable or disable image buttons. I am using asp.net vb with a sql2005 express backend..[code]

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User Login Session Variable Filtered?

Jul 21, 2009

I am trying to compare a session variable to another string so that i can enable or disable image buttons.I am using asp.net vb with a sql2005 express backend

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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.net - Find Whether A Filtered BindingSource Contains An Item From The Underlying DataSet?

Apr 25, 2012

I've got a databound query in my application which is querying the "Customers" table in our database.I've created this directly from the ComboBox's datasource creator in the Design view.Various bits of code created in the designer include:

Me.CustomerBindingSource.DataSource = Me.CustomerDataSet
Me.ComboBox_Customers.DataSource = Me.CustomerBindingSource

What I've done in the first stage of developing this feature is to show my users a ComboBox showing a specific subset of the customer list by applying a filter to the BindingSource.

Me.CustomerBindingSource.Filter = "someColumn = 3"

What I want to do on a second pass is to allow the users to type a specific bit of information into a textbox and check whether it appears in Me.CustomerDataSet like so:

Dim x As IEnumerable(Of CustomerDataSet.customerRow) = From cust In Me.CustomerDataSet.customer Where cust.custno.Trim = "test"
If x.Count <> 0 Then

At this point, I have a customerRow object. I want to check whether this customerRow object appears in the list presented to users in Me.ComboBox_Customers via the filtered Me.CustomerBindingSource. Me.CustomerBindingSource does not (directly) contain customerRow objects, it contains Object objects.How do I find out whether Me.CustomerBindingSource contains the customerRow object at whatever lower level?Also Once I've determined that Me.CustomerBindingSource contains the item, how do I select that entry in the ComboBox?

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Find The Original Position In A DataTable From A Filtered DataView?

Aug 5, 2011

I want to find a particular ID in a DataTable, I am using a DataView to filter the results, but how do I know which row in the original table the filter view corresponds to? Any ideas? In know I could use LINQ but I don't think this would help either?


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GridView Returns Wrong DataItemIndex When Filtered Or Sorted?

May 1, 2010

This is driving me out of my mind. My Gridview returns the wrong rowindex after sorting or filtering. I am using a detailsview to edit the selected record however I found out I was editing the wrong record. I am using this statement to retrieve the selected record from the gridview

DetailsView1.PageIndex = GridView1.SelectedRow.DataItemIndex however this only returns the correct index if the grid stays in the original form, meaning not sorted or filtered. I guess the statement returns the index with respect to the gridview not the actual table. First of all is this this a .NET bug? and second of all how do I retrieve the correct record to edit it in the detailsview either by getting the correct index or a key such as AssetID in my case. I am using VisualStudio 2010 Professional and the code is in VB. Please do not give me C# as I don't use it.

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Vb2008 Filtered Tableadapter Not Returning Correct Rows?

Oct 26, 2010

Here's the issue I'm having:

I have a filtered bindingsource bound to a datagrid. The datagrid fills and displays the data correctly based on the filter criteria.

The problem comes when I try to access the data directly from the program. It returns data, but only as if the filter wasn't there at all.

The count function returns the proper number of records.


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Get The Filtered Rows Into A Dataset Or Datatable In A Datagridview Bounded To A Bindingsource?

Nov 22, 2009

I have a datagridview bounded to a bindingsource (that is, in turn, bounded to a dataset that is the data origin of the project) and a bindingnavigator to a Access table, all of this done with the visual designer of Visual Basic .net 2005. I want to print in a crystal report the rows shown in the datagridview after filtered using the .filter property of the datagridview. But, to achieve this, I need to get the filtered rows in a dataset, and I havenīt got this in any way. If I pass to the crystal report the main dataset origin of the project, it will print all the rows, not only the filtered rows. I would have figured out that there would be a .getfilteredrows or something like that in the bindingsource object, but there isnīt. I managed to get this manually, through a loop, but I canīt believe it is the solution experts use.

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Multi-select List Box Yields Filtered Query Search?

Jul 27, 2009

Im trying to figure out how to query a dataset when I select multiple values in a list box? I have the list box linked to the dataset and am using a button to search the values selected in the list box. I don't know what to do!

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.net - Storing Subcollections (filtered Versions Of The Main Collection) Inside The Collection As Cache?

Jan 15, 2010

Is it good practice to store sub-collections of item X inside a parent collection of item X for caching 'filter-queries' which are performed on the parent collection? (They won't be used together (as in color AND type).) Or is it also ok to just Loop over the collection and return the correct entities in a temporary collection?


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Saving Data From A Data Grid To An Access Database (2008 Express)?

May 18, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple Data Grid that will automatically save changes. So far I have a data grid connected to a MS Access 2007 Database that reads the data. I can create new fields in the Data Grid, but I need to program to save the data automatically to the database on update (or on close).

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