DB/Reporting :: Oracle Database Filtered Search?

May 14, 2009

Im writing a simple VB program that connects to an oracle DB which retreives and inserts data to a table I created.[code].....

I want to be able to search through a table I have created to store all the information.Rather than just searching for one variable which would be easy to do, I want to give the user the option to filter out the search from the form.So say the user hits "Find", they would be given access to 10 comboboxes, they would select the information they want to search for (They do not have to select every box) and then click "Do Find".Then the form would display all the results of the query in the form.

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DB/Reporting :: Stored Procedure On An Oracle Database Called : GET_HVE_PACKAGE_VERSIONS

May 29, 2008

I have a stored procedure on an oracle database called : GET_HVE_PACKAGE_VERSIONS This basically calls versions of PLSQL packages as stores the versions into a table. I am having big problems trying to call this procedure. I have tried everything. I am currently able to create and update etc etc using the executeNonQuery method and I thought that I would be able to call a procedure them same way, obviously not

the whole project depends on me being able to call procedures against the database.


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DB/Reporting :: Provider Cannot Be Found - Code Attempting To Access An Oracle Database

Mar 29, 2012

I recently upgraded my system to Windows 7 64bit and ever since then I have had nothing but issues with my code attempting to access an Oracle database. I was using msdaora for my connection string however that does not work in 64bit. I changed over to OraOLEDB.Oracle which everything I can find on Google says to use however it fails every time. I have installed Oracle 11g 2 times now and even tried reinstalling VB.net 2010 and still no luck.

Here is my connection string....

MyConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Server=emsp.grhq.XXXX.com;Data Source=emsp;User Id=XXXX;password=XXXX"

And I am inporting....

Imports System.Data.OracleClient

Yet when I try it says...


Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.

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DB/Reporting :: How To Search Database

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to use the .net connector within my program. I have got add, delete and update working however cannot get search to work. What I would like the program to do is, you enter a value into a textbox and then press a button. The value in the textbox is searched and then the values in the database corresponding to that value are entered into the other text boxes. This is what I have so far:

Private Sub PrescriberSearch()
pre.SelectCommand = New MySqlCommand("SELECT Name FROM Prescriber WHERE Name =?Name like Name = ?Name")


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Multi-select List Box Yields Filtered Query Search?

Jul 27, 2009

Im trying to figure out how to query a dataset when I select multiple values in a list box? I have the list box linked to the dataset and am using a button to search the values selected in the list box. I don't know what to do!

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DB/Reporting :: DataBase Search - Users Inputs The Barcode Numbers Into A Textbox

Apr 20, 2008

Scenero: Users inputs the barcode numbers into a textbox, hits the search button and is returned the description of that barcode.

Two fields: Barcode - barcodes in this field
Description - Description revalant to that barcode

Consists: Textbox(Input) - txtBarcode
Button(Process) -btnClick
Listbox(Outut) - lstDetails


Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter


This is the code i got to connect to the database itself. Then i got this code for the search part


SQL = "SELECT Description FROM Table1 where Barcode = '" & txtBarcode.text & "'"

What i need to know is:
1) Is the code for the search right.
2) How to get it so the description for that barcode is displayed in a listbox.

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Add Filtered Values To Listbox From Database?

Jul 26, 2010

i have one fill box and 2 radiobuttons in my form. I also have a database in which I have a table with names of workers, their smoking and marital status. My aim is to choose from radio button 1 if worker is smoking (yes or no) and radio button 2 if the worker is married (again yes or no). According to the selection, the list of workers matching with the selected criterias should be shown in the listbox1. Here is the code I wrote and I do not know how to complete or correct:


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DB/Reporting :: Get Data From Oracle And Sql In One Sql Statement

Nov 6, 2009

I will try and explain my problem as simply as I can

I have an Oracle database (external app) that contains a number of tables that I need to get data from, however I also have an SQL database that contains a number of tables that my app is using.

e.g. Oracle Table name PD_112



What I want to do is get all the data from the Oracle table to display in a list control however I want the values in the DISP_ID column of the Oracle table to be change to the corrosponding DESC values from the DispTbl e.g. 5 from the Oracle table would display Piping instead of 5.

I know how to do this if both the tables where in one database system e.g. Oracle or SQL, however I am not sure the best why to do this when the tables are in 2 different data sources.

Below is the code for doing this in the same datasource:


I am using VB.Net 2005, just for info

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DB/Reporting :: Get Data From Oracle And Sql In One Sql Statement?

Feb 18, 2011

I have an Oracle database (external app) that contains a number of tables that I need to get data from, however I also have an SQL database that contains a number of tables that my app is using.

e.g. Oracle Table name PD_112

1 5
2 8
3 5


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Use A DataGridView To Display Filtered Lists From A SQL Database?

Jun 26, 2011

I use a DataGridView to display filtered lists from a SQL data base.I've used this method on almost 100 Different objects.Today i'm getting a strange error from the DGV on only one of them, If you try to select an item in the list


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Getting A Free Reporting Tool Compatible With Oracle Db And Vs Express?

Feb 4, 2010

anyone know a good free reporting tool compatible with oracle database and visual studio express?

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VS 2008 Search For Date In Oracle DB?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a date in an Oracle DB wich is saved like this in the DB "18-JUN-10 02.01.48,000000 PM"

I want to do a search for a specific date and I tried this:

Dim strZoekDatumVan As String strZoekDatumVan = String.Format("tblRUN.Datum < TO_DATE({0}, 'DD-MM-YYYY')", txtZoekDatumVan.Text.ToUpper)
Dim sql As String = String.Format("SELECT " & _
"tblRUN.Run_ID, " & _
"tblKLANT.Naam, " & _


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DB/Reporting :: .Net/Oracle Application Best Design When Building Sql Command Parameters

Oct 2, 2009

Currently working on a web-service with Oracle10g as back-end. Here is my problem.

1. The table I need to populate has 100 columns. I have no control over the design of the table.

2. I wanted to use the "deriveparameters" method of OracleCommandBuilder, but found out that this is "costly" in terms of performance. What I initially planned to do was to derive the parameters from an open connection, close the connection, then maybe cache the parameters obtained but I don't know if this is possible.

I am unsure how big of a hit the performance will get if I continue using the "deriveparameters" method WITHOUT caching the parameters driven. The environment is as follows

-around 2000 users
-users spread out in different parts of the country

I am not familiar where they will put the web pages of the application, the web service and the database. I don't know if they'll be putting it in different servers or on one server, but that's something we cannot control too, that's why I am looking for the best approach.

I just don't want to hard-code all that parameters and if, for instance, we need to change some properties/parameters, it will be a pain to maintain the code. It would be nice if someone here can point a way to automate the whole thing w/o the performance of the system taking a hit.

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DB/Reporting :: Copy Oracle 11g Which Is Fully Installed - Work With VB Express 2008 ?

Oct 3, 2009

I have a copy Oracle 11g which is now fully installed. Will it work with Visual Basic Express 2008 or just Visual Studio 2008 Professional? I have both Visual Basic Express 2008 and Visual Studio 2008 Professional. I really would like to know if it works with Visual Basic Express 2008.

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DB/Reporting :: MDF Record Search?

Aug 9, 2008

Im trying to find out what code i would use if i wanted to search all my records in a table for those who are female...but the problem is what kind of place i should store these records initially, Mdf or Mdb? i've tried using dao code (rs.findfirst...but it says theres an error about read only database or something...)

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DB/Reporting :: Manage Connection After Search?

Aug 8, 2009

I am trying to use RAP (rabid application development). So I have created a database with a datagridview to show all information and textboxes to modify the informations. So far so good.

The problem is created when I try to use the search facility on the datagridview. The search is working but the problem is that the textboxes are not following the search criteria . I can configure this manual but I would like to know which is the easier way to configure the textboxes to show the value of my search criteria.

I also want to know how when I finished with the search criteria and empty the search the text boxes to make the connections back as they were before.

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DB/Reporting :: Search For Item In DVG Column?

Oct 7, 2009

I need to do a lookup in a DatagridView column. I would like something with the blazing speed of what recordset.seek used to provide. I am assuming that a similar function/method is available for use with the DVG. What else is there to use that is better than my present implementation.


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Make A Search Button To Search Through All The Tables In The Database?

Dec 28, 2009

I have a MS access database connected to a VB2008 developed software.
I want to make a search button to search through all the tables in the database.
how can I do this?

I want to link a field in table one to a field in table 2 in the database so that they are the same ( whenever I change what is in table 1 table 2 changes to the same automaticaly )

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Asp.net - Connecting To Oracle Database

Apr 7, 2011

Today is my first day trying to use Oracle databases in Asp.NET so I have no idea of what I need to do. I have added this code


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Changing The Database Name Of Oracle?

Jan 25, 2010

I would like to change the Name of the oracle Db. How can i change it.if i change the database name what are the things i have to keep in mind.Will it Affect any system files or oracle dll files if i create wrongly.Will the name of the Db be same for all the Oracle 9i s/w?

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Oracle Database Back Up Using VB

Jun 27, 2011

How can i take back up on Every minute and hourly and complete whole day backup using VB.NET i.e i want to know the coding example

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Oracle Database Backup Using VB

Jun 10, 2011

how can i take backup on Every minute and hourly and complete whole day backup using VB.NET i.e i want to know the coding example.

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Application Connecting Oracle Database On Ibm Aix

Jul 5, 2011

want to know how to connect database from window2008 server platform to ibm aix database is oracle 10g ..please anyone can help me here

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Binding Data From Oracle Database

Apr 25, 2009

I developed an application with old VB form and binding the data from Oracle database into VB form. Actually, I tried to bind the data more than 35000 records in to grid. But, it takes more than half an hour and also form was hanged and there is no output. Can you please let me know the solution to fix it and bind the data without any hang in my application. What are the steps to be followed to fix it?

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Connect To Oracle Database In Program?

May 12, 2011

I have some deprecated code in visual basic when connecting to an oracle database. I am using a OracleDataAdapter but it says that this has been deprecated. Does anyone know what the new supported code is to connect to a database?

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Create Oracle Database For MS Platform?

Aug 2, 2011

I'd like to test Oracle database connection via web service. Could I create Oracle database in MS development environment? Oracle version is 10.2... is it Oracle 10g. I'm familiar with MS SQL Server. Oracle is new for me.

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Creating Connection To Our Oracle Database?

Jan 19, 2011

I've been viewing the tutorial at [URL]...08-088541.html but I'm still having issues creating my connection to our Oracle database. Here's my code, which uses the same connection string as one of my VB6 programs (no password required for database--Oracle picks up windows name) :

Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Create connection object
Dim OraDB As String = "Data Source=databaseneme;Persist Security Info=False"
Dim conn As New OracleConnection(OraDB)
conn.ConnectionString = OraDB
End Sub

I've been using .NET for all of 10 mins so the error may be painfully obvious!

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Import Oracle Into Database Explorer

Mar 25, 2009

I am creating a Reporting program in VB 2008. The first issue that I want to correct is in VB 2008 there is a Database Explorer. But whenever I try to create a new Data Connection in the Database Explorer it does not give me the option to connect to Oracle. How do I get my Oracle Database in the Database Explorer tab. All it gives my options for are Microsoft based database applications.

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Oracle Command Creating Database?

Mar 15, 2012

I have this in creating table but did not work. Having invalid table name error.

Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client
Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Types
Public Class dump


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Update Oracle Database In Vb Error?

Apr 22, 2010

I want to update a particular row in the database table but no success,i keep on receiving this error One or more errors occurred during processing of command. ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

Cmd = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE SUB_DETAIL SET (LECT_ID = " & TextBox3.Text & ") WHERE SUB_ID = " & cmb_subID.Text & ")", con)


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