VS 2008 Wait Certain Number Of Days?

Oct 14, 2009

Ok, say I have an application that has a setting called start. and when a button is pressed on the form, it puts a day in there or something, then the button becomes disabled. then when the application is opened 2 days (48 hours) later, the button becomes enabled for use again. How could I do this?

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Get The Current Number Of Usage Days, Unique Usage Days, Etc In An Evaluation License Using CryptoLicensing Generator?

Jan 25, 2010

Get the current number of usage days, unique usage days, etc in an evaluation license using CryptoLicensing Generator.

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2005 - Subtract A Date From The (current Date Minus 7 Days) And Produce A Number Of Days?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a date in the future e.g. 13/10/2008 I need to subtract the current date (today is the 28/09/2010) minus 7 days, so thats 21/09/2010 minus 13/10/2008, which would equal erm, 720 something ? But the current date won't always be 28/09/2010, obviously. I need the code for this. EDIT: When i said future I mean past :)

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VS 2008 : Calculation Goes To The Last Entry As Stated The Multiply This Total By Number Of Days(dbl)?

May 3, 2011

I have an application that has 3 list boxes, one selects a workshop, the other a location. the third is to display selected costs.to do the calculation a loop is required. i have written the code but when i calculate the cost the final result to be displayed ends up as being the cost of the last work shop and location * 3,What is supposed to happen is the location is multiplied by the number of days(3 in this case) and added to the workshop cost.the loop is supposed to add all cost from the list box till all have been added.what is happening is the calculation goes to the last entry as stated the multiplys this total by number of days(dbl)?

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Getting The Number Of Days Between Two Dates

Nov 7, 2010

I'm trying to get, as the title says, the number of days between 2 dates. TextBox8 is set to a parsed version of the current date. The user has to enter the other date into TextBox7.Then I try to use this function that i made. The code does not work, I get an exception. I have never made a function before so I don't really know much about them. I honestly don't even know if this is possible,


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How To Get Number Of Days In Month

Feb 27, 2009

I want to get number of days in a month. Here is my requirement if I am selecting month name in a combobox then I am displaying days in another combobox.
Example :
If I am selecting JAN in one combobox then 1 to 31 numbered bind to another combobox.
If I am seleing FEB in a ombobox 1 to 28 numbers added to the combobox.
I want to do this in vb.net (windows application).

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Calculate Number Of Days Between Two Dates?

May 11, 2009

how can i calculate number of days between two dates.....for xample between 24/12/2009

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Calculate Number Of Moths Between Two Days?

Nov 3, 2010

How to code to calculate number of moths between two days? For example, BeginingDt=09/01/2007, EndingDt=05/20/2009 should be list as below:


(If date of month >=15 will count as whole month, if <15 will be ignored)

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Get Number Of Days Between A Start And End Date

May 28, 2010

Is there a method or function that I can use to get the number of days between a start date and end date? I tried using Timespan, but I was noyt able to convert the value to a string. What I am doing is I have 3 text boxes. 1 with start date value user will set using a calendar. And another with end date set using a calendar.And the 3rd text box is being used to display that difference between the two dates.

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VS 2005 - How Many Number Of Days Between Two Dates

May 11, 2009

How can I calculate number of days between two dates. For example between 24/12/2009 and 29/12/2009. How can I know that how many days are there between these two dates?

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Counting Number Of Days From Date Column?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a datatable that stores information on employees. What i'm trying to do is use it to run a seniority list looping through the table using the current system date. The looping part i have no problem with, and the system date calculation also i know how to do. The problem call the date from the startDate column to do the calculation.

i have tried

dim sDate As date = "startdate"

but i get an error that it cannot be converted to date.

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Displays The Number Of Days In A Specific Month?

Dec 9, 2009

I am supost to code a program for my homework using an one-dimensional array.in the program you enter the number of the moth and it gives you how many days are in that month. and I'm just kind of lost?

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Function To Calculate Days Number Between 2 Dates?

Jan 1, 2012

i want a function to calculate days number between 2 dates

for example :

start date = 2011/11/13
end date = 2012/01/02

i want months to be 30 days always .

thats mean
18 days in November
30 days in December
2 days in January
sum = 50 days

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Get Total Number Of Days From 1st Jan To Date You Choose?

Apr 30, 2010

on my design i have a listbox, datetimePicker and a button. how do i pick a date like for example 14 feb 2010 from the datetimePicker and click the button, then the listbox showing how many days from 1st jan 2010? should be 45days.

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VS 2005 Get The Count Of The Number Of Business Days?

Jun 8, 2009

I know the datediff function can give the count of the number of days between two different dates, but how can I get the count of the number of business days - i.e. Monday - Friday - between two dates?

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VS 2010 Number Of Days In Billing Period?

Jul 19, 2011

If a billing period always starts on say the 22nd of the month and ends on the 21st of the following month then all I'd have to really figure out is how many days are in the month the billing period started right? I hate working with Dates! This is what I've come up with using the idea above...Note, Dates are strings in the first column of a Listview in the format of, mm/dd/yyyy.

' get month from start of billing period (last item in LV) ' example of dates: 06/22/2011
Dim BillStartMonth = CInt(ListView1.Items(ListView1.Items.Count - 1).Text.Substring(0, 2))
' get Year from start of billing period (last item in LV)


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180 Day Tracker - Count The Number Of Days A Person Is On Hold

Feb 2, 2010

I need to be able to count the number of days a person is on hold. easy enough! However i need to be able to stop the expression when I enter a stop date so it would look like this "start date 1 to today= x amount of days" but i need to be able to add a stop date to end the counter. and if they go down again start date 2 to today and add number of days from start date 1.

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Asp.net - Calculate The Difference Between Two Dates To Display As A Number In Days (VB)?

Nov 20, 2011

How do I calculate the difference between two dates to display as a number in days?I have 2 text boxes (txtHStart_Date & txtHEnd_Date) I have used an Ajax Calendar Extender to enter the dates in each of these text boxes.I would like to get the difference between these two dates to show in a seperate text box (txtNoOfDays)

I've seen the timespan function but can seem to get this to work. I'm not to sure how to declare the text boxes as the dates I would the calculation to be made from


Dim D1 As Date
Dim D2 As Date
Dim ts As New TimeSpan
D1 = txtHStart_Date.Text
D2 = txtHEnd_Date.Text
ts = D2 - D1

But I know this isn't right. I also don't know how to get it to display in the 3rd TextBox.

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Save Number Of Days In Month Into Textfile And Read From It?

May 10, 2010

Dim days_in_clc_month(10) As Integer
days_in_clc_month(0) = 30
days_in_clc_month(1) = 29
days_in_clc_month(2) = 30


i just need to get this block of codes out, and put it in a textfile. and my program will run without seeing it, because it's all saved in the textfile.

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VB Programming - Raptor - User Enter Number Of Days They Wish To Save

Mar 24, 2010

I have a program for class that requires you to have the user enter the number of days they wish to save for and then the program takes 1 penny and doubles every day for the amount of days the person enters. I was able to get this to work in Raptor but not VB.

'Description: Taking one penny and doubling it over the number of days the user enters.

Dim decPennies As Decimal = 0
Dim intTotaldays As Integer = 0


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Enter A Two-digit Number It Doesn't Wait?

Jan 27, 2012

I want to be able to enter (type in) data into a combobox as well as picking from the list. In earlier VB there was AfterUpdate event so that I could enter in the data I wanted. Now I have tried Keypress, Enter, and others and they all want just one character or number. If I try to enter a two-digit number it doesn't wait.

View 16 Replies

Program Which Calculates Cost Of Spent Electric Energy For A Number Of Days

May 12, 2010

I am making a program which calculates the cost of (Let's say) Spent Electric Energy for a number of days,defined by the user..I have 2 Date Time Picker and x (The average energy spent in a day) where x must be an integer and it is defined by the user x * (DateTimePicker2.Value - DateTime Picker1.Value) = y (The value to be paid for a number of days)

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Application That Allows User To Select Or Enter Into A Combo Box Number Of Days A Person Will Work

Oct 28, 2009

Create an application that allows the user to select or enter into a combo box the number of days a person will work, and calculates the total amount of pay she will receive over that period of time. Salary is one penny the first day, two pennies the second day, four pennies the third say, and continuing to double each day.

The combo box must list the following items: 30, 180, 365, and 1000. Must be the default drop down box. Use a validating event procedure on the combo box.

The program should go through a loop once for each day, doubling the number of pennies with each iteration of the loop. You will need a running totl of the number of pennies that you add to with each iteration. To calculate the total amount of pay, multiply the total number of pennies by .01 and show the result in currency format.

Public Class Form1

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged


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Program - Permit User To Input Customer's First And Last Names And Number Of Days That Car Was Rented

Oct 6, 2009

The local car rental company rents cars for 29.95 per day with unlimited mileage. There is a refueling fee of 12.95; regardless of what the level of fuel is when the car is returned. Write a program that will permit the user to input the customer's first and last names and the number of days that the car was rented. The program should compute the total charge for the car that was rented.

I have to do this:
A. using a standard window
B. Using a WPF window (And I don't even know what that means)
C. Using a console application

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Get Total No Of Days Between Two Days Which Might Include Leap Year

Jun 4, 2009

how do i get total no of days between two days which might include leap year

right now i'm getting the no of days by using DateDiff function in vb.net. but i reckon it is not precise. cos it is not validating leapyear.

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Scroll Back In Time X Days Or X Days Forward?

Apr 15, 2012

I need this for 2 different changes.ON one form i got a week calendar, the other a month calendar.Was hoping to add 2 buttons previous & next.To scroll back in time x days, or x days forward.And similar for the months, but instead of days months.Can anybody give me a exaple or a method how to get this to work?Figured it could be done with a loop, but not sure anymore.

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Function For Getting The Difference In Days Between Two Days Is Giving?

Jun 27, 2011

The function for getting the difference in days between two days is giving me a wrong answer here.What could i be doing wrong??? DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, CDate("28/1/2011"), CDate("31/1/2011"))

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WebBrowser Control Is In A Wait State : How To Kill The Wait

May 27, 2009

While navigating to a series of sites at one site the WebBrowser control's DocumentCompleted EVENT is tripped and no other recorded Browser events occur after that. When this happens the hour glass cursor indicates the browser is waiting. From this point it take 120 to 250 seconds of wall clock time before the browser resumes. I am looking for a way to force an abnormal termination without destroying the control. I have tried "Stop", "nav to about:blank" repeatedly without success. How can I force an abnormal termination when the Cntrl is in a wait state?

Consider the following: The last known Browser event to be tripped is a Document Complete event; nothing else occurs after this. When this transpires the Cntrl is waiting.

1:50:657: ============================= ENTER WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted EVENT ========================================
31:50:657: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE NEW WEBBROWSER STATEMENT


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Convert Days To Months And Days?

Dec 12, 2011

convert days to months and days?

Normal 0


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VS 2008 Cant Add Days

May 13, 2009

im trying to make a program, basically its a time in time out, i can get the date from my database and its in three columns, the first one is the date work, next is the timein and the other one is the timeout. im trying to convert the timein and timeout into date which are string at first but i having a problem when the timeout is the next day of the actual datework for example one emplyee has datework of 1/1/2009 and he time in at 6:00PM i can convert it to date and it work be datework + " " +timein or 1/1/2009 18:00, but if i add one day to the datework so the time out is correct "1/2/2009 6:00" , it wont work T_T is there a problem in my codes? [code]

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