VS 2008 Why Is Not Moving The File

Feb 25, 2010

I'm trying to move a image.

Dim txtfilename As String = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(txtfilename, "C:WindowsSystem32oobeInfoackgrounds")
MsgBox("File Moved")

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VS 2008 - Moving File To Recycle Bin

Aug 25, 2010

I am writing a program to manage some of my files. I already know when I want to send a file to the recycle bin, so I don't need the system to prompt me each time. How do I tell it to back Off, and just do it?

Here is my
Sub RecycleBinFile(ByVal strFilename As String)
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(strFilename, FileIO.UIOption.AllDialogs, FileIO.RecycleOption.SendToRecycleBin, FileIO.UICancelOption.DoNothing)
End Sub

Some of my research has pointed me to FileIO.UIOption.AllDialogs.

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VS 2008 Moving Database Vb Exe File To Another Computer?

Jun 14, 2010

I have done a database system using microsoft access 2007 which connected to a form of vb2008.And now i want to transfer the system to another computer but as i tried it's not work.I already build the file and copy whole folder that contain the bin, obj and my project to the new computer. I tried to run it on the new computer but it show me an error that "selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system".What should i do to overcome this?

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VS 2008 2 Threadpool - One Threadpool For Scanning Files And Second Threadpool For Moving File's Into Drive's

Jun 4, 2011

I m trying to move all my drive's files into h drive firstly i have added all drives in threadpool for scanning and when scanning of any drive finish (Without waiting for other drive's complete ) it will move file's to h drive but it is not working as i wanted that's why i need two threadpool - one threadpool for scanning files and second threadpool for moving file's into drive's

View 11 Replies

Making Moving Percentages Into A Moving Graph?

Oct 5, 2008

I have this:

Private m_PerformanceCounter As New _
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter( _
"Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total")


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Moving And Then Renaming A File

Apr 19, 2009

I am using Process.Start to run a command line application. The log for the app is automatically saved in a predefined location that I can not change. Also, I can not specify the name of the log.I need the log to go to a specific directory and the be renamed. I thought I could do it this way:[code]When I run the code, it tells me that it can't fin the file "Test2.txt". When I isolate the code and only run the first part, it moves the file to the second directory just fine. It only errors on the RenameFile line.

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Moving Exe File To Other Computer

Jun 22, 2010

I am very new to vb 2008 and have create a simple window forms application which link to microsoft access 2007 database.I build the application exe file already. The exe file is run well on my computer, but when i transfer it by copy and paste the whole folder to another computer it cannot run. I am wondering why this happen? the error is as below : "selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system".

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Moving File To Directory?

Nov 19, 2009

At the moment the user browses for a file they want to install and then they have to save the file manually I want the program to install the file the user chose into the direcotry there selves.

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Moving .msg From A File To A MAPI Folder?

Jul 24, 2009

is there any way to move a contact or apointment item from a file (ie C: est) to a MAPI folder? The way I have it set up now I can save all the items from the outlook MAPI folder into the file, but I can't retrieve them. I've tried my.computer. filesystem. copyfile, but there seems to be no way of feeding it the mapi folder as a string it can understand. I've tried to see if I could open the .msg from the file as any format I could think of, and then saving it. No luck there. I've searched extensively, too, though I'm not sure I was using the correct terms.

My end goal is to make a folder on a shared drive that other users can go to and look at a list of contacts and or calendar items, then possibly upload them into their own contacts/calendars. I've even tried taking all the relevent data out of them and putting it into a text file, then uploading it to outlook. I got that working well enough, but it seems so convoluted, and is far from robust. It seems like it should be easy to just copy them over, since you can just click and drag them on the UI, but I haven't had any luck

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Moving A File To A Storage Device?

Aug 1, 2010

Is it possible in VB.NET to get the directory of a file copied/moved to a removable storage device?

For example, I have msword document on my desktop and move it to my storage device. A dialog box will appear or anything that will show the directory of the document.

The idea is whenever you move a file into the specific device, it will automatically processed. I will be using this to compress a file automatically when it is moved or copied to the storage device.

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Moving Image File For Which The Name Is Unknown?

Aug 9, 2011

How can I move an Image File fot wich the name is unknown from one Folder to another.

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Moving MP3 File From Listview1 To Listview2

Jan 25, 2009

Basically what I want is when a person clicks on an Item that ends in "Mp3" in Listview1 to then Create that same File on Listview2 So far It will create the File, not show its name. and it gives the directory, but not all the way.

Heres the Code for Moving the file to listview2.
If ListView1.FocusedItem.Name.EndsWith(".mp3") Then
ListView2.Items.Add(ListView1.FocusedItem.Name.ToString, 4)
'Add SubItem Information.
Dim li As New ListViewItem
li.ImageIndex = 4
[Code] .....

I wont get anything to pop out on Listview2, even if I click anything on listview1. I have to group (left click and hold, and go over multiple items.) And if I am lucky I will get some stuff on Listview2. I got 1 item to move to listview2 but it has no name (it does not appear). Now if we move the scroll bar to the right, we will see another error, (next picture). The Directory Does not end with the Music's Name.mp3. And It does not even end in the same directory as the textbox on the bottom right corner?

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.net - Moving App.config File To A Custom Location?

Jan 25, 2011

My application is a service application, and it needs to load a set of configuration that the user can change. I was using the System.Configuration classes to set up the app.config file, and then I was going to give the user the option of editing this file to change configuration.

Can I move this file to a custom directory, something like C:settingsapp.config? Or is it forced to reside in the app directory?

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Keep Saved Settings When Moving Or Renaming A File?

Apr 17, 2011

I develop a web browser. It has a settings feature where you can change the homepage and some other options and it has bookmarks. Well, if you rename the file, then all of these settings are erased and reset to the defaults. How can I make this where all these settings are included no matter if moving, renaming, etc.?

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Moving One File To Directory In Click Of Button

Oct 6, 2011

I have 3 buttons 2 for browse (openfiledialog) and the other for move. I also have 2 textboxs that will say the directory of the file selected. So what I want to do is make one file move to another directory in the click of the move button.

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Unhandled Exception - Moving Database File?

Feb 9, 2012

I'm creating this VB 2008 application and I want to make it into a CD so it can be installed in other computers. Problem is, after I create the setup and start it even from the computer that created the application in the first place, it gives me the "unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will wignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately." and "The following file could not be found: "C:UsersMyNameAppDataLocalApps2.0Data\VHMGGXM7.8K8..." errors.

Since my first "form" is a login system, I am not sure if this problem appears because of the database search, or just the transition between forms (unlikely, I guess, since there is sort of an introductory video before the login system which uses the same logic to transition between forms)... So I tried moving the access database to a different path and I wanted to know how to tell the program (through v.b.) that the database is now in "this path" without having to re-connect and create a new DataSet, which will make me have to start the whole project again. I set up the whole project in Program Files (a place all computers must have). The video before the login system works fine, but I can't really find any other problem.

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VS 2008 Moving From X64 To X86?

Jan 9, 2012

I am using VB 2008 Stanard. (Windows 7, 64 bit) I wrote a program using the 'Any Cpu' setting. I now want to rebuild the same application to word on x86 machine, but the program does not word, keeps on givin me an internal exepcetion.

I changed the Platform to x86, but it does not work. It compiles, but does not run on the Windows XP sistem, I does however work on Vista and Windows 7 How can 'n rebuild this to work on Windows XP?

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Audio Player - File Moving With An Array Position?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm making a quiz and I've got a set of questions and answers being loading into two different arrays, the idea is to answer a question with a choice of 4 buttons, so on a button click the answers checks to see if it is correct and moves along to the next question (while doing this the questions and answers change)However, my problem is that i've set up an audio player as the questions are for example "what is the sound?" and there is a preview button which uses the audio player to play the sound for the user.

Now everything moves with the array however, the sound still remains the same on every question after the quesiotn has been answered. So my set of answers move (when debugging, the sound array does move but the player doesn't seem to want to) with the array and i need the player to change to the specific array position which it is in as well.

Audio Player:
Dim answer = CorAnsList(qNum).sound
Dim answerPrev As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "sounds" & answer & ".wav"
Private Sub btnPrev_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPre.Click


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Simple Code For Moving And Renaming An Image File?

Sep 15, 2010

Does anyone have a simple code for Moving and Renaming a Image File?

Here is an example of exactly what I need to do.

Ok let's presume the end user is Editing a Record named Mick's Milktart, the DataBase Table Field named ID (Primary Key) has a value of 237.The user clicks a button to add an Image to that Record.

An OpenFileDialog opened and an Image File named "NewImage.png" is selected by the user from "MyPictures".[code]...

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Moving A VB6 Project To VB 2008?

Dec 24, 2009

Have been doing well moving a VB6 project to VB 2008.Here's another question.I am making an onscreen keyboard.I have my qwerty buttons handled by the same Event, as recommended to me by someone in these forums. It works great, and it was easy to set up.In my VB6 project, when I designed the "CAPS" button, all I had to do was this:


Can someone take a second and explain to me how this is accomplished in VB 2008? Do I have to physically type every button into an array and then do something like I did in VB6?

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VS 2008 Form Moving?

Feb 10, 2010

I have this code

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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VS 2008 Moving 2D Map Using VB2008?

Jun 15, 2009

I am coding a program and I want to add an option of moving 2D map (using the mouse to move the map left, right, up and down). when I say to move a map is not moving a window. I want actually to move the map itself, for example "google maps".

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 Moving 9 PictureBoxes As One?

Feb 1, 2010

I set up some code that allows the user to drag and drop PictureBoxes. The problem is that I have 9 PictureBoxes arranged in a 3x3 square and I need all of them to move as one. I put them in a panel hoping I could use my code with the panel, but that doesn't work since the PictureBoxes are what the User clicks, not the panel.

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VS 2008 Moving A Project To 2nd PC?

Jul 18, 2011

don't want to run into any problems. I just set up a 2nd PC and installed VB express 2008 on it.

If I want to move a project and all it's necessary files to the new PC, is it as simple as copying the project folder and then File > Open ?

If so, can't remember -- best choice is the project file or sln file?

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C# - PDF File Is Damaged And Cannot Be Repaired When Moving Memory Stream To Filestream?

Jun 5, 2012

I am using iTextSharp with VB.Net to stamp images onto PDF documents. (Since this is not language specific I tagged for C#, too.)I have two applications using the process.The first uses the bytes from the memorystream to display the PDF documents online. This piece is working. The second uses the same function but instead saves the PDF to a file. This piece generates an invalid PDF.

I have seen some similar questions, but they are all creating a document initially and have a document object in the code. Their memory streams are corrupt from the outset. My code does not have a document object and my original memory stream opens fine.

Here is the place where I get the error: (I have to put the buffer from m into a new memory stream because the stamper in the fillPDF function defaults to closing the stream unless marked otherwise.)

Dim m As MemoryStream = PDFHelper.fillPDF(filename, Nothing, markers, "")
Dim m2 As New MemoryStream(m.GetBuffer, 0, m.GetBuffer.Length)
Dim f As FileStream = New FileStream("C: emp.pdf", FileMode.Create)


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VS 2008 - Moving Borderless Form

Sep 21, 2009

I already got the move part, that's easy, what I'm having trouble with is when I click on the form and try to move it, it shifts a little, that is really annoying, I just want it to be smooth. I want it to be as if I'm moving the form from the title bar. [Code]

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VS 2008 - Text Changes But Rectangle Not Moving

Dec 2, 2009

I have this
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
lblText.Text = rectangle1.X
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Right Then
rectangle1.X = rectangle1.X + 5
[Code] .....
And the text changes but the ractangle doesn't move... What can I do?

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VS 2008 : Moving Mouse To Color?

Nov 11, 2009

How would I move the mouse to a color thats somewhere on the screen, not the form? I heard that GetPixel was a slow method, what would be a better/faster method? -I dont want to take a bitmap of the screen and then search the bitmap-I have already searched the forum, but I cant find what I want

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VS 2008 Moving A Custom Control

Feb 1, 2010

I have a panel that has 9 pictures boxes within it. I need the User to be able to create as many instances of this control as they like.

Then each control needs to be able to move freely within the form.

I've created the control and added the appropriate code to move it around the control.

I've made the control canvas the same size of the panel. The problem is that when I move the panel, it only moves within the bounds of the control canvas. I guess I could increase the size of the canvas, but then additional controls would still only be able to move within their bounds and it would come out all wrong.

Is there anything I could do about this? Or is there a better method?

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VS 2008 Moving Forms To A Different Project?

Nov 22, 2009

How can i move a form to a different project.

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