Audio Player - File Moving With An Array Position?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm making a quiz and I've got a set of questions and answers being loading into two different arrays, the idea is to answer a question with a choice of 4 buttons, so on a button click the answers checks to see if it is correct and moves along to the next question (while doing this the questions and answers change)However, my problem is that i've set up an audio player as the questions are for example "what is the sound?" and there is a preview button which uses the audio player to play the sound for the user.

Now everything moves with the array however, the sound still remains the same on every question after the quesiotn has been answered. So my set of answers move (when debugging, the sound array does move but the player doesn't seem to want to) with the array and i need the player to change to the specific array position which it is in as well.

Audio Player:
Dim answer = CorAnsList(qNum).sound
Dim answerPrev As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "sounds" & answer & ".wav"
Private Sub btnPrev_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPre.Click


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Audio Player With Waveform?

Jun 27, 2011

I'm looking for a free audio player control that has ability to display waveform of the audio being played.

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Make Audio / Video Player Using DirectX

Sep 16, 2009

i need Help to make Audio or Video Player With Using DirectX. how many Different b/w DirectX and Windows Media Player???

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Cut And Save The Audio Files Played In Media Player

Aug 5, 2009

I have created a small media player calling COM component of Windows media player. Now i want to cut and save the audio files played in media player? is it possible with windows media player or i would have to use some other media player object? I can have the files info which i am using in window media player to play..but cant able to get the details which we can finds with our OS( windows) like compression format, bit-rate etc.

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Display The Website's Player (Silverlight Based) And Capture The Audio

Sep 28, 2011

We have an occasional board meeting that is broadcast live via the Internet. We are on a 3000+PC LAN and our office is out in the boonies on a T1 line. In order for us to listen to the meeting we need to go to a website and play the live stream. If more than a few PCs listen in the line is saturated and no one can listen.


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Looping Audio Files In Tree View With Windows Media Player COM?

Mar 16, 2011

I am attempting to play a set of audio files continuously using a tree view. I am having troubles looping through an array to play one song after another in the selected parent node. It seems to work if I only use one song in the array but it doesn't want to actually loop through and keep playing; it goes through the loop but once the first song is over it stops. I am unsure if looping through an array in the AfterSelect sub routine is the best way of doing this,

Here is the entire Sub routine for the AfterSelect on the tree view.trvMain is the name of the entire tree view.wmpMain is the Windows Media Player COM.trvJazzHancock is the parent node for the two audio files I'm attempting to loop.


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Writing A Program Which Plays Audio Using A Windows Media Player Control?

Oct 11, 2009

I'm writing a program which plays audio using a windows media player control. It's quite basic but I'm running into a problem.

For some reason when this appears in my code, the sound doesn't start playing until AFTER the sleep. I have music running in the background, using another windows media player control, that continues playing just fine.

Basically, I want nothing else to happen for the duration of the sound, hence the sleep, so how can I make it so my sound starts playing BEFORE the sleep?

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Make A Moving Text To Mp3 Player

Apr 24, 2010

I try do make a moving text to mp3 player , but that way what i did i get error. [code]

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Getting Error / Alert When Running App And Selecting Option 'Hide Player And Stop Audio'

Jan 29, 2012

So, after entering the following code into my app (which has WMP embedded for user to listen to the Bible in Audio) I ended up getting an Error/Alert when Running the app and Selecting the Option: "Hide Player and Stop Audio".

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Get The Moving Mouse Position?

Oct 12, 2009

I have two windows forms and I need to get the changing mouse position at the same time in the next form. I am using a function in the mouse move event to invoke the next form too ,so how should i properly do that

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How To Get The Moving Bar Position In A Progressbar

Jan 29, 2009

I have a progressbar, ok cool. Is there a way to get the moving bar's right edge position relative to the form or the progressbar itself? I think even a screen position would be helpful. I'm just trying to have a label with some text in it that moves in sync above the progressbar control as the progressbar progresses.

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Set The Computer Player To Move According To The Ball's Position?

Nov 22, 2010

I'm coding the game timer, but am noticing that the gameBall is undeclared and don't see it in the tutorial.Private Sub gameTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles gameTimer.Tick


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(Q)Collecting The Cursors Position, And Moving It?

Nov 14, 2009

I'm working on an app, this is my third or fourth, but this one is throwing me for a loop(I'm in no way trained in VB btw...)Here's a pic of the app:

The whole point is to use the "<" & ">" buttons to move the cursor left and right. When you do, it highlights a single character as it moves. Then, once you select a color button, it adds a special character BEFORE the highlighter character.

Ex: Help = He^6lp ^6 being one of the colors.

I don't even know where to start

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Audio Management System - Allow User To Add Audio Files Itself Into Database Together With Audio Information

Jan 28, 2010

I'm developing a standslone system for my school project. I'm developing an audio management system which allow user to add audio files itself into database together with the audio information such as artist name and album year. I just started it few days ago and face some problems.. my song in the playlist wont continue to play after 1 finished and i need some idea on how to store the audio files into database ... in blob types may be?

Heres the screenshot and codes

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt_add.Click


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VS 2010 Moving Object & Bottom Position

Feb 19, 2011

1. How i can move objects (like Textbox) where I want when the program running? (Drag with the mouse to new location)

2. How i can put the Textbox at the bottom always but Have a 5 inch top? (like TextBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom + 5 or something)

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Media Player - List Of Directories In An Array

Aug 21, 2010

im been messing with media player in my app. Great little feature Problem: I have a list of directories in an array. when a user double clicks a treenode in my treeview, i use this directory and add the correct extension to play the file. It works fine but when i click the 2nd node the media player plays the 1st movie again. My question is do i have to clear the media players memory (URL) in order to play my 2nd file?


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Moving/clearing Array Between Forms

Jun 9, 2011

if i have 2 forms amd one module the module contains a public var user1 = string my first form has text box and button 2nd form a label and button now i enter text into text box press button form 1 closes form2 opens and label displays var contents i press button on form 2 form closes form 1 opens enter new text repeat the procudure and the label on form 2 still contains the information from the first time i ran the prog and wont change , its as if the var is locked?

form1 code
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Audio Converter And Compressor - Audio & Video - Dream.In.Code

Mar 13, 2009

I just want to ask or I need some idea on how to convert wav files to mp3 and compressed the file to make the size smaller. I've search on the internet and find vorbis.dll as a reference object and lame.exe for converter. With regards to the audio compression, i downloaded monkey's audio software but doesnt have an idea on how to incorporate it.

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VS 2008 Recording Audio - Capture The Audio Played On My Laptop

Jun 11, 2009

Im trying to capture the audio played on my laptop. so i have searched the internet and found a source code for doing exactly that. the problem i have is that my audio device is not listed in the dropdown box (see picture) but it does when its run on windows xp (im running windows 7 x64) the goal of this application would be to capture my friends radio stream and save the individual played mp3's to a loction on my hard drive.(yes i have permission) i have included the source code so perhaps some 1 could have a look at it. (source code)[URL]

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Convert Byte Array To Wav To Play In Embedded Player?

Jul 17, 2009

I have the following code which will play a wav file saved on a disk in an embedded media player


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Make A VU Meter For Audio To Monitor Audio Input?

Feb 26, 2007

make a VU meter for Audio to monitor audio input devices volume level such as microphone and etc?

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Routing Modem Audio Out To SR Engine Audio Input Under VB / VBA?

May 20, 2009

I have a database application developed around Access with VBA,I have used the Speech SDK and developed an application that in conjunction with MSCOMM 6.0 library calls into a remote IVR system.It sends in the credentials and queries information in response to that IVR's verbal requests. All seems successfull except for one problem;I'm using a shared SR engine and its using the system microphone as its audio input, this in turn gets the sound from the speakers which are routed to the telephone line through the modem. Of course this has a number of disadvantages - noise added to the sound from the environment and sound quality degredation as well as speaker volume dependency.

I would like the SR engine to take its audio input from the modem in paralell with the sound that goes to the speakers (so we can listen in to the call as well). This means that I must route the system audio output to the SR engine audio input. It seems that I must use an InProc SR instance - however in VBA that type is not recognized - since the shared SR uses the microphone as input by default. there is some statement to the effect that it is difficult in Microsoft's Help file. I'm unable to set the SR audio input to the modem output stream in VBA.As needed I can accomplish the C++ interface using an ActiveX object or a DLL to expose the missing API to VBA?

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Looping - Send The Inputbox Asking For The Value Again Before Moving To The Next Array?

Mar 6, 2012

im having some trouble with my loop code. When the isnumeric code detects it not a number it throws the msgbox error message but moveson to the next array for the user to enter a value via inputbox. Is there a way for the program to send the inputbox asking for the value again before moving to the next array?


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Moving Byte Array Data From One DataTable To Another

Jun 23, 2009

I am attempting to retrieve byte array data from one in memory Datatable row and column and store the value retrieved in a different in memory DataTable row and column. The second DataTable is not associated with a database. I have not been able to save the byte array data in the second DataTable.


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Assigning An Array Position For Each Button?

May 2, 2009

1. i am trying to assign button1....button81 a position in currentbuttons(81) and i currently have it at

currentbutton(1) = button1
curentbutton(2) = button2

and so forth to 81. how can i get around it into a small loop so i loose alot of the redundant code?

2. i am also having difficulty with being able to change properties of buttons in regards with..for the butons like...button1, button3, button5, button6 all be changed to a different colour.i currently have something along the lines of

button1 = system.colour,
button2 = system.colour.

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Delete A Position On Structure Array?

Dec 8, 2011

I'm working with a structure array but I don't know how to delete a specific position...

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C# - Finding Position Of An Element In A Two-dimensional Array?

Jul 15, 2010

Say I have a two dimensional array

[0] [1] [2]
[3] [4] [5]
[6] [7] [8]

Now suppose I want to get the position of the number 6

I know with a one-dimensional array i can use Array.indexOf() but what would my options be with 2-dimensional arrays?

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Read UShort Array From Pointer Position

Feb 16, 2009

dealing with a C++-DLL I get a pointer (thepointer as IntPtr) to an array as return value. The pointer indicates the first bit in memory where an array of UShorts is stored. I know the size (thesize as Integer) of the array and want to read it. Marshal.Copy does not support UShort. As the values stored in the named array can exceed 32767 working with Shorts will not do. I tried to work with structures but the array of UShorts in my structure is not populated using: [Code] Does anyone have an idea how to get the array of UShorts out of the pointer position or see a mistake in my code?

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Represent More Than One Value In Either A Variable Or Single Index Position Of An Array?

May 13, 2010

I have a very large number of tables with data in the following format:

1 0-2 0-13 0-1
2 3-5 14 2-4
3 6-9 15-16 5-10

In other words, there is a variable (call it A) with a single value that corresponds to a range of values in the other variables (call them X, Y, and Z).My program needs to accept user text input of values of X, Y, Z, etc. and then match each to the corresponding value of A.Example: User enters 4 in the X text box; program determines that if X=4, A=2.Again, we're talking about tables and tables of data in this format. Unaware of a better method, I have been using arrays.


Dim a() as double = {1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3...}
Dim x() as double = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...}

Note how I had to artificially deal with variable A so that the index of each score corresponds to the index of the matching X variable.It is this modification of the variables that is taking forever. There has to be a better way! Hypothetically, what I need is the ability to do something like this:

Dim a() as double = {1,2,3,4...}
dim x() as double = {0 to 2, 3 to 5, 6 to 9...}

Is there a way to represent a range of values at a single index of an array, such as my hypothetical example above? This would save me hours of re-shaping the data to make the arrays work.

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VS 2008 - Adding Lines To Array List Position

May 12, 2009

I have this .txt file with 5 lines, let's say:
If I wanted to add those lines to an array list position, how would I do that?

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