Moving/clearing Array Between Forms

Jun 9, 2011

if i have 2 forms amd one module the module contains a public var user1 = string my first form has text box and button 2nd form a label and button now i enter text into text box press button form 1 closes form2 opens and label displays var contents i press button on form 2 form closes form 1 opens enter new text repeat the procudure and the label on form 2 still contains the information from the first time i ran the prog and wont change , its as if the var is locked?

form1 code
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Refreshed ASP.NET Page Clearing Public Array

Sep 17, 2010

i am new at everything I have an ASCX.vb page that lets the user choose someone from a table. Once they do select someone, the page reloads with that persons information into another table below that one where they can submit an order for that person or remove that person. Problem being is that i wanted to store the users ID that are selected but it seems that everytime the page reloads to show an update, it dim's my array again back to default. This is my code once they choose a user:


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Forms :: Clearing Textboxes And Comboboxes In Userform?

Jun 16, 2011

so yesterday this code was working for my userforms and today its not. Its a simple clear command for textboxes and comboboxes. what is from here?

Dim ctl As Control
ForEach ctl In Controls
IfTypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then ctl.Text = ""
IfTypeOf ctl Is ComboBox Then ctl.Text = ""
Next ctl

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Prevent AutoPostback From Clearing Entered Data From Forms

Jul 6, 2011

Background: I have an web form that autpostbacks a list of bundles to a listbox based on the carriers selected. When Postback happens, all user entered data is cleared. How do I prevent the AutoPostback function from clearing entered data from the forms? [code]

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Controls On Inherited Forms Moving Around?

Oct 28, 2009

I have setup some base forms with some bottons on it The buttons are situated in a panel.Both the panel and the buttons modifer properties have been set up as "Friend".The problem I have is when I inherit these base forms, the buttons seem to jump around by themselves allot

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Forms :: Moving Arrays Between List Box's

Apr 22, 2010

I'm currently building a program where there are two list box's and a button to copy the selected array item in listBox1 to listBox2 in a separate array.[code]

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Forms :: Moving Batch To VB Application?

Aug 12, 2010

I've created a batch file on our domain controller to export users based on the OU they are in.

ECHO This tool will export all users in the chosen Active Directory OU.


The form design is only a text box (txtClientID) and a Go button.

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Moving Mutliple Controls/forms?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a lot of forms set up, probably about 10-15 so far (more to come). Some forms 'lay' on top of other forms, and each form contains multiple controls. I am discovering that my approach is not very likely to succeed in what I am thinking of doing.

Here is one example: LeftControlPanel form contains 5 controls, but 5 other forms 'lay' on top of it and use transparencies to load up bitmaps. Since I cannot parent the forms that 'lay' on top of the form, I cannot figure out a good way to move them.Is it logical that when I move LeftControlPanel to a different x location, I would just move all the forms that 'lay' on top of them as well?Seems like a clunky approach of moving one form since parenting the transparency forms will remove all the transparencies that are set up...

Is there a bit better logic I might be missing, or bite the bullet and start moving multiple forms at once?

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Stop The Forms Moving To The Back?

Nov 20, 2011

I have an MDI running as the parent. How can you stop the forms moving to the back when they are open if you click in the any part of the MDI area. Also I notice if I have more than one form open it creates form instances on my windows task bar?

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VS 2008 Moving Forms To A Different Project?

Nov 22, 2009

How can i move a form to a different project.

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Looping - Send The Inputbox Asking For The Value Again Before Moving To The Next Array?

Mar 6, 2012

im having some trouble with my loop code. When the isnumeric code detects it not a number it throws the msgbox error message but moveson to the next array for the user to enter a value via inputbox. Is there a way for the program to send the inputbox asking for the value again before moving to the next array?


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Moving Byte Array Data From One DataTable To Another

Jun 23, 2009

I am attempting to retrieve byte array data from one in memory Datatable row and column and store the value retrieved in a different in memory DataTable row and column. The second DataTable is not associated with a database. I have not been able to save the byte array data in the second DataTable.


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Audio Player - File Moving With An Array Position?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm making a quiz and I've got a set of questions and answers being loading into two different arrays, the idea is to answer a question with a choice of 4 buttons, so on a button click the answers checks to see if it is correct and moves along to the next question (while doing this the questions and answers change)However, my problem is that i've set up an audio player as the questions are for example "what is the sound?" and there is a preview button which uses the audio player to play the sound for the user.

Now everything moves with the array however, the sound still remains the same on every question after the quesiotn has been answered. So my set of answers move (when debugging, the sound array does move but the player doesn't seem to want to) with the array and i need the player to change to the specific array position which it is in as well.

Audio Player:
Dim answer = CorAnsList(qNum).sound
Dim answerPrev As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "sounds" & answer & ".wav"
Private Sub btnPrev_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPre.Click


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Forms :: Application Unresponsive After Moving Window (when Running)?

Dec 8, 2009

I have an application (written in 2008) which reads a text file. Parses the record and uses the second field (a UK postcode) to match an Access database (SQL - Select * from Table1 ......), then writes a text file back out with the original input postcode plus several fields taken from the access database.

I have 3 counts happening during the process, records read, postcodes matched and postcodes not matched. I move these values to labels on the form, then every 50 records read, I refresh the form (me.refresh) to update the labels (showing the end user where the process is upto).When running, if I drag the window around the screen, or minimize then maximize, or click off the window to another window, the application seems to freeze and the counter labels do not refresh.

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Forms :: Moving An Image In A Picture Box With Arrow Keys?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm currently working on a project for university, basically we were given an incomplete program to finish off with bonus points for adding addition features in.Part of the program is to move an image (a monkey) around the picture box (pen). Now to move the monkey we use 4 buttons on the form called Up, Down, Left and Right, however as we need to move the monkey around to test other parts of the program it gets annoying having to click on the button. As such I was able to get some code which allows me to move the monkey around using the arrow keys (I think you can all see the benefit of this). When I use the code in a blank form it works fine, however when I add a button onto the form the arrow keys will instead highlight the buttons.basically set up a button to disable all buttons on the form until a certain key is pressed, however I would prefer not to have to do this.

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Forms :: Visit List Of URLs While Moving Progress Bar

Jun 2, 2010

I'm looking to be able to open a .txt file (with sites 1 per line) and visit all of those sites silently while moving a progress bar.

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Moving Modules/classes/forms To A Common Folder?

Nov 23, 2009

I have two projects

a.sln and b.sln they have their own classes, modules and forms.

As I work on solution 'A' I devise a class and save it in solution A's folder. As the class develops, I now find a need for it in solution B.

How can I move it from solution A's folder to my Common folder then link it into solution A and B.

Currently I am doing this manually, Moving then linking to it. Is there a way to do this withing the IDE

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Stop The Forms Moving To The Back When They Are Open If Click In The Any Part Of The MDI Area?

Nov 20, 2011

I have an MDI running as the parent. How can you stop the forms moving to the back when they are open if you click in the any part of the MDI area. Also I notice if I have more than one form open it creates form instances on my windows task bar?

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Forms :: Display The Sub Menus On Moving The Cursor On Menu Items (mouse-hover)?

Nov 21, 2011

I have created a form with a menu-strip containing sub-menus. The sub-menus will open on clicking the menu items but I am willing to display the sub menus on moving the cursor on menu items(mouse-hover). What will be the code for this? Is there any property in menu-strip to display like that?

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Making Moving Percentages Into A Moving Graph?

Oct 5, 2008

I have this:

Private m_PerformanceCounter As New _
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter( _
"Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total")


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C# - Update And Get Values In Windows Forms While Moving One Form To Other Form?

Nov 30, 2009

How can I update and get values in a Windows Forms application while moving one form to other form (like cookies)?

I need to update the values to some variable and again I am going to refer stored values and need to do some calculations.

I have used cookies in ASP.NET but I am not able to find out the same concept in .NET Windows Forms (C#).

How can these issues be resolves?

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Array Of Forms Or With An Array Of Groupboxes?

Aug 13, 2009

give me a logic to develop an array of groupboxes if i need to place 10 groupboxes on a singl form and want to display them one by one. or give me a logic to place 10 forms one by one in to an aray

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Forms :: Search An Array For Another Array?

Sep 16, 2009

Basically I want to find the first occurrence of one array in another. I have tried using the Array.IndexOf Function, but it always returns -1. Example:

Dim array1 As Byte() = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Dim array2 As Byte() = {2, 3}
MsgBox(Array.IndexOf(array1, array2))
Even though array2 does exist in array1, the message box always shows -1

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Forms :: Copying Files And Moving Files

Apr 23, 2010

I'm just testing things and seeing if I can get things working and if I can then I want to try and develop this into something more. So far its just a simple button1 finds all files with extension of .mp3 in C: and displays all the findings in a listbox. I then want to use button2 to copy or move (I want to see how to do both) all of the files that are in that lisbox to a directory of my choosing. Here is what I have so far.

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Forms :: Copy RichTextBox To An Array Line-by-line And Back To Another RTB From That Array?

Sep 6, 2009

How to copy RichTextBox to an array line-by-line and back to another RTB From that array?

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Get All Forms In An Array?

Mar 1, 2010

Alright, so I need a method that traverses all the forms inside a project under Visual Studio 2008, and create an array of type form with references to all the forms inside it, so that the array looks like this (pseudocode)

FormsArray() = [Form1, Form2, Form3, Form4]

However, I don't have a clue as to how to begin.

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Create An Array Of Forms?

Sep 11, 2009

how to creat an array of forms : i tried this thing out:

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Get Name Of Form In An Array Of Forms?

Jul 13, 2009

I have an array of forms, when a user switches from one to another, I would like to know which form he is on. How can i get the name of the form is currently focused on by the user?

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Using An Array To Navigate Forms?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm starting to learn arrays, but I'm a little bit confused on how to call the data listed in them.I have the following code in a module and was wondering how I call them in my forms.I was told to use a counter to keep track of where the User is in the code in order from them to navigate correctly. I'll be using Next and Previous buttons.

Public FormList() As Form = {frmMain, frmStartup, frmUninstaller, frmAutomation}
Public CurrentForm As Integer = 0

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Forms :: Add Several .jpg's From File To Image Array

Jan 15, 2012

I'll keep this short and simple... I asked this question before, but It wasn't answered completely. I'd like to get several images from a folder, and add them to an array.

At the top, I have:
Dim dir = New IO.FileInfo("C:Users urcotdDesktopMyImageFolder")
Dim images = dir.GetFiles("*.jpg", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)


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