Make A Moving Text To Mp3 Player

Apr 24, 2010

I try do make a moving text to mp3 player , but that way what i did i get error. [code]

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Make Two Player Game That Allows You To Move Both Player Objects With The Same Event?

Jan 19, 2012

So I am trying to make a program that allows you to move two shapes using two KeyPress events, one to move the first object and another for the second. It works, but it can only move one of the two objects, not both at the same time.


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Winforms - Make The Form Title (form1.text) Moving?

Mar 11, 2011

is there any way to make the form title(form1.text) moving?like marquee in HTML?

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Wpf - Support For Enter Key To Make Focus Moving In A Text Column Of The Listview?

Sep 19, 2010

I created the following view

<GridViewColumn Header="Tester"


Now what I suppose is that, After I entered something in "Comment" field and press the Key "Enter", the next row of the "Comment" field will get focus.

I added the following code of the event "PreviewKeyDown", but it seems that the next whole row will get focus not only the "Comment" field...

Private Sub TxtComment_PreviewKeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs)
Dim focusRequest As TraversalRequest
Dim focusedElement As Object = sender


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Audio Player - File Moving With An Array Position?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm making a quiz and I've got a set of questions and answers being loading into two different arrays, the idea is to answer a question with a choice of 4 buttons, so on a button click the answers checks to see if it is correct and moves along to the next question (while doing this the questions and answers change)However, my problem is that i've set up an audio player as the questions are for example "what is the sound?" and there is a preview button which uses the audio player to play the sound for the user.

Now everything moves with the array however, the sound still remains the same on every question after the quesiotn has been answered. So my set of answers move (when debugging, the sound array does move but the player doesn't seem to want to) with the array and i need the player to change to the specific array position which it is in as well.

Audio Player:
Dim answer = CorAnsList(qNum).sound
Dim answerPrev As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "sounds" & answer & ".wav"
Private Sub btnPrev_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPre.Click


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Make A Deskband App That Displays Some Text And Buttons Like Windows Media Player When Minimized On Taskbar?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to make a deskband app that displays some text and buttons like windows media player when minimized on taskbar. What is the necessary imports / dll i need to use ?

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Make VB 2010 Media Player Using Picturebox Not Windows Media Player?

Jun 9, 2011

make media player in vb6 or vb2010.. not using windows media player..

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Make A 2-player Go Game?

Aug 16, 2009

How could I start making a Go game? I just need some logic for it, and maybe some code, and then I can do the rest. How can you tell if an area is enclosed, which areas on the board are full, etc.? I also need ideas on how to find infinite capture/retrieve cycles.

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Make A Media Player?

Oct 12, 2009

How to make a media player in and my media player get video activity , like Cars bikes or peoples

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Make My Own Media Player?

Sep 16, 2009

I m Newbie in Visual Basic, im use vb2005 Pro Edition.i want to make Media Playerif i play Video Video show in New wind.w

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Make Own Media Player?

Sep 27, 2009

Making my own media player and convert it in to an .exe file in vb 2008

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Make A (Mp3 Player) In Game Menu?

Oct 10, 2009

I want to make an ingame menu. When you open a game a menu will pop up with a hotkey. I don't need you to do the work for me I just need a sample of a ingame menu with a hot toggle (ie: the menu doesnt need an interface, a black square that pops up with key).

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Make A DVD Player With MSWeb DVD Class?

Jun 2, 2009

Hey im trying to make a DVD Player with MSWeb DVD Class , i know how to make a DVD Player but im trying to figure out how to downlaod MSWebDVD Class to Vista.

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Make Music Player With VB 2008?

Jul 20, 2009

this is my first post. I just recently got vb and wish to learn a lot about it but I have no references...(book, good tutorial etc) I have always wanted to make applications for computers ever since I got on one 5-6 years ago. (I know you need code but I have no idea where to start. But, I am a fast learner.)


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How To Use Vlc Plugin So Can Make A Simple Media Player

Apr 27, 2010

i am learning how to use the vlc plugin so i can make a simple media player but i am having trouble loading a video.[code]

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Make A Windows Media Player In Program?

Jan 25, 2010

Having worked out how to make a Windows Media Player in VB 2008, I have a new problem of exporting the file and debugging to play the music. I can add midi/mp3 files to the resources section so it works when I press f5 in VB itself, but opening from the debug folder (to save for other computers) loses all the music.

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Make Audio / Video Player Using DirectX

Sep 16, 2009

i need Help to make Audio or Video Player With Using DirectX. how many Different b/w DirectX and Windows Media Player???

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Make Media Player Start Some Tracks

Apr 5, 2011

Im trying to make the media player start some tracks that i have in a folder in the working directory of my program. I am not sure how to do this as I have never used the media player. The program has a media Library i have called itunes and a variable for the number of different genera available (there are only 2 at the minute) there is an array that gets the track and genera. The horizontal scroll bar is suppose to select them but doesn't (if i change the number in the array it works) Called HSB.[code]

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Make MP3 Player With Listview - How To Get Song Length

Jul 28, 2010

I'm trying to make MP3 player with listview but I have some problems what I cant figure out.

First problem is that when I import files then every song should get number. Its like play list up to down with number 1,2,3,4,5 etc. I tryed to google but I didn't find anything useful. Mabye because I don't know how to name that.

Second problem is that I don't know how to get song length.

Third problem : when I play a song I want that it add +1 for Times Played , but I don't know how to add it parallel with right song.

I'm using AxWindowsMediaPlayer to make this.

View 14 Replies

VS 2005 Make A Program For Running In VCD/DVD Player?

Feb 27, 2010

I want to develop a simple application which can execute (run) on Television through VCD/DVD player....??

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.net - Make A Object Moving On The Screen?

Jul 22, 2010

How to make a object moving on the screen- How to make game with VB.NET

- In 2d game, ex i see a mario charator, which is object ( Label, image v.v.v)

- Is there a physical engine for

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Cannot Make The Media Player Play The Next Song In A List Box

May 18, 2010

Im making a media player and have a listbox and a player so I need to make the media player play the next song in the list box btw I have a list of strings named fullfilepaths because the listbox displays name and duration

heres the code:

Private Sub AxWindowsMediaPlayer1_PlayStateChange(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEvent)


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Make A 2 Player Game But Both Players Can't Move At Once Unless They Tap The Keys?

Aug 20, 2009

Well I am trying to make a 2 player game but both players can't move at once unless they tap the keys (can't hold the key down or the other person can't move). How would I fix this as well as being able to go diagonally.Would this work?:Declare a bool value for each keypress below the public class thingy. Then use keyup to turn the bool off and keydown makes it go on. Then for the first player and second player I check if they are on and if they are than go to that direction...I think I would need a timer for that part but I dunno...

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VS 2008 - How To Make Animation Player Inside Class

Jul 16, 2009

I've been trying to make basically a simple animation player inside a class so that I can use it in a game I have to make for a school IPT project. When I first tested out some code I found, it was not in "class form", ie there were just loose variables as I was only animating a single .gif file. The code worked perfectly, and the animation was drawn frame by frame by the e.Graphics.DrawImage function.

Now that I have moved the code into a class (So I can run more than one animation at a time, though Im still trying to get only one to work), The e.Graphics.DrawImage function didnt work. It would draw the first image, but then (even though the function is called as shown by stepping through the lines of code), the picture doesn't update. I know the frame has changed as Ive kept track of the current frame in the debug window, but it still wont work.

I have had troubles like this with other GDI functions, where if the variable to draw is inside a class (etc) it simply wont work, it will only work if it is a loosely floating variable. (i.e. Sprite.Image doesnt work, If I just make an image it does). With the code below, I have tried in the e.Graphics.DrawImage function submitting me.wth.animatedImage and wth.animatedImage

Public Class Form1
Dim wth As New vsprite
Public Class vsprite
Public animatedImage As New Bitmap("C:Documents and SettingsSamDesktopexplosion.gif")
Public currentlyAnimating As Boolean = False
[Code] .....

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Make A Item On A Form Working In Another One Without Moving It?

Aug 23, 2010

How do I make a item on a form working in another one without moving it?

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Make A Gravity Application (with Speed Readings/music Player) For The Car?

Jun 3, 2012

I'm trying to make a gravity application (with speed readings/music player) for in the car.So I've found some sample code to create an event handler in C#, except I don't know any C#. This is the code to add an eventhandler:

motion.CurrentValueChanged += new EventHandler<SensorReadingEventArgs<MotionReading>>(motion_CurrentValueChanged);

How do I do this in VB.NET? as there is no CurrentValueChanged...

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Make A Small Video-player With WPF - Ffdshow And MeidaElement Not Working

Feb 13, 2011

I'm trying to make a small video-player in with WPF.

Got everything working beside 2 things:
Mkv-files and subtitles,.
I've installed FFDShow.

I've read that if you install it to WMP, then it will automatically work to MediaElement. It did work first, but then i had DivX installed, when i uninstall'd DivX, it stopped working.

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Make A Telnet Application To Communicate With A Special Video Player?

May 28, 2009

I am trying to make a telnet application to communicate with a special video player I have, I have gotten the telnet session to connect to the video player (server) but it won't respond back....I think the problem might be with the coding...the strData string below is supposed to be the replies I get back from the server, but it won't show any strings on the screen.


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VS 2010 Make A Music Player That Will Play A Song In The .exe Format

Oct 1, 2010

What i want to do is make a music player that will play a song in the .exe format, so an app will open and automatically play a song. This is to prevent ripping and copyright issues. I made a app using the WMP Com Component but that of course requires the file to be opened.

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Make The Windows Media Player Element In VB Play The Next Song After The Current One Is Done?

Dec 21, 2009

How would I make the Windows Media Player element in visual basic play the next song after the current one is done. I know you can do it with a playlist but how would I do it with out any kind of list boxes or stuff like that. To browse for the files i use a open file dialog.

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