Wpf - Support For Enter Key To Make Focus Moving In A Text Column Of The Listview?

Sep 19, 2010

I created the following view

<GridViewColumn Header="Tester"


Now what I suppose is that, After I entered something in "Comment" field and press the Key "Enter", the next row of the "Comment" field will get focus.

I added the following code of the event "PreviewKeyDown", but it seems that the next whole row will get focus not only the "Comment" field...

Private Sub TxtComment_PreviewKeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs)
Dim focusRequest As TraversalRequest
Dim focusedElement As Object = sender


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Make The Text In The Column And Cell Of ListView Control To Be More Than 1 Line?

Apr 27, 2012

I want to make the text in column of ListView control to be 2 lines. So I use the codes below to test. The result is bad. The "vbcrlf" in str2 doesnot work at all. Dim str1 As String = "Job Number12345" Dim str2 As String = "Job Number" + vbCrLf + "12345" ListView1.Columns.Add(str1, 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center) ListView1.Columns.Add(str2, 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center)


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Enter A Value Into Column 2 Of A ListView?

Jan 5, 2012

How do I enter a value into column 2 of a ListView.

I use ListView.Items.Add() to enter in the first column, this works ok.

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Make Tab Key Or Enter To Move Focus From A Combobox Control?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a combobox on an Excel worksheet that I can tab into, then pick my data (located on another worksheet) after activating the "arrow". But the tab or enter key does not allow me to navigate away from the cell after it is populated. The only action that allows the user to move to another cell is by mouse/click to another cell. I am trying to make navigation through though worksheet as user friendly as possible.I can't seem to find any sample code that will take the focus away from that cell using Tab or Enter.

I have no problem with ListBoxes created using the Data Validation method but I have to create a ComboBox control on the active worksheet in order to return the data chosen (in this case a code that corresponds to a description). If this was a Form I wouldn't have any problem as the properties would allow me to set that up, but this is essentially a spreadsheet I've inherited and the current users do not want to go to a Data Entry Form.

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Make The Listview Sort The Listview Items By Column?

Jun 22, 2010

im trying to make the listview sort the listview items by column (whichever column was clicked, sort the list based on that column)

in vb6 it was done by:
Private Sub ListView1_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader)
Static olditem&
With ListView1


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Make A Moving Text To Mp3 Player

Apr 24, 2010

I try do make a moving text to mp3 player , but that way what i did i get error. [code]

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VS 2008 - Make Listview CheckBox Other Than 1st Column

Mar 1, 2010

I've a ListView with 5 columns and the CheckBoxes property is set to true, Now how do i make the Checkboxes on any other column rather then the 1St column? Also i would like to change the state picture of the checkbox to something else when it's checked and unchecked.

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Make Pointer/focus To Jump To The Next Text Box?

Apr 30, 2012

I have several text boxes, and they are all set to maxLenght=2. They are used to enter data on runtime. How can I make pointer/focus to jump to the next text box as soon as I enter 2nd character, without pressing tab button ?

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Winforms - Make The Form Title (form1.text) Moving?

Mar 11, 2011

is there any way to make the form title(form1.text) moving?like marquee in HTML?

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Make Listview Column Headers Transparent In Program 2003?

Nov 17, 2009

How to make transparent listview column headers. i am using VS.NET 2003 .. i hav googled a lot , but unable to find the ans.

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ListView Can't See Column Text?

Mar 28, 2010

how to add values in Listview?

I've create a listview, I have 4 columns. When I run my program, I can see the columns header but can't see my data. I added this code:

Dim lstStuff As New ListViewItem
lstStuff.Text = "First column output"
lstStuff.SubItems.Add("Second column output")


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Click Without Moving The Focus

Dec 7, 2010

I realy need to know this: I have a custom control that need to keep the keyboard focus at all time. But I also need to let the user to click some button and radio. So, is it possible to tell these control to preform their task without moving the focus away from the custom control. NB: I know that Menu and tool strip button dont move the focus, but my task is to eliminate the tool strip and provide a graphical interface

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Moving Focus To TextBox?

May 7, 2009

I have simple application that basically allows you to open up and view PDF files.I use an OpenFileDialog control to select the PDF file and a WebBrowser control to view the file (via the Acrobat ActiveX). Everything works great. However, I would like to also record info, from each PDF file that gets viewed, into a TextBox control (someone would read a line or two from the PDF file and type a summary into a TextBox control). Once the PDF file gets loaded, it takes the focus. But instead, I would like the focus to move the TextBox control. Changing the focus upon the Web Browser1_ DocumentCompleted event does not work (I don't believe the WebBrowser control is aware of the PDF itself, just the ActiveX control) In fact, the only way to move focus to the TextBox, after the PDF file is loaded, is to click the TextBox with the mouse. I can't �TAB into that field.

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Enter Key Make WebBrowser Load Text In Textbox?

Jan 31, 2008

Is there any way to do this.Enter key make WebBrowser load text in textbox?

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Add Text Of First Name Textbox To Its Column On A Listview?

Aug 2, 2010

How to add the text of the first name textbox to the first name column on a listview and the lastname to the last name column.

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Retrieve Text From Listview Column?

Apr 7, 2010

I need to get the text from the thrid column in my listview control


Title Forname Surename
Mr David Bloggs

So i need a piece of code the gets the text "Bloggs" for me - something like MsgBox(Me.ListView1.Columns(3).Text) but the above code doesnt work.

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WinForms ListView - How To Add Text To Specified Column

Aug 4, 2009

I have a ListView with 3 columns, how do I add specified text to the specified column I want? I've looked at the ..Add function, but it doesn't take the column index.

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Wpf - Moving Keyboard Focus Away From ListBox?

Mar 28, 2009

I'm developing a program in WPF (VB) that relies on keyboard navigation only.In my program, I have a listbox that displays up to 20000 items.What I want is that when the listbox has keyboard focus, and I move to the bottom item that is visible (using ArrowDown), I want the focus to move to the next item outside the listbox. I'm using PgUp and PgDown to scroll the listbox contents, and text search to jump to items.Is there a way to detect if the focused/selected item is the last/first visible item in the listbox?If so, I could just use:

ListBox1.MoveFocus(New TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection.Down))

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Use Enter Key When Moving Controls?

Mar 4, 2009

How would i do it in my code if i Want to use an "ENTER" key when transferring control?

View 6 Replies

Make A Console Project That When You Enter A Number It Changes The Color Of The Text

Nov 20, 2011

Im trying to make a Console Project that when you enter a number it changes the color of the text and its not working


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Change Listview Column Text At Runtime?

Nov 10, 2009

Public Class Form1
Private cbox As New ComboBox With {.Location = New Point(50, 0), .Size = New Size(50, 20), _
.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList}
Private lv As New ListView With {.Location = New Point(0, 30), .Size = New Size(150, 50)}


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Count Text Items In A Listview Column?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a project where I am using a listview to display a data received through XML. One of the columns called "STATUS" display only 2 text data, either "ON" or "OFF". I would like to know how to count how many times the word "ON" it is apearing in that column and same for the word "OFF". I am using this code to count how many lines I have in the listview Label1.Text = ListView1.Items.Count() but I couldn't figure out so far how to count of the words "ON" or "OFF" in the column "STATUS" wchich have the index 9.

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Text Color In Listview/Column/Item?

Oct 14, 2011

Is there a way to color the text in a certain column's rows with the ListView ? Or even a way to put an image in that particular items spot ? It's a status column for current Work Orders, it will be either "Scheduled, Pending C/A, Over Due, Completed"

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VS 2008 Change Text In Last Column In Listview

Apr 7, 2011

How would I change the text in the last column in the listview. I was thinking of looping around the lsitview but that would just change ever item. Anyways this is what I have.[code]

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Disable Datagridview's Column In Term Of The Column Will Not Receive Focus

Mar 25, 2011

I want to disable column in datagridview so the column will not receive focus,

when user press tab to move from cell to cell this column will be skipped and the focus move to the next cell or column.

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Requery Form Value After Moving Focus Back From Form2?

Jan 6, 2011

I have Form1 based on Table1 with unique records per employee/position. Form1 is used to updated position dates/active status/add new position info for an employee. I have Form2 based on Table2 which has unique record per employee. On Form1, I have a combo box to select which employee's records to view in the detail section. If I select a record from the combo box, the detail displays any existing records from Table1 for that employee. If I need to add a new employee, a command button opens Form2 where new employee is added to Table2, and a new record is also inserted into Table1 with the employee name and ID. When I close Form2 and return focus to Form1, my combo box is refreshed to display the employee just added, however I can't get the detail to show the new, partial record from Table1 for the new employee. Form2 is a stand-alone (not a subform on Form1).I've tried hooking Requery to OnGotFocus, but that either doesn't work or isn't activated by returning focus via code. I've tried adding a text box to the detail that contains the unique EmployeeNum and setting the control source of the text box to cboEE.Column(1) (which is the EmployeeNum bound column). Am back to trying to do stuff in code after long absence and
now feel lost in all the variations I've tried.

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VS 2008 What Is The Listview Max Item Support

Jan 15, 2010

listview as a max number of items??if so how i can give it the possibility to read more item?

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VS 2008 - Enter Key And Auto Focus Of Buttons

Mar 3, 2010

I've a multiform project, and one of the forms within it is a loginform created using one of the templates built in with Visual Studio. This form, when opened has no code in any of the open events, yet still manages to:

- put the cursor in the password field ready for text entry
- highlight the "OK" button
- press the "OK" button if the enter key is pressed.

How can I replicate this behaviour on other forms? I've copied the properties of the button to OK buttons on other forms but can never get them to behave in the same way.

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VS 2005 Enter Key=Focus Next Control - Feasible For 80 Controls

Apr 13, 2010

well i have 80 controls in my form including txtbox,combobox i have searched the forums and found some code as


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Messagebox Which Has 2 Buttons (MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) Can't Change Focus With Tab Key And Can't Trigger Button With Enter Key

Jun 14, 2009

I have 1 messagebox which has 2 buttons (MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) usually we can change the focus of the button(yes and No) with tab key and we also can trigger the button with enter key.. but sometimes, i can't change the focus with tab key and can't trigger the button with enter key.i think the messagebox lost its focus..i have to click the form, so the messagebox will regain its focus how to set focus for messagebox?

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