Make A Item On A Form Working In Another One Without Moving It?

Aug 23, 2010

How do I make a item on a form working in another one without moving it?

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Winforms - Make The Form Title (form1.text) Moving?

Mar 11, 2011

is there any way to make the form title(form1.text) moving?like marquee in HTML?

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Reciept Printing - Form Which Consist - Item Code , Item Name , Item Price , Quantity Of Item

May 25, 2012

Regarding my college project. i'm working on a sales system . i have a form which consist of all the following information( item code , item name , item price , quantity of item ) which is display using a data grid . data input by user using text box and all this information will be stored in a database(sales database) i'm using ms access 2007. the grand total will be displayed in a text box . and amount paid will be input in a text box too , my major problem now is how to i create a reciept that will have all this information of the purcase. i have a reciept button . what the next step ? i dont have any idea how to get the reciept done.

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form5
Dim con As New OleDbConnection


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Interface And Graphics :: Make The Contents Of A Form Expand Or Retract In Response To Moving Its Borders By Grabbing Them With The Mouse?

Jan 27, 2011

I have been trying to discover how to make the contents of a form expand or retract in response to moving its borders by grabbing them with the mouse, or by use of the 'Maximise' or 'Restore Down' controls.The explanation in �Help� concerning TableLayoutPanel, Panel, Anchor and Auto size doesn�t help much, especially as it I can�t get it to work.

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Possible To Make List Box Item Height For Item Depending On Amount Of Lines That Item Contains?

Jan 1, 2012

I have a list box on the form which functions as a copy/paste. When you copy something, it is automatically added to the list box as a "clipboard helper". Here is the problem,however: if the text is more than 1 line, the list box does not show all the text.It ends up looking messy.So getting back to my question, is it possible to make the list box item height for an item depending on the amount of lines that item contains?This is a one line sentence in the list box and should take up one line.This is a multi line sentence in the list box and should take up two lines for item height.

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Make Item In Combox Displayed When Form Loads?

Apr 14, 2009

I have looked through the properties control but could not seem to find the option which let me to display the item in a combobox when form loads. I don't want to leave it empty when form loads.

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Make The Form Size Exceed The Screen Working Area?

Dec 13, 2009

make the form size exceed the screen working area? like setting the size to (1600,1600) doesn't work if the screen is not as big as it is.

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Not Getting Highlighted After Moving An Item Up In Listbox?

Aug 19, 2009

I have a listbox List1 in Form2 and the items are populated to it from another form Form1. In form2 i have created a button named btnUP. When we click the btnUP then the highlighted selected item in the listbox moves one level up. this is working fine.

The problem is only the value is moving up but not the highlight.

i have also set the setselect property to true "List1.SetSelected(i - 1, True)" but no use ("List1.selectionmode = one" )

don know wat is wrong with the code.But it is not working

So here is my code

Private Sub btnUP_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUP.Click
i = 0


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Working With Mouse Wheel Not Moving Constantly

Feb 15, 2011

I was getting some slightly unusual behavior when using the mouse wheel for some zooming/scaling work (only vaguely related to the earlier thread, for those who remember it). Frankly, it is likely that I have a bug in some code, but that wasn't quite enough to explain what I was seeing. Therefore, I used a error logging feature in my app to note the delta being passed in each Mouse Wheel event. I then ran the app and gave the wheel one good spin, which was about the maximum that I would normally ever spin the wheel in one steady, continuous motion. I wasn't going slow, I wasn't going fast, and I rotated it about as much as my finger comfortably could in a single roll.[code]I then rolled it back the other way using the same motion, and got 8 events, mostly under 200, but one of them was -331 and the other was -7940.

After a handful of tests, it appears that the wheel event is raised often, which is no surprise, but that the values fluctuate all over the place. With a continuous rotation, or as nearly continuous as I can make it, I can see a series of events with one of them easily being ten times the rest.The problem this presents is that the scaling I am using is not smooth (nor is it standard mathematical scaling, but that's a different story). Each zoom level doubles the size of the objects relative to the previous level, though the distance between them stays the same. I would like to do this by dividing the delta by some factor, and if that is above a threshold, increase the zoom level. That won't work smoothly, in this case. If I make the factor something small enough that I pick up a small rotation, then any larger rotation is likely to include a delta that takes the screen through all zoom levels in a single step. Alternatively, if I make the factor large, then all smaller rotations are simply ignored.One option would be to filter out rotation values below 200 and above 800, or so. I am looking for other alternatives.

View 15 Replies - Why The Links Are Not Working When Moving A Page Outside The Root Directory

Sep 5, 2010

My website is in the root directory, which is [URL]. I am using this:

Dim appPath As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath
Dim directory As String = appPath & "/upload/" & Left(TableName, 2) & "/"

to get the path and it's working very well. But when I create a new sub-folder and copy some pages from the root directory into the sub-folder, my images are not displayed because the path has changed. This is the link from the page in the root directory:


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Working With Arrays - Make It Global And On Form Load I Wanna Show It's First Position And On A Button' S Click

Apr 8, 2012

Dim LabelArray(12) As Integer
LabelArray(0) = Label3.BackColor = Color.White
LabelArray(1) = Label4.BackColor = Color.White


i have made an array. first of all i want to make it global and on form load i wanna show it's first position and on a button' s click i want to increase it's position by one how can i do that

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Make A Menu Item On A Menu Strip Link To Another Windows Form?

Jul 25, 2009

How do I make a menu item on a menu strip link to another windows form (like a menu item that links to an about page already created in the project). I know that every coder knows how to do this, but i've read most of the instructions in the world for Visual Basic coding, but can't find ANYTHING I know coding fairly well, so I can modify it, but I can't create it my self.

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Irregular Shaped Form With No Borders Moving Across The Screen Until From Within The Loop The Form Closes?

May 26, 2012

I tried it every way I can think off, but nothing can stop it .

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C# - Update And Get Values In Windows Forms While Moving One Form To Other Form?

Nov 30, 2009

How can I update and get values in a Windows Forms application while moving one form to other form (like cookies)?

I need to update the values to some variable and again I am going to refer stored values and need to do some calculations.

I have used cookies in ASP.NET but I am not able to find out the same concept in .NET Windows Forms (C#).

How can these issues be resolves?

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VS 2005 Moving Rich Text Box String From Form To Form?

Apr 15, 2009

simple problem Basically in form1 i have a line of SQL code in a rich text box called rtb_select

what i would like..This code to run under a connection string called strSQLSelectQuery in form2

I have been told someting like strSQLselectQuery = rtb_select.text would work however because rtb_select is in a different form in the same project it does not recognise rtb_Select

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.net - Make A Object Moving On The Screen?

Jul 22, 2010

How to make a object moving on the screen- How to make game with VB.NET

- In 2d game, ex i see a mario charator, which is object ( Label, image v.v.v)

- Is there a physical engine for

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Make A Moving Text To Mp3 Player

Apr 24, 2010

I try do make a moving text to mp3 player , but that way what i did i get error. [code]

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Contextmenu Item Not Working?

Nov 10, 2009

I have a form with contextmenu where you can get the menu items on shockwave. I uses the menu items event to get the method of working when clicking them on shockwave by using right-mouse button. When I debug the project and when I clicked on testmenu item, nothing have happens.


Public Class Form1
Private Sub testmenu_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles testmenu.Click


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Working Out The Db Generated Values For A New Item In A Db?

May 20, 2009

i have a table ... it has an identity seed that we will call "IDSeed", and also a field that specifies a default value of 5 we will call this "DefVal".Now i have written the following code that inserts a record into this table:

Dim d As DataRow =bs.CurrencyManager.Current.row


The code above should display a msgbox that says "The item you just inserted has and ID of [AUTO ID HERE THAT WAS GENERATED] and the Value in DefVal is 5[IF IT WAS NOT SPECIFIED IN THE OTHER BIT SINCE THE DEFAULT VAL FOR THIS FIELD IS 5]"However the d.Item's "IDSeed" and "DefVal" remain dbnull ... what have i missed? I got it working for a table adapter also - what the?

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Make Application Working Better And Never Freeze / Make Application Working With Any Count For Loop Without Freeze

Jan 19, 2012

I'm using loop to read data from sql and then make some calculations then save it again to another table but when application loop for 3 or 4 times it's freeze but the job is done but if loop = 10 or more then it is freeze and hangup for long time .i need to learn how to make my application working better and never freeze and make application working with any count for loop without freeze .

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Going Back & Forth With Two Forms - Working With DropDownList Item

Oct 17, 2010

So here is the deal. I am making my own program for fun, and I have this road block. Basically I have a 'Parent Form' which we'll call 'frmMain' and I also have another form which we'll call 'frmSchedule' (work with me here)


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(VB 2008) Moving Strings / Cannot Make The Code Work When It Gets To Consonants

Apr 11, 2009

I cannot make the code work when it gets to consonants. I cannot get the consonant part correct.

'Date of last Modification: 4/11/2009
'Pig Latin Converter: Takes and English words and converts it to Pig Latin
'Rules stated in comments within calButton click event procedure


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Wpf - Support For Enter Key To Make Focus Moving In A Text Column Of The Listview?

Sep 19, 2010

I created the following view

<GridViewColumn Header="Tester"


Now what I suppose is that, After I entered something in "Comment" field and press the Key "Enter", the next row of the "Comment" field will get focus.

I added the following code of the event "PreviewKeyDown", but it seems that the next whole row will get focus not only the "Comment" field...

Private Sub TxtComment_PreviewKeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs)
Dim focusRequest As TraversalRequest
Dim focusedElement As Object = sender


View 2 Replies - Moving Text In A Web Form Vb

Jan 11, 2012

I was trying to do a label that will slide from left to right of a web form in vb. I search on the web it only have example that work for windows application form.. I wanted it to be done in web form..

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Form Moving Using Panel

Mar 26, 2011

Taking the following code into the account: [code] This makes my entire form client area act like a cpation bar and i can darg it using any any part of it! Becuase i had a borderless form that is why i used this code (which is definitely not mine - no offense) . This works perfect in windows 7 but in lower OS versions it acts weired like even if user makes little dragging on the form occasionally this triggers and takes the form out of the bound of screen! I was wondering can i alter the above code somewhat like instead of intercepting the form area as caption bar it detects a panel (docked at the top giving illusion of a caption bar) and make that my form move. I know you brothers will make me say that using the mouse down mouse move and mouse up events of panel i can attain this, definitely i can but thought of some more professional approach. url...

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Moving A PictureBox - Up And Then Down On My Form

Nov 20, 2009

(Visual Basic .NET 2003) I am trying to move a picturebox up and then down on my form. The Picturebox moves up but does not move down. The motion is more of a bouncing motion (to the left) until it disappears off the screen. I have one button and one timer. I know this is probably so simple, but I cannot resolve the problem

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub


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Moving Circles Within A Form?

Aug 5, 2009

The purpose of this (maybe there is a better method I don't know) is to so the user can say what order they want pieces of code to be compiled in. Sort of like a flow-chart. I want it somewhat animated, so, example being 3D circles the user drags and drops in the order they want things.

1. I need 4 circles inside of a form.

2. I need it so when the user selects the circle, they can drag and drop it in an order.

3. User clicks OK to finish their chosen order.

I haven't designed anything before that needed to check the borders of the form etc.

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Moving Data From One Form To Another

Sep 22, 2010

i want to ask that i want the code for moving the data from one form to anothe form in VB when i click on delete button.means some of the data from form1 which i want store in another form after deleting it.

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Moving Form Via Control

Mar 13, 2010

I was putted an image on the form (and filled) How to move form with click to image?

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Moving Form While App Is Running

Apr 6, 2012

I'm developing a windows form app in Visual Studio 2010. I want to be able to drag the form to another location or minimize it while the app is running. Is that possible? Here's and example. I have a form with 1 button. Here's the code associated with the button:

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim time0 As Integer
Dim time1 As Integer
For time0 = 0 To 1000000000
time1 = time0
End Sub

I can move the form or minimize it until I push the button. Then it freezes until the code stops running.

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