Going Back & Forth With Two Forms - Working With DropDownList Item

Oct 17, 2010

So here is the deal. I am making my own program for fun, and I have this road block. Basically I have a 'Parent Form' which we'll call 'frmMain' and I also have another form which we'll call 'frmSchedule' (work with me here)


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DropDownList Is Not Posting Back

Jun 29, 2011

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and ASP. NET 2.0 with this program. This is written in VB.net

Right now, we've got a Gridview that is embedded and databound into another gridview. The 2nd Gridview is hidden by default and expanded by the user. Within the 2nd gridview are several DropDownLists. The problem is that these DropDownLists are not firing the OnSelectedIndexChanged functon nor AutoPostback whenever I change the selecteditem.[code]...

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Asp.net - Dropdownlist Autopost Back Remembering The Selection?

Jul 25, 2011

I would like to change the dropdown list and whenever I make some changes it should auto post back and triggers a selectedindexchanged event for drop down list. I am having problem where it does auto post back but doesnt remember what I selected, it refreshes my page and item that i selected gets lost. I would like to do this without AJAX call. But, if AJAX is the only option, I am open to it.

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlProjectEditor" CssClass="ddlProjectEditor" Autopostback="true" runat="server" >

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Dim F As facility = utilities.lookForFacility
'Option to add Project information in editor
_config =


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VS 2008 Mdiwindowlistitem Dropdownlist - Copy Items And Add Back To List After Refresh

Jun 16, 2009

In my project when someone logs in I refresh the overhead and side menus. My overhead menu is an extended menustrip component that I have made. I am able to clear the menu, reload it dynamically but I am not able to add/insert the open windows which are managed by the mdiwindowlistitem property. These are the items named "1 - form name " "2 - form name" etc.

I have been able to copy the whole dropdown list, and with some very hacky loop work I can take out everything but the items related to the forms. But when I add them back in, they are not on my list. The related forms are still open and if you click the maximize button to shrink a open child window, and then re-maximize that same window...the items magically show up in the list.

This ManageMenus sub is called during a login change. If you breakpoint on "openwindowslist" after it is returned with data, it has the proper entries and nothing extra. It just seems that the for/each add loop does not actually add the items. Or, if it does add them, I can't see them.

Tried both insert and add functions, same results both ways.


In my xmlMenuStrip component this is the function that removes everything but what follows the seperator. It returns them in a list.

The format of the full window menu is:


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Dropdownlist's Datavaluefield Is Not Working?

Jan 8, 2011

i am getting the datas from database and storing in a collectionobject. The collectionobj contains the Datas 'Name' and 'ID'.

My code:<asp:dropdownlist id="dropdown1" runat="server" DataTextField="Name" DataValueField="ID"/>
for intloop as integer in Collectionobj.Count.Rows-1
dropdown.Items.Add( Collectionobj.Items(intloop).Name)


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Adding Item Only Once In Dropdownlist

May 12, 2012

I am using ASP.NET with VB.NET as background code. I have 8 ImageMaps in my webform Estimator.aspx.Each ImageMap represents a car part (Front Bumper, Rear Bumper, Mirror, Hood, Sunroof, DoorShell, Headlights, Tail lights) and I have a dropdownlist ddlChosenParts. When the user clicks on any of the 8 ImageMaps, I add the PostBackValue to the dropdownlist ddlChosenParts.The problem is that if the user clicks on the same ImageMap twice, the PostBackValue is added twice.I want to check if ddlChosenParts contains the ImageMap's PostBackValue and if it already contains it, do not add it again. That means that if the user clicks more than once on the same ImageMap, it's PostBackValue is only added once in ddlChosenParts.I have this code but i'm getting an error: Value of Type String cannot be converted to ListItem. [code]

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DropdownList - How To Add Item Property

Aug 31, 2010

I have created a dropdownlist which I choose wizard way to fill data in it. and its property like:

I go to properties of this dropdownlist and then I add Items property as the following:

And the code behind is that:
dim strItem as string= ddlItem.selectedItems.text
if ddlItem.selectedItems.text.trim="---choose---" then
Label1. text=" You haven't choosen any items yet!"
exit sub
Label1. text=" You have choose"
end if

But when I start debugging this:
strItem always gets "---choose---" text eventhough I choosed other items.

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Set Selected Item For Dropdownlist?

Apr 21, 2010

I would like to set the selected item in the combo box. It is working, If the dropdownstyle is dropdownlist. But not working, If the dropdownstyle is dropdown. How to make it work when the style is dropdown?

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Asp.net - DropDownList Attribute Not Working On Mouseout

Jun 8, 2012

I have a dropdownlist in a template field of a gridview. I am tryin to change the width of the dropdownlist is display all the values when I mouse over and then change the width back when you mouse out. Here is the code:


I works great when I mouse over but the mouse out doesn't change in back? am I doing something wrong?

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Dropdownlist Text Property Not Working?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a dropdownlistbox in a webform. When the page loads, it displays the initial text, that is ok. When selection is made, it works ok. But when i tried using the text property ie msgbox(cbomodel.text), what shows in the previous text. The newly selected item is never recognized. Is there a way to bind the text to the listbox after a selection is made?

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Asp.net - Make First Item On Dropdownlist Select?

May 20, 2012

I want to make my dropdownlist selected first value "--select--" when first load page as i need to force user to choose an event from list. I am blur since I need to perform other function at page_load to check checkbox enable properties, so that I not sure where should I put the coding to Add empty value to dropdownlist.

I did put the following code in page load but nothing happen, the "-select- also no appear in the dropdownlist.


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How To Select The First Item Of A DropDownList Combobox

Apr 14, 2012

I have a combo box with four lines of data:

Reina Beatrix Arpt, Aruba, AW (AUA)
Grantley Adams Intl Arpt, Barbados, BB (BGI)
Owen Roberts Arpt, Grand Cayman Island, KY (GCM)


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Make Item In DropDownList Unselectable

Jun 10, 2009

Using VS.NET 7.1, VB.NET 2003 , SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS, ASP.NET 1.1Is there anyway to make an item in my dropdownlist unselectable, I am databinding to a table and setting the items up like this, so the is something to use if it is possible:[code]

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Select Item From WebBrowser DropdownList

Jun 18, 2012

I'm working on a webpage automation project. And I am very new in this. I want to use Webbrowser control to select an item in the dropdownlist. Now,how do I programmatically select an item from the HTML snippet below. I would like to select, say for example, "2009" from this

HTML code:
<select name = "yr">
<option value= "">Year</option>

I am trying the following code :
For Each element As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("select")
If element.GetAttribute("name") = "yr" Then
element.SetAttribute("value", "2011")
End If

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Select The Selected Item Of The Dropdownlist?

Sep 17, 2009

I have an application to display the records of the customers. I am using the wizard to do the edit and delete of the records. In one of my column consists of dropdownlist. When I wanted to edit the changes by selecting the dropdownlist, it didn't display anything after I selected the changes. I have to make changes because my friend did not finish up this part which selecting the selected item to make the editing of the records.

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RangeValidator Not Working When Selecting DropDownList Value Using JQuery?

Jul 2, 2010

I inherited a site which I am in the middle of updating which has a DropDownList and a RangeValidator assigned to it. The data is bound to the dropdown on Page_Load. The values are retrieved from the database so the value property of each item is set to the unique ID of the item in the DB.

The RangeValidator looks something like:

<asp:rangevalidator id="ddRangeValidator" runat="server" ControlToValidate="ddMenu" ErrorMessage="Please select value in range" MinimumValue="1" MaximumValue="100000" Type="Integer">*</asp:rangevalidator>

I have a method which automatically populates this value in jQuery e.g.

$("#ddMenu").val("An Option"); This works, however, when I try to post the page the range validation fails. Then even if I manually select that value, or select another valid value it still won't validate. The only way to make it validate is to select non-valid value and then re-selecting a valid one.


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Asp.net - Refreshing DropdownList Data, After A New Item Has Been Selected

May 10, 2011

I have two dropdownlist, one is State and one is City. When a State is selected, the City dropdownlist becomes populated. At that point you can select a city, however if you select a city and go back and select a different state, the city dropdownlist is populated by the cities for both states. How do I get it clear the cities for the first state?

Here is the code behind

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub


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Select Dropdownlist Item After Button Click?

Oct 16, 2009

I have an asp drowndownlist and I'd like to change its selection after a button click. I can't seem to find a way to do this, is there a way? (Its a reset button of sorts, and I would like the dropdownlist to return to the "default" value.)

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Asp.net - Dropdownlist In A Repeater - Selected Index Changed Not Working

May 19, 2011

I have a repeater with a dropdownlist in it. When a user changes its index, I would like a label to change its value. (the ddlSizes values come from a MySQL DB)


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Dropdownlist Showing In IE But Working Fine In Mozilla Firefox

Nov 13, 2009

i have a dropdownlist which has a linq datasource ...and i have inserted 2 items "All Batch" and "Choose" from the codebehind manully...in case of mozilla firefox "Choose" is automatically selected as default in the dropdownlist but in case of IE6 the default selection in dropdownlist is blank but the items are there if we scroll the list.

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Asp.net - When Using Datasource And Databind To Set Items In A Dropdownlist - Index Is Always The Value Of First Item

Jan 18, 2012

I am trying to use datasource and bind in my application to set a dropdown list to the results of a query. The dropdownlist populates correctly (shows each different type_name in the set) but later when I use ddltype.selectedvalue - I am always getting the value from the first item in the dataset. Here is the code.


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Change Selected Item Of DropdownList On Button Click?

Apr 10, 2012

I have to hidden buttons on my page that I can trigger using JavaScript (__dopostback...). I also have a list of object on my page and a dropdownlist giving the user the possibility to sort those objects on the page. My code checks the current value of the dropdownlist on Databind of the list and applies the chosen sort method to the list. The first button is triggered when the user has selected another sort method from the list.

The second button is triggered when the user adds a new item to the list. Sortmethod "sort2" should be set automatically in the dropdownlist if this happens. So when the second button has been clicked, I need to set the selected item of the dropdownlist dynamically so I can check the value of the selected value later in the DataBind method of the dropdownlist and know what sort method should be applied.

I don't succeed in changing the selected value dynamically. I'm using to controls: First is the objects.vb and the second is the ObjectContainer.vb. Objects.vb contains the two buttons, the dropdownlist and an instance of the objectcontainer. The objectcontainer contains the list with objects that needs to be sorted based on the value selected in the objects control.

Private sortMethod As DropdownList
Private container as ObjectContainer
Protected Overrides Sub OnInit(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
[Code] .....

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Filling Windows Form By Selecting Dropdownlist Item?

Nov 2, 2011

I am new to programming and i am working on a windows fom app. In this moment i have my windows form set with several controls that insert data into sql db. Now, what i need is this:

When the user select a employee name from my dropdownlist, i want the form automatically fill with the data inserted in the past to the tables db. Is like choosing the different profiles by selecting the name in the dropdownlist. I have many controls to fill, name, secondname, lastname, telmobil, address, etc.

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Adding Items To DetailView DropDownlist In Insert ITem Template?

Jan 13, 2012

I have Detail In Which I USed as Dropdownlist to INsert Item Template and I Am trying to add items to Dropdown using vb.net code using for loop bu when THe Page Runs it adds the values Five times because total rows in detail view are five .Here is My Code

If Me.IsPostBack Then
If Page.User.Identity.Name = "gate" Then
For Each DetVW As DetailsViewRow In DetailsView1.Rows[code]......

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Bring Back And UP Not Working?

Dec 12, 2009

When i try to bring a panel down it wont go down but when i bring a panel up it goes up but never goes down.

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Back Froward Buttons Now Working

Dec 16, 2009

Private Sub ToolStripButton1_Click (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton1.Click
If WebBrowser1.CanGoBack Then
End If
End Sub

That is the code I have, Its supposed to enable/disable the back forward button. But it doesn't work. I have:
Private Sub webBrowser1_Navigated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As WebBrowserNavigatedEventArgs)
If WebBrowser1.CanGoBack Then
ToolStripButton1.Enabled = True
End Sub
And the button is set to disabled in the controls panel. It just doesn't enable the button ever.

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Forms :: Command To Auto Remove Item From Combobox If Item Is Blank?

Apr 3, 2011

I have used the command:

For Each Proc as process in process.getprocesses

to populate a combo box with the list of current process windows, however for every process that doesnt have a main window title there is a blank space, is there a way that I could tell it to not insert the item if it's mainwindowtitle field is blank?

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IE8 Back Button Stops Working On ASP.NET Page?

Jul 29, 2010

If you do a search for "ie8 back button disabled" you'll see a number of blogs with people having difficulties with the Internet Explorer version 8 back button becoming disabled. This now happened to one of my ASP .Net pages. The page uses a user control, aspx page, and a master page. It uses no redirects and seems to be happening when I click the back button and then the forward button (after the forward button is clicked, it does not fire the Load event and the back button becomes disabled).

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Send To Back At The End Of A Clips Playing But For Some Reason It's Not Working?

Apr 26, 2011

I have a media player that I'm trying to send to back at the end of a clips playing, but for some reason it's not working for me.this code is in form1 public class

If IntroMovie = True Then
VideoPlayer.uiMode = "None"
VideoPlayer.URL = ("C:Program FilesQuestGamesRiou And SiztovideosRiouIntroMovie.wmv")


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VS 2008 Byte Array To String And Back - Not Working?

Aug 17, 2010

I have found a lot of examples of this kind of thing on the web but cannot get one that works - basically i am serializing to a byte array and want to store it in a string i have tried all of the System.Text.** (ASCIIEncoding,UTF32Encoding,UTF7Encoding and UTF8Encoding) in the following way:


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