Dropdownlist Showing In IE But Working Fine In Mozilla Firefox

Nov 13, 2009

i have a dropdownlist which has a linq datasource ...and i have inserted 2 items "All Batch" and "Choose" from the codebehind manully...in case of mozilla firefox "Choose" is automatically selected as default in the dropdownlist but in case of IE6 the default selection in dropdownlist is blank but the items are there if we scroll the list.

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Clear Mozilla Firefox's History?

Feb 9, 2011

I don't know at all how you would clear Mozilla Firefox's History in Visual Basic Code, I've Googled a lot, and I've seen questions similar to mine and they haven't ever been resolved.By the way I do know how to clear it, but not in Visual Basic code.

By History I mean: Cookies, URL history, Form data, etc.

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VS 2010 Detect Mozilla Firefox Ads,pop-ups Using VB

Jan 24, 2012

trying to develop an application, Is it possible to detect Mozilla Firefox ads,pop-ups using VB .NET?

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IDE :: Get Shell Object Of Mozilla FireFox Or Other Browsers Except IE?

Nov 21, 2008

In my project, have a module of getting the browser object or shell object of browsers. I got the Internet Explorer shell and dom objects.The main process to get browser object of all opened mozilla firefox and other browser except IE. The following code is to get access only all Internet Explorer objects, it works fine but require for Mozilla FireFox and other browsers


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Forms :: Build "mozilla Firefox" Into This Browser?

Dec 22, 2009

i wanna build a "webbrowser" into one of my forms, but not just any webbrowser i wanna build "mozilla firefox" into this browser.

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C# - Why This Code Is Not Working While It Worked Fine For Almost A Year

Apr 21, 2009

Does automatic software update causes some of the module property not to work? They are basically the same function that reads image logo from the currently executing assembly. Function named "Get2LogoImageStream" is different from "Get1LogoImageStream" by just Current.ManifestModule.Name vs Current.ManifestModule.ScopeName.

This "Current.ManifestModule.Name " version of the code worked on both Web From app and Windows form app, however right now it only works for Windows App form. But when I changed this code "Current.ManifestModule.Name" with "Current.ManifestModule.ScopeName" and it worked on WEB without any problem. So my questions to fellow C# or VB.NET developers is that does automatic software update causes this kind of issues?

protected Stream Get1LogoImageStream()
Assembly current = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string imageName = "logo.jpg";


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C# - Returning NULL In IE But Working In FireFox?

Jan 4, 2010

I have this function correctly linked in an external .js file...

function SubmitAge(age, UpdatePanelID, HiddenAgeID) {
$get(HiddenAgeID).value = age;

and am calling it like this from an onClick of an a href="#" ... html tag (tags removed, please scroll right as stackoverflow has the greatest difficulty in displaying simple content, 7th display related edit,


Why on earth is HiddenAgeId, clearly passed just like UpdatePanelID, is returning an "Undefined identifier Error"??? its perplexed me to the point where i have no room to move! have i missed something guys?edit: Update: turns out it works perfectly (as it should) when i load it up in FireFox, but has the resulting error in Internet Explorer, this is not a browser compatibility issue, it should also work in IE, but it doesn't!

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.Net Application Stopped Working On XP But Works Fine On Windows 7?

Jun 23, 2010

I have VB.Net application that has worked fine for years on XP and Windows 7. For some reason the last update I put out does not run even the simplest VB commands.Simple Environ() fails.I have tried putting simple VB commands onto a MsgBox on the start of the app and everything raises an error. I have no idea what is going on! The exact same app runs fine on Windows 7 clients. All the XP machines including a fresh XP virtual machine with the .Net 3.5 framework even gives the errors. No VB commands are working. I thought maybe something happened to my vbproj files, so I copied an older one from a couple weeks ago when things worked fine and it still does not work.

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Backup / Restore Function Working Fine On Windows XP?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a backup / restore function working fine on Windows XP. When I deploy the application onto a Vista OS OI recieve the following error, can somebody please advise me how I can resolve this issue?

System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

File name: 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91'

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C# - Dynamic Loading Working Fine, Except After The Executable Is ILMerged

Aug 16, 2011

I have a windows application that dynamically loads DLLs using Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(dll_file_name_here).

It works as expected, until I ILMerge the application with another DLL.

So this scenario works fine:


Once I ILMerge MyApp.exe and MyAppComponent.dll resulting in:


Calling Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom("Plugin.dll") seems to load successfully, however once I try to do anything with it eg:

foreach ( typeAsm in Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom("Plugin.dll"))

I get an exception "unable to load one or more of the requested types. retrieve the loader exceptions property for more informtion".

The frustrating thing is I can't really debug it, because debugging pre merging works perfectly!

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Want To Replace Text And Fine / Have Code But Not Working Execption

Feb 9, 2010

i am attaching code and doc file i dont wknow why this error coming any help using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word [code]

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Asp.net - Firefox Response.redirect Not Working For Files?

Aug 12, 2011

I am trying to allow the user to download an excel file, by using

"http://localhost/myapp/download_folder/example excel file_july.xls")

in page load of an ASP.net page but on the client side i a m getting the following screen in firefox 3.5 You can observe that the file name and file type are shown as empty fields. The ok and cancel buttons are not doing anything.This happens only in firefox 3.5, it is working in firefox later versions and other browsers.I tried clearing the Response with Response.Clear(), using Response.BinaryWrite with the file byte array and even tried to open the file with the javascript by calling window.open(url).

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C# - File Upload With RegularExpressionValidator Not Working With Firefox Only IE

May 1, 2009

I have a FileUpload with a RegularExpressionValidator with the following Validation Expression


This way i make sure the User only Upload Images.. But for some reason it does not work when i use Firefox.

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C# - JavaScript : Returning NULL In IE But Working In FireFox?

Jun 9, 2009

I have this function correctly linked in an external .js file...

function SubmitAge(age, UpdatePanelID, HiddenAgeID) {
$get(HiddenAgeID).value = age;

and am calling it like this from an onClick of an a href="#" ... html tag (tags removed, please scroll right as stackoverflow has the greatest difficulty in displaying simple content, 7th display related edit, thanks stackoverflow)

a href="#" onclick="SubmitAge(24, 'ctl00_MainContent_arFrom_upAgeRange', 'MainContent_arFrom_HiddenAge')" runat="server" 24 /a

yet, i am getting this error, and its being called on the first line of the SubmitAge function (line with $get(HiddenAgeID)... etc...)

Error:Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'null' is null or not an object

i've copied and pasted my WATCH windows in visual studio .net (vs2010 beta 2 using vb.net & c#) while the execution breaks inside teh SubmitAge .js function...

age 53 Number
UpdatePanelID "ctl00_MainContent_arTo_upAgeRange" String
HiddenAgeID Undefined identifier Error

Why on earth is HiddenAgeId, clearly passed just like UpdatePanelID, is returning an "Undefined identifier Error"???

edit: Update: turns out it works perfectly (as it should) when i load it up in FireFox, but has the resulting error in Internet Explorer, this is not a browser compatibility issue, it should also work in IE, but it doesn't!

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Use Bmp.save To Create Some Thumbnail, It Works Fine For A While Then Stops Working?

Jul 20, 2012

I tried to use bmp.save to create some thumbnail, it works fine for a while then stops working,how to troubleshoot the problem? the code doesn't generate any error:

Dim bmp As Bitmap = WebsiteThumbnailImageGenerator.GetWebSiteThumbnail(address, 800, 600, width, height) Dim ScreenshotPath As String = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "Screenshots" Dim ScreenshotName As String = UserAccountDB.GetUserFullNameByUserLogon(User.Identity.Name).Replace(" ", "_") + Now.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'-'HH'-'mm'-'ss") + ".bmp" bmp.Save(ScreenshotName) imgWebsiteThumbnailImage.ImageUrl = "~/Screenshots/" + ScreenshotName

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Javascript - __doPostBack Not Working In Safari Or Firefox, Works In IE

Jun 19, 2012

in my asp.net application, two buttons call a javascript function called refreshView, below is the function refreshView.

function RefreshView() {
__doPostBack('ButtonApply', '')
window.parent.location.href = "dashboardtree.aspx"

In IE, this is working correctly, but in firefox and safari the page refreshes (due to the window.parent.location) - but never calls the doPostBack (i was able to tell this using tracepoint and the sub that is called stores values to the database, the values are not being stored as well, sub is never hit). Below is the first line of the sub.

Private Sub ButtonApply_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonApply.Click

Can anyone see why this would not work? I figured I could always replace the doPostBack with pageMethods and create a new sub/function - but I'd like to complete this the way it currently is.

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Selected Text Not Showing For Dropdownlist Control (Windows App)?

May 6, 2010

I have a autocomplete dropdownlist(ddl) in my app. When ever I click on the ddl and start typing to find the item I am looking for in the ddl. The ddl is expanded to show all the orders when typing. After I press the enter key to go out and get the order information for that order the Order number in the ddl is missing but here is the weird part. When I don't have the ddl expanded but still have focus on the ddl. When I find the order I need and press enter. The order number is showing in the ddl as the selected one after it has loaded up the order information.

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File Not Closing - Process Was Working Fine Prior To Adding The Code?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm reading a file and then closing it with the following code, but my problem is later when I start a batch process it says the file is still in use. Am I doing something wrong in closing it? The process was working fine prior to my adding this code to read the file.


This rexx exec is trying to write to the file that I read from in the prior step before creating a PowerPoint presentation, but fails becuase of the lock.I'm at a loss. I should qualify and say the process actually starts, but fails in the rexxexec after it starts, it isn't failing on the process start the rexx exec issues a message that it can't write to the file becuase it is in use.

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Mpd Server Working In Linux Machine - Code Works Fine Until There Are Spaces In Directory Name

Jul 21, 2011

I have mpd server working in Linux machine. Code works fine until there are spaces in directory name.

How can I handle spaces?


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Dropdownlist's Datavaluefield Is Not Working?

Jan 8, 2011

i am getting the datas from database and storing in a collectionobject. The collectionobj contains the Datas 'Name' and 'ID'.

My code:<asp:dropdownlist id="dropdown1" runat="server" DataTextField="Name" DataValueField="ID"/>
for intloop as integer in Collectionobj.Count.Rows-1
dropdown.Items.Add( Collectionobj.Items(intloop).Name)


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Asp.net - DropDownList Attribute Not Working On Mouseout

Jun 8, 2012

I have a dropdownlist in a template field of a gridview. I am tryin to change the width of the dropdownlist is display all the values when I mouse over and then change the width back when you mouse out. Here is the code:


I works great when I mouse over but the mouse out doesn't change in back? am I doing something wrong?

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Dropdownlist Text Property Not Working?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a dropdownlistbox in a webform. When the page loads, it displays the initial text, that is ok. When selection is made, it works ok. But when i tried using the text property ie msgbox(cbomodel.text), what shows in the previous text. The newly selected item is never recognized. Is there a way to bind the text to the listbox after a selection is made?

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Going Back & Forth With Two Forms - Working With DropDownList Item

Oct 17, 2010

So here is the deal. I am making my own program for fun, and I have this road block. Basically I have a 'Parent Form' which we'll call 'frmMain' and I also have another form which we'll call 'frmSchedule' (work with me here)


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RangeValidator Not Working When Selecting DropDownList Value Using JQuery?

Jul 2, 2010

I inherited a site which I am in the middle of updating which has a DropDownList and a RangeValidator assigned to it. The data is bound to the dropdown on Page_Load. The values are retrieved from the database so the value property of each item is set to the unique ID of the item in the DB.

The RangeValidator looks something like:

<asp:rangevalidator id="ddRangeValidator" runat="server" ControlToValidate="ddMenu" ErrorMessage="Please select value in range" MinimumValue="1" MaximumValue="100000" Type="Integer">*</asp:rangevalidator>

I have a method which automatically populates this value in jQuery e.g.

$("#ddMenu").val("An Option"); This works, however, when I try to post the page the range validation fails. Then even if I manually select that value, or select another valid value it still won't validate. The only way to make it validate is to select non-valid value and then re-selecting a valid one.


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Asp.net - Dropdownlist In A Repeater - Selected Index Changed Not Working

May 19, 2011

I have a repeater with a dropdownlist in it. When a user changes its index, I would like a label to change its value. (the ddlSizes values come from a MySQL DB)


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Webclient Not Working - Msgbox Is Not Showing Anything?

Dec 29, 2009


i am not getting any errors either i am using Imports System.Net

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Calculator Working But Its Not Showing Numbers Seperated

Jul 11, 2011

All i made was a program to launch diffrent programs ^^. This is what I am currencly workin on: A calculator to calculate waves for example Wintermaul. I have writen this code:


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Update Query Not Working For Access And Not Showing Any Error

Jul 30, 2009

this is the code

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim com2 As New OleDbCommand
Dim constring As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("esourcecon").ConnectionString
con = New OleDbConnection(constring)
com2 = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE Customer SET CName = @CName, CAdd= @CAdd, CTel= @CTel, Cmob= @CMob WHERE CName='" & C1.Text & "' ", con)


id is an autonumber field and if i change the where string to another column then also i dont get any error and the values are still not entered

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Browser Compatible Code To Disable A Dropdownlist When Another Dropdownlist Is Clicked Or A Checkbox Is Checked?

May 26, 2011

I have a window having 2 dropdowmlists(schemename-SN and propertyno-PN) , one chkbox ,one "VIEW" button.SN has options "all" with value=0 and many other options with respctive values.Now,i want the code should behaves as follows:

1.0n window onload, SN must b visible bt PN nt.

2.if i select SN other thn All...the PN shud b visible and if i select "All" ,PN hides.

3.when check box is checked- PN hides,and if it is unchecked- PN visible..

Important:-This whole ddl n chk box are in updatable panel,button is nt in that.I want a browser compatible code so javascript can't b used directly(cz they give problem in mozzila and chrome).Right now, i have done this JavaScript and its is working fine.

function window.onload()


but this code is not browser compatible.here onload,onkeyup and onclick functions are used , but they dont work in other browsers except internet explorer.

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Access Mozilla And Other Browsers Using .net?

Oct 19, 2011

i use SHDocVw to access current internet explorer and list the open websites and it works !but how can i access other browsers like mozilla or safari or ... to get open websites ?

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