Read UShort Array From Pointer Position

Feb 16, 2009

dealing with a C++-DLL I get a pointer (thepointer as IntPtr) to an array as return value. The pointer indicates the first bit in memory where an array of UShorts is stored. I know the size (thesize as Integer) of the array and want to read it. Marshal.Copy does not support UShort. As the values stored in the named array can exceed 32767 working with Shorts will not do. I tried to work with structures but the array of UShorts in my structure is not populated using: [Code] Does anyone have an idea how to get the array of UShorts out of the pointer position or see a mistake in my code?

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Read UShort And UInteger From Filestream?

Jan 7, 2010

Here is some code I am trying to use to read a UShort and UInteger from a filestream[code]...

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Move The Mouse Pointer To A Certain Position On The Screen?

Aug 11, 2010

I'm trying to move the mouse pointer to a certain position on the screen.I've done the declarations for both the SetCursorPos as well as the mouse_event, however I keep getting a Declaration expected error at this line: SetCursorPos(x,y),Perhaps something is wrong with the project or vb as well, cause I used an other declaration as well and when I wanted to use that I also got a Declaration expected error.[code]....

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VS 2008 Pointer - Error32'System.Reflection.Pointer' Has No Type Parameters And So Cannot Have Type Arguments

Jul 15, 2010

I have an open source project I converted to I solved all the errors, except for one. This is the C# line


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C# 's ' (ushort)0x0090 ' Equivalent In .net?

Feb 19, 2010

c# 's ' (ushort)0x0090 ' equivalent in .net?

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C# :: Operator Can't Be Applied To Operand Ushort?

Jun 2, 2011

Possible Duplicate:How do you return 'not uint' in C#? I'm trying to convert the following from VB.NET to C# and I'm getting a syntax error.

Dim CurrentCRC As UInt16
CurrentCRC = &HFFFF


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Casting - Bit Pack Int16 Into A Ushort .net?

Oct 22, 2009

I have to pack and unpack a 16bit Int from/into a Ushort in This is how I thought I could do it (doesn't work, gives me overflow exception)

'Pack Int16 into ushort '
Dim usPacked = CType(Data, UShort)
'unpack Int16 from ushort '
Dim unpacked = CType(data,Int16)

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Read File From A Specific Position?

Jan 4, 2010

I am to search for a particular string in a text file, which I can do using a regular expression.Upon getting this string I am supposed to search for another one then, find a value corresponding to some time step and write it to an excel file.How do I indicate the position from which I want my reader to commence? Let's say my match.Index returns 100 000 as the location for the first string I was searching for. How do I then resume my new search at this point?

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GetCursorPos - Read Out Absolute Cursor Position On The Screen

Aug 14, 2009

I am currently trying to read out my absolute cursor position on the screen. I read some threads in the "Legacy Visual Basic (VB 4/5/6)" Forums but this is as far as I get:


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Serial Read - Program To Display Position In A Textbox?

Dec 31, 2010

I'm working on a project that incorporates an Arduino Duemilanove board and a program that a wrote in VB 2008. Basically, when the Arduino receives a symbol from COM3, it sets a Pin on the board, high or low. I'm using two Pins, one is going to be for a laser, the other a relay. The relay is going to close a circuit, and act as the button on the Nerf Vulcan. That's right, I'm creating a Nerf sentry gun.It's going to be fully controlled from my computer. I have all of the code done for the servo, and all of that, both on the Arduino and in VB.

The Arduino sends the angle of the Servo that will control the right and left movement of the gun through COM3, every time it changes. I want my program to display that position in a textbox, as my program needs that value in order to properly function. Basically, I need the code to read from the serial port, and display what it receives in a textbox, textbox3.

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C++ - Declare Pointer To Pointer In COM/ATL?

Dec 29, 2010

How can I declare pointer to pointer in ATL. Actually I have a handle which I want to pass by address to function. As shown below

STDMETHODIMP Function(HANDLE* hHC) //HANDLE declared as void * so actual type is void **



And want to access this function from the VB client.

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Assigning An Array Position For Each Button?

May 2, 2009

1. i am trying to assign button1....button81 a position in currentbuttons(81) and i currently have it at

currentbutton(1) = button1
curentbutton(2) = button2

and so forth to 81. how can i get around it into a small loop so i loose alot of the redundant code?

2. i am also having difficulty with being able to change properties of buttons in regards with..for the butons like...button1, button3, button5, button6 all be changed to a different colour.i currently have something along the lines of

button1 = system.colour,
button2 = system.colour.

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Delete A Position On Structure Array?

Dec 8, 2011

I'm working with a structure array but I don't know how to delete a specific position...

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VS 2008 Binary Serialization - Save An Array Into My .bin File Then Read The Array Again

Nov 27, 2009

Can I save an array into my .bin file then read the array again just like a string or Integer??

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C# - Finding Position Of An Element In A Two-dimensional Array?

Jul 15, 2010

Say I have a two dimensional array

[0] [1] [2]
[3] [4] [5]
[6] [7] [8]

Now suppose I want to get the position of the number 6

I know with a one-dimensional array i can use Array.indexOf() but what would my options be with 2-dimensional arrays?

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Read Part Of Text File Into 1d Array Other Half Into 2d Array?

Mar 28, 2012

im trying to make an example program for a teacher friend of mine



thats just what i have so far but im really having trouble getting the other part into a 2d array. i want the second half to look like this when done: the oppsite of what it looks like in the file.


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Audio Player - File Moving With An Array Position?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm making a quiz and I've got a set of questions and answers being loading into two different arrays, the idea is to answer a question with a choice of 4 buttons, so on a button click the answers checks to see if it is correct and moves along to the next question (while doing this the questions and answers change)However, my problem is that i've set up an audio player as the questions are for example "what is the sound?" and there is a preview button which uses the audio player to play the sound for the user.

Now everything moves with the array however, the sound still remains the same on every question after the quesiotn has been answered. So my set of answers move (when debugging, the sound array does move but the player doesn't seem to want to) with the array and i need the player to change to the specific array position which it is in as well.

Audio Player:
Dim answer = CorAnsList(qNum).sound
Dim answerPrev As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "sounds" & answer & ".wav"
Private Sub btnPrev_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPre.Click


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Represent More Than One Value In Either A Variable Or Single Index Position Of An Array?

May 13, 2010

I have a very large number of tables with data in the following format:

1 0-2 0-13 0-1
2 3-5 14 2-4
3 6-9 15-16 5-10

In other words, there is a variable (call it A) with a single value that corresponds to a range of values in the other variables (call them X, Y, and Z).My program needs to accept user text input of values of X, Y, Z, etc. and then match each to the corresponding value of A.Example: User enters 4 in the X text box; program determines that if X=4, A=2.Again, we're talking about tables and tables of data in this format. Unaware of a better method, I have been using arrays.


Dim a() as double = {1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3...}
Dim x() as double = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...}

Note how I had to artificially deal with variable A so that the index of each score corresponds to the index of the matching X variable.It is this modification of the variables that is taking forever. There has to be a better way! Hypothetically, what I need is the ability to do something like this:

Dim a() as double = {1,2,3,4...}
dim x() as double = {0 to 2, 3 to 5, 6 to 9...}

Is there a way to represent a range of values at a single index of an array, such as my hypothetical example above? This would save me hours of re-shaping the data to make the arrays work.

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VS 2008 - Adding Lines To Array List Position

May 12, 2009

I have this .txt file with 5 lines, let's say:
If I wanted to add those lines to an array list position, how would I do that?

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Finding Lowest And Highest Element Of Array And Their Indexed Position

Jan 19, 2010

Entered an 5 elements of an array so is has 4 index? I need to find the lowest and highest element of an array and their index position
Example: I enter 1 2 3 4 5
The output should be like this
The lowest is 1 and position of index is 0
The highest is 5 and position of index = 4

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Get "UShort Is A Type And Cannot Be Used As An Expression"

Aug 1, 2009

In c# i could do it like: send.Write((ushort)9);

"send" is an instance of BinaryWriter, how can i do it in ? I've tried it like:

send.Write((UShort)9)but i get "UShort is a type and cannot be used as an expression"

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Saving Window Size And Position Multiple Monitors Toolbar Position Etc.

Aug 24, 2009

I have looking for a tutorial or class that demonstrates more than a trivial example of saving a windows position on closing. The ones I have found don't seem to work on all systems because of:

1. Multiple monitors. (and resolution between those monitors)

2. Toolbar size and position (toolbar is only on the primary monitor, well sometimes)

3. Sometimes the programs dont open on the right monitor they were closed on.

Is there an extensive class or tutorial on all the stuff a programmer needs to get right to have a window size and position persisted between executions?

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VS 2008 BindingSource.Position - Event To Fire Only Once After The Position Command

Dec 5, 2010

I am using the following code to populate data in Textbox1:


I have few functions assigned in TextBox1_TextChanged event. The problem i am facing is this event is fired twice, once after the Fill command and another after the Position command whereas i want the event to fire only once after the Position command. What should i do?

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Assign A Specific Position Across The Line To Have The Printer Print The Data At Without Left Padding The Array Data?

Jul 6, 2011

Ypos = TopMargin + Count * PrintFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics)
ev.Graphics.DrawString(ROData(x, 3), PrintFont, Brushes.Black, LeftMargin, Ypos, New StringFormat())
Count = Count + CInt(ROData(x, 4))

The above line prints the data contents of the ROData array in position three. I would like to be able to assign a specific position accross the line to have the printer print the data at without left padding the array data.

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Read All From Array?

Feb 17, 2009

I have an array that has anywhere from 3 to 10 indexes. i cannot figure out how to select all of them and put them in 1 long string with out manually typing:array(0) & "," & array(1) & "," array(2) & "," and so on. I cant do it this way because i never know how large my array is.

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C# - Read Bytes Array?

Jan 28, 2010

In web service I have function that return bytes array. Now, I call it from VbScript and I need to catch result of this function. How I can catch result of this function in value that is gone be like a value that function return (bytes array)?

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How To Read Binary Array

May 16, 2009

I have a client and server: I cant get the server to extract the byte sent to it.

Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net


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How To Read Next Or Previews Value In Array

Dec 17, 2011

In array with EF how to read next or prev value?
dim myarray() as string
dim query=from q in myarray where q = "HD2011-1010"

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Possible To Read From Array Into XML TextWriter?

Mar 22, 2012

I have included my code so far below which doesn't work. I keep getting an error message with the New XmlTextWriter("C:myXmlFile", Nothing). Also it wont allow me to enter the element value from the array. Also when I stop running it and check the xml file it wont allow me to view - error XML document must have a top level element. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/myXmFile.xml'.

Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Imports System.Xml.XmlDocument
Imports System.Xml.XmlElement
Imports System.Xml.XmlWriter
[Code] .....

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Read A Byte Array Bit By Bit?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a client(VB.Net) that receives a packet from the server(Java), and for a while I struggled with some really weird packets that didn't make any sense, eventually took a look at the Java servers source and saw packet structures like this...


and so I came across the term of bit-masking. After a few failed attempts and unsatisfying google searches later, here we are.In short, I need to read a byte array bit by bit.

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