Serial Read - Program To Display Position In A Textbox?

Dec 31, 2010

I'm working on a project that incorporates an Arduino Duemilanove board and a program that a wrote in VB 2008. Basically, when the Arduino receives a symbol from COM3, it sets a Pin on the board, high or low. I'm using two Pins, one is going to be for a laser, the other a relay. The relay is going to close a circuit, and act as the button on the Nerf Vulcan. That's right, I'm creating a Nerf sentry gun.It's going to be fully controlled from my computer. I have all of the code done for the servo, and all of that, both on the Arduino and in VB.

The Arduino sends the angle of the Servo that will control the right and left movement of the gun through COM3, every time it changes. I want my program to display that position in a textbox, as my program needs that value in order to properly function. Basically, I need the code to read from the serial port, and display what it receives in a textbox, textbox3.

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Reading The Serial Port - Read And Display The Whole 16 Bytes In One Go?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm working on a project involving reading RFID tags, I've written the code and it reads the tags ok by using the recieved data handler and displaying the result in a listbox, the only problem is that the data displayed has a couple of unreadable characters at the start (I'm using ReadLine() command.)If I read the buffer byte by byte the data is all readable.How can I read and display the whole 16 Bytes in one go??

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Timer Tick Event And Serial Port / Read And Display Live Data?

Jun 21, 2009


I have a quick question regarding the serial port and timer tick event. Basically i have a micro processor connected to the PC via the serial port. With a baurd rate of 38400 set.When the PC sends the micro ":K + VBCRLF" the micro response with a string of information (ASCII encoded) and delimited with a "," and at the end of the transmission a cartridge return line feed is added.Example of sent string:

"12,1134,123,545,76,6868,34,232,1,2,3,6,7,8" These numbers are then split using the VB mystring.split(",") function into an array of strings, then the numbers are converted using ctype. After which my UI is then updated.I have Witten the code in a tick timer event using a timer count of 300ms. Although the program runs and the UI is updated i end it with lots of exception errors. I think allot of this is down to the serial port either timing out or not reading complete string.Or possibly the timer has not executed all the code before another tick event happens Even after adding a few try catch statements i am still having problems. Can anybody suggest a better way of doing it?I was thinking of using a do while loop and at the end a sleep function instead of the timer tick event.I need the speed as i am trying to read and display live data.


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How To Display Line Position In Textbox On Status Bar

Apr 17, 2011

I have added a StatusStrip control and placed a StatusLabel inside of it. But now I want to know how to connect it to my TextBox to show the line number and position of the cursor, like: "Line 2, Row 6".

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Read From Serial Port In Program?

Sep 6, 2010

I am using Scanpal2 to read data and as per its documentation as follows

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Serial Port & How To Display Data In Textbox?

Dec 10, 2009

I am new to VB2008 Express, I have been trying to get data from the Serial port, i have tried for days to get it working. I have read lots of articles but most seem to be for Console applications and I am using an Application. All I am trying to do is create a form with a Textbox and this should display the data received from the serial port.

The data i am trying to receive is "ABC" on Com1 Can anyone either send me a project, as I am sure its something to do with how i am configuring it, or if thats not possible, show me in code?

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Read Serial Number Of A USB Drive Using Program?

Jul 21, 2009

Is it possible to read the serial number of a USB drive using VB.

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Continuously Receiving Data From Serial Port And Display In Textbox

Apr 28, 2012

I ve been reading forums all over the net for 2 weeks and I failed to find solution for my problem. here is my problem;

I am able to receive data from serial port in to richtextbox and its working fine .. what i wanna do is dislay data in textbox by spliting string[code]...

View 5 Replies

Read Raw Data From Excel And Display Value In Textbox?

May 19, 2012

I been google search for a while (a month at least). My problem before is how to read raw data from access. however, i find out that access not suitable for my project. I more interested in using Excel, because for later analysis i would came out with graph using excel rather than using access. Since, i been develop a GUI Program for Battery Cyclic Test. The part for Cyclic Test and DAQ Interfacing is done already.

My weakness is not been able to understand/know how to read raw data for particular column, and display it into textbox. In many out there forums or discussion, they explain about this kind of database by using class in VB. But, i would like to implement excel data manipulation in VB-Window Form Application.[code]...

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Read EntryPoint From An File (.exe) And To Display It On Textbox Field?

Nov 12, 2011

How to Read EntryPoint from an file (.exe) and to display it on textbox field?[code]...

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Read A CSV File And Display Results In A Grid In Program?

Aug 15, 2010

How do you read a CSV file and display the results in a grid in Visual Basic 2010? This sounds so simple but I still can't find the answer to it after googling for a while. I have DataGridView on a form and it's called DataGridView1. I have a csv with just 3 columsn of data and I want to be able to display them.

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Program To Display A String In Textbox?

Sep 20, 2010

Today i started it. I initialized my first program to display a string in textbox. I've tried so many times but couldn't figure it out. I wrote my code in Button1 as Textbox1.text="Hello world" but it's not displaying..

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Display Text In Textbox When Program Running

Aug 27, 2010

I would like to display text in a textbox without having to press enter to show the text. Currently all I am showing is the hostname and ip address of the current computer.

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Reading Serial Port Read Data From Serial Port?

Aug 16, 2011

i am a absolute beginner and i want to use vb to receive data from micro controller through serial port using rs232 standards, i found this code to receive the data serially, can any one tell me where should i paste this code, so that the data received will be displayed in message box.Private Sub DataReceived(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) HandlesSerialPort1.DataReceived


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VS 2010 Rental Program Driver's License Textbox Won't Display?

Oct 30, 2011

I am new to VB. I use Visual Studio 2010. I got most of my rental program to work, but I am having trouble with the easy part. I can't get the driver's license textbox to display on the bottom in the summary section.


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Creating A Program That Will Input A Number In A Textbox For Example 5 And Display 5 Textboxes In Form?

Sep 10, 2009

I'am creating a program that will input a number in a textbox for example 5 and display 5 textboxes in form...I have no idea how to do this but here is the code i've done..

textbox1.text = val(textbox1.text)

'i don't know what to do next..

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Program A Selection Structure To Display Different Commission Rates Per Sales Entered In A Textbox?

Apr 1, 2011

So I'm trying to program a selection structure to display different commission rates per sales entered in a textbox.I need to have the commission total display alone. I have the simple interface done, but I'm having trouble forming the selection structure.

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Get Program To Read Text File And Display 2nd Line Of Text?

May 15, 2006

Get Program To Read Text File And Display 2nd Line Of Text

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Make A Program With First Form To Enter The Serial If Correct Just Continue To Form2 If Incorrect Just A Popup Say Like "Serial Incorrect"?

Aug 13, 2010

i just want to make a program with first form to enter the serial if correct just continue to form2 if incorrect just a popup say like "Serial Incorrect" how i can make it ?

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How To Read Serial Port

Oct 27, 2009

i am new to and i am writeing a program to read a serial port and if there is any thing in the buffer i want to read the data and put it in a string then clear the buffer

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How To Read The Serial Port

Jun 22, 2010

Ive got a big problem.I need to read data from the serial portIve used serialport from the toolbox , but dont know how to use it.I used to do it on a Amiga like this

open serial("serial.device".0.2400.0) rem(open port)
repeat GW.w=readserial(0)
if gw>29 and gw<128


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Read HDD Serial In Vista?

Mar 20, 2009

I have a class which reads the serial of the users HDD, basically so I can generate a unique license for that user based on HDD serial and other things.

This works fine in XP where UAC isn't an issue. However, when run on Vista it pops up security warnings and won't continue unless you turn UAC off!

Is there a "safe" way of reading this information without Vista throwing its lunch up?

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Serial / USB Signal To Read Out?

Mar 11, 2010

I want to get the data coming from a weighing scale (rs232 signal) to a prgram, to a text box

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Read File From A Specific Position?

Jan 4, 2010

I am to search for a particular string in a text file, which I can do using a regular expression.Upon getting this string I am supposed to search for another one then, find a value corresponding to some time step and write it to an excel file.How do I indicate the position from which I want my reader to commence? Let's say my match.Index returns 100 000 as the location for the first string I was searching for. How do I then resume my new search at this point?

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Communications :: Connect And Read From Serial Com?

Sep 22, 2008

my code to read from serial port and store it in a variable?

Public Class Form1
'SerialPort object creation
WithEvents mySerialPort As New IO.Ports.SerialPort


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How To Read Data From Serial Port

Jan 3, 2010

I am trying to read data from rfid tag using rfid reader. i can connect reader, but cannot get data?

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Random Text In Serial Read?

Feb 1, 2012

im reading a serial com port (Ardunio FTDI presented as a com anyway). It works fine for a few seconds then randomly I get random text, Ive tried a few different settings but there dosnt seam to be a specific trigger for the randomness.Ive read a few notes about a known buffer overflow issue and checked it in terminal where it's fine. This is my first return to VB in 10? years so im more then alittle rusty but this has me stumped,

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Timer2.Tick
Dim LineOfText As String[code].....

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Read Data From Serial Port?

Apr 2, 2012

I am using a VB.NET(VS2010) to read data from serial port. I have 8-bit data to collect through rs232. This data is represented numbers. What reading method should I use and how to convert it to double format?

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Read Data From The Serial Port?

Nov 12, 2009

I need to read data from the serial port Ive used serialport from the toolbox , but dont know how to use it. I used to do it on a Amiga like this

open serial("serial.device".0.2400.0) rem(open port)
repeat GW.w=readserial(0)
if gw>29 and gw<128


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Read Information From A Serial Port?

Nov 2, 2009

I have a teperature PCB that reports the temp back via serial port. I can open Hyper Terminal and receive all the data I want - so I know the unit is working... but I want to create a VB app so I can use the data received. When I run the program I get this error:

System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.Read(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count, Int32 timeout)
at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.Read(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.InternalRead(Char[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, Int32 timeout, Boolean countMultiByteCharsAsOne)


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